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Other urls found in this thread:


our boy got cheated, I really dont like joker

Is he really not even a spirit? What the fuck, man.

Jack Frost is the best

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Give me 326 maccas.



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I don't play any Atlus games, but I've always been familiar with Jack. Didn't know Joker until he was revealed. I thought it was the Batman Joker at first.

>not eve part of joker moveset
>not even a spirit
>not a single SMT music track

Fuck Atlus and fuck shitsona

>No SMT music
>No SMT spirits
>No SMT to be seen at all...
See you at E3 ho

Jack bros should have gotten in. :(

Shgfgsxxhfld Xfghuilsd, hsjjfxclop! ~

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I blame equally Atlus and Sakurai since they admitted he personally requested Joker since he's a fanboy of P5.
This is just beyond disgusting, makes me wonder genuinely about the state of SMTV at this point.

At least you're not a persona 2 cuck like me

>"Persona 5 represents Shin Megami Tensei"
>not a single reference to SMT anywhere in the actual game
>not even a spirit
>not even a throwaway cameo on the stage


>Nintendo describes Persona as a spin off of SMT and that SMT is a franchise that has had a long history with Nintendo
>SMT 5 still a dangling thread for Nintendo

Nah, I'm thinking he's in.

>long history with nintendo
>picks the spinoff with the long history at SONY instead
Thanks alot Sakurai..

>SMT even has more story to do with Nintendo than fucking Persona
>Not even one fucking sliver of reference

It's the kind of thing that makes me kind of wonder if Square Enix would even care about Dragon Quest as a series overall and really just trash any sort of nostalgia ridden fantasy for the sake of current modern era protagonists. But we really should have seen it coming given Sakurai got hasty himself over Joker in particular, I really doubt he has played the SMT series or even touched upon it, given Persona is the more exposed series as of this time.

>smt threads are now ssb threads

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>>Nintendo describes Persona as a spin off of SMT
of course nintendo would say that because they dont have persona
the fact is persona is the main series now and where most of the budget goes

Seriously this generic anime boy is boring as fuck

Stop talking about Smash and post cute demons instead

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No, post your favorite demon design instead fuckers.

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Cute mommy

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where the HEE-HO is he sakurai

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Metatron sucks

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>All these delicious tears over Joker
I grow more powerful from your despair

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Can I get a hee to the ho?

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Have you even played his game?

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No you

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Yup, and around 15 other MT games as well. I still think the anger is hilarious.

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Cool dlc pack you got there bro
*ignores it and waits for the next one*

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Stop being a faggot and post a demon

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Frankly it had almost everything I wanted out of the Joker pack, so I'm more than happy. I just wish they'd have included at least one P1+2 song, or an SMT track if I'm being honest.

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Why does every Nintendo/Atlus crossover suck so hard?

I won't stop gloating but I will post demons

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Fuck off consolewarrior.

Smashfags are literally the worst,I hope one day all this faggotry will just end for good

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It's for the best. Imagine the audience that Smash Bros would have brought to SMT. Persona acts as the perfect normalfag lightning rod.

Good, I don't like composite characters that consist of two or more characters. Joker only exposes Sakurai's bias and spares Jack from being a half-assed cameo. And he's a swordsman with a gun and a counter. One pack ignored, four to go.

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I just find it funny that it triggers so many people who don't care about Smash

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pick one

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Why did you remove Raiho's clothes?

I'm just tired of 24/7 smashautism,and everyone who participate in it

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I don't know.

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>a counter.
Actually 2
Outside of TMS and Persona in smash, what else? Honestly with just looking at persona, they did a good job, it's just the greater franchise that got neglected which causes issues.

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As someone who likes Smash and SMT and likes Joker just fine, it can admittedly be a little annoying sometimes when I go into a thread like this thinking it'd be a fun little SMT thread only to get people mostly complaining about Smash Bros instead.

Then again, a lot of SMT threads have people complaining about something one way or another, so I guess I'm not sure why I ever expect anything different.

SMT? Persona's spin-off?

>a lot of SMT threads have people complaining about something
Yes, something related to the games. Not a fan-service platform entirely and completely unrelated to SMT.

Haha mad

Well we haven't had a game in a while. I loved Apoc, but the teaser for V really got my blood pumping, and it's been two years since that was announced, with little new information to sate my growing hunger.

Meanwhile, normies eat up the continued P5 shilling, and will continue to do so until even they grow to despise the characters, just like they did with P4. It's a cycle that is associated with the ignored and far superior series, and we as fans can't really do much about it other than wait and seethe about no info for our new game.

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>he sacrificed himself to kill erdrickfags

I got a boner making them my minions

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Stick my dick in that

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Be my demon.


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Anyway,why every ending in IV was so underwhelming ? In Law you create a perfect messianic society,but since archangels and Flynn are gone it's just a matter of time before everything will just begin anew,In Neutral no problems are actually solved and inevitable Mikadian-Tokyoite conflict will bring bloodshed once again,In Chaos you don't even create a free society,but become the most powerful warlord on ruins of both Mikado and Tokyo,with rest of your "rule" being trying to secure your position instead of actually improving the life of the people,and the White is just the White,it sucks even on conceptual level

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>stay up until 10AM doing nothing but fusing and recruiting demons to satiate my autism
These games fill a niche for me like no other.
We're probably not going to hear shit until they're closer to completion.
And then there's a chance that they may just yank our chains and just do announcement of announcement shit during the marketing.
I just want news.

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>As someone who likes Smash and SMT and likes Joker just fine, it can admittedly be a little annoying sometimes when I go into a thread like this thinking it'd be a fun little SMT thread only to get people mostly complaining about Smash Bros instead.
Joker details JUST came out last night and Jack Frost wasn't part of the moveset. To the uninformed, yeah they might think it was an SMT thread but I think almost everyone knew what was up

I remember someone once saying to me that each MegaTen game caters to a specific niche, which I can completely agree with. That said, what is it, exactly, about Persona 3-5 that appeals so much to the general crowd?
I mean, it still has stuff going on in it like slaying gods and an interconnected multiverse. The whole game still revolves around summoning mythological figures from various religious pantheons and stories to do combat, just like any other SMT game. But what is it about modern Persona that just “clicks” with, well, normies?

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Mostly music and social stuff

>But what is it about modern Persona that just “clicks” with, well, normies?
Anime females with tiddies

I expected a costume at least, but it seems that Persona is being considered as something entirely different from SMT in Smash.

They try to be more lighthearted than a regular SMT game mostly. I mean, compare Nocturne and P4 for example. I love Nocturne, but goddamn I am not surprised that it didn't do well. That game is borderline built to drive away normalfags.

>That game is borderline built to drive away normalfags.
i don't see a problem with that tho, fuck friendship

>each MegaTen game caters to a specific niche, which I can completely agree with
Huh. I genuinely enjoy every MegaTen game I played (but P5)

The endings in IV are pretty much shit yeah. Don't understand what they were thinking.

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I wish I can have fullfilling life like Yu's where I could help people and make friends.

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From what I remember the initial release didn't do so well either.
Well what else do you expect when parts of the original scenario had to be removed

>i don't see a problem with that tho
Well the problem is that the game won't sell well, and the one about friendship will do better. Sales matter, after all.


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>They try to be more lighthearted than a regular SMT game mostly.
Would Raidou (or the devil summoner games in general) appeal to the general public?
Feels like it.

I want a pixie wife

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graphics. that's what fits with the bigger, casual audience. can't say anything about their difficulty since i never played it, but i doubt it's too hard, otherwise it wouldn't be so popular.


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I would kill for ports of the ps2 megaten games for switch. I just wanna play raidou and digital devil saga on a portable device.

Also, SMTV news when.

Punished Hee-Ho: A Mascot Denied His Representation

>PS1/Saturn games got PSP or 3DS ports
>entire DS library got enhanced ports for megaten
>meanwhile we only have shitty PS3 emulation for most PS2 games
Even Persona's on the same boat, and you need a Vita for the enhanced version of one of the popular entries.
I guess it won't make enough money for them to bother, but it's not like they have to really do the porting themselves, most remasters/port collections are done by some other developer (though that has its own issues in terms of problems that appear in that specific port)

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omp omp omp

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>he's in every SMT game and every Persona game, anyone who played one of either would know him

It really feels deliberate, like Sakurai did not care about anything from 5 that wasn't the main characters.

Persona 5 has multiple upcoming projects, user. It feels deliberate because it is, on both Nintendo's side and Atlus'

he's coming, dlc pack 2 tie in with smtv when it releases 2021

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I know it’s just a small sample size, but based one everyone’s responses here, what I’m seeing as the recipe for modern Persona’s success is
>nice graphics and visuals
>great music
>friendship (i.e. generally lighter and softer stories and settings)
>waifu pandering
>social links and the sort of VN approach in general
>difficulty generally being a little more in the forgiving side
Is that about right?

I’m in a similar boat lol. I’ve enjoyed just about each MegaTen game I’ve touched, outside of modern Persona itself. It’s bot even that I dislike the games by any means. I just really dislike the calendar system. :/

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Those projects have Personas at least, this only has the one.

That's a shame, I've played around 20 MT games and P5 is my favorite

...What? Dude, all the upcoming P5 projects will have both Joker and Arsene, so what is this even a complaint about.

With an s, yeah, you don't just play through with Arsene. Like I said, him not using anything else here feels like they didn't want to include anything older than 3.

>Like I said, him not using anything else here feels like they didn't want to include anything older than 3.
They haven't included anything older than 3 since references in 3. This isn't new to Smash Bros dude

>atlus still cares about sm....

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I don’t think I’m being fair to the games lol. I really think I should give things another go. I stopped playing Persona 3 just moments before the first major boss. Arcana Hermit, I think? The whole city is in a blackout as a frame of reference

Personally, I found P3 a little hard to get into. I'd recommend starting with P4 Golden if you can. I did that, then P5, P1, P2IS+EP, then P3. Also if you like the old MT titles then you'll probably enjoy P1+P2

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it's over bros....we lost....

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Maybe nocturne should've sold millions and this future would've been averted

Where did they say that Persona 5 represents Shin Megami Tensei in Smash Ultimate?

I don't get it.

Oh my god I love mothman

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Ugly and stupid.

he's quoting people who claimed p5 would also rep smt in smash

In the initial press release for Joker it mentions that Persona is a spinoff of the SMT series and all that jazz


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People threw that out as an explanation for him, like he was Megaten's Cloud.

Problem is he actually was like Cloud.

yes and?

I just wanna fuck demons because they're superior

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But persona q 2...

>Persona is being considered as something entirely different from SMT in Smash
As someone who doesn't follow Persona/SMT or whatever, I thought that was the case.
Is Persona just a SMT spin-off or something?

>counter down-b
>instead of a chargeable Zelda's Armor-type down-b that goes from Jack Frost -> Black Frost -> King Frost
>Joker casts Eiga instead of literally any demon that could learn it

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I want Asherah to sit on my face

Yes although Persona basically uses the same concepts that SMT put into place, and they're both urban fantasies. Not having anything from SMT is I think dishonest for that reason.

It really just seems like people are getting pissed off that the spin-off is getting more time in the spotlight than the original series. I understand the anger, but it's not as if it's justified. I mean hell, I think the main reason Persona 5 fans are so incredibly excited over this is because Persona's become relevant enough to be in Smash (with the help of Sakurai's personal bias). I hope that the SMT series DOES end up becoming more relevant because I'd love to get more into it, but getting angry over another series' success isn't going to suddenly make your series more relevant.

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Don't be a dickhead.

Persona is effectively a spinoff of SMT, yes. Pretty much an AU

I suspect that some of this anger about Joker is just people on Yea Forums falseflagging anyhow, nobody's really that upset at all

I kinda am, don't think there's really any excuse for pretending it doesn't exist.

I mean,failure of Persona is the only way for SMT to actually become popular again,so anything good what happens with Persona is bad for SMT.With Persona being alive and well,SMT will die regardless of what V will bring

Persona is a branching universe of SMT via Raidou and the Tokyo incident. It's takaen on a life of its own but it's still a spin off at its core.
I'm a little peeved, seems disingenuous to treat the mainline like this.

Why exactly is that dishonest? I know that there are things that connect the two series, but they aren't linked strongly enough to need the other's representation. That's like saying it's dishonest for Smash to not have any Diddy Kong Racing representation, even though they have Diddy Kong in the game.

this whole thing is just a symptom of a larger problem with atlus and the way they treat smt. it just further solidifies my thoughts on how atlus views smt which is pretty low.

>SMT via Raidou and the Tokyo incident.
>Raidou/devil summoner, ...If, Mainline(1&2) and Persona all are the result of diverging timelines
It's a bit crazy thinking about it

I just wanna point out that if they had added in SMT stuff like a stage song, people would just be complaining that SMT got hardly anything. P1+P2 didn't get anything either, I'm suspecting it was done this way so they wouldn't have to negotiate with multiple different people for music rights

I don't really think that Persona needs to die for SMT to become relevant. Again, I'm not an expert in SMT (I only really extensively played IMAGINE back when it was still online), but it's not as if SMT can't exist alongside Persona.

I wouldn't. The only good reason not to have songs from it would be if SMT has its own pack, and that's not really likely.

It's all Atlus music team for the games, even if you got specific composers on the box like Koduka and Meguro.
I'd just kill for a track from IV or Nocturne, I've accepted how Mainline's less of a big thing anyway.

God I fucking hate persona

It's just stupid that a playstation exclusive series that barely sells over a million per game is in the nintendo crossover game alongside Sonic and Pac Man

Meguro did the music mixes for IS and EP, they could have done something with that, and besides; it's not like Atlus outsources their music scores to be written and performed elsewhere to need a negotiation for rights. I wouldn't have complained, acknowledging SMT in any fashion at this point is more than enough. As a P2fag I'm shocked they did the outfits.

They didn’t even bother to add something like this
Fucking faggots

It's more like saying it'd be dumb to have stuff from Yoshi or Donkey Kong but not Mario.

>playstation exclusive
What are PQ and PQ2.

B2 or C3 would've been fine

Those don't count, b-but I won't say why

spinoffs of an unrelated game series
By your own logic, Etrian Odyssey and Trauma Center are more deserving of representation

nigga these dont count because it's a crossover with p5,p3, and p4. where do you see chibi joker or anything pq related.

Stupid how? Sure, Sakurai loved the game and may have influenced the decision, but I don't think Nintendo's choices are solely based on console exclusivity or sales.

>T-they were in a different artstyle there, it doesn't count!
Also there's P3+P4 references in Joker's mementos stage, and Mii costumes

They might as well add irrelevant indieshit like shantae at this point

There actually is more content from her series than SMT in a game that put in whatever obscure shit it wanted.

Regardless of my shitty analogy, I don't see how it is disingenuous to SMT to not have any representation in Smash through Persona. In fact, I don't think SMT SHOULD be represented through Persona; if it does get into Smash, it should be on its own terms.

read what i wrote dumbass.

They did

>spinoffs of an unrelated game series
>persona is unrelated
Wut. Just because they use the EO playstyle doesn't mean they're suddenly unrelated to the series they're a part of.
>doesn't count because it's a crossover
Except his addition has references to all those other games they crossed over with? Fuck out of here with your monkey tier logic.
It's not about the artstyle, they're still represented on a nintendoddler system, which is the only prereq.

I did, now counter what I responded dumbass

People have the absolute dumbest reasons for saying the PQ games "don't count", most don't even try to explain themselves

PQ is a spinoff of EO

And is tied directly into the Persona canon. Being part of one does not negate the other.

No it's a spinoff of Persona

What's your point? What is your standard as to what Nintendo should include in Smash, and how does that clash with what they're doing? Do you think they should exclusively look at highly profitable/successful AAA games? Doesn't THAT seem a bit disingenuous?

I'm tired of that argument honestly because as soon as Joker was revealed it was pretty clear he was it unless they go above and beyond, which I don't think Sakurai wants to do for a series he doesn't know. What sense is there in leaving out content for a game that won't get a fighter? Maybe I'm wrong and the next pack has Flynn or something but for now I'm gonna say it was alongside Persona or nothing.

>What is your standard as to what Nintendo should include in Smash
The answer is always, literally always "the characters I like the most"

>seething SMT fags

I made sure to say more persona less smt om atlus's recent survery. Get fucked

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we knew from day 1 it was Smash Bros x Persona 5 specifically. I'm hoping for SMT spirits though.

I'm usually not one to revel in this sort of thing, but it is admittedly a little funny at how seething some people are

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Now that's just rude.

>le salt xD
just like plantfags, you will stop caring in a month

Not that guy but I've been caring for 4 months now.
Seriously, stop getting so upset about this

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Well I'm not gonna stop being upset about it just because you say to, I will when the problem is addressed or they give some good explanation.

In a perfect world this would be our SMT series rep

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I just want kirby with a demonica on

Well, keep being upset forever then user I guess

What version of Strange Journey should I play? I know the 3DS got a Redux version with new story content but honestly, that’s a little turn off for me because adding story elements to an old game could probably fuck over its original intent and vision and be a waste of time like the Delta Episode in OR/AS.

God I wish his game sold more.
That Neo Classical Music would’ve fit in perfectly

Go for Redux it’s much easier to find

The new story is basically its own thing, you can just not do it if you want.

stupid bucket helmet

Redux is objectively better, there's QoL stuff added and the new endings don't ruin the old game Ironically both Law and Chaos got the better new endings instead of Neutral, if not atleast they give you an alternative to the original endings.


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>SMTV sells a million~ + since JRPG's are reigning in popularity nowadays
>Everyone I'mmediately back pedals from their false flagging and jumps on the bandwagon
>Atlus acknowledges it more
Before you say "no it won't", IV sold over 600K. V is really SMT's time to shine.

I'm glad this thread got actual discussion like adults even if we didn't agree.

I fused myself a Black Frost in SMT4 last night. He's the best. Just the best.

It'll still be less than P5 and get shitposted to death on Yea Forums because of it

>not demonhee-ho
I'm shocked that there was no flynn/nanashi looking frost demon

The only bad thing about Redux is it being easier since you can save anywhere and maybe the art if you don't like it. Otherwise it's objectively GOAT

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No one actually makes usage of the Field Saves. I did it maybe once or twice my entire play through.

You mean like a Samurai-ho?
That would be pretty cool but Doi was only a character designer back in IV and guest artists did the new demons of IV, also Kaneko went to chase butterflies in the flower fields.
Doi still hasn't drawn a new Jack Frost incarnation.

I hope A SMT V sells well
I’m just sick of SMT getting snubbed

This is very true. Especially since a fuckton of people own a Switch now.

>Persona series has effectively eclipsed SMT as a whole and is now the face of the franchise
>Meanwhile SMTV is still in development hell with zero indication of when we will ever see it again, much less when it’s actually releasing
>there’s a decent chance Persona 6 will be announced before we see it again

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Maybe Jack Frost would have been considered if he was a cute demon girl.

Devil Summoner was big in Japan, even had live action series.

Been waiting for this post

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>Persona 6
Even if they announced it, it would likely be getting the same treatment as SMTV because Atlus is shit at making announcements. We'd be getting announcements of announcements as usual for months on end.

In a perfect world, Strange Journey would be fun

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They should have went with press turn

So instead of Jack bros, we would get Alice and Moh Shuuvu instead?
That's pretty interesting. Makes you wonder why they stopped after reviving the series with the Raidou Kuzunoha vs duology


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more like
why the fuck is he not an assist trophy

In a world better than our own, this would be our SMT rep.

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Between that and the stage mostly being an excuse for the Phantom Thieves to pop out and wave it feels like Sakurai didn't like anything from the game but the main characters. It's supposed to advertise it on the Switch according to people but it doesn't feel like an honest portrayal of it.

I really loved devil survivor and detest the persona games, they just do nothing for me

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Also best demon.

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Jack Bros. should have been in over Joker.

>not even from SMT

You could say the same thing for Space marine.

You too know my pain.

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devil survivor games were too hard

Funny, I think Persona is fun enough most of the time but Devil Survivor just felt dull when I tried to play it ages ago.

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SJ is mainline

>Jack Frost cast Bufu!
>Buy us, fuck (you)

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I enjoyed the challenge, the replayability and the demon collection system. Seems like im the only one though.

Then why is there a 3 before it and a IV after it.

What did you call me you little cunt?

Was this the beggining of the end for persona in terms of quality

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Hell yah dude

Why, because of (((them))) of course.
I agree with the Old Guard more often than not, personally.

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since when have DLC packs included Assist Trophies?
Rodin was added in ultimate before you ask

Same reason there's a game called NINE and if...

Why cant the kaneko disciples and the old guard unite against the (((((persoyna)))) menace?
Is not like atlus owns kanekos desings, if the guy wanted he could fuck atlus royally


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I need more of Bug and best bro.

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>could’ve gotten a father protagonist in Apocalypse instead of a generic young anime boy protagonist again
Fucking boomers.

Disciples are based and I hope they take the rein constantly. Not every mainline needs to be the same.

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Do we really need to do this song and dance every fucking smt thread?

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God I wish that was me

It’ll be another Monster Hunters Generations Ultimate Vs World deal.
Though the gameplay is similar the fans will be bare knuckle brawling over which is better

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I just had a terrible though, what if smt V ends up being persona 5.2: featuring demons in terms of shitty gameplay?

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It won't

Uh... what? Also it doesn't sound bad

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Not having the Calendar system already improves it in comparison.

>Mothman endured

Please don’t.

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Excuse us, we thought whats an SMT thread without the real Atlus mascots

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>not being able to buff yourself
>only human characters that use demons power
>no press turn
>smirking gets throw out of the window and replace with an all out attack
>have a more barebones gameplay system than digital devil saga
>nerf the difficulty, the only way to get a challenge is the usual meme runs

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I'm curious on the proof of this statement
Even with personal or objective opinions on later shit, the stuff that came after's better than Trinity Soul.

Yeah, he forgot to add Aigis

Step aside retard, we already have 2 annoying cats, we dont need a third

Attached: fatto.jpg (185x255, 7K)

...What the fuck is this?

That design with the robo-arm and dumb hat was awful so I don't mind losing it.
Well it's because they're old and I expect that a lot of the people applying to the game development positions are hoping to work on their biggest franchise, Persona. The old guys aren't getting any younger and many of the new guys have certain ideas about what they want to do that may not align otherwise. So compromises come about and they try to groom particular individuals for executive roles.

Now that's shit taste

Attached: Aegis.full.2047623.jpg (567x800, 479K)

>IV sold over 600K
800k+ and still growing actually

Attached: 98c755c3bab7acf596d2db38c6c4808b.png (699x992, 892K)

I hate the fact normal fags will eat that shit up.
The only way to get even a SMT IV tier challenge is putting it on the hardest difficulty and even then it still feels like Tokoyo IV

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Aigis was only bearable in the answer where she was allowed to be a character instead of the uwu sugoii~ robo waifu

>Why cant the kaneko disciples and the old guard unite against the (((((persoyna)))) menace?
Uh, what reason would he have to do that? Like, is he supposed to be angry that Persona sells better? This is very confusing. Plus if that IS the case, isn't that horribly petty?

>That design with the robo-arm and dumb hat was awful
Take it back

>using Alice against Masakado


Damn I would love to play a SMT that looks like this

Attached: 1531741438199.jpg (460x344, 24K)

I can attest to this, I just bought it recently because I wanted to get into SMT after playing SMT1

Uh, according to what? I've only seen that it sold around 600k copies, even right now as I just checked.

>Breath of Fire and Capcom's talented sprite team are dead
I meant in regards to feeling like the mascot of that entry

Attached: this is fine.gif (500x282, 3.13M)

Outside of Jack Frost I’ll accept Aegis and only Aegis

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Because kaneko only reason to still put up with nu atlus is smt, if they end up fucking V harder than NINE i doubt the man will be happy

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>Didn't even get a Mii costume

It’s horseshit every devs seems to be obsessed with making realistic graphics only for all that work to look like dog shit in a few years

So Kaneko might be angry with the company if they potentially fuck over a game in development.

The only reason smt faggs are stuck on this hole is because if... sold well
Fuck if...

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Attached: Aegis-from-Persona-3-by-Koyorin-8.jpg (900x900, 93K)

Oh so there's no evidence is what you're saying

You're right.

Im not the user claiming the 800k copies sold buddy

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It's not really a power struggle, but otherwise it's accurate to this interview.

>Flynn No mini costume
>No Demi-fiend skin like the fucking dancing game
>No Nanashi Costume
>DeSu is completely non existent
>Persona 1 and 2 Innocent Sin are completely gone
Why couldn’t they at least get some damn spirts or something? Fuck.

I mean, then why respond to me at all? That if... post was pointless.


Attached: Aegis.full.1946321(2).jpg (2000x1250, 1.04M)

To be fair, they're not going to add in 2 dozen spirits or whatever. These things were never going to happen, I think you had your hopes way too high

Get with the times. Kaneko is a boomer. He's also one of higher ups. He probably approved the shit that happened to IVA.

Dude not even Persona references 1+2 anymore. There was a couple nods in P3 and P5, that's it. Also DeSu came out a decade ago, Nocturne over 15 years ago. Just saying.

It's a dog eat dog world.
Only the strong can survive within Fatlus.
Weak series wuth low sales will die while strong series with high sales will thrive.
There can only be ONE

>cant be bothered to add fucking jpg images

Attached: 1545316394423.jpg (300x308, 18K)

But user the two have been existing together this whole time

MT is the umbrella franchise. Many think of SMT as the flagship of MT, but Persona has become that in terms of popularity and an economic perspective.

>we will never get the raidou manga or the dds novel completed because fatlus would rather milk weebs rather than complete shit they started

Attached: 1544238157179.png (750x750, 217K)

Then why is it Smash Bros x Persona 5 instead of Smash Bros x Persona Q?

God I hate how the high school simulator does so much better than a Rebellious JRPGs
I really hope V does well and not just become Persona 5 part 2

But user it's not just an image they gotta make spirit battles for them too. Plus they have to get permission from other creators. That's just silly, stop being silly.

Yes but like a Gu poison jar only one shall stand by the end.

,,,I thought they were cancelled due to low sales

Sports are literal jpegs
24 spirts and a recolored map are only a cunt hair big
Like 85 MBs if that.

V is gonna turn up being persona 5 for edgelords, mark my words
Apocalypse and space yukiko were the warning signs

Attached: 1541914859476.gif (813x513, 3.4M)

>the dds novel completed
It has nothing to do with Atlus.
And aren't they completed in Japan anyway?

That Cielo though.

Attached: 813-xq6LK+L.jpg (1187x1829, 330K)

>Sports are literal jpegs
Yes and (like I just said because you must have missed it) they ALSO have to program a spirit battle for each one you mongoloid. Plus they have to get permission from the other game directors if they use their characters.
Are you trying to be dumb

It should be Smash Bros x The Phantom Thieves really, they're the only thing from 5 in here.

there's nothing wrong with space yukiko, she's probably the least offensive out of atlus rerelease girls


Are you prepared for 6/10 NOT PERSONA reviews that might repel potential more casual buyers?

how is persona being successful hurt smt in anyway? atlus needs a cashcow franchise and we know smt will never be popular enough to pay the bills

What about Mementos and the spirits for Igor and other stuff? Or do those not count for... some reason?

IV already has the reputation of being the Dark Souls of Persona.

Same shit happened with IV and it still did decently well

That’s the easy part
>Demi fiend and Pixie Spirt battle
>Wolf and Dog Hunt
Opponents has increased punching power
Opponents has instant rage
Stamina battle

Attached: 2D2565BA-5853-41BA-9593-EB732B2677C5.png (878x1580, 640K)

It hasn't, in fact SMT4 was the best selling mainline title.

>theres nothing wrong with persona 1
>theres nothing wrong with the usa only getting EP
>theres nothing wrong with the answer
>theres nothing wrong with trinity souls
>theres nothing wrong with marie
>theres nothing wrong with the persona spin offs
>theres nothing wrong with apocalypse
>theres nothing wrong with dx2
Its the fatlus slippery slope user, mark my words because this shit is gonna end up bitting smt faggs in the ass

Attached: 1541692089096.gif (499x246, 415K)

Yeah, this all still has to be programmed into the game, and they'd have to get permission from other creators. Plus this is ONE spirit battle, and (once again) there's more work they'd need to do.

>SMT V becomes Persona for Edgelords
We’ll need Dagba more than ever
I have a feeling I’m going to hate everyone on my team

Attached: 16447587-97C0-4AF6-A085-4ADF6F528D15.jpg (1057x1417, 436K)

Mementos in-game doesn't look like it does here.

user there's legitimately nothing wrong with most of those things, quit being autistic

Attached: in a perfect world, men like Lucifer would not exist, but this is not a perfect world.png (232x205, 52K)

Almost no Smash Bros stages are floating in a void in their actual games, don't be fucking stupid

How the fuck do they need permision for designs that atlus have used for years?
Fatlus might be a bunch of incompetent idiots but they arent square enyx levels of retarded

yes there's nothing wrong with any of these things

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Honestly I just want more fully 3D games for Persona/Mainline/other spinoffs
I guess they needed something to be the equivalent to NINE/Nocturne (entry that they pumped money into so they can get the basis in terms of models/engine for future games) first and they stopped using gamebryo(catherine) or shit took long (P5) for it to happen

>How the fuck do they need permision for designs that atlus have used for years?
Because it's customary to ask a director for permission to use their characters. That's one of the reason P1+P2 stuff doesn't appear anymore.
>Fatlus might be a bunch of incompetent idiots but they arent square enyx levels of retarded
No, but the people at Atlus do tend to respect one another and ask permission before using each others' characters

>don't be fucking stupid

I doubt he's capable of this. It's not like reality matters when there's shitposting to be done.

Id rather lucifer get rebooted again than deal with what the persona team thinks edgelords like

Shin megami tengay

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why are fiends such a goddamn bitch to find in strange journey

>respecting persona 1 and 2
user, persona 4, 5 and the spin offs plots are just more shitty versions of those 2 games plot

No they don’t
The hackers fucking around with the game’s code found making Spirt battles easy as fuck.
It’s literally
>Select character and color scheme
>Set rules
>Select stage
Giant Ness alt 3
Opponents has increased Psi power
You take sudden damage after some time
Stamina battle
Dracula’s Castle omega

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Mimicing smt1/2.
Same shit in IV with stupid RNG chance.
It took ages for me to find red rider purposely. Meanwhile every 10 scans in Horologium had trumpeter wipe my party

far easier than in most other games

>complaining about any of the new things in Redux and fucking Final's great gameplay of all things

Attached: 1555445343703.jpg (540x597, 40K)

>persona team
Literal fucking retard

give me

user i...

I don't think he's complaining about Apocalypse's gameplay.

What the hell is mag used for? I've got a shitton of it

Which game?
Like Pre-Nocturne, it's used to maintain demons, so for every step you take in a dungeon, it takes mag away from you based off of each demon's CP (mag cost)

user I realize you're slow, but they haven't used those characters since for a reason.

Here you go
Nice quads

You've been implying people are dumb this whole thread, don't get so bent out of shape if you think you're right.

Attached: blowme.png (429x561, 362K)

How is that easy, you're just typing shit up and not programming anything. Also you're not a hacker


>You've been implying people are dumb this whole thread
Probably because they keep saying stupid shit like that.
>don't get so bent out of shape if you think you're right
user, what I just said WAS correct. Don't get so defensive just because you can't refute it.

>tfw Jack died for our sins to destroy Erdrickfags
Press F to pay respects.

Attached: buy it.png (359x258, 137K)

I'm mostly just annoyed that no Persona 2 songs got in. I know Knights of the Holy Lance is literally the nazi theme from P2, but it would have been a good song to put in the game. You can make the excuse that mainline SMT and stuff like DS/DDS aren't part of the "Persona series" but P1 and 2 are fucking Persona games, 3 wasn't the first one and even has a few direct references to P1/2

>waaaaah stop discussing Smash
you did this to yourself
eat shit gatekeeper



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I like goth chicks.

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yea just like Lucina did to gematsufags
yet we got Shulk and Chrom anyways

All leaks saying Erdrick was in were deconfirmed.
Give up fags, he died for our sins.

Attached: hee ho died for our sins.jpg (325x247, 13K)

>SMT threads nowadays are just people complaining about Persona

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>not even a lone prayer

My hee homeboy didnt deserve this

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Dude it's unironically been that way for longer than SMT fans want to admit

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maybe if we had some new fucking content to discuss

>All leaks saying Simon and Ridley was in were deconfirmed, give up Masked Man died for our sins
this is what you're sounding like right now

Okay so what are the chances we actually get Demi Fiend or Flynn or Raidou? A lot of people were looking forward to Joker having a moveset that revolves around summoning various demons but obviously Nintendo missed that opportunity

Sure user lets discuss the shitty concert that will reveal another announcement for the announcement for smt V
Oh wait

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Last thread i remember was about a bunch of people wanting to fuck their demonfus

Hard not to be bitter when one series gets all the love from a developer. :/

There are like 50 games in the MegaTen series. I doubt you played them all

We could talk about Majin Tensei 2

At this point?
Unless nintendo forces sakurai to shill smt V, we wont get jackshit

>PS1 era had a mainline entry, two Devil Summoner games, and three Persona games
>PS2 era had a mainline entry, two DDS games, two Raidou games, and two Persona games
>Current gen has one mainline entry and at least 5 Persona entries
I wonder why

P5 was the only game in the current gen besides spin-off shit. What are you going all about

Id rather play a translated devil summoner
Majin tensei isnt my cup of tea and i get ronde ptsd just thinking about it

I am not bad guy i just want more devil summoner games, persona games to me are the weakest in the entire franchise.

That's the part that baffles me, Sakurai's all about characters doing what they do in the game, and then Joker is nothing like that. You flat-out can't use Arsene the whole game unless you're way more into breaking it than the average player will be. It's like they're withholding stuff for a character that won't be appearing.

Sorry that Jack Frost had to be de-confirmed like that, but hey, his deconfirmation basically put Steve and Erdrick in the de-confirmed pile. I'm just sorry lil Hee-Hoo-Bro was taken out that way.

The point I'm trying to make is that SMTV is allegedly coming out this gen, we're getting P5R which is probably a remake of P5, and we got and are still getting a fuck ton of Persona spinoffs. 10-15 years ago the SMT spinoffs were other full-scale RPGs, not bullshit anime dancing games and remakes of games that aren't even three years old

We are getting a Square rep anyway. Might as well be Erdrick.

To be fair 7th gen seemed like a blackhole on home consoles since PS3/Xbox got only Arena and DAN towards the end of that generation, but on the upside you got devil survivor, Strange Journey and Golden.
Plus depending on how you see it, you got TMS as a spinoff too
I'm just being optimistic, maybe more shit that isn't just persona spinoffs and the ocassional mainline game will come out now that they got models to use or are getting sued to UE4 with SMTV

It has always been this way. SMT has much room for improvement but here we are, shitting on the popular spin off.

Agreed, especially considering the fact that Jack isn't in. It blows my fucking mind that he's not even an assist or spirit or something. He's way more iconic than any Persona character is, and would be an easy way for them to claim both SMT and Persona representation.

Dante inspired Alt

Thank you for your attention

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P5R is a enhanced port and there have been random spinoffs of Persona since 3. Just like SMT.


It confuses me that they don't use all those demon models for something. PS2 they were efficient and used the Nocturne models for DDS, Raidou, and Persona. Now they have three whole sets of the demon compendium with the P5 models, Dx2 models, and SMTV models. They'd be saving a ton of money on game development if they started reusing the models, and they'd probably make a fair amount of profit considering they don't have to spend nearly as much on actually making the game

P3FES is one thing, but all these fighting games, etrian odyssey games, and dancing games are another thing. I don't really understand what you're getting at here, you'd have to be blind not to see that the current state of the SMT series is a corspe that houses Persona

They got something for "HD" quality so now if someone desires, they can start pumping out shit again for the remainder of this gen and hopefully next generation too.

>inb4 atlus does nothing but pump out more persona spin offs with the hd demon models

Attached: sup.gif (540x298, 2.97M)

Funny that SMT will probably forever retain its status as niche series despite being popular due to being overshadowed by its own sub-series.
Oh well. Whatever appeals to the most people wins, I guess. SMT still hasn't entirely gone down the drain, so I have hope for future installments.

I bought her prize figure recently. It'll be here any day now.

There’s a fuck ton of Spirt battles why would that make them all out of duct tape and popsicle sticks?
All of them appear as little balls of light
A Fuck ton of same the exact same rules
Any scriptkiddie could make a Spirt battle

P4G makes 2, plus he counted spinoff shit for the others so why wouldn't they count here

SMT has been getting spinoffs longer than that. Besides SJR came out only two years ago. The wait between p4 and 5 is vastly longer than this wait between main games

it pisses me off that you couldn't ally with the divine powers in apocalypse because if you could you could have a light-neutral ending, a neutral-neutral ending and a dark-neutral ending

Oh right, that's a possibility too.

We won't see another non-Persona spin off ever again.

>SMT has been getting spinoffs longer than that
Yeah, and now it gets none
Devil Survivor 2 is 10 years old

I hope catherine bros are ready for the atlus milking threatment

What are you even talking about? No shit SMT gets spinoffs. Persona is a fucking SMT spinoff. But all we ever get are remade DS games every once in a blue moon while Persona gets an announcement for like five P5 spinoffs

Awesome I hate it

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SJR is a remake, just like all the other non-mainline SMT we've gotten in the last ten years. There's not much of a chance we'll get something like DDS or Raidou again any time soon, while Persona 5 continues to get milked for all it's worth

Was playing Apocalypse last night and this little faggot robbed me twice in a row.
>Give me some MP
>Give me some macca
>I'm out *whoosh*

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I'm really pissed about his specials not being different personas/demons.

A fucking grappling hook? Why not have him use Zanma/Garula and Zandyne/Garudyne when the persona is out?

Fucking Eiha when there are better ranged skills to use and when SMTIVA already has Mudo do damage instead of instakill?

Don't forget another fucking counter that's also a reflect, because we need more bullshit counter moves.

I hate it.

You have IV, Final and SJR. Then all the other 3ds re-releases. Then #FE. Then a bunch of mobile games and even Synchronicity Prologue

>they got rid of demolingual and the alien/monster demon voices in apocalypse
I honestly hate how much mechanics that 4/4A cut for the sake of streamlining

Attached: medi-no.png (200x200, 35K)

Do you even use a grappling hook in persona 5?

It's not a remake you utter fucking retard. How do you not know what that word means

>Fucking Eiha
Eiha's like Arsene's main element, so it makes sense, but they needed to have other elements too

>Then #FE. Then a bunch of mobile games

Attached: gun.jpg (400x397, 64K)

You are complaint about nothing. You are just jealous of Persona

It literall does.


>that doesn't count

What are you talking about? They have voices in Final.

>been 4 years since TMS reveal and the fallout
Good times.
>Synchronicity Prologue
Thay was a fun treat

#FE might as well be a Persona spin off. Also, if you are counting re-releases you are a damn retard.

I mean the fact that some demons speak alien gibberish or roar like animals before you get an app to translate
It was a nice touch that added more variety, but they got rid of it

Fuck Persona
Piece of shit spin-off series that should have never become big.

Attached: ny.png (592x816, 229K)

So are you for counting FES and P4G. Its also nothing like Persona but I can't really exepct braincells from retards who are salty over Persona for no reason

Attached: nz6fjw1cT71rzyr5eo1_400.png (400x240, 69K)

>#FE might as well be a Persona spin off
I don't really see how. Despite similarities, it's still its own thing

If it's nothing like Persona then it must be the polar opposite of SMT

It's a highschool harem anime in game form that also happens to have cool monsters.

Why does Sakurai have such a massive boner for counters, anyways?

Attached: demonica cosplay.jpg (386x640, 98K)

>not a single Jack in sight

Attached: jack snowman.gif (220x220, 192K)

It's in the same vein as DDS.

Sakurai dabs on tournament fags

Well yeah, it's a spinoff. Not going to be like mainline, not going to be like every other megaten spinoff either.
Either that or you just say it's it's own thing like catherine/Trauma Series/EO then.

>trauma center died with the smt spinoffs

Yes it's part of Joker's climbing animation when he grabs onto certain ledges

>missed out on WiiU/3DS gimmicks
Thanks for reminding me

Attached: 1458712840418.jpg (558x976, 154K)

What went wrong?

Attached: SI_WiiU_TokyoMirageSessionsFE_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 441K)

Nothing. Its a great game

>tease a medieval style smt with elements from the good fire emblem games
>ends up being personawakening featuring idol shit for weebs

It was Persona shit.

It's not Devil Survivor 3: medieval edition

>It's PersonaxAwakening


what's so impressive about this? It's basically pic related.

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He's that, but jacked

They got rid of that in Nocturne

They brought it back for SJ, though.

It was in IV, they didn't even have an app system before SJ
based retard

can’t we all just get along?

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Cope, cock connoisseur.

Fuck you

Attached: download.png (240x210, 5K)

SMTxFE my fuckin ass.

I wish, but when as a fan I'm basically told I don't matter enough to acknowledge I can't feel very magnanimous.

some of us can get along but the extremist from both sides won't stop throwing shit at each other and the few that want to talk it out are called centrist fencesitters

Attached: stephen-shin-megami-tensei-iv-71.3.jpg (210x240, 13K)

SMT has taught us that compromising is impossible AND irresponsible as it frequently leads to misfortune. Either I win or no one wins, fuck you and fuck everyone else.

Attached: Very Uncool.jpg (1000x1000, 151K)

hee-host come home :(

Censored, cheaply made, outright bad and on a shit console. Forever forgotten.

You still needed that one skill to talk to certain demons

So do SMTfags and P1/2fags get along well enough?
Atlus shafts both of them, and birds of a feather stay together.

We expected a tactical rpg and got a shit idol game.

>tfw the alternate timeline where this became the face of SMT instead of Persona

It scares me man

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Persona 1-2 fags are SMT fags
The divide starts at P3

So are demonicas actually power armor? they don't look like it but it is implied.


They get stronger the more demons they fight against

In a sense, yes. It adapts to your movements and assists them.

They provide the best stats in the whole game

The setting is a lot more palatable to the masses compared to pretty much every other game in the Megami Tensei franchise.

I've finished a few of these games, but felt like they were too tedious besides SJ. I finished DDS 1 and 2, and while the setting and story was super interesting the actual gameplay sucked balls, what SMTs should I play next? I'm up to some cube room bullshit in Nocturne

Try Devil Survivor, Soul Hackers, and the Raidou games if you want some fresh air with the gameplay.

Ronde or if you are a neet IMAGINE


This but with Slayer

>they were too tedious besides the most tedious one

Attached: Apustajagondola.png (612x491, 63K)

The music makes SJ more bearable


>Persona is SMT if I say so!
Pathetic, just a clear way to tell you havent played the games
>One of the most tedious ones

>Nocturne, the best game in the series, only sold ~400k copies

Just hold me bros, this is truly the worst timeline

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SJ had interesting and imaginative dungeons with fantastic music and a great battle system. DDS had a good setting, but that's about it. Hunting is a pretty good song though

So do I m8 (ignore the cum)

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Based, and dare I say it, Mothmanpilled

SMTfags desperate to get into smash they latched onto Joker hoping they could get a free ride in, but got cucked by Sakurai lmao

Thank you Brother. Mothman is powerful, mothman is great. Praise be to mothman.

>but felt like they were too tedious besides SJ
what did he mean by this?

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I'm actually a huge SMT fan but I couldn't actually finish SJ. I think it's the lack of press turn and the incredibly long first person dungeons with no variety. Probably need to give it another try, I only got to the Market dungeon lol.

More like Erid ANUS, but still I thought it was fun


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H-he based

The upper left corner of that map was by far the single most painful part of the game for me. But all in all, Grus was far worse. Only it spans across several floors so a simple image of a single floor map wouldn't even convey 1 tenth of the total bullshit.

So Persona-only fag here, is SJ Redux a good choice for first proper SMT game?

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If you're coming from Persona I'd recommend playing Digital Devil Saga, then Nocturne or SJ.
DDS has the large cast of characters, but with an SMT-lite battle system and a very typical SMT tone

I dunno, that's what I played after 3, but the best choice is probably IV. SJ is a bit more focused on dungeon crawling and is designed to test the player as a result.

We should've gotten a P2 Joker/JOKER alt.

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sakurai is an etrian odyssey fanboy, i would be surprised if he hasn't played mainline smt too.

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>sakurai is an etrian odyssey fanboy

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I like this image because Giorno never said that, but people keep posting it as if he did.
As if "that's bullshit, but I believe it"

So? Its a dumb system not needed. Imagine being delusional enough to think SJ and IV had good combat

Three degrees of separation between this aryan boi and Kirby

Stop sperging out and learn to read

the persona 2-themed alt should have been pic related.

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hell yeah brother! live ridin or die tryin

>When playing Atlus games, Sakurai says that he usually has to make the commitment to put in about twice the amount of time of a normal game. Not just the Persona series but Etrian Odyssey as well.

what's weird is that hell biker is my favorite smt demon, beelzemon is my favorite digimon, angelica is one of my favorite kiseki characters, and i've never been on a motorcycle in my life.

No need. The system was shit and unneeded. If the only good SMT doesn't need it none do

stfu persoyboy

i have played 3 and 4

which of the smt series should i play first?


>Pretty much every other Atlus RPG that isn't Radiant Historia lets you build your party however the fuck you want.
>Even the story mode characters in the EO games can still be reclassed, and you still have skill allocation and grimoires to deal with.
>Meanwhile in nuPersona you get one free battle slot and the rest are taken by the same 5-6 unchanging high school kids the entirety of the game.

Fuck this, if they're going to keep milking Persona the way they are at least implement the subpersona system from Q or something.

Blame P2 for selling like shit and forcing them to change shit radically, and then blame tradition and fear for keeping things this way

huh, I guess it uses some kind of artificial muscle. Now the real question is how using life stones repairs the armor.

As any other Megaten fan, how can anyone see this shit and not be bitter with Atlus?

t. faggot

Meguro only touched P1P, ISP and EPP was mostly an effort of Konishi, Kitajoh and Kozuka, which is why it wasn't replaced with arrogant garbage and stayed faithful to the original soundtrack.

>You will never Smash to Divine Powers Battle without modding, anyways

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