He didn't like the mech stages in SA2

>He didn't like the mech stages in SA2

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They were better than the treasure hunt stages.

Shouldn't it be the other way around, since Eggman's stages are better?

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SA2 is getting shilled so much as of late I feel a port is coming soon

>"Tornado transformation!"
>Wait what.
>Plane turns into a fucking mech.
That shit was great.

I like Tails

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I would if they didn't handle like hot garbage. At least Gamma felt like a platforming character with guns. As it turns out, putting mechs in a game that expects you to do precision platforming with them isn't a very good combination.

Yeah, you can really tell that Tails was an afterthought in SA2. They really should kept the characters to Sonic, Knuckles, and Eggman with the other characters having supporting roles instead. But SA2 suffers from the same issues as SA1 where they spread their dev resources too thin and the game ended up being less polished as a result.

Adventure chads rise up. For too long we have been shitted on by e-celebs like cheater Jared. I guess the tables turned, huh?

A part of me wishes that they came up with the Cyborg Tails design presented in Lost world, and that Tails was a combination of Gamma and himself. As for Eggman, he woul just need to put on a jetpack and he's good to go, he already had a handgun in a cutscene in SA2, so that checks out.