>No SMT music
>No SMT spirits
>No SMT to be seen at all...
See you at E3 ho

Jack bros should have gotten in. :(

Shgfgsxxhfld Xfghuilsd, hsjjfxclop! ~

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I blame equally Atlus and Sakurai since they admitted he personally requested Joker since he's a fanboy of P5.
This is just beyond disgusting, makes me wonder genuinely about the state of SMTV at this point.

At least you're not a persona 2 cuck like me

>"Persona 5 represents Shin Megami Tensei"
>not a single reference to SMT anywhere in the actual game
>not even a spirit
>not even a throwaway cameo on the stage


>Nintendo describes Persona as a spin off of SMT and that SMT is a franchise that has had a long history with Nintendo
>SMT 5 still a dangling thread for Nintendo

Nah, I'm thinking he's in.

>long history with nintendo
>picks the spinoff with the long history at SONY instead
Thanks alot Sakurai..

>SMT even has more story to do with Nintendo than fucking Persona
>Not even one fucking sliver of reference

It's the kind of thing that makes me kind of wonder if Square Enix would even care about Dragon Quest as a series overall and really just trash any sort of nostalgia ridden fantasy for the sake of current modern era protagonists. But we really should have seen it coming given Sakurai got hasty himself over Joker in particular, I really doubt he has played the SMT series or even touched upon it, given Persona is the more exposed series as of this time.