Elder scroll


this but make it like Morrowind where nothing is handed to your character for free, everything has to be earned and the reward actually matters

>What do you expect
Shitty bugs
Unpolished content
Completely unwarranted praise
Shit writing
6 voice actors
bad combat
shill threads on Yea Forums

>welcome to the inventor's guild guarborn, for your first quest go fetch the satchel i forgot in that zombie dungeon

want game good
expect game bad

I expect the same exact shitty outdated engine from Skyrim and Fallout 4

They're literally gunna pull a Fallout 76 on Skyrim and call it a day
just you fuckin watch

>better main quest, branching story, choices with consequences
>better combat, both mellee and magic
>interesting setting

>meh main quest, some branching quests, mostly no impactful choices
>better combat than skyrim, but still shit by today's standards
>bland characters
>bland setting


Have sex.

dwemer power armour
redguard protagonist
it just works [lies]
bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs
paid "mods"
todd please just don't touch the cs

The chance of good combat of any kind is lower than the chance of them releasing a game that isn't a buggy mess.