>gradius or contra
My n-word
What game can let me own the LIBS?
Robert Lee
Caleb Foster
What a shitty thread
Meatards can't meme
Benjamin Collins
I got a 7 inch cock that's also very thick, dicklets will argue that height matters when cock size is much more important
Austin Wood
I'm glad that you can admit that you're a man at least, you atheist tranny
Carter Sanders
>Get a hot chick
>still be into kidfucking
Like, what the fuck?
Lincoln Mitchell
I eat meat because it tastes good.
Suck my ass.
Christian Cruz
vegan memes are usually top tier cringe, but this one was kinda funny
Jonathan Gonzalez
But plants DO have feelings
Also I dont give a fuck about an animal, I'd murder the goddamn cow myself if I had to.
Leo Hernandez
I would give up meat but I like my jet pack privileges