WoW Classic

We're going home.

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Other urls found in this thread:!x1JiiKaK!jhkFsT7chiTrDl6JnNCghD-7FzGz7us2OqtkEEsQpHY


enjoy your home meleefags

just play kronos lmao

Can’t wait to see how official classic compares to private servers.

I hope having resistance gear in MC will actually matter.

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Nah, I'm not a cuck so I won't be paying Blizzard a single cent. Fuck everyone who gives them money for any reason really. They'll get it when they actually make WoW good again and not just give us an old version that I've already played to death.

i hope there are new private servers that run off the wow classic version so i don't have to pay blizz. they would probably get shut down though

it doesnt matter a huntard and i will be making a campfire in the lava and observe from a distance

Don't forget resist.

Pathetic Blizzdrones

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>every chink will play classic because its more profitable to sell gold there
yes, us pserver players will finally get at home.


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What gear is that Night Elf using?

Recolor of the original warglaives of azzinoth in vanilla.
Demon hunters were planned to be released in vanilla.

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that weapon is in the game files too, you can spawn it in as gm, two blades than can merge into one

wow is a shitty game that was always shit and nowhere near as good as things like ff11 or daoc

Here’s your loot bro

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Wtf, why can't I just 2 hit all the mobs and be done with it

what's the issue here?

That's a completely different model in the OP.

There was a lot of shit intended for vanilla that never saw the light.
Necromancer, death knight, DH, only DH got a fair amount of work done before being put off.
Then there's all the zones and planned content, karazhan being the first raid ever made, caverns of time, emerald dream, uldum, hellfire penninsula as a zone, azshara crater, hyjal, karazhan crypts, bael modan dungeon, Grim Batol, Dragon Isles, Gilneas, Kalidar BG, Quel'Thalas, Player Housing, Undermine, etc

And that's from the stuff we know about, who knows which ones didn't made the cut and they weren't working on.
I really, REALLY hope they do classic+

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Reminder that when someone with the corrupted ashbringer enters the cathedral, Mograine and Fairbanks hint that a new sword can be forged by his other son in Outland

Real shame about necromancers
Orcs having the tradition for it too, though I guess they retcon'd it for the most part
Would've been rad

I to, love no challenge AOE cleaving everything in my private instanced zone

Daily reminder the following people are welcome in Classic:
Dungeon runners
World PvPers (you're still fags undead)

Daily reminder the following people are not welcome:
Instanced PvPers

Yeah I misremembered.
It's a glaive in the files, top glaive, but isn't obtainable I believe.
IIRC they ended up using the concepts they had for necromancer on death knights.

Because of so many daily posts I just can't wait for you goinghome fags to get utterly btfo'd by your nostalgia goggles. Maybe then you will finally stop shitting up this board with your drivel.

Would it bother you if they did Classic+ but it wasn't what was already being worked on and totally re-envisioned with the modern crew?
I think it sucks what we never got

fucking moot

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Activision would probably knock down the door to Jay "I fucking hate MMOs" Allen Brack's office and ask him why their supposed cash cow, Retail WOW, is floundering compared to a trashfire hackjob that is their version of classic, and they keep Ion Hozzikostas away from classic at all costs.

more like, the mods are gonna need to make stickies for us every patch, just like with the smashfags

>I really, REALLY hope they do classic+
>take classic
>just keep adding more classes/zones/dungeons/leveling content between 1-60 forever
>throw in some more world events to keep low level areas interesting for 60s
I need this

They had 3 classes in the works, Death Knight, Runemaster, and Necromancer, but then by the time they got to WOTLK they figured that it wouldn't be possible to create whole new classes that felt different enough so the idea of hero classes came and DK was supposed to be the hero class of paladins, but then they scrapped that idea because no one wanted to give up their mains for a DK.

Sad part is DKs were really unique and interesting when they came out, a bit OP, but good, then in cataclysm they started to force cookie cutter roles, thus you couldn't frost tank or blood DPS anymore

>Runemaster fior Dwarf got cut
>Necromancer for Undead got cut
Its sad to think WoW was almost great.

I don't really care as long as it follows vanilla game philosophy.
However there's a lot there that hasn't been done to this day, like dragon isles, azshara crater, actual emerald dream, etc.

As long as it's new content with vanilla design I'm happy, contrary to normie belief people don't want classic because it had less polygons, they want classic because it's simply a better fucking game.

Ion is literally head of the classic team tho.
It's just that in retail he's shackled to the execs will.

I wouldn't be surprised if classic wasn't actually more of an activision idea boosted by a few people in blizz, it's a massive market and opportunity and blizz wasn't chasing it solely because of hurt pride and feelings.

its not so much that they were the hero class for paladins, but that any class/character could become a dk at the cost of basically deleting the original character thats why they didnt do it

Holy shit the first planned troll models had massive fucking tiddies

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What a travesty we never had big troll titties

No they were marketed as pretty much a straight up upgrade for paladins, and people were speculating on necromancers for mages and so on.

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>literally every previous iteration of the femtroll was better than what they ended up with
I would've even taken this over the vanilla model

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man what the fuck happened to jeff

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>15 years of wow
>still wants a 'challenge' when mindlessly grinding mobs to level up

>just make rogue and spam sinister strike 1-60

What are you going to do when you reach level 60?

>its a everyone will roll prot warrior, holy priest, and rogue to be OP thinking they will be the hero of the raid
>no one will accept them because people have already formed cliche's and will steam roll raids in a day because everything is already known
>80% of people will quit because they cannot find anyone to play with and cannot be the one paladin with a sulfuras on the server
When everyone is a snowflake, no one is.

Start a new character and play through with all the people iv met afresh

no, they werent the idea was always that you could take any character and turn them into a death knight

Vanilla fem trolls look fine
Good even with some faces

I'd farm 100 bears that take a minute to kill for an hour an a half then farm 10 bears 200 times over the course of 4 weeks to hit exalted because I can faceroll kill entire zones with no effort and blizzard has to keep you subbed

It's one of the very few good new models tho

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I don't have an issue with the faces, though some of them are definitely a little too human-pretty, it's their dumpy bodies

he got old and doesn't care about video games anymore

If I play this game will I have the same feeling that I got when I played this at 18 years of age?

Release fucking when, there is only so much more GW2 I can take

Prot Warriors yes, but I find it hard to believe there will be too many priests

Heil vanilla.
Heil Victory bruder!

FUCK Vanilla WoW and all MMO tried to "kill" WoW being same shit.
WoW literally killed MMO genre.

why aren't you guys just playing on vanilla private servers?
does it just not feel the same if you aren't giving money to blizzard?

Lets be honest, they are the only true healers. Yes, Paladins, Shamans, and Druids exist. But they can only output like 20% of what a Priest can.

Implying you were even old enough to wipe your own ass when WoW came out, zoom'oid

>Necromancer, death knight, DH, only DH got a fair amount of work done before being put off.
Reverse that. DK and necro both had talent panes, which DH never even got.

>that one guy who has multiple level 60's but terrible gear and cant pvp on anyone of them

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No chinks and 3rd worlders. Proper values across the board. No risk of server closure. Fresh start servers are fun.

El atrocidad a la echo isles....

>nothing but MC/Ony raidlogging until p2 which will be months away

Wtf else are you going to do once you hit your first 60 and start ur 1 day a week raiding? Imagine being dumb enough to not lvl 1-2 60 alts during the launch downtime

You do know that paladins are objectively the most efficient single target healer in the game, right?

>raiders aren't welcome
>leveling during downtime

>all these happen while fighting as a paladin
>heal to full
>continue to mostly miss but can just keep full healing

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And a Priests Renew outheals all of that.

Did they ever release that book about making vanilla WoW?

>1 minute long fights against equal level mobs where you miss, parry, dodge, are forced to heal 3 times and then kill the mob without a single SoC proc
based golden standard mmo

>healing spike damage with a renew
based retailer

FFXIVfags despert reporting these thread since it will kill their game. We're going home bros, and these weeks can't handle it.

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smash gets a sticky and 30 unmoderated threads because mods get paid for it
you'll get kicked to /vg/ if anything
Already came out but it's availability is dodgy.
Supposedly should've been out in amazon early 2019 but it's unavailable

>healing even dungeons with renew
I pray to the light that you’re not not on my server

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>But they can only output like 20% of what a Priest can.
That's a ridiculous exaggeration. Priests are the most flexible and balanced with a wide range of heals available but they are beaten in specialized roles like single target healing for Paladin. Pally and Shammy also bring some great raid utility with their Blessing/Totems that Priest does not have, salv blessing and windfury totem are two that immediately come to mind.

Stop pretending like you have any idea what your talking about you stupid retailfaggot. The fact all your considering is raw healing throughput and completely discounting how much raid utility other classes have shows that you have no idea what your talking about and are talking completely out your ass.

>seal of light exists
Actually retarded

More like going into the trash

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i need to get closer

>wasting a precious debuff slot with judgment of light

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sure, buddy.

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Based platwow

I'm going to camp greys on my night elf hunter and hide from level 60s in shadowmeld while sending my cat to rape their lowbies.

I'm actually seriously thinking about rolling on an RP server. While I know I will eventually get annoyed by the lack of competent raiding partners and pvp, the fact of the matter is that most of the things I really loved about vanilla were something else than those two things. There's also the fact that everytime I've started poopsocking or even semi-poopsocking in the game, I've burned out after a few months so making choices based on optimal poopsocking environment is probably a poor idea for me.
I don't think I can call it "home" unless I take my time to read all quest text while leveling all professions alongside the character and spending time just wandering around anyway.

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he's correct about priests being the most bigdick healers in classic but only after they establish full tier 2 and can ride that fucking bonkers set bonus

paladin healing is a meme, even at ~54% spell crit and ~1000 bonus healing you're getting shit on by tier 2 set bonus priests in any given encounter where the priest is not asleep at the wheel

the upside is that paladins literally can't do anything else of value for the entirety of classic, so maybe it's best to lie and say they're the bestest good boy healer and give lots of consolation pats for their hilariously shitty broken class
written by retard who keeps making the mistake of playing a paladin on every classic and TBC server

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Damn, kinda wish there was a PDF or something somewhere at least.

It just hit me. You classic fags are the Melee fans of the mmo world. Playing old outdated shit that everyone else stopped caring about a long time ago, save for a few dedicated autist.
It makes too much sense.

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i'll admit the ass is modeled better.

We're going to have 16 slots in mc

He was always kind of shitstain. He was a forum whiner that can be almost directly connected to the streamlining of MMOs and content, and raids being the only content that "matters". He was part of that top percentile of poopsockers in Everquest that shat up the forums complaining they beat the new content too quick.
It's only fitting he's now essentially a custodian of what he was once.

Raids ruined WoW
prove me wrong

Priest is the only pve healer in vanilla. Shaman/druid/paladin are utility. There is nothing wrong with this.

Problems occur when you get bitchbaby faggots who don't stay in their lane and fuck up your raid composition by playing a suboptimal spec or trying to snipe heals from the actual healers to boost their number.

PVE is long solved. If you don't like being a totem twister or buff bot in raids then don't pick the classes that are meant to do that.

Well, originally vanilla was designed to have no expansions.
As they were asking for subs, the plan was to have horizontal content, which is why vanilla has so much stuff and so many patches in such a constant amount of time, a barrage of content, while they had a bunch of shit planned in the back.
It reached a point where wow sub numbers were so high and the content in the pipeline was so much, they started thinking about an expansion, and eventually finished some of that content planned for horizontal progress in the expansion, such as karazhan, caverns, Quel'Thalas, outlands, etc.

I can easily see them follow the OSRS approach and progress with the original plan for vanilla

>this will be your average classic player after a few months

It's kind of different in that the devs acknowledge the want for it and are re-releasing it properly. Sakurai fucking hates Meleefags and would never lift a finger to accommodate them.

if that's the case then nothing matters, debuff discipline was one of the few things that made a difference between a casual weekend guild and some hardkore raider boys

Who /playing a healer but stealing spell damage gear to shit on people with smite in pvp/ here


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Unlimited vertical progression ruined WoW. It went from shit like the Lionheart Helm that was BiS for plate dps for all of vanilla to an expansion where gear gets outdated after a few months and limit to the amount of artifact power you have to farm in order to be competitive.

he's right though
prot and ret paladins should basically never be inserted to a raid composition of any variety, enhancement and elemental shamans completely lack the itemization and class mechanics to even be viable

if you can't afford the weekly two-way respec cost, you shouldn't be playing a hybrid with any intention of doing something other than healing in classic raid environments

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It's funny because people like you think you aren't the problem with the game, and aren't responsible for the current design philosophy of retail. You know why it's so streamlined and cookiecutter now? Because little shits like can't help filling their diaper with rage diarrhea if anyone dares to be "suboptimal" like it fucking matters how fast your clear a raid in something your yourself admit is solved. As if it's some kind of fucking arithmetic in the first place.
Truly embarrassing.


why are you retail and FF fags so assmad about this game.
We are going home and we're gonna enjoy every second of it no matter what.
What can you possibly get from trying (and failing) to shit up these threads every day

The only people who need resist gear in MC are tanks, no exceptions. People were just retarded back then.

>didn't enjoy arathi and wsg in vanilla

wtf? i loved playing that shit with friends, especially when i got a dedicated healer and we steamed through everyone

so lightshope will be dead?

>Dungeon runners
>World PvPers
those are the only 3 things i like in wow and i hate raiding
lads did i do it? have i finally acquired good and wholesome taste?

>they do classic+
>eventually it ruins the game just like the second half of WOTLK did

no thanks. at most give us a BC server and allow us to transfer our characters to it. if you do your character gets deleted from the vanilla server.

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Nobody cares about your shit opinion, nerd. I'll enjoy camping you with top tier raid gear ASAP while you complain on the forums.

There is no reason not to run an optimal raid and get everything done quickly and easily. Nobody likes wiping on ancient content just because there were one too many special snowflakes playing a meme spec.

This guy gets it

>leveled mage on nost
>benched cause 'not gnome lol'

100% this

Absolutely based. You tell him, lad.

I've never played Vanilla and the small bit of later WoW games I did play I never got to raiding, but how much of a problem are people like that and how prevalent are they? Because that sort of shit puts me off and makes me not want to play. Raids consist of like 40 people, with numbers that high why are we having spergs dictate what can and can't go?
I want to play a Warlock, can I go to them or am I going to be excluded to or is there gonna be like '1' space available for a single Warlock per raid or something?

This is literally the mentality of the average person who will be playing vanilla, or what is left of the population after a few months, people seem to forget that

Warlocks are fairly plenty, usually 5 in a raid. shadow priests I think are the only combo they will allow one of, and it's because they buff the warlocks

>'1' space available for a single Warlock per raid
Vanilla raiding now is 'optimal' races on 'optimal' classes with 'optimal' builds, 'optimal' items, 'optimal' buffs using 'optimal' rotations.

Here is an idea: Why not make classic+ server and let people decide if they transfer? Scared that noone will stay on shitty vanilla forver?

They screech very loudly, but ironically they’re very rarely actually raiders.
The real top percentile raiders do have a very strict meta, but that’s because they’re all about efficiency rather than because they’re incapable of doing the raid without them.
The vast majority of raiding guilds tend to err on the side of skill rather than race/class combos, though with the higher end guilds that might be provided they have enough slots filled with trusted people already.

Things classic needs:

>dual respec on a long CD
>removing absolutely USELESS talents and replacing them with something useful
>more instances with quests leading up to them like the deadmines kino chain(1 per zone, possibly single player ones)
>rated BGs
>more useful items from rep grinds such as the steamwheedle cartel etc
>challenge mode
>12 sec CC in PvP
>more class quests, including epic ones like hunter/priest have
>reworking of low level gear(more hit/crit and class appropriate stats, no more agi/str on cloth)
>25 man raids
>revamping of mostly useless professions
>no flask/pot stacking
>small tweaks to the honor system to allow life-havers to have a way to earn HW gear(make it really hard though)

Shaman or Priest?

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It’s the mentality of people playing Chinese whispers from private server players
Priest is the most versatile healer becomes priest is the only and best healer
Paladins struggle with gear becomes paladins are useless healers
Top end guilds stick with a meta becomes only that meta can raid
An ideal pre raid gear set becomes the mandatory gear set
Classes becoming increasingly powerful post AQ becomes those classes are inherently OP
The Chinese being a verminous menace that needs to be ritually exterminated becomes the Chinese being a verminous menace that needs to be ritually exterminated

It would have been neat as fuck if they had continued that and let only the people who got the corrupted Ashbringer in vanilla to get the questline that would take them throughout the entire expansion of TBC to complete before getting the Reforged Ashbringer by Sunwell, which is obviously a legendary weapon.

just go and play bfa

Nice phoneposting.

Paladins are the top-end Healers, outclassing even priests, by AQ40 and especially Naxx.

>1 minute long fights against equal level mobs where you miss, parry, dodge, are forced to heal 3 times

Sounds comfy, Ah... *sips Jolt cola*

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hint: play hunter if you are aware that you're not going to raid after wasting 200+ hours to level to 60
at least you'll have an enjoyable wPvP experience

I am probably the greatest rogue ever of all time in classic, here is my guide to playing rogue.
1) World PVP - If you see any PC in the game that is at least 5 levels below you, alone and questing; you gotta gank. You are a rogue, this is a roleplaying game, being a dick is your character.
2) Leveling - Find a Warrior or Priest to team up wit. As soon as you have got ur items/ finished ur quest, leave them. The warrior will be fine on their own and the priest shouldn't have chosen such a stupid class. No honor among thieves.
3) Loot - Roll for everything, steal whatever you can then bam! throw dat powder in their face and disappear, block chat, back to Ironforge and throw that shit on the Auction House. We in it for the gold, not the friends.
4) PVP - Find the weakest clothy who clearly doesn't know what they are doing and gank them, repeatedly until they quit. You are a rogue, easy kills are the only kills and warfare is psychological.
5) Duelling - NEVER duel another rogue. 1: it takes forever to find each other like birdcage and 2: If they beat you and people see, then you won't be able to make the claim that you are the best rogue on the server... Its like Schroedingers rogue, every rogue is the best rogue on the server, until it is observed and the wave function collapses.
6) DPS - It is NOT your fault if you are not topping the DPS charts in a raid, its Blizzards, the lack of gear for top lvl rogues, the tanks, the healers, OP fucking pain in the ass gnome mages, never yours.
7) Sneaking - If you sneak off in a raid to poke around or pickpocket and you pull elite mobs, don't take it on the chin. Hit the sprint button and get back to the party so it's now everybody's problem. They're your group, they have sworn to protecc, they should do their damn jobs. Spend the fight healing.

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So we don't need priests in our guild?

8) Endgame Gear - No matter what gear you've got in the bank, your main hand is Barman Shanker. It looks cool and fuck anyone who says this game is about winning. It's not, its about having the coolest looking gear. Repeatedly bug your guild to farm the drop.
9) Raiding - If the boss does not drop anything you need or want then you are AFK for this fight. Don't misuse this downtime; browse wowhead for drops you might need in this instance and pressure the party to go kill that boss instead because its "easier than wiping on the current one".
10) IRL Drama - It is NOT enough to roleplay being a dick. You must cause real life drama by spreading rumors about other guildies, talk shit in the whispers, create friction and drama wherever you go. If you have not caused at least a guild a week to disband, you are not doing your job properly.

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I like the change of material, but your masturbatory doomsaying fantasies still aren’t going to happen.

>want to heal as a paladin
>don't want to wear dresses
here comes lucidmorph

A hunter roaming STV is a nightmare for low-levels. They can hide from other 60's, but not a hunter.

Nice english too.

are you implying 3 of those don't apply to magic plus resistances

Of course you do. They outperform all others until AQ40 and Naxx where Paladins become the de facto tank/PvP healers as they cannot run out of mana and they have better survivability. Priests are still good to heal the dps in raids tho.

Haha too true. The most succesful guild I played with wasn't like this at all, like our leader wouldn't give a fuck what race you played or what items you were using (except for the main tank), as long as you were performing good and bosses were dying and you weren't being a bitch to the other players.

I have also played in those extreme poopsock tryhard guilds, it is an environment completely devoid of fun. They think what matters most is material issues like items and consumables but they fail to realize the human factor is always the number 1 requirement of success.

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>at least 50% of classes/talents useless
>full of zoomers/guild drama

Yeah, no thanks.


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vanilla wasnt made strictly with the streamlined tank dps healer mentality. the hybrid classes initially were hybrids. support classes that healed, and did damage and also had tanking abilities. but because brainlets cant evaluate performance unless its shoehorned into 1 singular metric (damage/healing meters) then it's shit.

only for the starter zones
>at least 50% of classes/talents useless
that's how it should be, too easy and streamlined otherwise
>full of zoomers/guild drama
There will easily be guilds without drama and there will be players that aren't zoomers. come on

If you wish to raid seriously then you gotta cookie cutter for the raids

I Played warlock and Rogue back in Vanilla. For Classic going to still main Warlock but not sure if my alt will be Rogue again or Warrior.

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So who else is getting analysis paralysis for their faction choice?

>Horde has better races but some class combos look goofy
>Alliance has more interesting areas and less mud huts, but some Horde ones are comfy too
>nelf as druid is a dealbeaker for the class

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Uh no it fucking does not you misinformed moron

Nah, I tried playing the other faction before but as nice as it can be to have a change of pace I'll forever be tied to the general aesthetic style of my original choice.

I really really hope they continue to develop Classic like Jagex does with Old School Runescape. Keep the main game intact as it was back then, but add lots of new content that fits the Classic theme

100% of wipes are from some retard not knowing mechanics, or the entire raid not knowing how to play. Not because of the 1% difference in the maximum potential between classes (as if anyone who makes posts like that even is good lol)

I wanted to play a Human Warlock but I'm not going to do it. No amount of convincing will work, there's just way too many downsides and human racials don't really do shit for locks anyway

I played an Undead Warlock from Vanilla to WotLK. I'm thinking about experiencing the Alliance side this time around.

I wouldn't trust Nu-blizzard with that. hell naw

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I find certain min/maxing choices to be painful. I’m fully aware that gnome is the best caster on the Alliance side by a slight margin, but human is infinitely more aesthetic. Ultimately I know that I will never play a gnome, but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t hurt a little to know that I’m sacrificing performance for this.

>spams flash of light on mt with crit/int stack gear and tops the charts
heh nothing personnel clothcuck

I feel you, but I think it needs to have content updates that weren't in the original version of the game in order to have any kind of staying power. I wouldn't be surprised to see Blizzard fuck it up completely, though.

Blizz clearly said they will not do anything outside of vanilla version.

cringe, good thing you hate raiding so much because no good guild will ever take you when you have this mentality.

>100% of wipes are from some retard not knowing mechanics, or the entire raid not knowing how to play. Not because of the 1% difference in the maximum potential between classes

I can confirm this 100% based on my experiences raiding in this game.
The thing is that shitters tend to want to blame their gear, instead of taking the blame on themselves.

>oh wow classic I can't wait
>join a hardcore raiding guild
>"don't hit on me you silly boys teehee, brb taking my hormones"

I hope you're prepared for this shit

>new DLC quest packs!

>I said it doesn’t hurt a little to know that I’m sacrificing performance for this
Fucking this.
I am not a min/maxer, but I sure fucking hate when I know I'm gonna play a class based on what I think it's cool, but I know other race has something better going for it.

Still gonna play a Tauren because I just can't stand using a Troll for some reason, even though the Shaman sets look okey in them

>that hunter with a core marksman rifle

Sm dh

most of my best WoW memories come from raiding

They would fuck it all up. I WOULD however think it would be cool if they unlocked Karazan raid tuned to 60, and Hyjal battle tuned to 60 stuff like that. Areas that are there just locked off.

you could always say you picked human for the increased rep gain. it's a pretty good reason as any for picking human and works for every single class.

Because Karazan was originally going to be a vanilla raid.

Same, figured i've always been Horde and with classic coming out again it would be fitting for a new adventure of trying a different faction

just play what ever is best and use lucidmorph to change your model to whatever you find most aesthetically pleasing

yes, the cancer sting, pet and increased MS aura and ez kiting with wing clip means you can kill any class easily.
funnily enough most people will fall for rogue being good for PvP meme, then fall for the combat spec trap and get fucking destroyed by everyone on high pop.

>That Warrior with Whirlwind Sword / Hammer

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also grim batol and uldum

>try private server
>get to level 23
>no sense of adventure
>just doing shit tier quests with bad drop rates
>world is static and boring
>towns don't even feel like towns with npcs who stand in the same spot forever
>combat is tedious and uncomplicated enough so clickers can play
>look at the next quest zone (cause thats all they are rather than "the next lands to explore")
>same quests I did in earlier quest zones
>don't wish to continue

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>projection, the post

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>that's how it should be
If they're useless, why do they exist in the first place?

to piss off min/maxers.

As far as I remember, leveling a Warlock was really effortless because of the pet. Thinking about rolling a mommy human/nelf rogue.
The think I'm most excited about are the server communities. The sense of a community and the need to socialize with other people is so crucial for an MMO imo

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Meanwhile clothbros can actually cast more than five spells without going oom. Tincans utterly and foreverially btfo.

based, there's gonna be a lot of classicuck suicides a few weeks after launch

looking forward to it

You're so wrong. A raid down 20% potential dps because it has a bad comp or specs means 20% longer fights/20% more damage taken/20% more mana needed for healing, etc.

The faster you kill a boss the less mechanics affect your raid which means the less chances for people to fuck up. Wipes mean more consumables (which you use....right?), more repairs, more expenses.

Having a shit comp and specs isnt fun, it's frustrating and disrespectful to the people spending their time to try and do something.

It's not even really an argument, it's the fact of how the game works.

Classic is insanely easy, especially with DM buffs and songflower. Thing is people will still struggle because casuals would rather not prepare and wipe for four hours, than spend 1 hour preparing and 45 minutes raiding. Cutting out the lazy idiots makes for a better experience, and additionally does not reward bad behavior.

i'm not gonna be hardcore raiding, i'll probably only see partway through aq40 or maybe kill c'thun. thinking healer, shaman, but i feel like totems are going to be annoying, cause i'll put one down, then have to move, and have to put the same one down again, wasting time/mana. and questing in the world having to stay near my totems during a fight seems awkward as shit

Think they have legit work until July (or whenever they release it in Summer) or is it just to make sure BfA's impending content drought is covered?

...I mean the content drought more so than it originally had. Regardless if they come out and said "Hey we're done senpai, we're releasing June 1st!" that would be nice even if it's unlikely.

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If they rigorously stick to classics general feel and community vote everything added like OSRS but with absolutely zero quality of life additions which fucking ruined OSRS then classic+ might stand a chance. There's no chance in hell of that happening though I highly expect classic to have a skeleton team that just makes sure nothing crashes and burns

paladins have unlimited mana if they stack crit and mp5 in vanilla. meanwhile clothfucks need to carry billion stacks of mana potions

>going oom
user, I...

>This is your average private server fag

If you enjoy the game more the less time you spend playing it, doesn't that mean you hate the game?

Imagine being this mad at a literal who on the internet because they play a game you dont like. We have truly reached peak enlightenment

What the fuck is that strawpoll?
Go back to Yea Forums if you are not going to behave like a proper human being and type with some decency.

They're not useless, small changes are changes nonetheless, it allows for meme builds at the same time and adds to other things like an overall money sink, an example being warriors changing their talents depending on the weapon they have, since there is a different wep damage increase talent in the arms tree

>no blood elves in vanilla
Well, human female paladin it is. As close as it gets, I guess.

Same here, this community and new feel is whats doing it for me, I feel like levellling the different faction would really add to it as then it's a personal sense of new and adventure since I don't really know much about the ally side of the game

t. tranny

>hardcore raiding
nobody will be, vanilla raids are a joke even compared to current BfA
Majority of players will quit before max level anyway once the nostalgia wears off

Wiping because your guild is bad and stupid is not "playing the game".

just a fabulous bishonen weeb

class flavor. something retail is completely devoid of.

So wtf happens at the end of vanilla content? do they just nuke the server and start over?

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>Wiping isn't playing the game

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eh I'd rather have few beers and shoot the shit while trying to kill dragons with my suboptimal bros than be in an autistic sperg guild and have 5 trannies scream in my ear simultaneously.

I bet you don't even capitalize the first letter of your name when you make MMO names.

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I think you can go for those if you're the right race.

enjoy never seeing Naxx

Fuck off. Raiding is the whole point of leveling. What's your problem with raiding? And why the fuck would you endorse world PvP? What are you? A retailcuck?

I mean that's the whole point of a game with different tiers of content, I for one never saw Naxx back when i was a teenager but i sure did enjoy the game anyway.

>You can't clear Naxxramas without being a sweaty cunt.

You really are delusional. Yikes!

if you chill first few tiers you'll have a nice core full of mates and can shape up for naxx easily. if you tryhard through early content your shitty guild will implode with drama before naxx

this kind of guild probably will clear naxx actually, assuming blizz lets servers mature endlessly. if you aren't locked into a 2 year cycle and you could just play vanilla with a guild for .. 4-5 years maybe, then anyone can clear naxx, just slowly. you'll gear through it


1 Free level 60 (60 only) character copy to the TBC server, the rest cost dosh.

TBCClassic+ Server, BE's and Draenei never added, Paladin and Shaman remain faction specific.

Faction Split Centaur race introduced as playable characters.

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They get shut down by some french pserver developers and the circle starts anew

>BE's and Draenei never added, Paladin and Shaman remain faction specific.
not gonna happen ever. even if they decided #CHANGES for tbc-classic, that shit is too specific a request, you won't find traction. deal with belves hordey

>nothing game continues forever in that state like a private server
>they progress into other expansions which is unlikely but they might make different servers for TBC/WOTLK since those are massively popular
>they start adding brand new content to classic like what OSRS does which is probably the most unlikely imo

see you in BfA after your experimental server is shitbinned for being an embarrassing failure
>you think you do

I miss playing that murloc game, I can't remember what it was called though.

oh god i remember that game now

you underestimate how badly blizz screwed the PR on bfa, it's a dead product, no patch is gonna bring it back, people are gonna wait for the next expac

>the sweaty private server nerd
can smell you from here

It's almost always a retail-player posting this kind of stuff, as if he is locked into a dualistic system where he has to side with either retail, OR vanilla, and can't just enjoy playing whatever game he likes the most.

And if I have nostalgia for a game, does that invalidate the game? Or does it maybe mean that was something I cherished because it was a good game.


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It's called Murloc RPG pretty sure it's still on newgrounds

>that's how it should be, too easy and streamlined otherwise
Are you retarded? What is more streamlined that everyone picking the same talents?

People do the same in retail, in going onto wowhead and picking whatever the optimal talent tree is, except there's more variety in classic is my point. More variety would imply it is not streamlined.

>that's how it should be, too easy and streamlined otherwise
*doesn't let you into the raid unless you have the exact same talents as my favorite "competitive wow player"*

Thanks, user. Time to really relive some nostalgia.

Have Naxx


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>more variety in classic
I dont remember anyone in BFA turning down priests because they aren't dwarves

If you're in one of those min-max faggot guilds, yes. Don't join one of those guilds then

The kind of guilds with people like this in them are the ones that disband over inane shit because no one really likes each other or the game.

Sperg guilds almost always disintegrate before getting there.
Bro guilds that mature, learn and have a laugh are far more forgiving of the meltdowns that cause guild implosions, and more resistant to the dreaded GM’s GF Trojan horde

>tfw when you rescue centaur girl in pathfinder (read dnd) and GM allows you to keep her as cohort.

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never happens in classic either

And that won't happen consistently in classic, this isn't a private server, the entire server is not going to min maxers like on private servers

>he actually believes nu-blizz isn't going to completely fuck this up
I want to believe, but I'd be a fool if I did.

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>see you in classic after your bfa server is shitbinned for being an embarrassing failure

I don't know, I think nostalgia will be enough to get people to seriously raid for atleast a while.
While the boss fights in classic will be more of a gear check than an actually knowing what the fuck you're doing check, it will still be more than enjoyable for most people I think.

what's the most underappreciated area in vanilla and why is it Swamp of Sorrows?

It's not as boring as people make it out to be and one of the most comfy starting zones especially at night.

what class you rolling for vanilla?
For me its either yet another Orc Enh Shaman or a Dwarf since my first character ever was a Dwarf Paladin

Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all.
Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
Say goodbye to most of your classes.
No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.

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>Classicfags don't have this
Retail wins again

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>AOE looting

It always amuses me to hear of the crazy shit nu-blizz added (after i quit in Wrath) for the sake of "Quality of life".

You forgot the most important one.
>no blood elf/dranei girlfriend

I wonder if the original poster feels a shred of embarrassment over this.
Given his thousands of posts I’d say not, but I have hope.

I say Hello to old windfury animation and sound. Why do blizzard fags ruined Windfury?


Old windfury was too much fun, you're not allowed to have fun says nu-blizz. You need to check your orc privilege every day whilst playing boring arena battles.

Some of those are sacrifices that unfortunately have to be made. A fresh start. A clean slate. We NEED to go back.

And you need to go back to BfA forums.

when youre an adult, 15 bucks a month is not really noticeable.

>Can't decide between Mage or Warlock main for PvP
>Can't decide between Horde or Alliance

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>No Pandaren. No worgen. NO DK.

take it easy, bro

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Teldrassil, a lot of people don't even know about the huge tree branches that you can walk out on extending out of the zone.


Feralas, beautiful zone with lots of enemy variety

If they launched classic and it had DK, DH, and Necromancers like was originally planned with no announcement of this before launch would people be happy or angry?

Barely 1,3 million subscribers in October last year... Ouch. How the mighty have fallen.

>Not being good at two classes
>Not having 2-3 level 60s for professions

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Not interesting to me
Sounds awesome, I want to raise dead corpses for my skelly army. But the curses / debuffs playstyle was stolen by the Warlock class so it won't happen.

holy shit that last comment
hell no, fuck crogge

>hmm, which one of my 2 abilities will I use for the first 40 levels.

haha yeah they only make $200 million a month from that and three times that from microtransactions clearly the company's about to fall

>muh money

I'm just pointing out that they had over 10 mill subs at one point.

I'm 3 hours late because I only just joined the thread, but I uploaded my pdf for you user.!x1JiiKaK!jhkFsT7chiTrDl6JnNCghD-7FzGz7us2OqtkEEsQpHY

The main thing classics needs is a rebalance of the talent trees to make more specs viable. Most of the classes only have a single viable spec at end game.

The only people who annoy me are players who DON'T run any dungeons while levelling. I don't know why people are trying to efficiencyfag the levelling experience when it'll only be Molten Core/Ony in Phase 1.
It's not Classic if I'm not wearing Whitemane's Chapeau as soon as I can run Cathedral. I know dungeons aren't the most optimal route for experience but the people acting like they've got to rush to 60 are ruining their experience if BWL won't even be available until Phase 3

Doubt they even have one million in the west anymore. Most of my former realms are fucking dead and these were medium sized realms that have been there since day 1.

why do you even care



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i bet it will depend on how popular it becomes
if it makes money there is no way they will not go back on what they said later on

but they also didn't have all the cash shops and shit to spend money on outside of a subscription, it makes up for the drop in subscribers where profits are concerned

oh baby
thanks for the dolphin porn, user

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Why do people keep repeating this 'only 1 spec viable' meme for 1 aspect of the game which is 40man raids which are arguably the weakest part of vanilla

Because you are un-arguably a retard.

>Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
classic has pets

transmog is the only thing I will miss out of those, but whatever.

>open up .pdf file
>cmd pops up for a second
uhh thanks

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>'only 1 spec viable'

I think only people who didn't actually do high-level raiding believe this, because they've been told that you need that one "cookie cutter spec", but it doesn't apply in reality. If by the word "viable" you mean "optimal" then sure but that's a wrong interpretation of the word "viable". Any spec can be viable if you are a good player.

Top guilds in the world didn't even use optimal class/race combinations back then.

>The think I'm most excited about are the server communities. The sense of a community and the need to socialize with other people is so crucial for an MMO imo

Except most people aren't going to do that. Don't need to socialize when you can just look up guides for everything.

thats bfa. everything dies in 2 hits so you use your basic kit to kill mobs. meanwhile on classic you need to utilize your whole arsenal the game slowly dripfeeds you just not to die to mobs of the same level.

Thanks buddy much appreciated

? WTF there won't be legion content in vanilla?

Say goodbye to the people, community and environment of 2005. Say goodbye to your carefree youth and optimism.

Because it's never coming back. No matter how ''''authentic vanilla'''' or not Classic ends up being the experiences and joy you had back then can never be replicated.

And once the nostalgia wears off the panic will begin to set in.
First you will notice less travelers along the road. Getting a dungeon group takes longer. Off-peak hours turn home cities into ghost towns. Then, after the bandwagon praise died down the harsh analysis will come from critics and community heads. Next your friends one by one start logging in less, all that fervor to adventure and level to end-game starts to peter out by level 30.

It becomes harder to convince them to come online, the excuses "oh I need to spend time with the kids/wife/work" more frequent, and eventually the worst comes to pass. Your closest group of friends are online, sure, but playing a different game. Maybe the latest battle royale, maybe some other nostalgia fad or, most likely, a different MMO entirely. Probably retail WoW instead.

Once the population has dwindled to only the most die-hard then the dreaded news arrives. Classic hemorraghes subs, Classic is a failure, Blizzard says servers unsustainable, Classic WoW shutting down for good.
You thought you do, but reality is not just that you don't, but that you can't.

They just forget PvP exists. Elemental Shamans/Shadow Priests can't be made viable for raiding because if they didn't have mana issues they'd just kite everyone and endlessly sustain themselves in PvP. Otherwise they could have the issue in retail where mana mayaswell not exist and every class can perform the same actions while having their numbers re-adjusted every patch so everyone gets their time at the top.
I don't know why people complain about viability, it's not like the raid content is hard and at this point everybody knows which specc is 'viable' and which isn't. Why would someone with the mentality that only certain speccs are viable pick a specc which underperforms? I don't understand them

Sounds amazing

based wow doomer.

Wiping is explicitly failing to play the game properly....kiddo.

all these unviable casters like elem shaman, spriest and balance druid can offset their mana problem by simply spamming mana potions. its a principle of effort to output ratio. these specs require a shitton of gearing and consumes to work and thats one of the appeals of them. to do the impossible, to make bad shit work great.

Where do you doomers get all this lore from?
>the panic will begin to set in
lmao, 5/5

>The main thing classics needs is a rebalance of the talent trees

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You can still be carefree and optimistic as an adult. The joy was already replicated on private server, it will be better with classic, joy is subjective. Yes the game will die down, but more players may also join the game, and servers may be combined, there are plently of remedies for this.

Not gonna bother with the rest, I don't understand how people have these arguments after Nost was such a success.
It begun with, nost will be a failure, then classic will be failure, I wonder what next?

I just want to heal and do all the old vanilla questlines again and experience old azeroth. i fucking hate cata changes to the world.

Obviously, but that guy said wiping was not "playing the game", which is a funny statement.

All these going home posts land I haven’t seen a single one of you remember the bullshittery of having to level your weapon skills to 300 when you get an upgrade.

You mean in pvp?

Nost was free to play. Fuck off classicuck.

I mean in pve. in pvp these burst damage specs work as intended obviously.

Hybrid tax :^)

Oh I love all of those speccs and i'll likely be playing an Elemental shaman once I can be bothered to farm consumables after i've burnt out on PvP. I just don't understand the people who like these challenging speccs but also want the challenge removed

I am going to play a Survival Hunter and there is LITERALLY nothing you can do to stop me.

I done it all as a mage, so you've got fuckall to complain about m8, it wasn't that hard.
Maybe take the time to switch weapons whilst levelling all the time to keep them around the same level.

This was my favourite picture on the box. Shame it's not representative of anything actually in the game that I recall

Spriest is not really pve viable due to interfering with shadowbolt spam from locks and debuff slots. Ele sham is also a dps loss to the raid unless you have your totem twisters already. On a short fight it might do ok. Balance durid is kind of a meme but I suppose if it's also a stacked raid you could get some ok numbers.

WoW is garbage.
>Want to level some professions
>Oh wait no, you're not allowed to choose 2, you actually can only choose one because every single one of your chars needs to have engineering or you lose in PvP vs somebody who does have engineering, regardless of skill difference. Period.

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At least 1 Spriest is mandatory because Shadow Priests specifically buff Warlocks with their Shadow Weaving debuff.

Of all the things that ppl complain about, Weapon skill leveling is the easiest. You really just auto-attack mobs for a couple hours while listening to some good music or watching youtube vids and then it's done, 300 skill. It is even dare i say, comfy.

Enjoy. Survival is strong/competitive at all levels of content in vanilla and obviously great for pvp. Also scales better than marks with gear.

you're not, stop lying

Only use of a laser chicken I can think of is to put them with holy paladins that haven’t hit their desired crit rate yet.

That priest isnt actually playing as dps. They just bring the debuff and keep it up while spot healing. I think I played it before as trispec.

>Goblin Land Mine
>Oh boy can't wait to use this to set up ambushes on people
>Disappears after 1 minute.

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I never once had engineering in vanilla user. It's gonna be more of a necessity this time around perhaps, but it was never that big a deal back then. Also people are literally spending money - which isn't that abundant really - to have a better chance of beating you, which is always funny.

Locks and mages argued regularily over the chicken privileges in our raid.

I usually help lowbies while leveling weapon skills

You want the Priest dealing as much damage as they can, so real healers don't have to waste mana healing life tapping Warlocks. Instead, they get healed through most of their life taps by Vampiric Embrace.

It's not a pure DPS spec, it's a hybrid spec, and it contributes in a meaningful way to both roles.

the only challenge here is to not fall asleep after playing for 10 minutes

Engineering is required for pvp to be competitive against enemy engineers, assuming everybody is playing at a competent level to begin with.

If i could decide I would make Weapon Skill even more painful. I would implement Weapons Skill Atrophy (so your weapon skills went down over time and you had to constantly use your weapons to keep your characters skill max'd).

And I'm telling you that fucking 14 years ago that wasn't the case. I beat plenty of cunts using engineering in wsg whilst I never switched from enchanting/tailoring for the entirety of my years playing the game.

>comes out of shadowmeld and sapper charges you
elune akbar to you as well good sir

>player housing
Good riddance. Any game with player housing is instant trash.
There's so much dumb faggot whale shit that always surrounds it.
And it never amounts to anything but a private hangout where people go to AFK and spam crafting materials making the game appear dead because nobody is actually walking anywhere anymore.

I am

I need some help.
I played MMOs a lot but I've never played wow and I'm interested in vanilla and deciding on a class with all the apparent misinformation I'm getting all over the internet has been really tiresome.

I decided for shadow priests for fun pvp but then found out that they won't get their necessary gear until like Phase 3 pf classic. Is this true?
Then I decided for holy-reck paladin but I've been told that I won't be able to be critical'd by /sitting anymore. I don't know if this is true, but in the case that it is would it still be reliable to get stacks of reckoning in PvP?

And last question, holy paladin looks very fun for raids, how is it for 1v1 pvp? I've seen videos and it looks fun but could be cherrypicking.

It's funny that you believe this is optimal.

Literally where? For what? What the fuck are you on about even?

He is talking about 1v1 duels outside of IF / Org. So from that perspective he is correct.

Nigger if you're doing everything optimally bosses in anything before AQ40 die in less than a minute and nobody has a chance to go Oom anyway.

You beat bad players who didn't utilize their skills properly. Congrats.

Once again, vs equal or more skilled players with engineering you need engineering to counter their bullshit.

vampiric embrace is never used in raiding

That's my point. Locks don't need to tap and don't need somebody to passively heal them.

off to trannycord with you, disgusting peasant

Just pick a fucking class you nigger. You aren't taking a mortage for fucking sake. Why do you have overthink this shit. Worrying over t3 content at character creation - you are a literal joke and a caricature.

Get help, man.

Oh wow yeah eng MUST HAVE for everyone confrimed. De facto only 1 prof slot, shit game, will shitpost forever.

Confirmed for never played vanilla molten core

>t3 content
he literally only asked about pvp

It was on that Naxx boss before Blizz sealed the loophole

See Not once did you ask 'whats fun to level with' showing how fucking modern MMO cucked you are. By the way the answer to that question is EVERYTHING. So fucking choose ANYTHING.

I meant phase3 obviously not the t3 sets specifically.

>thread full of seething retailcucks and elitists
>they'll still be mad when I'm busy leveling and raiding MC with my bros again

I said get help.

Except most of the snowflakes levelling Warriors will give up in their 20s and 30s.
Then they'll decide to level an easymode class like mage, warlock or hunter instead.

You'll be sick of the player base in two weeks and bored in a month.

>m-muh i'll be enjoying muh casul experience
Nah you're a fag and your 'bros' won't play past level 30.

Warriors make up +20% of population even at 60.

What version is WoW classic starting with? Please don't tell me retail. I still have nightmares from playing Druid from vanilla at launch.

>tfw will be wiping on the most basic bosses in mc with a bro progression guild and I'll enjoy every minute of it
we're coming home bros


In Vanilla could you pay to change your characters race? I forgot if they did that.
Thinking of leveling as human and just changing my race to dwarf at 60

I said fuck off

Phase 3 is months away, user. I don't want to play a character that I won't enjoy for several months. Surely you can understand that without calling me a "joke and a caricature" whatever the fuck that means.

Dwarf paladin and I dont give a fuck

I was extremely efficient on my Druid in MC by using lower ranks of spells and spamming them. I was horde so I could never compare to a Paladin. I used to solo heal 10man Stratholme back when that was still a thing

No and FUCK you. You're everything wrong with WoW.

Im going Alliance. Horde have better dungeons, and Shaman is amazing, generally the horde races are more interesting, and anecdotally I think more skillful players. But Alliance has FAR better music, leveling and zones. Most importantly people in Alliance join up to level with randoms all the time, so you get that real community feel. For that real 1 to 60 experience you kinda have to go Alliance.

me when BWL comes out

god I can't wait

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I agree 100% with what you just said

>Mfw i get the best of both worlds by rolling Horde but spending all of my time ganking in Ally zones

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>no one remembers how OP undead shadow priests were

How did you even reach this conclusion? Did you watch some ebin youtube pvp videos? And think to yourself 'yea, I wanna be cool like that epic dude lmao'?

That's not what 99% of your playing experience will be about at all at any level.

Never got into WoW even though I knew people who played it back in the days, so figured I might give it a shot.
What's a good class for fucking around as a newcomer?

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whatever you say cuck, we've already done 60 on several private servers and only quit because the servers went to shit or shut down. Classic will give us the stability we've missed.

we're coming home


your autism is showing

Everything is basic as fuck as this is a game for 12 year olds. By the time you reach 40s you'll be adept at whatever class you chose.

Yes, I watched videos, guides and read as much as I can because I like to do research myself before directly asking. Is that a bad thing now? Should I just ask to be spoonfed next time?
I like raiding and wpvp, I want a class that can decently do both without having to reset talents everytime. That's why I'm interested in holy paladin. My question is how they fare in 1v1.

I know what my general playing experience will be, so stop trying to act superior.

You're absolutely, irrefutably correct. Just look at the replies to this comment. Complete denial.

It doesnt matter, all the classes are easy to get into. Pick whichever you think you will enjoy playing as the most.

The only class I would not recommend is Warrior since when you do dungeons people will usually expect you to be the tank. You can still do it if you want, warrior is awesome, but you should just be aware that you are tankbait and should know how the dungeons work before you do them.

>LF tank Strat
>[lazy faggot] level 60 X warrior

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>all the classes are easy to get into
Yeah. No.

Whichever you think looks the coolest. I'd avoid playing a tank since if you've never played the game before since the threat managements the only 'complex' thing to learn. Alot of people suggest hunters but I think Mages are one of the best classes for newcomers. Since you're so squishy you're forced to learn how to CC/kite but you have so much utility with buffs/free food and drinks/teleports that you quickly make friends and have an easy time moving around the world.

What are you talking about user just proc windfury

Going bs/mining to give my pally phat low level greens

Why would you ever play a game suboptimally? Neck yourself you autistic shit eater, there are 39 people trying to finish this content.

Ill be rolling Arms thx fag

Based and fucking redpilled.

>tfw gonna farm pre-bis gear on my druid and then do nothing but gank lowbies in the more remote areas such as Desolace or Swamp of Sorrows

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Funny when autistic shit eaters call other people autistic shit eaters.

Every flaw that was already complainend about in 2005 and was fixed in TBC is now supposedly what made vanilla great. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

What are some good ways to grind gold in classic? Preferably solo viable.

>Tfw it was the faggy demon hunter in the background that made my 11 year old ass buy this game with my allowance
>tfw none of the armors in that shot are actual sets that fit the respective classes.
>tfw red dragon in STV
There's so much wrong with this famous bullshot that it hurts.

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Isn't Shaman the easiest one to get into? I can't think of a class with more variety. If you want to have more sustain you can go flametongue+dagger/shield or if you want to go more RNG you can go 2h Windfury. Fuck if you want to be a caster Elementals fine after level 40. It's impossible to fuck Shaman levelling up

>TFW I was tanking dungeons as an Arms Warrior
Shit was fun and my DPS was cuhrayze. Easily done even with average gear and a decent healer.

TBC killed WoW you zoomer fuck

Are Classic fags the most autistic fanbase? People just repeat the same shit on every wow thread for years and years like some sort of brainless cult. Even I am kind of retarded since I've played since vanilla to BFA and leveled up to 60 on 4 different normal exp rate realms but holy fuck this kind of parroting reminds me of the NPC maymay so much that maybe the AI has already found its way to fool the new captcha

>whiners whine
>blizz panders to whiners
>game goes to shit

Is the vanilla private server any good?

>Love Warlock
>Hate Trolls
>Literally just right now realized a Troll Warlock would be amazing
No Magic people, Voodoo people
The Voodoo, who do what you don't dare do, people

only naxx is tuned for 40 players. you can easily go through tier 1 and 2 with 30-35 members

You are asking the wrong questions. Or rather your questions are moot. Pick either and do whatever. Don't worry about being suboptimal as nearly everyone you face and play with will be the same. You can do pvp in pve gear and talents and be nearly as effective as a pvp tryhard. Like how is this even an issue, just go and do it if you want to.

Depends on what experience you're looking for

And where do people get PvP gear from? Raiding.

Make sure that you'll be active on the realm forums to trigger large scale manhunts for your head. I also recommend the boats/zeppelins where you'll be able to pick targets of all levels.

they weren't unless you played very good vs equally geared players
it's extremely hard to win against good locks for example

Fishing for the fish that turns people into ninjas/pirates
Oozlings in Felwood
Ghosts in Winterspring
Thorium in the Plaguelands

>You can do pvp in pve gear and talents and be nearly as effective as a pvp tryhard.
Yeah I'm just gonna stop replying to you. Good luck and all that, bye.

>You can do pvp in pve gear and talents and be nearly as effective as a pvp tryhard
I get that Yea Forums is casual as fuck but goddamn this is the dumbest thing I have heard. You have literally no clue what you are talking about

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Delusional classic cuck

>in vanilla
>in 2004
yeah no

He's right though
>I'm just gonna stop replying
Turns out you're the one who has no arguments, then.

We are that type of guild and we have been a gaming clan since 2002. Imagine being friends with competent gamers for more than a decade and shitstomping every game you play together.

But he is right

Ok, educate us plebs and post a paladin healing spec for pvp and one for pve. And tell us how latter will abysmally fail in BG.

Imagine sex

make free action potions


>Dude do the OSRS poll shit lmao

Yes, allow subs to vote on changes to Classic when they share subs with retail players, a large number of which fucking hate Classic. Genius!

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Not him but ive seen some pretty legitimate arguments for that

Basically, while raids are fine as "endgame content" it wasnt until TBC that the game started into its absolute raid-centric trend + flying mounts completely segregating the player from the world you play in was very bad in hindsight

The marginally better class balance that came with TBC was nice but ultimately not equivalent at all to what was lost

you ahve to forego sex to reach that level of pure gaming power

Farming Felcloth/Essence of water/Essence of Earth as drops from 52-60 lvl monsters in Azshara, Felwood or Silithus. Please share to break the economy immediately.

Massive brain?

Quest on mighty wizard

Will these be consistent even today? After all these years of private servers and easy access to information on the internet I'd imagine a lot of things are gonna be different. Has there been any major discoveries in private servers that we didn't know of in vanilla?

As long as you need these components to make the best in slot boe craftable epics they will be needed by the bundle my friend.

>Having endgame content to motivate you to level is bad

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





>hero classes

>>( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
>pulling TWO mobs

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I agree flying was the worst part of TBC, and other than the lack of originality on dungeons layout (SM copy paste) i still think TBC hit the sweet spot to please for both hardcore and casuals. I never ever got the same excitement as doing my first karazhan. Theres alot more reason to play TBC on the daily, compared to classic. Ill give that classic nailed the RPG feel of a mmoRPG

>you'll never venture into the crazy high level area called Ashenvale doing your shaman totem quest and have a grand adventure for the first time again

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>Playing a certain class just to "minmax" and not pick one they like because reasons
People like you are the reason retail is dead.

>no new blizzpost update this week


>DPS without an AoE

You only listed positive things beside the convenient side of AOE looting.

I mean they at least tried in TBC where they had quest areas you could only access with flying unlike the following xpacs

How bad is the disadvantage of going human mage/warlock instead of gnome? Those are my top picks rn but I don't really want to play a gnome

>Tauren Druid
>Making friends with night elves when you visit moonglade
>we would all go exploring
>die horribly in the cave of highlevel murderbears

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redpill me on squido

Almost like vanilla used actual RPG mechanics.

Int bonus is legit good, and escape artist is a top tier pvp racial. Human brings nothing besides perception, and you don't need it against rogues if you spec soul link anyways.

That said, why weren't spells able to miss? They could only be resisted and the chance for that lowered by the "chance to hit" modifier, making it effectively count as a miss. Sort of?

okay look im sorry, don't play classic, please, i was just trying to shitpost to stop you from doing it, i fucking admit it okay? i've been pushing this goddamn gold trading and rose tinted goggles meme to try disuade you but its clearly not working so im begging you, please, just don't go to classic, come back to retail the subs are so low that im honestly scared that blizzard will just put retail as a damn side project in favour of classic
please just have a heart and think about it this isn't what you want either im sure of it, don't do this

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To be fair the spells home in on the target, makes sense they can't miss, only be resisted.

Is this new pasta? Saved either way lol

And factions based around it

Accuracy is based on weapon skill. Being able to miss on heals sounds like a horrible time

Is the Defense skill even a thing for Pvp? Is it a waste to get?

Can't wait to spend all my free time playing Classic and laughing and spitting in the faces of retail cucks.

>actually playing the current version of WoW in 2019

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Yes. It's part of the reason why a player a few levels higher than you has a greater advantage

If you plan on tanking instances, then yes to a certain degree. There is a cap for it, and if you are too hard to hit in easier instances you wont generate enough rage as a warrior to even use your skills to generate threat on the monsters themselves. That will result in monsters attacking your teammates rather than you. So it is a trade off, in a way.

>all the redditors and dadgamers rolling stupid shit like ret paladin because it’s what they play in retail and thinking they’ll get a raid spot
>mfw they’re all forced to heal
I can’t wait for the torrent of tears

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Can't wait to furiously dab on all the people I know that will still be playing BFAshit while we all go home

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>play demo
>see retailfags pull 3+ mobs and get murdered nonstop
One of the most interesting parts of classic to me will be seeing how retailfags adapt to it

I was thinking more end game pvp

Being a nightmare to kill is one of the best things in mmo's. Eventually people will learn this and accept their fate.

What's a dadgamer?

>he's not going reckbomb no shoe niggers into dirt

Yes, get your defense to 300.

>mfw people still don't realize 25 paladins can do every raid until Naxx

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>Oops i didn't get one stack fuck fuck fuck no stop killing me! *bubble hearth*

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Give me a good paladin spec to be able to solo quest relativily fast while being able to heal dungeons.


Defense doesn't really do anything against spells, so i wouldn't recommend this. Think of it as dumping your stats to fight something specific, is it worth it? Honestly, it's your call, but in PvP i prefer to dish out a lot of damage fast, before help arrives.

wrong image user.

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Just use the basic Ret spec

come one now, with the pet AI they had in classic it would've been a fucking disaster

theres zero reason not to get your defense to 300

This is what has been making me not want to play a warrior. I don't want to be that faggot asking for a tank because I don't want to.

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They had an idea that you would be able to upgrade your character to a hero class when being max level and completing a quest chain

Tanking is fucking easy, especially 5 mans.

put on that shield and defensive stance user, you're gonna need it.

No, but that's a give, right? I mean, it doesn't really take any effort. You can even afk it in a few minutes.

But I don't want to tank user.

>He doesn't have a tank and healer friend

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Post your favourite old WoW vids lads.

This one is a fucking classic.

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Release date confirmed for August. How are you holding up until then?

But why? You do the dungeon at the pace you feel like doing, and when you know what to do it's more relaxed than dpsing, the mobs are just attacking you instead. Unless you don't enjoy that stress of seeing your hp bar go down then up then down according to your healer's whims.

exactly but there's a few classes that might not have 300 defense in solo play or ranged classes that leveled doing dungeon grinds

vintage 2005 video of my fury warrior farming RFD at level 40 with my paladin friend for plate drops. no sound, video got flagged for music years ago when I had to redownload it when google video went down

I see your point. Better just hope everyone understands the mechanics and importance of the skill points during the leveling phase. Also, if i remember correctly, the intelligence stat helps you skill faster.

Can paladin kill in pvp without reckbombing niggers?

>all those ancient videos on youtube with muted sound

As a player, do you care about that? I'd rather have 10 guys in the same zone I am in than 1 dude on the tall end of it but with $200 spent in shop.

You can outlast them, for sure.

Razorfen Downs Syndrome lol :D

Being unkillable in pvp is always fun. I'll go for that then.

Maybe it's a woman thing or something...


Why are so many people rolling paladin this time round? or is it the same person posting nonstop because he doesn't know the class?

They’re one of the most durable classes in the game, so yes.
Their main weakness is if they’re too under geared to handle the opening salvos

you know what else were planned to be released in vanilla? My penis

Zoomers think ret is good because their e-friend on twitch told them to, so they roll. Once they realize it's shit, they will either quit the game or reroll a noob friendly class, like warrior or hunter.


great shitpost here's your (You)

>play a MMO like a singleplayer game
>get bored

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/vg/ guilds were never "hardcore"

>Big The Cat

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And official classic servers weren’t out yet. Your argument doesn’t work

That was my plan as well.

>all the redditors and dadgamers rolling stupid shit like ret paladin because it’s what they play in retail and thinking they’ll get a raid spot
you can really roll whatever the fuck you want
only like 15-20 people in a 40man raid even need to do anything, everyone else is just gravy
I did ZG back in the day with only 10 people

>demon hunter
What they mean by this

Holy fuck you fags should literally stop obsessing over "muh racial", "muh minmax" as if its a game that hasn't been done over and over again during the last decade.
Classic raids are piss easy and even a raid with 30 well geared people can do the content up to AQ.

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Is this a joke?

Shitters that don't realize Paladin isn't very good until later raids, and Retards that have seen that one Pathwerk video and don't actually know anything about it.

Paladin is definitely one of the most meme worthy class, so i think there lies your answer to that one.

>Im sorry but youre a support, Ill wait for a priest to come heal my emp run
If I had a dollar for everytime this happened to me back in the day...

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Careful kid or i'll have to use my foot to kick you into your bubblehearth

reminder to NEVER join a Yea Forums guild, guaranteed trannies and fag drama

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I still don't understand DPS meters, what does 500+ dps translate to?

Yeah. Played UD mage all through vanilla, love the UD male casting animations too much to not be UD if I do mage or lock. Problem is that I do prefer alliance towns and cities, and wouldn't mind doing alliance this time around since I didn't get an alliance character past 35 or so back then.

Basically, I hate most attack/casting animations on alliance. Dwarf hunter seems like it's fine I guess, shooting animations are good. Orcs and undead just seem to be the most aesthetic choices in my opinion though, and doesn't hurt that orcs also have nice racials. I don't fucking know, guys.

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