Why was Divinity: Original sin 1 and 2 the only modern CRPGs to get really popular?
Why was Divinity: Original sin 1 and 2 the only modern CRPGs to get really popular?
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because they have gameplay
They're the only CRPGs that look objectively good visually by modern standards, easy to learn and get into, RPG mechanics look amazing at first glance, extremely good player animations and skill visuals / impacts, dialogue is concise and doesn't drag out too long, turn based gameplay is far more approachable and generally more widely appealing than RTWP, great console and controller support, both splitscreen and online co-op, everything is well polished with very few mechanical issues, mod workshop support and likely even more things I'm forgetting.
Not that this means they're definitively better games, especially for people that can tolerate older games, but the Original Sins did a colossal amount of things to open the genre up to a wider audience without significantly hindering the core mechanics that make it appealing to veterans.
because they're less boring than pillars of eternity and AAA wrpgs, but not hardcore enough to alienate the mainstream audience
>Easy to learn
Anyone have that Cap of all the idiots on Yea Forums and steam forums not being able to figure out the game?
How did people struggle with D:OS 2? It's not braindead simple but it sure as fuck isn't even remotely convoluted by any stretch of the imagination and it takes about 5 seconds of research to figure out anything you might not realize yourself.
There is a screencap someone where with dozens of anons saying they have literally no idea how to kill the zombies in DO:S 1. It was amazing.
That makes slightly more sense at least, I can understand how people might not have realized how much time you're supposed to spend in the first town before leaving it.
Even still though it's sad that people would just try to skip such a large portion and some of the best parts of the game so they can go out and kill zombies sooner.
To this day I still hold the belief that at least some of those posts were people pretending to be retarded just to add to the MUH OLD SCHOOL GAME WITH ZERO HAND HOLDING circlejerk that infested the threads during the first game's launch
>what are Skyrim and Witcher 3
Those ain't CRPGs nigga, big difference from WRPGs.
CRPG's and WRPG's are literally the same thing.
Nigga what?
They tried to make a modern turn-based CRPG instead of just poorly emulating the old ones. And they're an actual studio, not a bunch of indies.
CRPG's just stands for computer role-playing games and most (all?) WRPG's originated on the PC and have PC versions.
never post here again
If you want to be pedantic and say the terms can technically be applied to the same games then yeah sure whatever, but people don't use them like that.
CRPGs are the oldschool-style shit like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1/2, Pillars of Eternity, Underrail.
WRPGs are as you said the modern Elder Scrolls, Witcher, Mass Effect.
God FUCK I liked the first one
I remember watching the first developer videos for D:OS2 where it just looked like Original Sin 1.5 instead of the shit we ended up with instead
where did everything go so wrong bros?
dude lol just say isometric RPG"s if you want that subgenre specifically
googling "pillars of eternity" "wrpg" gives a fuck ton of hits, so your usage is way off
it did?
What sold most people on D:OS1 were the spell and item interactions. It's the same thing that sold most people on Magicka.
I bet you use the singular they without irony too you placid imbecile
1. the dialogue is better. it's more concise and less prosy.
2. the combat is better. turn based allows you to plan moves and learn the systems more thoroughly. also, free moving camera and tactical mode.
compare it to POE.
>start talking to someone, it opens up a fucking wiki page and have no idea what they're talking about.
>fixed camera, pause based combat, it's just a mess of spell effects and dogpiled people. poor visual feedback, you have to read the little text box to see whats going on
pillars of eternity mmorpg also gives a ton of hits lol in fact even more
they're intuitive, the story is easy to follow along with while not being dumbed down. Combat is engaging and in general are really fun.
Plus Larian has really nailed allowing to feel players like they cheesed the game while totally accounting for it being a possible solution.
They're good.
Actual good opinion, I like you.
Those are hardly opinions though
It's literally a list of the main reasons the game succeeded
what, no
the difference is crpg is a more archaic and broader term and also includes a bunch of shit like blobbers
retards apparently think it just means iso RPG's though lmao
bet they never played Wizardry
Real time with pause is for high skilled IQ players.
Turn based is for people looking for an easy time.
Because it's the only crpg that let's you play as a lizard. Here's hoping they'll add playable kobolds to Baldur's 3
Good opinion outside of the polish part, which is straight up untrue and ties to RPG mechanics looking good at first glance.
It's a very approachable series that doesn't require any real RPG standard or background to enjoy and was tailor made for a wider audience.
The only things that Larian did that are very worthy of praise though are the multiplayer and the Dungeon Master mode for 2, which unfortunately nobody used, the rest can only be praised by virtue of the competition being worse outside of something like Underrail, which is far too niche for the wider audience to enjoy or even know about.
RTwP is a relic from the previous millennium and is only a thing because of nostalgia goggles and retards who need to pause the game in order to take a breather when they can't handle ACTUAL real time gameplay
>Good opinion
>warmblooded, pair-bonding, but TITLESS lizards
faggotry incarnate
>he pauses while playing RTwP games
rtwp is just tb but more hectic, without the long drawn-out pauses between every single action
no surprise people find it too difficult. what's less understandable is this anxiety gets framed as rtwp being too easy (when it's actually because it's too hard), but I guess if that's how you want to rationalize it to yourself "you do you"
>rtwp is just tb but
>rtwp is just tb
how to spot the tb player
Side effect of being good.
on a scale from 1 to 10, how generally anxious would you describe yourselves as?
They fucking good and genuinely fun. Le oldschool tryhard CRPGs especially struggle with the latter part
Are you seriously implying that a game where you can pause on demand is hectic?
It nails the difficulty
Its very easy for ANYONE to pick up and play, from casuals to dedicated RPG fans
cRPG's in general are a throwback so when a developer makes a new one they make it just "for the fans" like Obsidian did, meaning going back and using archaic formulas. I still cant believe obsidian made THREE RTwP games back to back
Wouldn't the Shadowrun trilogy count?
>Friend gets the first game
>We play together
>Having a blast
>Start feeling sick
>I'm probably just tired
>Try again next day
>Feel sick again after about an hour
>Have to quit out on our RP'ing
The only games where this happens is Divinity 1, 2, and Battlefield 4. I have no fucking idea why. I'm guessing it's the contrast or something, never happened with any other game, not even ones with extremely low FOV.
Well at least they tried to remedy it with the turn based patch for Pillars 2. It's still buggy and unbalanced but it's much more enjoyable than the basic system