/EZA/ General
It's a Ian is gone for the last month and it's been awesome episode.
/EZA/ General
It's a Ian is gone for the last month and it's been awesome episode.
Please keep this on /resetERA/
If only they could get rid of Ben as well
Nah, Ian is good. It's Been and Damiani that suck.
Based. Damiani is the only one I would truly like to just disappear. Or at least to never show his face on camera or his voice on mic ever again.
fuck off
It's not even Wednesday. Fuck off, newfag.
poor ben, he reminds me of that guy in high school that just wants to be part of all the topics and pretend to be so excited but it just seems forced. he's like anti-hype
Ian genuinely is fine even though he has his dumb moments, damiani is the one who just sucks the fun out of it.
Huber shitting up hall of greats yet again with his
>well that’s not the games fault it’s just you
Comeback. Damiani continues to suck the life out of anything he’s involved in
Ben is the worst. Maudlin, needy, utterly artificial. Every frame trap is just him oscillating between arrogance over his own "eloquence" and then extreme self consciousness, everything about his personality makes him a terrible host.
>no facts, all feelings
>no fun
>no passion
hope these niggas never pick Dragon Dogma to defend for hall of greats
Dragons dogma will never make it to hall of greats because nobody will ever not play safe as fuck bets other than don. There are plenty of zeldas, Mario’s, and final fantasies to go before anyone thinks about something else. You can’t win a spot in hall of greats right now with someone none of the group has played because everyone can’t present their piece worth a damn so it’s all based on everyone’s nostalgia/love for stuff they know deeply
Huber is the worst eza
why do I even watch these garbage opinions. I keep forgetting how basic these niggas are. For once in a frame trap, I would like to hear someone say "been playin crusader kings 2 this weekend". Guess I'm gonna listen to them talk about how much they love mario and crash
>theyre starting to realize they have to metagame it and get all the bullshit "classics" in before they can really bring the shit they actually like
Its sad to see Bosman realize this and give up on Megaman legends to push for more Mario
try out fancy fifteen, at least they play shit that isnt the most mainstream for a little bit, also you get to hear about Bosman fainting
He's not as bad as Ian but he keeps falling
>that "Vikings are the good guys 'pilaging' was just cultural exchange!' shit from a couple weeks back was absolutely mental
>that "Vikings are the good guys 'pilaging' was just cultural exchange!' shit from a couple weeks back was absolutely mental
I lost my shit at that, Huber's such an innocent little boy in an adult sized man.
Getting rid of alliances was a mistake.
absolutely, I can see the argument against them but adding a fun bit of intrigue to an ultimately meaningless little event is great and entertaining
>Videogames today are so much better than old ones
What is wrong with him?
Probably a graphicswhore. Isn't that why he hated playing on handhelds until the Switch came out?
He has a point though, mindlessly going "new game bad, old game good" is a mistake
Newer games have better graphics, more complexity, and greater freedom than older ones for the large part
Hurt me daddy.
I cannot stand this guy. He would literally shove shit in his mouth and hype it up. He's about as discerning as a man on a liter of absinthe.
Ben's moobs were very distracting on the latest Huber Syndrome.
Damiani makes me want to die.
Why does he host so many things? The fact that he's trying to improve makes it worse somehow.
It's like having an autistic kid trying to join in on your game, and he just doesn't get it, and he keeps trying, but you know he has no hope, and it's just very uncomfortable.
Ian is pretty good all things considered, but he does have bad moments.
That's like hating a dog. He's just happy to be alive and doing literally anything.
>Do you eat pussy Kyle?
Do you think Damiani feels good about himself for bringing easy picks that will win even if Bloodworth presented htem?
Bens a Lurch lookin' mother fucker aint he.
I really liked Brandon plays pokemon, seeing this like 30+ year old man play pokemon for the first time, but I just can't care about anything else they have to offer.
He's a big fetus.
>It's like having an autistic kid trying to join in on your game, and he just doesn't get it, and he keeps trying, but you know he has no hope, and it's just very uncomfortable.
I do think he genuinely is high functioning autistic.
>nintendo obsessed autist brings nintendo classics
He's bringing games he genuinely likes, what more do you expect from him?
>reduced number of guests on Frame Trap
>still 3-4 hours long
Kyle, are you okay?
Him playing a magical adult in a baby's body on Fiasconauts wasn't just a random thing. He's a giant baby man.
Most of EZA are in the 5'11" range, so Ben stands out at 6'.
The last 4 are the only ones I'm not as sure about. Opinions?
How do you want to start your video pham?
What makes you say that?
*mouth ticks intensify*
I'm not a girl, but Blood probably scores a lot of points for height, so maybe just behind Kyle.
Ian would be after Brad if he cut his hair.
Ben is above Damiani for sure.
Don's alright. Damiani at least dresses normally and not solely in Zelda tees. Blood needs to do something better with his hair considering the unfortunate balding. Ben just needs to lose 20 pounds.
They should at least get one other person in on these GoT discussions.
The mans a monkey but his positivity is addicting
Letting him review games is a huge mistake.
Damiani, despite being fat is a decent looking dude. Ben, despite being chubby, isn't really.
Ian and Huber are interchangeable, I'd say. Like you said Ian would look better if he didn't want to be a girl so badly.
Blood isn't ugly, he just kinda got fucked over by genetics. Being super tall, and super skinny already makes you look weird. Having long stringy hair makes him look like a wizard. I wonder what kind of haircut would help his look the most. Maybe full bald?
>full bald
On a literal skeleton? Doubtful. Maybe if he grew the just the chin part of his beard longer to compensate it would look alright.
This is a factor with many greatest of all time lists. It's hard to give too much weight to stuff that is on the newer side when there are dozens and dozens of games that have held up to a decade or more of scrutiny. I LOVE Dragon's Dogma but even I'd have a hard time voting for it over most of the classics because it does have some pretty major flaws.
I think the main issue with Hall of Greats is that they only add two games every three months and starting from scratch means there probably over 50 easy, must be on the list games to get through. I see two real options to change this if they wanted, either burn through a Hall of Greats vote monthly for a year or so, or come up with theme requirements like everyone has to bring RPGs for the month or something.
There would probably always be issues though. Even with a three month prep time Huber had no backup plan when someone else picked the same game so brought something less than a month old, really? Kyle's alliances with Don we're pretty dumb as it basically allowed him to bring obviously not top-tier games like Mega Man Legends over and over, while doing almost nothing for Don's meme games since he usually does a different one every time anyways. The one year ban is much more interesting when it can take effect, especially when it leads to something like Dark Souls getting killed. Not to mention we don't get presentations on the same game over and over with more bans.
At least it stays interesting some times. I still can't believe two Resident Evil games made it in during the same ceremony and Huber wasn't even there.
RIP Elyse, I'm glad she gets to work with her husband but every time I try to check out FunHaus she seems totally wasted on them.
Hopefully Rooster Teeth doesn't influence the Castlebeast guys.