Say word

>Post sjw/onions thread
>Thread devolves into baiters baiting baiters and baiting the bait

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cry more

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that's all Yea Forums is these days
no one can tell if you have a genuine opinion on something anymore because everything is bait/doublebait to get people angry.


it's not but you faggots keep giving them money and refusing to take the piratepill anyways so what do they care

True, I've also noticed people come to their threads just to post their own opinions and not read anything. So you get like 20 posts saying the same thing with 0 replies instead of a discussion.

>agree to TOS
>break TOS
>get banned

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... yeah, so? whatcha gonna do about it? cry on Yea Forums faggot? huh? little bitch

Okay niggerfaggot go take ur tranny pills and take a different site maybe fall In a pit on the way
Blacks are smelly subhumans

>spend hours on drawing your strawman
the mental illness is deeply rooted.