well it hasn't been updated in a year, because the managers thought they should wait until after a fetus to poll, then they lost
Yea Forums is playing in the Spring Babby in a few weeks...
Brandon Adams
Luke Sanchez
>because the managers thought they should wait until after a fetus to poll then they lost
the absolute state of those """managers""". Why aren't they sacked?
Aiden Flores
Why the fuck isn't dabbing ps whirrrr dude not on the team?????
Alexander Sullivan
because despite Yea Forums being a top 3 board for traffic, they've never really cared about the cup
Chase Martin
I guess I can see that, Yea Forums's really not good at anything.
Zachary Parker
Did my part.
Nicholas Perez
If the person who asked why Leon is in there twice is still here, the reason being is my incompetence.
Samuel Jenkins
needs more promotion.
Juan Morris
Elijah Smith
You know who would reee about it. fucking frog and pepe posters wont allow fun. Mods dont help either