WoW Classic


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What gear is that Night Elf using?

Recolor of the original warglaives of azzinoth in vanilla.
Demon hunters were planned to be released in vanilla.

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that weapon is in the game files too, you can spawn it in as gm, two blades than can merge into one

wow is a shitty game that was always shit and nowhere near as good as things like ff11 or daoc

Here’s your loot bro

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Wtf, why can't I just 2 hit all the mobs and be done with it

what's the issue here?

That's a completely different model in the OP.

There was a lot of shit intended for vanilla that never saw the light.
Necromancer, death knight, DH, only DH got a fair amount of work done before being put off.
Then there's all the zones and planned content, karazhan being the first raid ever made, caverns of time, emerald dream, uldum, hellfire penninsula as a zone, azshara crater, hyjal, karazhan crypts, bael modan dungeon, Grim Batol, Dragon Isles, Gilneas, Kalidar BG, Quel'Thalas, Player Housing, Undermine, etc

And that's from the stuff we know about, who knows which ones didn't made the cut and they weren't working on.
I really, REALLY hope they do classic+

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