2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten...

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Kick those fucking chicken

This game aged really fucking poorly.


my steam library reminds me of it everyday

but i never end up launching it

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Fable isn't forgotten you fucking mongoloid, it's the poster child for brilliant IP identities being absolutely splatted by incompetent devs

No, 3 is the forgotten one.

Peter Molyneux said that I could use the bathroom in this game. He lied.

t. zoomer

It's still pretty fun

If only this series was owned by literally anyone else besides Microsoft

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One of the few franchises that unironically needs a reboot.

Peter was Todd before Todd was Todd.


Microsoft LITERALLY just released One X Enhanced versions of 2 and 3 yesterday. Not too mention Playground Games are working on 4.

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t. nostalgia fag who can't accept facts.

>currently working on

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>video games age


It's still pretty damn good in comparison how badly other games in the same era have aged.

>implying it will be good

Series is the definition of constant wasted potential. This will especially be true whenever it comes out since modern gaming is shit.

I would have agreed with you, but I just finished playing Ninja Gaiden and the comparison is night and day.

I still dont know why fable is considered a big deal on Yea Forums when it lacks on everything BUT soul

what about crackdown HA HA

Wtf? It had too much soul.
That was literally why Fable failed.

lol retard you fell for my bait, thanks for the (you)
fuckin retard watch yourself next time

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Microsoft had nothing to do with Lionhead's general incompetence.

started a replay two weeks ago
its still fun

What. They literally forced Lionhead to make a live service game instead of a gritty R rated Fable 4.

That doesn't really mean shit when arguably the only good games they've ever put out were Black and White and Fable TLC. And given the trends of Fable games, it would had been significantly more shit than 3 was.

>I love penis

this, comfy as fuck game.

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I'm litterally listening to the soundtrack at work right now

Peter Molyneux wouldn't have been apart of Fable 4's development, a game that was pitched with so much soul from the developers.
Also people who say Fable 2 wasn't an amazing sequel have shit taste. Combat was fun, and so was the exploration.
Fable 3 would have been the same if they gave it another year, which Peter Molyneux said himself.

What a shitty design.
>Muh nostalgic christmas house in the snow
No wonder this game bombed with set pieces like that.

Fable 2 was personally the first game that truly burned me. I loved the shit out of Fable 1 and ended up doing EVERYTHING Fable 2 had to offer in less than a week. The combat was piss easy, the upgrades and different spells and weapons didn't feel very unique, and the game more or less felt like it ended abruptly. It was so bad I ended up getting Fallout 3 a week later and ended up dumping months of playtime into that instead.

I'll at least say the game had """""soul""""" but other than that it was really shit, especaily for the time.

Micro$oft Insider here, expect remastered Fable Collection within the next 1.3 years, Xbox One and Windows Store-Steam Hybrid (buy one copy anywhere, get it on all 3 platforms). Over the next 3 years, Windows store Exclusive games will be migrated to Steam. Also expect a remastered Gears of War collection on steam.

>he thinks they're not announcing it at E3

Combat was easy, but it was fun. Hitting Balverines and their Xp orbs flying out of them is satisfying as fuck.
Also you had an incentive of not to get downed otherwise your character would get scarred. It was a good challenge to go the whole game without dying.
Each to their own though.
I personally found the unlocks in Fable 2 really diverse, and all the weapons were fun to use.

>went to a highschool where they gave use laptops
>everyone passed around games
>playing Fable TLC, NFS underground, SC, WC3, and halo CE in class
it was an absolute perfect time, because people it was early when were bringing computers in, but still too early for the IT to catch on how to clamp down on rampant abuse of getting around restrictions.

literally just installed F:A for another playthrough, are u creepin me OP

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None of the first 3 Fable games bombed, you retard.

>anniversary version

I played it again recently and it still has a distinct charm to it. I dare you to find a location more comfy than that demon door at the Heroes Guild.


Big mistake

All for the better. You weren't a very good game.

You were a sluggish unfunny buttonmasher.

What's wrong with it?

I wish

Literally fable 2 and 3 just became xbox one x enhanced yesterday and Fable anniversary was already one x enhanced. And all rumors are pointing towards a Fable reboot at this year's Microsoft e3 press conference developed by Playground games.

Why haven't they released 2 for the PC yet, shit is weird
It's the only one I haven't played

The fuckers thought by adding shitty filters makes them being artistic or some shit.

unironically didnt

>I loved the shit out of Fable 1 and ended up doing EVERYTHING Fable 2 had to offer in less than a week.
Fable 1 is also criminally short, you can do literally everything in about 20 hours, even with TLC.

This is bait
And you fell for it hooker, lines and stinker

Kill yourself you fucking waste of oxygen bracket poster.

>are you gonna sit there like a lemon?

>This game aged really fucking poorly.

Agreed. I tried to replay it recently for the first time since it was released and got really bored really quickly. There's plenty of old games I still have fun playing but Fable is definitely not one of them.