How did a game like this fail?
Did blizz fire every employee after launch?
How did a game like this fail?
they were actively killing their own game
Cute butthole
me on the right, dripping wet and ready to go
Two things, lack of proper attention to game balancing and appealing to assorted minority groups and socjus advocates instead. Oh and the actual talent left Blizzard YEARS ago, now.
what the fuck user i didnt want to masturbate tonight
the porn wasn't advertising for the game, the game was advertising for the porn
It’s boring as fuck when played solo.
>choke point choke point choke point
Even the girls have choke points
blizz died when metzen left
They destroyed their own game
Overwatch during launch was perfect
Then they fucked it up by screwing around with everyone's kits that it became an absolute clusterfuck of a mess, even going so far to COMPLETELY CHANGE a kit and make a character completely different just because casuals couldn't counter something because their pea-sized brains can't comprehend actually switching to a hard-counter hero mid-match.
Also incredibly slow updates. Yeah Heroes are nice but we got like... 4 heroes in 3 years. New skins are abysmal and absolutely not worth the 3k gold. It's obvious everyone competent in the art design team have left Overwatch team a long time ago. Also the events are a joke -- literally rehashed and repeated events over and over again
Blizz shot themselves in the foot.
A few beers and arcade mode make it -almost- palatable. I bought it way back at $60 and have been trying to get my money's worth of fun ever since
still playing, still having fun
>Overwatch during launch was perfect
MOBA syndrome - went through so many changes people simply lost interest.
Most new characters were overpowered on release or got buffed into a nonsensical OP state so older characters like Rhein started struggling because they just got punched around like a pinball.
It suffers from Blizzard's modern design philosophies where they try to cater to the lowest common denominator.
>Oh, players would feel bad if other people could see their score, better hide that
>Oh, players are upset about toxic players, better dedicate fifteen billion resources to moderation
>Oh, having limited ammo would be too complicated for the modern player, better get rid of that
>Oh, players who can't aim or don't have good reflexes would feel bad if they tried to play, better add heroes catering to them
>Oh, having community servers would mean the game wouldn't be under our absolute control, better get rid of that
People got of the game and Blizzard trying to advertise it with porn didn't last forever.
It unironically was. Remember when D.Va was actually useful? Or Reinhardt? Or literally every character worked in a comp no matter what the meme pick of the day was.
Hell, Symmetra, one of the most useless characters in current Overwatch was incredibly fucking powerful in the right hands of an actual skilled player. Now you just get fucking reported for picking Symmetra.
>people actually thought this would be the TF2 killer
oh no no no no
Fundamentally flawed game design. The biggest mistakes are Damage to enemies charges ultimate meter, Healing on allies charges ultimate meter, and tanks are too good at protecting allies.
That 1 design decision fuels the stale pace of organized play, which is "we're going to sit behind shields and poke each other until we can do a massive ult-splosion." It feels pretty stupid to have the stakes of a minutes long match decided by the few-second interaction between 10 ultimates near the end.
It had the potential to be if it wasn't run by Blizzard
they wanted the E-sports audience
well they have it with only 7 viable heroes.
Blizzard should just focus on making high quality porn shorts instead of their pixar wannabe shit.
By pretending the game is perfect as is, par for the course for Blizzard.
Blizzard doesn’t admit mistakes or problems and would rather wallow in their own farts than face the fact that there are fundamental changes and improvements they could make throughout the whole experince. The love pretending to be right.
I think the main problem is ults just being too good in general. Too many of them are I Win buttons, whereas the closest comparable thing in TF2 (Ubers) are only as effective as the players who use them are
No dude
>blizzard tried to force compmemetive OW scene
>starts balancing around it
>keeps giving and taking away game modes
>its gotten so bad that kaplan outright added a way so people can make their own modes
>tells them "well then do it yourself!"
>wonders why people think the game is shit
>TF2 just keeps on going and the community never really dies because none of these issues exist
It's really just the porn and girls come for anymore.
>pretty much all of the top players left tf2 for overwatch, and when overwatch turned out to be shit they just quit gaming
it still hurts, banny's only going to last so long, once he dies the competitive scene will fall apart.. or at least become competitive again because froyo will stop fucking stomping everyone
Trying to control the meta never ends well because people want to find new ways to play, not be forced to play something they are not good at.
Roles are fine, but there is a difference between having characters tailor made to ease people into a given game, and making sure there is only one way to play until the devs decide to make the one character you like viable for a short while.
On the other side of that, pushing the esports angle made every tryhard under the sun flock to it and bitch and moan whenever people don't follow the correct way to play as dictated by tryhards and streamers.
Also, making the game as bland and inoffensive as can be.
>Trying to control the meta never ends well because people want to find new ways to play, not be forced to play something they are not good at.
Works for LoL
The reason it works for everyone but Blizzard is that they aren’t afraid of admitting that they’re wrong. Other developers aren’t afraid to try shit and say “oops, sorry! Our bad” if it turns out to break the game. Meanwhile Blizzard takes months to patch a 1-second cooldown change
Riot shits out patches like there is no tomorrow.
Blizzard shits the bed and then never changes the sheets, brigitte was busted for months.
Honestly they had a great thing but they ruined it and lost the interest of the normies after a year or so. Too much rebalancing, too little actual meaningful content being released. I enjoyed the game but really its pretty shallow. Everyone moved onto the battle royale hype.
>they don't know
Overwatch is about to have a second wave or a huge return.
They added some new tech in the ptr giving players a way to make very unique custom games.
It's already been a week and the first groundings of a fucking moba are already made in overwatch. There is even a battle royal function to put.
They mad something quite unique. It came out less than a week. I can't imagine what a month with it will look like.
>less depth than TF2
>no mod and community tools which is the reason why TF2 lasted so long
>updates rarely introduced new maps or game modes, only focusing on churning out cosmetics and occasionally a hero
>blizzard kept trying to force it as an esport and balanced around that alone, balance changes kept screwing with and outright changing heroes all the time usually for the worse
>blizzard wants to be the thought police to make sure no feefees ever get hurt
Waifus were literally the only thing keeping it alive
Aren't they trying to censor/shutdown the porn?
why the fuck would you put moles on a pretend character
They went too hard with the professional esports garbage. Every class update/Nerf or new character revolves around what 50 Koreans do when no one is watching.
Bleeding tranny gashes aren't "dripping and ready to go"
I liked the game but you need to stop lieing to yourself. Nobody is going to play the game again over a stupid gimmick like that its already too late.
I know that porn artist. His Widowmaker stuff is his best work IMO. Haven't played Overwatch though.
>TF2 just keeps on going
heck no
It has the worst and strictest meta I've seen
complete garbage
Anyone ever think of the person who writes this post? Like how mentally fucked in the head they must be?
You're limited by what the workshop allows you to do and the confines of the space limits of it.
It's not nearly the same as real mod support. Fun to make minigames in but you will reach the limits trying to do anything more advanced in it.
So they don't look plastic. Pretty much everyone irl has a couple moles.
keep deluding yourself
Probably about 40%
TF2 is dead also valve drone. Try going into an anti epic thread to get some steam bucks and Gabe cum.
>TF2 is dead says increasingly nervous chink for the 50th time
only ugly white girls who have shit asses anyway.
Cartoon porn isn't supposed to be bogged down by real world shit.
Every character seemed good because nobody knew how to play the game back then. I do miss the old roadhog and sym though
I heard about that but I haven't had a chance to play with it yet because fuck installing PTR.
HOWEVER, can someone answer me this. In that custom games editor can you make it have pick up weapons on certain spots on the ground like a classic arena shooter?
i.e.: everyone starts with say, sombras SMG. Scattered around the map are different weapons like Soldiers AR, Pharah's rocket launcher, Roadhog's shotgun, etc. And everyone plays it like Quake, running around trying to get the power weapons.
Is that sort of thing possible with the new editor?
>still in the top 10 most actively played games on steam after TWELVE (12) years
Fuck off blizzshill.
I wish I could sell my copy. What a fucking waste of money.
I would suggest DoA then, since you seem to like barbie dolls.
>talking about valve
>instantly mentions chink... In a fucking overwatch thread
Are valve drones this fucking stupid? Go ahead moron post Winnie the pooh and a tank about to run a "I sect" over. Fucking retards.
>spend five minutes playing a character in overwatch
>know literally everything they can and can't do and all that's left to gain skill in is basic aim and macro strategy
This is the problem and you all know it
There's no way to make a character you don't enjoy enjoyable
There's almost no room to improve at a specific character you like
It's just click on the bad guys and hit Q at the right time while hoping your teammates do the same
>remembering road hog actually punnished scrubs out of place.
Out of all the characters road hog was not need of any changes imo.
When's the last time you played it moron? Pop in a game and see your 3rd world fan base lmao.
I'd suggest the dairy isle since you seem to like cottage cheese asses
>old roadhog
Single-handedly carrying a game felt so good
partake in coitus
Ubercharges aren't even comparable because if a medic dies the charge is lost, and killing the guy they're pocketing often means the medic is probably going to die soon too.
I want to see them poop
>shield meta
killed it for me
In typical Activision fashion, they went the greed route (Overwatch League, Tokens, Skins,) instead of fixing the game and providing more lore.
>anyone that doesn't hate TF2 is a pcbro
>in a fucking overwatch thread
Shouldn't you be eating a cat or something instead of shitposting
Where are you from?
>If I don't play it then nobody does!
By what metric has it failed? It's a garbage game but I can't think of how it has been a failure.
>How did a game like this fail?
What is your definition of fail? The game sold insanely well and made a ton of money. It just didn't have the long term success Blizzard wanted it to.
It’s what made the game popular even on Yea Forums they probably made insane amount of premade post so people talk about that fucking game.
I remember when Yea Forums was flooded by them and mostly about shitty waifu, a lot of porn was already made that was insane.
I can’t believe that each user was trying to create each post to talk about his waifu, i’m sure that most of them were premade posts made by bots with few bots putting some responses to animate then some retards were keeping those posts alive by answering too.
Anonymity tends to bring out the most shameless impulses in people. That's the nature of websites like this. Stop being so new next time.
I still play and have a good time. Also fun when you want to fuck around since this game has some of the angriest people on the planet playing competetive
>They mad something quite unique.
>a fucking moba
>even a battle royal
WOW!!!!! SO UNIQUE!!!!
It's obvious that Blizzard themselves are behind the porn shilling as it made the game popular.
dripping and ready to go dilate
Been here since 06 faggot. If you don't know what I was trying to do kys.
Halo Reach launched like 10 years ago.
Had a campaign
Had multiple game modes that dealt in both TDM and objectives, sometimes both.
Custom lobbies
Overwatch launched about 3 years ago
No story mode to speak of in a game that's supposedly lore heavy.
No custom game lobbies
No modes outside of casual and competitive.
The fact people played for this half baked game (myself included) proves that these live service games are rarely expanded upon once they got your money.
post more brappers
>Been here since 06 faggot.
Me too. Let's fuck.
Diversity termites, once they burrow their way in and make a nest, its gg.
As a Mei main who shat on people completely without the use of m1 (unless I wanted to farm a Roadhog for easy ult charge by purposefully letting him heal up) I will never, ever get how people had such difficulties with the old Roadhog. I would just throw up a wall between my team mate and Roadhog. It would catch the team mate and stop the hook from pulling them into a dangerous position. I could left shift to waste your hook, m1 you and just sit there spamming headshots and then go wipe your team with the ultimate you had just single handedly charged for me. Roadhog got ass fucked by any half way decent Mei player. I don't understand why he got nerfed. Now he's dog shit. Not a fan of any of the character additions after Ana either. Jesus christ they have no idea what they're doing.
/thread Even Notch spanks to Overwatch porn
What do the devs and people working on the game even do?
If we're going to compare it with a game like Fortnite that has successfully manage to keep players and just growing because they constantly keep adding new content and stuff to the game.
But with overwatch they barely do anything, what do the devs do all day working?
I mostly have Sombra pics right now
There was no Ranked in launch Overwatch so no one fucking cared. You could go 6x torbjorn in QP just for laughs because it wasnt really esports based yet.
Anyone with a brain dropped it when Mercy was buffed to be stronger than all the healers combined and not having her in competitive was a detriment to the team as a whole and a guaranteed loss. T. salty zen main who reached master
I'm a hog main and he's solid if you know what you're doing. I terrorise teams with the flank hog but you're right it takes a lot to get kills with him
The 3D modelers make new skins and cosmetics
Everyone else does hookers and blow
fart in each other's mouths
I thought blizzard mostly outsourced their event skins to other studios now
It was a shit game that people only played because it was a new Blizzard game. If it was actually any good it'd still have players instead of people flocking to the newest popular thing.
>pick anyone but the 7 meta heroes in the game
>people will bitch and throw games if you do
t. bitter silver player
You guys have said OW has been dead for years at this point.
That'd do, good man
like mobas.
>blizz doesn't release player count for WoW or OW. heh really makes you think
maybe in bronze where you're at buddy
It does still have players though.
Is a game only successful if it's the unrivaled most popular thing in the entire world by your standards?
The root problem of that is countering. They want people to keep swapping and counter the enemies heros and to make them all somehow viable for that is to make them easy to play even if you just have 20 minutes played with them. In general it's just bad design because people just want to play heros they like to play and not what the game tells you to play.
Makes sense. It's the most plausible outcome
Don't know. Thought they did it there from last I heard
Widowmaker is still the hottest character I've fapped to next to that VR Alexstrasza pov
How the fuck do you know blizzdrone?
The real reason is the SJW heavy bullshit they were forced to listen and enact rules in their game that often fucks over the average gamer just for having a bit of banter
The same bullshit happened to Riot games but they are being eaten alive because their company has a lot of "sexist shit" in the warped lefties eyes
I wish these companies would just do what they did best and make their video games better, instead they bend the knee to these leftist warped fucked and ruin it for everyone
Yes user its because you can't say nigger without eating a ban.
Are you asserting that overwatch has 0 players?
Honestly people have said the same thing about TF2 while both games have had a large enough impact to never really disappear
Yes Overwatch "failed" and you are not delusional.
you sound like an immature spazz. just because you're being stopped from being a racist lunatic doesn't mean companies are bending knees
Slippery slope
More and more words get shoved into that autoban filter, you can't even say cancer on LoL anymore
>thread is still up
It should have 0 players.
No depth right out of the gate. Only ass.
Slippery slope is a fallacy because nigger is hardly some hot new buzzword. Go play something else if it makes you that assblasted.
>blizzdrones are this delusional
>rock papers scissors
garbage game
unpopular opinion: 90% of overwatch sfm sucks
sfm that has like a final creampie or cumshot are rare af
Sometimes I like the freedom to be a dick in a game, mutes and chat filters do exist and always did
But no, it's not enough, so we have to dish out the hardest of bans to the people who let the N or F word slip
But people who actively seek out to ruin other peoples games by clearly throwing, that's A-okay and we shouldn't give these people a punishment even though all they do is force people to sperg out and say the N or F word
Yeah, I wish they moved plot and hed her on a revenge mission against Talon...
t. ranny
I hope if they ever decide to make a sequel they will redesign and make it like how most MOBA's tackle this. Make every hero in their respective role viable in every situation by adding depth to their characters so everyone can just pick the heros they find fun to play instead of being forced to play characters they dont like.
sfm has never been good.
I will never understand how people find it hot to see dicks and another man banging a girl.
Looks like everyone already did lol
Overwatch is a curious case of releasing a decent fame and then doing literally everything (and i do mean EVERYTHING) wrong since
It's just like Hearthstone
y-you have my attention
My nigga
compa is so fucking pure
you poor guy, it's okay to play user it's still fun. there there.
played it a few times today and easily joined a full server filled with new and old players all having fun
i also had fun
all my criteria are met
not the guy you replied to btw
That skin texture looks weird as fuck, like an old leather car seat
I guess the jannies can't tell theres a vagina in the OP image from the thumbnail.
>Overwatch is about to have a second wave or a huge return
No community servers
No mods, plugins or anything
No workshop
Custom game modes are already in the game as drop-down menus, and nobody plays them but people ERPing
Every map is still horrendous
Heroes keep getting dumbed down so they exist in limbo of niche-but-useless
Game's lore is rank piss
Ranked mode is literal rank piss
the only thing mentioned here that they did right is ammo, there is no good reason for ammo management besides reloading in a hero shooter
>muh SJW boogeyman
>throwing a fit because you can't say nigger online
Can you not go there please?
>SJWs arent real
Still doing that "repeat a lie enough times" tactic?
>40-60 dollar game with lootboxes
>Not only that but there are F2P games that get more updates/events
>Release maybe 2 heroes a year, while other games are doing several
>Already start repeating abilities and mechanics just slightly tweaked only after a few new heroes
It's boring man, that's just it.
DOTA/League survive because they have literally 100+ characters to play, and even with how copy/paste League is, it has more variety overall than OW.
Doesn't help that the original push for diversity wasn't enough, people swallowed that but then they just had to keep piling it on, while also barely providing any content for people to do.
You have no idea how game design works or why people choose the design choices they do. You're embarrassing yourself.
Also it's not like Overwatch is completely dead. It only looks that way because it's being put up against the current flavor of the month battle royale genre games. It outlived its actual competition like Batteborn, Lawbreakers, and Paladins.
I want them to take turns sitting on my face while they fuck black guys. Is that too much to ask for?
Not saying SJWs aren't real, I'm saying they are not responsible for everything bad happening to you. Not saying nigger online is not SJW, it's common sense (except for maybe incel nazis).
>enter thread in hopes of a quick overwatch fap to some webms
>thread is full of argument and discussion
Fuck off
>warped lefties eyes
>bend the knee to these leftist warped fucked
It's pretty sad how brainwashed you are.
That's a pretty shit opinion, nigger. Only someone who is in fact a nigger would get upset at reading the word or even hearing it. Don't bother insisting otherwise, I know you don't go outside because your fake vagina would let your insides fall out.
To be fair, even if the game lost its momentum, and may be on its last legs, I'm pretty sure it already turned decent profit to Blizzard, so they aren't really pressured to try really hard to keep it alive, they already have your money. What do they care if you actually play the game or not.
The fact that it was alive for this long at all, and people buy lootboxes is more of a welcome surprise.
>can you not?
fuck you
>tfw raided by resetera again
Shields in general suck, shooting at shields is not fun.
>That's a pretty shit opinion, nigger. Only someone who is in fact a nigger would get upset at reading the word or even hearing it.
>I know you don't go outside
this couldn't possibly be more ironic
>The same bullshit happened to Riot games but they are being eaten alive because their company has a lot of "sexist shit" in the warped lefties eyes
I dunno man farting in female employees face sounds pretty sexist to me
I tried playing it again during the latest event. I played the new PvE mode in both versions and while decent, it's just really short and haven't played since the second day of the event. So far this year they've added a new map and character, with another map on the way, but that's still too little. I understand it all takes time, but the game is just starved of content.
>someone who thinks saying nigger in public is socially acceptable is lecturing someone about going outside more
You are so fucking retarded, lmao
To expand on this
>changed one character entirely 3 times, barely resembling the original
>constant nerfs on nerfs on nerfs, but rarely fixing the "we have to wait for the enemy to burn their win button" stage of the game
>new heroes shift meta, but lack of new maps and especially gametypes plus nerf train after release of new content leads to long term stagnation and boredom
>events are few and fare between, and are often left without for long periods, extra modes are only temporary and gone too fast, meaning the same old gametypes are all you have to play
>claims to have rich story, but lacka any singleplayer or mission based multiplayer, despite showing clear evidence they can make it, instead just act as a skin factory
Overwatch had all the potential to be good, but squandered it all for the sake of lootboxes, esports and good publicity, leading to apathy and boredom
It was built for success and made to die
Not into pregnant fucking, but VGE is a saint doing what some other animators are prudent to do.
Anyhow, i never touched the game for a single second because of how boring it looked, like most MOBAs
This is the only correct answer. Overwatch was never meant to be a lasting game, once they have your money, they simply don't care anymore. Yeah, skins WERE the plan to keep it up but that flopped as well since nobody buys this shit anymore, hence all the focus shifting to OWL. Overwatch is your typical minimum viable project game disguised as a waifu bait, fuck Blizzard
Ye because i wanna see
>faggot76 nail genji in the ass.
>Junkrat sucking on roadhogs dick.
>Reinhard dominante torbjorn
>Bastion rape dva's mech
This is what happens when kiddies raised on XBL found out that they could get banned.
Yea Forums once again proving it has some of the lowest IQ people on this site.
>No custom game lobbies
>No modes outside of casual and competitive.
It has both of these.
>No story mode to speak of in a game that's supposedly lore heavy.
That is a gaming norm nowadays, because most people only care about the multiplayer. Campaigns aren't worth the investment.
Halo Reach also didn't get consistent updates and new content every few months for several years.