What game can let me own the LIBS?
What game can let me own the LIBS?
>facts and logic
>ben on joe rogan: gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because the bible forbids it
What's wrong with libtards? They just want freedom and the right to be happy.
What's Shapiro doing reading the Bible? I thought he was Jewish?
Ben Shapiro "SLAMMED" by the BBC
He's coherent most of the times but arguments like this are just retarded. I recall one of his arguments against socialism being "You shouldn't be envious of what others have since envy is a sin"
I can't tell if these are ironic or not. Does that mean I'm artistic?
based Yea Forums
Old testament is jew fuckery. They just spit on the Jesus part.
>name dropping Ben and not posting his utter milking unit of a sister
>Assumes all helicopters can't talk
Yikes! It's 2019 sweetie
>Helicopters can't talk
Someone obviously never watched Thomas the Tank Engine...
Does anyone actually defend bikini armor other than they like the way it looks?
holy cringola, batman!
Don’t attack helicopters have guns?
I fixed your comic. no need to thank me
>tfw no khazar milkers gf
'tis pure 'tism
>words words words words words words
The one up top is true because it's historically inaccurate to jam shit into a historically accurate work. The bottom one is inaccurate because it boils down to TITS ARE GREAT and men love tits, and they fail to even see that. Is the female form so fucking scary to you fucking faggots and hambeasts? If you are a female and you can't compete with a fucking character from a game or media then you're a fucking failure of a woman.
Man is a woman because he "identifies" as one?
Well guess what, libs? I identify as an ATTACK HELICOPTER!
HAHAHAHAHAH, bet you feel stupid about that whole "trans" thing now, huh?
literally have never seen anyone wall o' text for fanservice. the longest argument I've ever seen in favor is "it's a setting with wizards and magic fireballs, it's not supposed to make sense"
the more common argument is "MUH DICK"
kek, fuck realism fags
Stop ruining strawmen, user.
Ben Shapiro DESTROYED on BBC by Ben Shapiro FACTS and Ben Shapiro ARGUMENTS
yeah what if he started murdering her and making insanely loud noise, sure she wouldnt be on board then. this isnt thought through
congrats on posting something as limp-dicked and unfunny as the original, user.
Is this the mascot of oneangrygamer?
I love that news blog.
Is this basically antifa stonetoss but reversed?
Ben Shapiro is a hypocrite. He says facts don't care about your feelings, but denies facts all the time because of the way he feels about them. Also it's a rip off of something Bill Nye said years ago anyway. "facts are true whether you believe them or not."
Seems to me to also be about caricaturization.
It ain't easy being this cheesy.
Ben Shapiro is "POUNDED" by BBC on National Television
This post courtesy of: AC gang
>le violence against people who think differently than me meme
>its a lesbian kick because even though homosexuals are regular people like you and mean, if you don't remind the audience that this character is a lesbian then there is no purpose for them
Ben literally has the political knowledge of a high schooler, which is why they're the only people he'll ever debate.
why does his art style look so much like schmorky's? i remember another artist similar to him that draws in the same kind of style, too.
I’m fine with both. Women, blacks, tits, and ass are all good.
speaking of hypocrits
>bill nye
Anyways yeah ben shapiro is an idiot because he is an orthodox jew, but I still find it funny all these people who know he is an orthodox jew then get surprised when he acts like one..
The same one that let's you destroy schedules by leaving early
It's funny because the dude is right on the first one.
Is any of these movies enjoyable?
>HAHAHAHAHAH, bet you feel stupid about that whole "trans" thing now, huh?
If you don't then you should be locked at an insane asylum.
>a-at least I have the constitution!
This is why you only make the comic after the sales come out
It's all just Strawmen beating on other Strawmen.
Only Wonder Woman
all certified fresh on rotten tomatoes.
If you got that I'm a tranny from that, then yeah you definitely need to be at an insane asylum.
>51% ghostbusters
>44% TLJ
>56% captain marvel
AFTER rotten tomatoes removed all the "troll" reviews yikes.
i have never seen anyone deny heightpilling
>a-at least I have the constitution!
What does that mean?
save me a seat, tranny
look at the critic score, numbskull.
>Stupid fish out of water movie rip off of thor and captain america
>No payoff
>Shit CG
>dull gray boring war movie
Not even.
It's because they actually learned not to reply
Lmao imagine being this butthurt to make this edit
you'll figure it out when you're older and have to arm yourself and barricade your door every night
>comic implies majority of people want this
>audience score much larger sample size
rotten tomatoes is a joke
I am really not a religious man but I hope that I'm wrong and when you inevitably kill yourself for being such a fuck up that you reincarnate into something with a higher IQ.
>gradius or contra
My n-word
What a shitty thread
Meatards can't meme
I got a 7 inch cock that's also very thick, dicklets will argue that height matters when cock size is much more important
I'm glad that you can admit that you're a man at least, you atheist tranny
>Get a hot chick
>still be into kidfucking
Like, what the fuck?
I eat meat because it tastes good.
Suck my ass.
vegan memes are usually top tier cringe, but this one was kinda funny
But plants DO have feelings
Also I dont give a fuck about an animal, I'd murder the goddamn cow myself if I had to.
I would give up meat but I like my jet pack privileges