>Maybe someday I'll get to play games that came out on console years ago
I hate being a PC gamer
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sorry falseflag-kun but except for certain switch games you can already play anything relevant on pc :~)
you can't play dick in vagina
the skyrim modding scene is alive and well on pc actually
Not if you don't try
You could emulate
Skyrim with mods is still Skyrim. Which in itself is a horrible and incredibly boring game.
>the Master Chief Collection came out in 2014
>won't be released for PC until late 2019
>have thousands upon thousands of pc games to choose from
>on top of all the consoles to emulate
>still want's to play that one flavor of the month console game
come on dude, something has to appeal to you
Emulate what, the MCC? Bloodborne? RDR? EMULATE FUCKING WHAT
Not OP but I enjoy games that are exclusive. All the exclusive PS4 games have been great. PC just has shit I've played a million times already.
c&c on n64
If it's not at least 60fps/1080p, it's not worth playing anyway
> Can play every worthwhile game ever released except Nintendo exclusives and Bloodborne
> Most western games come out first on PC nowadays and then get ported to console unless they're paid exclusives.
Start looking harder for games, there are plenty of good ones if you look beyond what Sony and Nintendo are doing
Playing DOOM Vulkan 4k 120 fps right now pretty sweet, anons
And theres this fucking playstation game with a guy on a motorcycle surrounded by zombies that looks really cool AND I CANT FUCKING PLAY IT
If it's not at least 144fps/2160p it's not even worth talking about
hope you have a nice audio set up, the music is half the reason i enjoyed the game so much
Good thing you aren't running a video game company.
Hey, I'm this guy and Days Gone is actually pretty fucking good.
One exception. Spiderman, GoW, Killzone, and bloodborne were excellent prove me wrong.
>I only enjoy games others cannot play!
Jez get with the times Gramps.
Fuck it, I guess I'm on the consolefag side now...
Others can play it, matter of fact hundreds of millions of people play them....just not you. and that's a good thing.
Who the fuck buys game when they release? Especially these days? Even if a game goes multiplat and I really want to play it I wait at least a couple of months.
Is that from 2013?
People who aren't poorfags.
>not having a good PC as well as a console or two.
It's like you cunts don't actually like video games or something.
>tens of thousands of games in the modern era
>hundreds of thousands of games when including emulators and previous PC era
>giving a single fuck about consoles
Yeah, naw, I'm good.
Enjoy paying Microsoft for your new generation, console-chan.
MCC is coming before the end of the year
Bloodborne you can play on PSNow
RDR you can emulate
>Large machine full of outdated and forgotten games
Sure is a pile of gold you have there
>Shot doesn't align with the gun
>Shot itself looks kinda strange
>The light on the motorcycle doesn't shine like it should
>The bear looks dry despite the rain.
>Blood on the bear looks very sloppy
>The way he holds the gun looks like he's asking to get a broken hand
>Everything is blurry and murky
>You can't tell if that telephone thing in the back is made of wood or steel
>The face of the bear is a stretched JPG
It looks kinda like skyrim without ENB. Anyway to answer your question, why should I waste my money for overhyped, overpriced stuff that might prove to be a major let down? Just look at Fall out 76 or no man's sky. There were certainly people who were stupid enough to pay full price for that.
>can play PC titles from the late 80's on the same machine as latest games
>Master race
>Has to scrounge for scraps and work arounds
I'd rather take mount and blade over any new playstation title to be honest.
Eat shit, faggot.
They really aren't that great, even on compatible hardware.
>Has to scrounge for scraps and work arounds
He can play the full game without any penalties and consolefags are always boasting about these titles as if they are not available already for PC.
That's not how light works.
Why? I could play thousands of hours mount and blade. Those few titles that got ported however I can only play a couple of days.
>you can't play dick in vagina
That's literally one of the genres of games you can only play on PC
You can play any game for thousands of hours if you enjoy doing the same thing over and over.
You could be like me and have both PC and consoles.
Yet somehow I play on mobile most of the time.
Doom was the first game I tried on my 1400p 144hz monitor, was very fun, makes the game feel a lot more responsive
yeah, it's nice to be able to just boot up some theme hospital or dungeon keeper whenever i need my fix
>I hate being a PC gamer
Good thing you aren't then. Enjoy your watered down, locked down PC with five games.
you keep telling yourself that kid
Feels good being the true master race (ps4 and pc)
>All the exclusive PS4 games have been great.
t. Non PC owner
Buying a gaming PC was the best thing I ever did. Fuck buying consoles and fuck buying overpriced games for shittier performance/graphics and less people in online matches
That's the thing though. A PC game like mount and blade is different. I know on a console you buy a new AAA title, play a week and then you're done.
With good PC games however you pay once and you're hooked for a long time if the game really gets you. I've seen people who spent over 2000 hours on one paradox game for example.
>Field of view very limited
>The trees look kinda like pillows
>The sun looks very sketchy
>The shadows are all over the place
>Is that a lake in the distance? Or a black hole in the ground?
>The twigs look like somebody forgot to add textures
Okay, now you're stretching. That screenshot looks pretty good.
I must have spent thousands of hours playing Halo 1 - Reach. Thousands on each.
Yea that was when consoles also tried to go with quality. These days you can forget that. I remember all the shilling here on Yea Forums about spiderman 2. Now the game is literally dead. Nobody cares any longer.
Yes, we know, you have shit tastes. No need to state the obvious.
I've been a PC gamer for roughly 3 years. In that time, I've only truly loved 4 PC exclusive games. Don't let Yea Forumseddit like to you, there's A LOT of problems on this platform. At this rate, consoles living another 5 generations seems inevitable.
you do you user.
Meanwhile I'm playing a 12 year old game and still gets blown away by the visuals
Only people over 18 years of age are allowed to post on Yea Forums.
I only use my 1080 Ti to run SNES games with CRT filters. I recommend you do the same.
Even better, Mecc Math and More
I don't understand. Choosing PC has your main platform prevents you from buying consoles?
I'm playing in 1440p144hz and couldn't be happier.
>For 3 years
>Only 4 PC exclusives
You know that PC has no exclusives?
it hurts because it's true, yes?
>you want to play console games
how the fuck do I get Forza Horizon 3 to work
cant emulate current gen you absolute retard
Are those motorcycles broken or why do they produce so much smoke?
Nope, you've come here to shill for a game I never heard about and I make you fail.
yes that is literally what being a pc gamer means
dumb fuck
stay mad nerd
It's water spray, but it looks kind of shitty. I don't think it was damaged when i took that.
He isn't me, dumbass.
Both shills. Probably paid a 10 cents per post or something.
>The MCC was broken as fuck until 2018
You forgot that one user
A couple shitty games is not enough to hate being part of the best gaming platform that has ever existed.
No console game has better graphics than this
imagine not having horsecock 10.8.2 lole fucking console shitter
Nope, just an insomniac who likes taking screenshots. Stay mad, hoe.
What do you think about the shadows and textures in this game
akin to costco guac
Is there a mod for half-life that gives all the characters horsecocks?
Where's the gameplay?
Yea, yea you're not a shill. Yet the only ones who regularly post screenshots like that to boast about a game's potential are literal shills. Nobody else takes the effort to do that strangely enough.
>finish game
>realize the days you spent on it are now gone
woah, that's deep
Here it is in all its janky glory.
is this vanilla skyrim?
Some of us are actually that pathetic.
>doesn't name games
>doesn't state supposed lots of problems
Whatever you say.
>brother bought me a $2.4k gaymen pc
>thought I could try VR at least
>VR is shit, might as well use phone VR and fap
>just play Diablo II and Starcraft BW
I made it bros... I'm part of the master race now. Nobody can make fun of me again.
Doubt it, every shill thread out there has people like you that just post screenshots or even worse webms.
>Posts a legit shill channel
I don't know what's sadder, me shilling a game for free because I like it, or you truly believing I'm being paid for it.
>he doesn't own a gaming laptop, a PS4, and a Switch
and yet you come here to browse? Emabarassing
>legit shill channel
that channel is just some rando gaymer with 60 subs you can look at his uploads
Nice one.
All new games showing off what those new games have to offer in a very good light. No negative criticism.
0.10 cents were sent to your bank account.
This picture was never relevant or true, but it's only become more ironic as time goes on.
Still not really negative. The game is still being portrayed as good only with small bugs here and there.
>Not OP but I enjoy games that are exclusive.
I do not understand this. I cannot even begin to imagine hating games so much that your primary source of joy isn't playing a game, but playing a game others can't.
still looks mediocre
Just buy a console than you nigger faggot
B-but you can mod extremely poor quality anime character models on pc, which also causes crashes, i-isnt that great??
He already has one but he's not playing on it
not if they dont have horsecocks
Well it is good and he isn't a reviewer.
sometimes i feel like that aswell...
then i take a close look onto my ps4 and ask myself: "what games actually?"
You wish goldsrc had shadows, not counting the beta broken shadows, lightmaps, or blobs like CS 1.6
I'd go as far as say that past a certain point, modded skyrim ceases to be skyrim and becomes it's own thing.
It basically is. But if you like open worlds and zombies, it's really good. Better than HZD & GoW imo...