Yea Forums is playing in the Spring Babby in a few weeks...

Yea Forums is playing in the Spring Babby in a few weeks. most of the roster is hopelessly outdated so use this to vote for the new Yea Forums roster.

Attached: v scores on b.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

please don't suck this time

no promises :^)

no era penal

Bring back Gabe Newell

Has there been any work on aesthetics for the team? A lot of other teams have been scrambling to get something for 18.

We plan to once the roster is finalized

Done, maybe this year I will actually watch it.

Attached: ABANDON ALL DELUSIONS OF CONTROL.webm (852x480, 2.89M)

the absolute state of this "roster"

Attached: Roster.png (634x409, 33K)