The fuckers thought by adding shitty filters makes them being artistic or some shit.
2019... I am forgotten
Easton Martin
Evan Parker
unironically didnt
Carter Scott
>I loved the shit out of Fable 1 and ended up doing EVERYTHING Fable 2 had to offer in less than a week.
Fable 1 is also criminally short, you can do literally everything in about 20 hours, even with TLC.
John Williams
This is bait
And you fell for it hooker, lines and stinker
Alexander Hall
Kill yourself you fucking waste of oxygen bracket poster.
Brayden Johnson
>are you gonna sit there like a lemon?
Noah Hughes
>This game aged really fucking poorly.
Agreed. I tried to replay it recently for the first time since it was released and got really bored really quickly. There's plenty of old games I still have fun playing but Fable is definitely not one of them.