Is Pikmin 2 as soulful as the first game? Pikmin first person reports after each day are great. How do I get good at it...

Is Pikmin 2 as soulful as the first game? Pikmin first person reports after each day are great. How do I get good at it? Feel like I'm going to get less than 30 parts

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Pikmin one had you surviving under a time limit while you helped the pikmin and the pikmin helped you. Pikmin two just has you gather junk for your corporate overlord as you waste pikmin lives without the risk of danger to yourself.

2 is better, but 1 is still good


more soulful
I loved finding all the earth junk, each one was a nice surprise, and the dungeons are great

Right? I've watched Pikmin's 2 intro (just because the first game's intro is amazing) and it really feels like Olimar should get himself a Pikmin army just to go back to Hocotate and end capitalism.

I recently replayed 1 and 2 and I have to say 1 feels a like more of an unpolished gem imo. 2 is really good too, but there isn't a sense of urgency. I also think 1 is significantly easier than 2, which may factor in about why I replay 1 more because of how fast you can plow through it.

The only thing I don't like is when Pikmin start to go around and do shit I didn't ask them to do and end up getting left behind. Does that still happens in 2?

In 2 you collect "treasure" instead of ship parts. The captains and the ship make an encyclopedia of fauna and treasures as you progress and everything gets a unique entry in the encyclopedia.
Instead of reports you get mail from people back home every day. There's no time limit which you may or may not like.

Sounds really good. The time limit sucks because I suck. But overall I think it makes the game better. At least when talking about Pikmin 1

Yeah, the time limit can be annoying when you first get into the series. I think the more experienced you get with the mechanics the more naturally faster you can work through a day.
The time limit definitely fits 1 well. I think it's good they didn't do it for 2 though. The way 2 is designed doesn't really lend well to a set limit like 1

Nah, Pikmin 2 fixes the AI. Pikmin are unresponsive little shits in 1

You still help them though, each population is down to like 5 individuals before you come back and raise them up again.

Yeah. I feel like previously knowing the map is the only way to get 30 parts in 30 days in 1

Pikmin 2 has the Piklopedia. Every enenye you defeat and treasure you collect gets an entry with an in-character description. Its extra nice because enemies get little interactive scenes where you can watch them scurry around a habitat and throw fake pikmin (carrots) at them which they will eat. The treasures are all real-world things like batteries, forks, jar lids, and toys that Olimar doesnt recognize and makes up his own theory of their use.

Damn, that probably makes the game so much better...

When I get the bad ending in Pikmin 1, should I replay to try a better ending or can I just watch them and move on to Pikmin 2?
I mean, does the gameplay change in any way or the only difference will be the ending cutscene?

Does new play control fix that?

no way
I made it in like 23 days my first blind play through

Also they don't use pathfinding to follow until Pikmin 3.
In 1 and 2 you can't walk too far ahead of them or they may get stuck on a wall somehwere.

>30 parts in 30 days
I went in blind for Pikmin1 and I got everything with days to spare for final boss.
It varies with out fast people can get used to the game.

It still feels insincere to me. The first story was about a story of survival while the second game was just a treasure hunt without the high stakes the first game had. Doesn't help that if feels like you created pikmin abominations cause the white and purple ones didn't have their own pods to go to at night. While the underground dungeons were interesting I don't like how it stops time, I would of been ok with it if when you exited it was the end of the day. Just a lot of things in Pikmin 2 rubs me the wrong way. It's not a bad game but I vastly prefer the first one.

Yeah but you would "spend" a day scouting and planning, and then restart without saving to perform and commit that day.


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Nah. New play on the wii is just another control scheme, it doesn't switch up the game completely.
There is a final area with a final boss and a treasure piece, I'd recommend trying again to get to that area. If you don't mind complete gameplay spoilers, The final boss becomes a regular enemy in pikmin 2, which is why I would reccomend finishing the game so you don't get blindsided.[/spoiled]. There are like...2 new cutscenes if you get the true ending.

I beat it first try when I was like 14

Nah. I finished mine on day 26, including a day or two at the opening level for free pikmin. The secret is to leave some pikmin to destroy/build something and take the rest with you exploring. Most people I see play just stand there watching when the barrier takes a full day to demolish. You also dont have to follow treasures back to the ship.

I'm not sure if I want to read the spoilers, so I'm not going to. This new area with final boss is only available after you get the 30 parts within the time limit?
Well, I'm not finding it to be an easy game. I'll give it another try after this playthrough, hope I get the better ending.
I hate when they get stuck. Feel like feeding the motherfucker to some enemy. But I kinda like that you can lose them and leave them behind, I just don't like how clunky it is

But he sucks in Pikmin 2, because purples

Pikmin 2 is literally god's sperm of course it is

I love how Pikmin 3 never gets mentioned because everyone just knows how god awful it is
Has there ever been a more disappointing game of all time?

why is it bad? do you have good expectations for Pikmin 4?

Piss easy. Removes caves from 2. Rock and Flying Pikmin aren't remotely as cool as the Pikmin 2 types. If Pikmin 4 follows like 3 then there's no hope it will be an even remotely decent game.

No it's because nobody bought a Wii-U.

Pikmin 1 has more soul because it's ostensibly a survival game, whereas Pikmin 2 is a playground. That said, I prefer to play Pikmin 2 because it is a playground.

pikmin 2 is fucking shit

>Yea Forums advocating for casualization
Then again, this is nu/v/ we're talking about.

2 is not great because of the purples and how easy it is to just stunlock nearly every enemy with them. You don't even have to try, just get ten of the fuckers and you can instakill pretty much everything except bosses. I'm a bigger fan of the tone and visuals of the first game, as well.

No, Pikmin has more soul than Pikmin 2 because it is older. That is Yea Forums's logic on "soul".

Or I like to come home from work and chill out at my own pace.
There is also this, but I only get purple during those bits where you absolutely have to.

I like Pikmin 1 better, but Pikmin 2 has more to do, and it's about as good. I like the Pikmin 1 atmosphere better.

>that fucking weight at the end of the game that took 100 purples to carry and took up almost an entire day to collect so you just have to sit there watching

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So... you want to casualize the gameplay of the first game? Thanks for giving your opinion. It may be shitty, but it's... something. I guess. Thank God Nintendo will never cater to cavefags ever again. Pikmin 4 will not have caves.

Pretty much this. I played it and loved it, it’s a gorgeous, charming and just plain fun game

No pikmin fan actually likes the shitty caves form 2.

I loved reading all of the notes Olimar and the ship make about the various treasures you find in 2. I guess I like the whole idea of aliens being confused and trying to interpret things that are completely normal everyday objects to us.

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1 had a good narrative
2 was lolsorandom with improved gameplay

Don't fucking remind me.
Or the first and second games can exist in their own vacuums; I haven't even said anything about what I'd want in a fourth game. You're being really weird.

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That was some bullshit, basically a day wasted doing nothing since all your pikmin will be occupied.

They're the best part of the game. You're the faggot here. Don't pretend like you've ever heard that shit out of anyone's mouth besides your own.

The limit is was best in Pikmin 3. It managed to cut you some slack, rewarded you for doing shit quickly, while still setting consequences for failure.

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What? Its a pretty common opinion in the pikmin community that caves were weak filler.

Pikmin 3 is fucking fantastic and improved the gameplay significantly. You're just a faggot.

I unironically think this is the smartest, most 'kino' piece of music in videogame history.

What's "kino"?

Maybe that some of the caves were weak filler, not all of them.

The highest form of art.

meant for

Pikmin 2 is the most soulful game in existence. So no, it isn’t. It’s way more soulful.

Kino may refer to:

In film and theatre: from the Norwegian, German, Polish, South Slavic (Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Macedonian, Bulgarian) and the Russian spelling of cine for cinema

Literally a movie game

This. Only complaints about three is no piklopedia and no c stick control.

I beat it on day 24 or 25 on my first run. Finally got it down to 13 on my last run and 18 days on 3(can't get close to speed runners as I have a late digital copy so I'm stuck with the bug fixes.

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3's fucking amazing, I've sunk like 250 hours into it. The only thing holding it back is the forced gamepad bullshit.

I remember revisiting the first game with the intent of doing as good as possible.
Got every ship piece with days to spare. If I recall, they give you the same number of days as pieces to collect, so as long as you get a piece a day, you would get them all just in time. I went multiple days getting two, though.
Felt good.

You are so right and so very wrong.

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I honestly wish Pikmin 1 would get a remake. It has the best story scenario and atmosphere. But compared to 2 and 3 it just feels like a tech demo with how little content there is.

Does anyone have that really obscure image of a Titan Dweevil on the beaches of Normandy?

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3's main story was the worst out of all the main games, still good though.

The challenge mode however is god tier and where I sank most of my time.

Port Pikmin 3 to switch you hacks

Bingo Battle was alot of fun too

This desu, honest;y

Still keep going at it's challenge mode, 2 I just all the purple flowers and never touched it again.

This fucking dooooo ittttt

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Thoughts on the pikmin shorts by Miyamoto? Peak soul.

Their existence is the only thing that makes me have faith in the Mario Movie coming out.

I wonder if they're canon. If they are then the final one means Hocotate Freight is now loaded again.

Pikmin 3 is great but there isn’t much to talk about because it’s juts Pikmin 1: again.

>3DS gets a shit ton of remakes or port
>instead of a remake or port of the first game we get Hey! Pikmin instead

Man I wish it was because then it'd be an actually good game.


Pikmin would be absolute aids to play on the 3DS.

Fuck off. I and many others love them. I’ve even made schematics for caves in Pikmin 4.

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Based and red pikmin pilled.

Caves would be goof if they had less RNG and more planned out structures.

Yeah, don't worry about him, he's just a Nintendo shill who's trying to cope that Nintendo simply lost its soul after Pikmin 2.
Keep on dick sucking Nintendo's cock. I'm sure Pikmin 4 will actually be good like the first two games that way. Just maybe.

Or removing bombs dropping from the ceiling.

Maybe if caves were actually that interesting i'd like them. I just don't think pikmin excels at being a dungeon crawler.


Or those sections where they have flying enemies hovering over gaps where you either have to just let them heckle you, or risk throwing your pikmin into the void.

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My favorite one is his note for the dentures, where the idea of a human is some monstrous horror beyond his comprehension.

>when a bulbear just randomly drops from the sky on top of your entire group

Pikmin 2 has more soul than the first.
>tfw hacked wiiu so can play pikmin 1 and 2 in bed via gamepad
maximum comfy

With all that corporate dicksucking (for free), you definitely are one at this point.

No, cus there's no timelimit so the game is braindead easy

So since any non-shill agrees Pikmin 3 was a legitimate shit stain on Pikmin's legacy, can we try to pinpoint what went wrong?

The problem with the caves is that the aesthetics got boring pretty fast. I thought Pikmin made a great dungeon crawler because the pikmin acted as a resource you had to manage. It rewarded skilled players by allowing you to get through caves in one go as opposed to having to keep going back to the surface for more pikmin. Pikmin 2 has a really good amount of enemy vareity too so that helps keep things fresh despite the samey aesthetics.

1 is an adventure

2 is more like a collection of minigames, not to say I hated 2 because I love it but it definitely feels like a different philosophy

Yea Forums has rotted your brain.

You for being a faggot.

It's not, although lack of marching and no pikopedia was a travesty

Seems like this thread's been infested by Nintendo cocksuckers obsessed with defending their almighty corporation. Maybe one day we can get more real Pikmin fans on Yea Forums to outnumber you cockgobblers.

Caves would be better if they werent randomly generated. Theres practically no strategy involved in caves because theres no level design, You just brute force your way through enemies.

Do you guys think pikmin4 was pretty far into development, but then Nintendo saw the demise of the wii u was coming and has to change it for the switch? I feel like that's what happened and since miyamoto doesn't like releasing half assed shit, they basically had to start over

Separate the onions again


If you want to suck dick so bad just bend down and choke on your own.
Just cause people disagree with you doesnt mean you get to have an aneurysm

>Caves would be better if they werent randomly generated

but they're not? You're talking about pikmin right?

Well if you're such a real-ass Pikmin fan why don't you start by telling us what you liked about the rest of the series, and what part of it is missing from 3?

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Like others have said, the time limit of 1 provides a better story premise and more meaningful gameplay motivation, but the mechanical improvements and new content added in 2 are fantastic. Some of the hole/dungeon theming is incredible - they have a real sense of mystery and wonder paired with nostalgia and familiarity because of its whole "abandoned garden dwellings"-type atmosphere. The scaled down perspective makes me feel a sort of childishness. Great games.


rot in hell shitface. Caves were great. Hope they back in 4.

Would you guys prefer they go back to the roots of Pikmin 1 of having 1 captain or stick with the 3 captain system of Pikmin 3?

I hate sunken fortess with a passion. 14 year old me always shit his pants due to this nigger. never got further than floor2 there. fuck you, fuck him.

Pikmin 4 should have caves, but make them more like zelda dungeons and less like how they were in 2. Basically, make them mini versions of pikmin worlds.

Louie's cookbook was pretty fun to read

WTF is Louie's problem

2 captains

Like I said, don't worry about that guy. He's only a Nintendo shill who's trying to apologize for Nintendo's lack of effort of putting caves in. He doesn't actually care about the franchise.
If 4 is anything like 3, then there's absolutely no hope for a good game.

3 captains for faster plucking and go here, if I want more Pikmin 1, I'll replay Pikmin 1.

Start with one Captain, work your way up to three, but with loner periods in-between new captains.

I’m fairly certain Nintendo said that themselves.

??? yes they are lol. They have a strict number of floors yes, and strict enemy/candy pop spawns, but the actual maps are randomly generated in a lot of the caves. I know...I fucking restarted a few levels till I got a good map spawn. lol retard.

I’d like for them to just make Pikmin 2: 2. Or just remake Pikmin 2 on the switch. That’d be nice also.

How did you ? The game is so short and easy

Playing it over and over again to beat my records for story days and challenge mode. Fucking love it. Only just got my story record down to 18 days though.

Challenge mode, multiplayer

>They have a strict number of floors yes, and strict enemy/candy pop spawns

so what's the problem?

>oh no, there's a wall here where there wasn't before

yeah, but the enemies spawn the same and it tells you before you even enter the recommended amount of pikmin, like shit dude, stop being bad

You're just as cancerous for calling everyone a 'cock sucking fag' because they think three was good...which it was. Losing caves kinda sucked, but I'm fine with odds being timed based overworld only, evens being no time limit with caves, mixes up the series a bit and keeps shit fromgoing dull.

Losing purple was bad..but only because purple are fucking op as shit. white...poison was so limited, but hidden items were neat, could have been expanded sure. But flying pikmin are great fuck off, and rock are interesting enough plus can help save other pikmin by being hard to eat.

The game is shit and basically ruins any future hope for the franchise.

>Rock and Flying Pikmin aren't remotely as cool as the Pikmin 2 types
Maybe but they certainly get utilized better than the types did in pikmin 2, rock and flyings both fill exclusives roles only they do instead of completely overlapping other pikmin types. For example Purples hit hard but reds hit hard as well. Yes they counted as 10 pikmin to carry but they made reds' damage less valuable

>Piss easy
All the fucking games are piss easy, including pikmin 2. There isn't even a time limit for fucks sake.

Are you going to keep shitting all over this thread by falseflagging about how pikmin 3 was a war crime? All the pikmin games are good. Except for that 3ds shit

Hes a nintendo shill. Dont listen to his lies.

??? I never said being randomly generated was bad faggot. The guy I responded to said caves simply were rand gen..that's false. I corrected him. Fuckin hell read.

*Slurp slurp*





Stop responding to him, he's only here to ruin the thread. Use the hide button.

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Where's that bulborb when you need him


2 was poopoo doodoo

2 is Pikmin perfected, the only thing I’d change is some form of time limit. 3 added the time limit back but took away so many cool things from 2. I hope 4, if it ever comes out, marries 2 and 3 together as well as add new stuff.

Can't wait for people to say this when Pikmin 4 is 10x worse than Pikmin 3 but people say it anyways to protect the candonowrong perfection corporate overlord.

You can fuck up just one day on Pikmin and your whole damn playthrough goes into the toilet. Sometimes people just want to have fun.

Thats an insane exaggeration. Have you actually played Pikmin?

Pikmin 2 was my first redpill on the jew


I haven't owned a nintendo console since the Wii but if Pikmin 4 gets announced I will buy a switch on that day.

The Piklopedia in 2 is maximum soul.

Have you?

Pikmin 1 nailed the sense of isolation and timer-based strategy gameplay, but was bogged down by some jank and poor AI.
Pikmin 2 destroyed that mechanic by relying heavily on randomly generated caves with frustrating gameplay and no timer, minimizing the focus of exploring worlds, sprouting Pikmin and felling dangerous creatures all on a timer. While it did introduce multitasking, it was rather primitive.
Pikmin 3 sullied the return of the time-based strategy gameplay with how easy it was to acquire additional time just by playing the game as intended. Its implementation of multitasking is been the peak of the franchise, but the game is quite easy, its challenges fail to capture the essence of the treasure-gathering monster-destroying Pikmin-cultivating trinity. Its finale was also a lackluster slog.
The series has great potential but no one game has managed to capture it best. I'm hoping that Pikmin 4 pushes the gameplay forward while polishing and removing what did and didn't work.

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>randomly generated
All the caves have a consistent layout, don't they?

I beat it on day 25 my first time when I was 11 years old. The first day or two in an area is mostly just spent learning the layout and breaking some obstacles. After that, it's pretty easy to get 2 or 3 pieces each day. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you need an enormous pikmin army to get anything done; 70 of each pikmin type is plenty.

I can't really call Pikmin 2 harder than the first overall when the player is always free to stop hunting and focus on building pikmin numbers. Every challenge can be made trivial (though tedious) by starting on it then running away and coming back a few days later with more pikmin. Basically, Pikmin 2 is super easy if you play like a pussy but a pretty good challenge if you don't.

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Yes, he's dumb.



The layouts are consistent, but the placement of items and hazards are random. This can lead to bullshit like having a Blowhog spawn behind a wall you need to break, and you have to just throw your flowers away.

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Yeah, I had multiple days where I fucked up and hardly got anything done. Finished with a little bit of time to spare. You would have to be a complete retard wasting entire days doing absolutely nothing to ruin your entire playthrough.

>Its finale was also a lackluster slog.

The Forbidden Oak chase sequence was trying to be reminiscent of the Water Wraith but failed to capture any of the tension that the encounter there had. Luring the Plasma Wraith in circles and swapping back and forth between captains to move Olimar and progress slowly through the level was just tedium. And the fact that as your respite you get a final battle which is hardly a challenge because of the reason that you can literally return to your base at any time just to fetch more Pikmin without consequence, plus the fact that if you don't beat the boss in a single day you can just go back and it'll be at around the same health as it was on the prior day, I believe.

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