Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>one still works in the games industry
>the other doesn't
You for this faggot thread. They're talking about two different things:
Reggie is talking about the quality of fun while Druckmann is talking about the overall feel and atmosphere of a dark game.
I doubt Team Silent certainly didn't talk about fun too much.
so dark games shouldn't be feel fun
Neil cuckman should try and have sex
>They're talking about two different things
You're exactly right.
Reggie was talking about games, while Druckmann was talking about movies.
How stupid are you out of 10? 10 out of 10? 11 out of 10? Please point to where I said that.
I said you were taking Druckmann out of context (like you just tried to put words in my mouth) because he's not talking about the immediate gameplay being fun or not.
Use your fucking brain retard. It should be illegal to be this stupid.
Reggie sees his demographic as toddlers??
We have some tranny from resetera on the loose boys
he'll just find someone to have sex with his wife instead
Basedny game made by literal cucks vs president of beloved company that values fun and gameplay over political statements and propaganda
Nintendo was always in the right here.
>no arguments.
Go back to the dialate discord, tranny
Then why did they put gacha in Xenoblade 2?
reggie doesnt even play games
and he got fired
>he got fired
Based Reggie is correct
Man you sonyfags sure are easy to upset lmao
Yeah we know you should go back and go dilate
Nobody. They are talking about different things. Reggie is talking about gameplay while Druckmann is talking about tone and story.
Who wouldn't be disappointed in you angry newfag
Been here since 2006 and sonyfags are the whiniest, most easily triggered fanbase out there, it's absolutely hilarious.
user’s ass.
If he got fired he wouldn’t have given everyone a two month notice. He retired in good terms.
That really says something about you
How do you get triggered easier than a sonyfag "old"fag
Snoy as always, they lost their soul after the PS2 era
Are you ESL by chance? You aren't making any sense and just sperging out at someone insulting the most autistic fanbase on Yea Forums
Based Reggie
>You aren't making any sense
How, so I'm just asking how did you get triggered easier than a sonyfag
It's pretty sad you call me an ESL and yet you can't even read.
So yes, you are ESL, please learn the language so you can converse properly on Yea Forums. I know Sony makes your favorite soccer games but there's no need to freak out at someone calling you autistic.
Both are right.
Nintendo makes videogames.
Sony makes movies.
Videogames are about fun.
Movies are about stories
user this is getting pathetic you'reanadult and adults don't act likethis.
Reggie. I'd be called a snoyfag cos I only own a ps4 but FUCK moviegames. I hate them with a burning passion.
>until dawn
>last of us
>a way out
>every horror game ever made
All these """""games""""" can burn in hell and the pretentious faggots who make these pieces of shit should be ignored and promptly go out of business.
based barely coherent ESL user
I agree with Reggie*
Why are you defending Snoy movie games? Kill yourself, cuck.
>There are people on Yea Forums right now who were too stupid to catch on to what Snoy was doing before the censorship controversy happened
>There are people on here who tricked themselves into buying a PS4 because they thought western games weren't that bad
>There are people here that genuinely believed that Death Stranding was going to be an actual videogame after MGSV and used it as the selling point for E3 several years in a row
>There are people on this board that still have buyers remorse and will desperately shill the brand anyway
It's no wonder a portion of this site actively hates videogames, if all I knew were AAA western garbage I'd hate it too
If it's not fun then i'm not using the word buy either
>the same shitty thread for the thirtieth fucking time
Different developers will have different design philosophies. As much as I hate their recent movie-like and ‘mature’ games, it’s Naughty Dog’s right to design games in this way. The way I see it, games designed with different mindsets is a good thing because it keeps games from being monotonous in tone. If every game had the whimsical happiness of a Mario game I would be pretty fucking bored.
Image is old and busted.
>Admitting that TLOU isn't fun
Oh no.
>Several joker and trump threads hitting 500 replies over the past few days
They've been here for a while now. He didn't immediately bring up incels so it's probably just a snoyfag though. It's hard to tell the difference I know
>Dark Games cant be fun
I can think of a number of games that prove you wrong
Such a snowflake that you cant handle politics different from yours. Righttards are the worst, literal children who want to play mario games.
>stories are written by humans who have their own political opinions that subtlety colour everything we do therefor everything is political ever.
I fucking hate this argument, you are just making such a massively broad statement that it effectively means nothing.
based hispanics solely funding Sony
Majora’s mask was dark as fuck
The theme was literally Death and DABDA
Your starting town name is fucking Terimina like Terminal
Not even being subtle about it
Neither, its just a different approach.
I got banned for 3 days once for making a thread twice. How is shit like this okay then?
reggie because there is no fun on switch
You gotta get friendly with the jannies user. You know "friendly" , a little sucky sucky. I aint gay if its a janny.
Reggie isn't around anymore. Neil is. Survival of the fittest.
fucking consolefags, all of you
Don't you like to play with random people?
Yeah, that's what I want to do; Play a video game about someone else's personal politics.
Detroit was the worst. No idea how anyone found that game fun. Not even deep either, when I saw the Androids being segregated at the back of the bus I instantly quit playing.