Hop on Facebook

>hop on Facebook
>get this ad

What the fuck?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>an elephant

Yeah how did they fuck that part up?

cringe and onions

>browse your alt-right heroes on any website
>why am I getting this type of ad?

Zuckenberg had enough from judges and decided to become a bad guy.


>having a facebook account
should be an instant ban

Probably because it's the symbol of the republican party

>"The Right"
Probably because they're all like 400 pounds

Why are the left so censorious and pushing people away?

It's sad the left are doing this and forcing the right to make their own groups now.

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“Why” is a good question when everyone from Google to Facebook to YouTube is actively removing any right-from-center content creators from their websites. Facebook just purged a bunch of groups recently simply because they didn’t align with the company’s politics. Even if something like the OP was done in satire it’s going to be gone before the end of the month.

Maybe I should go on facebook because I could use a support group for people who hate right-wing gamers aka channers.

You think this is funny but basically 100% of the outlets are left leaning unless stated otherwise.
Less funny innit

please post screenshots of what goes on in there, user. I want a laugh

I want that elephant to fuck me in the ass

>hop on Facebook

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>get mild toothache
>instantly get ads for my local dentist

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American (((right))) uses an elephant as their symbol.

oh that makes sense

YouTube IS Google so the beginning of your post makes little sense.

Those aren't "real" groups, they're made by Russians with hijacked accounts who want to stir shit. They make caricatures of right wingers to make left wingers hate them, and vice versa.

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The brain scan worked well apparently

agreed, stay your tranny ass on facebook

Baby killers and homosexuals are mad lol

this looks like a community of angry cucks

I can't use facebook. I don't care about anybody.

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My biggest problems with right wing gaming journalism is it's just writing about left wing gaming journalism and whatever flavor of the month those faggots are crying about. Might as well just read the left wing gaming journalism with ad blocker and call them stupid myself...

Holy shit, some Russians just flew over my house. Someone please call Maxine Waters!

Unironically just joined. Pretty cool, thanks for the unintentional advert op.

I can recommend checking out their page. Like everything alt-righters do in earnest, it's prime cringe.

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That elephant is sexy

Im joining it right now. Thanks op.

>anime girl image
you know who is here

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Red hatter mad.

there are some russians in my fucking water supply

red wrists mad

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I bet they all play on Xbox like the faggots they are.

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>red wrists mad


>are you a $CONSUMER that has $OPINION? Come interact with other like-minded consumers of $PRODUCT

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Is there any rule 34 of the elephant?

based frog

Left wing gamers
>make games that weave their beliefs into their work

Right wing gamers
>don't create anything, bitch and moan on social media,

I hate leftoids but the difference between the two camps really speaks for itself

Sure, Night in the Woods may have been cringe, but at least the hambeasts who made it got off their asses and brought their vision to life. Can you say the same, user?

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I love that "alt-right" has become a shitlib marker

Jessica: 1
Right wing gamers: 0

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She's Unironically right though

>leftard gamers
>make games
Leftards dont make games they only steal and corrupt games to fit their propaganda and use it to appeal there kike masters and to subvert young minds


Where are the Accelerationist gamers?

>They don't make fames they make games

>its a huge conspiracy by the jew!

like cock work

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this is the only acceptable post
sage works in 2019

how does one "steal and corrupt" their own game? is it the lizard people?

Cringe. Leftards dont deserve safe spaces because they dont know realtea but the right needs a sanctuary away fron leftard rambling and cringe because its exuasting and we need our brain to be relaxed and ready

Learn to grammar

>it's hawd being a consewvative, I need a safe pwace away from aww dose mean wefties :(

Based and Jessicapilled.

>even using kikebook
get with the times grandpa

Do you love conservative gamer people?



Ah, so American cuckservatives at least have a cool, powerful animal backing them. Why did American lefties decide to pick a fucking donkey of all animals?

Seriously, this page is great in case you ever wonder what the people who make posts like yours, call people cucks or beanboys, post the dumb clown frog and so on look like. They're all there and it's quite a sight!

>All of these non-rising up Veronicas ITT

Uh, racist and sexist much?

>using kikebook in any capacity

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>log in after posting this
>first ad is for a dentist

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The most important thing to me about my friends is their political orientation
I have them take a quiz and if they do not share 95% pf my values theyre thrown out of the circle
Retaking the quiz yearly is mandatory

how do we deal with the extremists problem aka left and right wing retards?

I think the jackass is supposed to communicate a bucking of traditions or something like that.

I'm a nudist, but I don't go to a nudist colony because my hobby is being naked, not spending my time awkwardly hanging around people in the nude for no reason. I like games too, but I don't associate with video game clubs because hanging out with smelly losers isn't my hobby. I'm religious, but I don't go to church. I think you can guess why.

People often get confused about what they truly enjoy.

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Fragging noobs by day

Fragging Palestinians by night

>any right-from-center content creators
Cute persecution complex. These sites are notoriously lax in their moderation because they know they get shitloads of traffic from right wing nutters reading about how vaccines cause autism and Hillary and the DEMON RATS are eating babies in their underground pizzeria child sex dungeons. You have to be either way off the fringe or a huge notorious turbo-asshole for them to bite the bullet and actually ban you.

Well, it's not going to be a Donkey now, is it?

>hop on Facebook

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>I'm a nudist
>I'm religious
huh? also nobody wants to see your hairy asshole you "nudists" are disgusting

Nico, Nico, No.

But that term was coined and promoted by the alt-right to describe themselves.

This is the same kind of stupid bullshit as the gaymer expo from a while back.
Stop shoehorning your stupid bullshit into an unrelated hobby.

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Used by a small group, then the label was applied to a much larger range of people.

Because finding other right wing gamers on the internet is just too hard these days

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Except that group right there disproves your tinfoil hat theory. Only content creators that have openly racist, homophobic, and/or Nazi shit by themselves or most all their fanbase get purged. Funny enough, only right-wingers are into that kind of thing, so they claim discrimination.

Hybrid who also happens to be a genetic dead end.

Name one site besides Yea Forums

We have gamer groups for just about anything. Just look at the speed runners.

From my experience they mostly play Grand Strategy or historical multiplayers like Holdfast or Verdun.

just play historical games

>Jessica does the right thing and owns rightfags
Based af

The donkey was used to mock critics. At the time, those that were against Andrew Jackson called him a jackass. Jackson responded back by making an ass his party symbol.

>but lets not include anyone that triggers us
ah leftist stupidty. always a good laugh

Alt-right doesn't mean anything more than another dumb conservative, but one who is recruited by memes and a desire to spite the libs/mom rather than a traditional commitment and God. Ultimately you're the same but it's an accurate name for the product of a new fishing pool for dishonest reactionaries.

white supremacist gamers, white ppl should feel welcome there, probably already has millions of crackers in there screaming nigger

it means white supremacist

Sure but only because that's what all republicans are.

>Just look at the speed runners.

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>90% of Reddit
>Steam discussions
>Literally any other chan
>130% of gaming YouTube channels
>Literally any right wing echchambre forum

So hard

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BASED Jess btfoing republitards

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what's your definition of right?

cringe samefagging tranny

Holy shit that elephant makes my dick diamonds

where did his big elephant ears go
sure they couldn't have been tucked into the headphones

>political divide in USA is so great that you can't even play video games with people unless they vote the same party as you

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burger presence in mp games makes it particularly shit, but then again games where """toxicity""" is a common complaint tend to be garbage

how is a facebook page anyone can comment on, a safespace
lefties look so desperate attempting to ''no u'' our own slang

>can literally tell she's fat from the profile pic
also lol

What's green party's animal?

It's a group user. It's like saying Tumblr isn't a safespace because you can leave comments about how you love Trump and the BWC.


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I can already imagine all the Confederate flag avatars in that group

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>If you make fun of my safe space you're a tranny
You are litterally doing what sjws do. Replace tranny with nazi and there you go.

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