Find a flaw, I dare you to try

I like Makoto!

Attached: 1558477552386.png (512x512, 227K)


>no ass
>no tits
nah thanks im good

Attached: 1555560716893.jpg (554x439, 38K)

>not thick enough
>unecessary red streak in hair
>from a rhythm spinoff with shitty music

She is my wife and she is perfect.

Attached: 234861.png (724x1023, 748K)

Why would you cuck Ryuji?

She's my wife.

Attached: ab723aca5e6d73d500837f1b04fbeff8.jpg (868x1228, 1.06M)

He doesn't want her, retard.

>no ass
>no thighs
>used goods from some washed-up gym teacher
I'll pass

>>used goods from some washed-up gym teacher
play the fucking game

Attached: kamoshida.jpg (1920x2156, 1.56M)