New Raid tomorrow, how long till 8.2?

They should just go full on "evil"-mode with her. Let her abandon the horde, take the forsaken with her and finish what she started in Lordaeron. Would be way more interesting to suddenly have a third faction that is at war with everybody.

God I can't fucking wait for classic

>wow in 2019

Blizzard can't make a 2 way faction war interesting even when most players have been wanting a proper faction war forever much less a 3rd faction


>Imagine playing a dead game

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pre-garts on your shitty drops that you cant use cause they didnt titanforge 5x

also garts to the lazy nigger dps who gets a perfect bis weapon or trinket by dumb luck

stay mad retailfag

Everything after TBC sucked.

we goin home boys

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>Still being subbed to retail