Find a flaw, I dare you to try.
You can't though, my wife is literally perfect.
Find a flaw, I dare you to try
Other urls found in this thread:
Too thin
Pigtails are the worst hairstyle
Anne is the love of my life and she is perfect in my eyes.
agree with this user that I wish she did her hair differently. Otherwise perfect girl
I want to smell her shoes.
Well for starters she isn't chie
She should look like this
Oh good, so she isn't a piece of shit like Chie.
I like Makoto!
>no ass
>no tits
nah thanks im good
>not thick enough
>unecessary red streak in hair
>from a rhythm spinoff with shitty music
She is my wife and she is perfect.
Why would you cuck Ryuji?
She's my wife.
He doesn't want her, retard.
>no ass
>no thighs
>used goods from some washed-up gym teacher
I'll pass
>>used goods from some washed-up gym teacher
play the fucking game
Dumb slut that appeals to Lightning-fags
She's not but it's cute that you think so.
Cute denial.
Not Kawakami.
I don't think it's denial.
ann is nice
futaba is best
I'm gonna say the K word
You're displaying it right now. Anne is my wife, it's okay user.
my dick
She could curl her legs and walk on those arms.
Why is Ann such a slutty airhead bimbo?
Your wife is perfect.
I know she is.
I wish there was bimbo art of yukiko
anne is pure like yukari and rise
She's not naked and next to me right now.
Autistic fans
Anne with her hair down like this is the best.
I like both styles but I guess I do slightly prefer the hair down too.
She looks like she fucks black men or Mexicans
She would never date anyone that posts here.
change her nigger shoes and she'll be fine
Finally started playing this game today cuz her and of these threads. About 7 hours in and I can say its totally worth it. I'm having so much fun. Ann is best girl.
I wanna lick Anne's booty sweat
I can't remember if it Anne or Yukari but one of their official art renders from these games had really thick thighs.
Maybe I'm imagining it, though.
It's only natural.
Of course.
i want to eat other man's semen out of her asshole
Twintails are almost as stupid as she is.
>Anne thread
>94 replies
>60 images
>no footfag pics
This has to be a record.
pulling twin tails or drills as they get fucked is amazing tho
Taking advantage of stupid bimbos is super hot, I'll give you that.
Post bimbos
i'm surprised footfags don't gear towards Futaba
God Anne pulls off Futaba's outfit so perfectly.
what do you think of my bimbo waifu?
Anne looks nice in anything.
So true.
Footfags are simple minded, they go for the obvious slutty/bimbo waifus.
Huh so this is why /pg/ kicked them out
Why are Annfags so obnoxious?
Did that popularity poll from 2 years ago made you snap?
>Half Japanese half white
So what color are her nipples? How puffy are they? How big are her areola.
I want to kiss her nipples so badly
Hope you fuckers are ready to /groove/
Hello, Sae-user here
I'm so sorry Part 8 is taking so long. My mind's been very preoccupied lately, and I can feel myself start to be worn down with writing. Not to say I'm going to stop or anything! It's just been more difficult to write lately. I'd say I'm at least 50% or 60% through with it, maybe more; I don't know. Like I've said before, I can't say exactly when it'll be done, but it WILL be out before the end of June. That's a promise. In the mean time, my artfriend continues to make art, so I hope you enjoy while you wait. Thank you all so much for your continued support! I can't wait to share the conclusion with you all
Good taste user
: ^ D
Alrighty Anne user. I'm almost just about tapped out of pictures. I think here is a good stopping until next time.
Someone give me one good reason why P5R is coming out in 2020 and not 2019
Huh, never thought I'd beat you in waifu dumping.
Atlus USA are hacks.
It happens. But I don't really mind either
Are you american by any chance?
It's just strange to me, that's all.
Fair enough.
That's the flaw
They married you
I can't, I love my wife Anne.
Not into blondes sorry.
I just noticed how similar Lain looks to Makoto
Her game costs $60+tax+tip
/thread also play shin megami tensei
Yukiko is better
Never played a persona.
Basic premise is high schoolers kill themselves to transport to some kind of dark world and grow Stands and fight the heartless?
I played many SMT games and Persona 5 was better.
You should play it, it's really good. It's way better in practice than it may sound on paper.
There are so fucking many and most on old consoles. Where would I even begin and not be confused by lack of old game lore?
Coincidentally, I am
Just play 5
The only connection is shit like Igor, but you don't need to play P4 or 3 in order to understand
>Hoop earrings and fishnets with a short skirt
What is she supposed to be, a slutty latina?
>I played many SMT games
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 does not count.
Play Persona 5 on PS4 or PS3, or just emulate it for free. They're not related and P5 is the best entry point because of its accessibility and mechanics. You can play any of them though. It's very easy to emulate P1 and P2, and also not too hard to emulate P3 and P4.
Are the stories not linked?
I played all the mainline except for SMT I and II which I'm still working on. I also played the spinoffs like the Raidou games and Digital Devil Saga. Persona 5 is just the best of them all.
They are on a grand level but none of that affects the individual stories of the games. There's grander themes and entities but that's more like deep lore stuff for speculation rather than an actual official part of the story that's required to understand and play them.
Yeah? I did years before I even though of playing P5. I just fucking love Anne a lot.
Both are good.
Good taste
To add to that, each Persona game is a new cast of characters, a new story, a new location, a new villain, a new system of fighting with personas in another dimension, etc.
They're almost like different takes on the same core ideas each being a different flavor of it, the others aren't truly needed to enjoy just one.
Sooooo final fantasy?
>I played all the mainline except for SMT I and II
>And Megami Tensei 1 and 2
>And If...
>And all the Last Bible games including Special
>And Devil Summoner
Why do you lie on the internet, user? Who hurt you?
Yeah, think of it like Final Fantasy or more so like Dragon Quest in that each one is very different from the one before yet also holds a lot of similarities in the way the game works and the flow of the story and such. Don't get it twisted though, they all still take place in the same universe and there are occasional references to characters from previous games in the newer ones, like the TV in P5 mentioning a detective with red glasses which is Katsuya from P2, and the Rise idol poster you can get which is a character from P4. After P2, the characters from previous games don't really come into the other ones or affect them, that only really happens in the fanservice spinoffs games.
I actually did play SMT If... but those others aren't considered strict Shin Megami Tensei Mainline, you posted the Megami Tensei series which is the umbrella series that spawned Shin Megami Tensei, Last Bible which is separate, and Devil Summoner which is also separate and I did play the Devil Summoner Raidou games anyway.
Alright thanks, I'll get it on PS4 and give it a whirl. Kind of ashamed to admit it but when I'm drunk I dance like a fucking mad cunt for 20-30 minutes to "Dancing all night". That song just fucking infects me.
Yeah the Dancing games have some really good songs, you may want to look into getting the dancing game bundle after you finish Persona 3-5. Also Persona 5 is only $20 now so you're in luck, I know you'll love it user. It's really just an amazing game.
There's such a long list of Persona and Megami Tensei games to play after that which you'll be able to enjoy once you realize there's a hole in your heart after finishing P5.
>Devil Summoner which is also separate
>Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[a] is a role-playing video game developed and published by Atlus. Forming part of the Megami Tensei series
Nice try, kid. Better start brushing up on those Japanese skills.
That's not what the Japs think...
>claims to have played every mainline SMT game
>Well, um, I mean, I didn't mean all of them, I just meant some of the titles listed on the wikipedia. L-look at this picture I found!