Hop on Facebook

>"The Right"
Probably because they're all like 400 pounds

Why are the left so censorious and pushing people away?

It's sad the left are doing this and forcing the right to make their own groups now.

Attached: 1183.jpg (1216x937, 292K)

“Why” is a good question when everyone from Google to Facebook to YouTube is actively removing any right-from-center content creators from their websites. Facebook just purged a bunch of groups recently simply because they didn’t align with the company’s politics. Even if something like the OP was done in satire it’s going to be gone before the end of the month.

Maybe I should go on facebook because I could use a support group for people who hate right-wing gamers aka channers.

You think this is funny but basically 100% of the outlets are left leaning unless stated otherwise.
Less funny innit

please post screenshots of what goes on in there, user. I want a laugh

I want that elephant to fuck me in the ass

>hop on Facebook

Attached: 1378256145068.jpg (300x300, 24K)

>get mild toothache
>instantly get ads for my local dentist

Attached: 1541272228882.jpg (614x746, 148K)