Well Yea Forums is he a bad guy?

Well Yea Forums is he a bad guy?

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no, but he's not a good guy either
he's just kind of retarded like everyone in F4

No, Synths, Ghouls, and Mutants need to be genocided

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Not necessarily, but he was a giant faggot.

Bethesda's is garbage, why do you want to debate about their shitty characters ?

All Fallout 4 characters really do have the same stupid fucking face.

No, synths are fucking retarded and he was right to exterminate them. He is a fucking idiot for wanting to destroy everything else the institute made, but this is unsurprising considering Bethesda's ability to make a sensible story gets worse with every new game.

BoS was basically a shittier version of pic-related in Fo4.

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I thought it was a dick move when he ordered the execution of Danse.
But as least he was consistent with his beliefs.

Why was fallout 4 so fucking souless compared to other bethesda games?

because insted of creeping towards being an action game rather than an RPG like skyrim did, it just fell off the fucking cliff and became loot shooter

Nah, railroad are.
In a world with slavers, murderers, rapists, serial killers and monsters, a group of rebellious edgelords decide to save delusional robots from their nightmare life of... sweeping floors in the closest thing to paradise on Earth... so they can be reprogrammed into... dirt farmers who get killed by monsters, and in one instance the leader of a murderous gang of raiders who kill countless innocent people.
And because robot lives matter so much they're willing to murder hundreds and hundreds of real humans (including the children on the Prydwen) then laugh about it.

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Fallout 4 feels like a boring Borderlands.
And it's initial choice of weapons were poor.
Including the Chinese Assault Rifle would've slightly negated this (there's even a high polygon model in the files). The "Assault Rifle" featured in the game just looked ridiculous.

he's a cyborg
one of the science terminals on the blimp says so

Borderlands is a boring Borderlands.
I think it's more interesting than vanilla Fallout 3 was desu. You just have to consider it a Far Cry type game instead of an RPG.

>Richard Spencer haircut

I didn’t play long enough to give a shit

Blowing up both the Institute and the Brotherhood is retarded. Freedom and equality for all sentient life is nice, but it's not worth much when the supers come knocking, and you blew up all the guns and tech.

In my modded F4 I can turn into zombie if I die, make a settlement almost everywhere I can, imprison everybody including Preston. And I grow cannabis for the profit, and the Gunners are my main buyers for now. Haven't been able to progress story so far because I'm building settlement in Taffington, and next step is to get a boat for fast travel. Also so low level that I won't make it to boston alive. If I die I have to retrieve my gear with my team. I also have three dogs, somebody moved in with 2 rottweilers.

Gonna get Brotherhood after that so theu come to kill al rhose zombies in city.

worse, he's retarded
An incompetent retard at that

No, if you ignore and try to see what a better writing would have been going for with the character, he is a hardened soldier who has grown up fighting a war against living man-made war crimes in a world destroyed by tech/weapons man was too irresponsable to use, and in a faction that has experience with other groups (the Enclave) who would continue to make old mistakes. His mentor and probably first crush/love, Sarah Lyons, was killed in what was likely a betrayal brushed under the rug, further jading him and making him value unquestioning loyalty. He is also the last of a member of what might as well be royalty and the feels like the future of the Brotherhood, and mankind, rests on his shoulders.

He's a well intentioned extremist. Hell, he might not even be wrong in the lengths he goes to exterminate synths and the Institute. They have after all infiltrated every faction in the wasteland and done shit like wiped out towns because a little girl had something they wanted. They take fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, throw them into blenders after brain scanning them, and replace them with a planted synth with kill-orders programmed in.

Danse was a synth, potentially a railroad job or not, with the knowledge only a defacto second/third in command could have. What he has in his head could be devestating to the Brotherhoods war effort and kill everyone on board the Prydwen if some code phrase rendered him docile to his creators. He is a liability. Worse, in dummied content you could have him take over the Brotherhood, which is arguably fulfilling one of the fears. Sudden ageless and superior being as perma leader of one of the most powerful factions in the wastes.

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Too much truth there.

Actual based post

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See . It also sold out in hopes of drawing a larger crowd by toning down everythin that made the setting interesting. All overt sexuality was removed, raider outfits made more modest, prostitutes removed, ect. You can be a prick, and evil to a degree, but they heavily reduced the ability to play an actual villain, until they had to release a halfhearted apology in Nuka-World. Explosive collars became shock collars and the slaves of Nuka-World are treated semi-decently (for a post apoc setting). Interesting and deep dialog system was dummied out for a shallow three-yes variants and info voiced system to try and make things more 'cinematic'. Overall they casualised it to bring in more customers and it worked.

Hell, I don't even hate it, and I don't consider it a bad game, but it's lost something. Something I hope is recaptured in Fallout 5 if I live that long.

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That has nothing to do with Bethesda, they've been zealots since the original games. Doing stuff the rest of us sees as stupid to adhere to their zeal is a defining part of their identity.

Due to this zealotry on their part however it's clear they have no place in a growing society of the future and they have to change. Luckily there's a mod that lets you get rid of Maxson and take over and give the order to let the Institute stay intact as well as save the synths.

Yes. He's wearing clothes that I want for myself and can't get elsewhere. I'd say that makes him a bad guy.

>growing society of the future
Which one do you speak of? NCR is running out of water and resources, and is basically bought and owned by the brahmin barons. Legion is a slaver utopia destined to devour itself. The DC wasteland still has raider problems and it sounds like it largely resembles how it did at the end of the Broken Steel expansion. The Commonwealth is rebuilding nicely if you choose Minutemen and Institute or Brotherhood and Minutemen, but is a single state just in the process of being born, and decades away from resembling a society as we know it.

As long as groups like the Enclave, Institute, groups of abominations like the Super Mutants, and cults like the Children of Atom exist, the Brotherhood will have a place.

I'm a massive fan of a more moderate (Autumn, who wanted to only kill the ghouls and actual abominations, and rebuild the US starting with DC) Enclave. Sure, it would be a Dredd style dystopia for the first few centuries, but what bleeding heart honestly belives half measures and good vibes are going to be enough to uplift humanity in the hellscape they made of the earth? The Enclave have the will, the tech, and more importantly access to every military instillation across the planet and ever little secret the military mothballed at the height of Americas zany scifi heights. If any group could actually get stable governance, policing, and infrastructure restored and keep it restored, it's an Autumn style Enclave.

He was an impulsive childish man-boy with delusions of grandeur, who led his entire chapter hundreds of miles up the coast to pick a fight with an enemy they know nothing about. Not exactly the makings of a good leader.

>bearded faggot with shitty haircut where it's long on top and shaved on the sides

FUCK every goddamned retard nigger loving dicksucking degenerate who does this.

He really did nothing wrong

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>they've been zealots since the original games
They've been up their own asses as saviours of humanity since the original Maxson founded the BoS to literally BE the saviour of humanity but they weren't remotely zealous until after Tactics kind of sort of made it canon that the Western BoS had a huge argument over how to "protect" the wasteland and kicked out all the liberals

Pretty much this.
Railroad are the vegans of Fallout.

The Institute did nothing wrong.

>murders an innocent woman simply because immoral his plan is likely to work
>erases his own memory because he can't live with the guilt
He disagrees with you user. I'm not saying it didn't succeed and it would take a wiser man than myself to argue whether what he did was neccesary for the greater good or not, but he factually struggled with an immoral action.

Autumn was right but you can't even follow him. You can chose the genocidal Enclave but not the moderate one, what the fuck Todd ?

Good point

congrats on not playing Fallout 1

Congrats on not knowing what a zealot is

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>They are part of the reason the character can resolve the Scorched Plague in 76 (even if I ahte the game and hate the retcon)
>They played a vital part in stopping the Master long before there was any other faction willing or able
>In Tactics they stop an insane Controller from taking over America with an army of killbots
>They potentially play a part in stopping the Enclave in FO2 from wiping out everyone
>In Fallout 3 they again stop the Enclave, though I would argue they are simply warring over control of a resource, since Lyons basically uses the Purifier as a recruiting tool in the same way as Autumn would have to win the trust and loyalty of the wastelanders
>In New Vegas elderly and hunted members of the Enclave will fight the Legion
>In Fallout 4 they see the threat a future of MANKIND REDEFINED could pose
>Wherever they go they patrol and kill raiders and mutants to keep populations safe at the cost of men, vertibirds and valuable resources
Sounds like they aren't doing a bad job user. And I say that as someone who finds them largely boring and prefer the Enclave.

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>They potentially play a part in stopping the Enclave in FO2 from wiping out everyone
they really don't

They help you out in return for vertibird plans, and are one of the sources of implants that improve your odds. That one soldier even got One-Punched by Horrigan for causing them problems. It's not a massive help but it's more than the Rangers, Tandi, or anyone but my companions did to help. Credit where credit is due.

eh good point
i forgot that the ncr does jack about the enclave

>20 years old

Would the BoS hate Curie? I don't think they ever figure out that she's a synth but agreeing with the BoS most of the time seems to get her to like you more, I know she's not a normal synth, but the BoS are kind a retarded

More than any other games both Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 have me rewriting the stories in my head to better suit my tastes, and I'd like to think, the setting.

Fallout 3 I believe should have been all about Liberty Prime, and what a post-nuclear culture can, could, would, or should do with a nuclear weapon. Have the player ultimately decide who controls the robot and for what; protect the capital, send it off to fight in Alaska, keep it for yourself or decommission it altogether, instead of the biblical water thing. It'd even make Megaton thematically appropo too.

I haven't ever finished Fallout 4 but have gotten about half way on my best attempt, while I like the who's a synth/who's a communist aspect of the story I think the synths would be a better element of replacement theory. As in there's not enough infrastructure or populous to support the city of Boston anymore, so the Institute floods it with robots that are slowly taking it over, but bringing it back online ala' New Vegas, at the expense of the natives still squatting in the city. You could play with the synths being manikins as avatars of consumerism and stick them in shop windows, hiding in plain sight.

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