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I hate being a PC gamer

Just buy a console than you nigger faggot

B-but you can mod extremely poor quality anime character models on pc, which also causes crashes, i-isnt that great??

He already has one but he's not playing on it

not if they dont have horsecocks

Well it is good and he isn't a reviewer.

sometimes i feel like that aswell...
then i take a close look onto my ps4 and ask myself: "what games actually?"

You wish goldsrc had shadows, not counting the beta broken shadows, lightmaps, or blobs like CS 1.6

I'd go as far as say that past a certain point, modded skyrim ceases to be skyrim and becomes it's own thing.

It basically is. But if you like open worlds and zombies, it's really good. Better than HZD & GoW imo...