Ben is the worst. Maudlin, needy, utterly artificial. Every frame trap is just him oscillating between arrogance over his own "eloquence" and then extreme self consciousness, everything about his personality makes him a terrible host.
/EZA/ General
>no facts, all feelings
>no fun
>no passion
hope these niggas never pick Dragon Dogma to defend for hall of greats
Dragons dogma will never make it to hall of greats because nobody will ever not play safe as fuck bets other than don. There are plenty of zeldas, Mario’s, and final fantasies to go before anyone thinks about something else. You can’t win a spot in hall of greats right now with someone none of the group has played because everyone can’t present their piece worth a damn so it’s all based on everyone’s nostalgia/love for stuff they know deeply
Huber is the worst eza
why do I even watch these garbage opinions. I keep forgetting how basic these niggas are. For once in a frame trap, I would like to hear someone say "been playin crusader kings 2 this weekend". Guess I'm gonna listen to them talk about how much they love mario and crash
>theyre starting to realize they have to metagame it and get all the bullshit "classics" in before they can really bring the shit they actually like
Its sad to see Bosman realize this and give up on Megaman legends to push for more Mario
try out fancy fifteen, at least they play shit that isnt the most mainstream for a little bit, also you get to hear about Bosman fainting
He's not as bad as Ian but he keeps falling
>that "Vikings are the good guys 'pilaging' was just cultural exchange!' shit from a couple weeks back was absolutely mental
>that "Vikings are the good guys 'pilaging' was just cultural exchange!' shit from a couple weeks back was absolutely mental
I lost my shit at that, Huber's such an innocent little boy in an adult sized man.
Getting rid of alliances was a mistake.
absolutely, I can see the argument against them but adding a fun bit of intrigue to an ultimately meaningless little event is great and entertaining