New Raid tomorrow, how long till 8.2?

New Raid tomorrow, how long till 8.2?

classicfags not welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

>still playing this failure of an expansion

We're going home


Who will be the next boss? They said it's someone unexpected

they ruined queen azshara


Classic when?

Sylvanas will be the last boss of this expansion
but we will not kill her
when she reaches 1 life we find out she's posessed and she's the good girl all along

this is sure to fix the game

They should just go full on "evil"-mode with her. Let her abandon the horde, take the forsaken with her and finish what she started in Lordaeron. Would be way more interesting to suddenly have a third faction that is at war with everybody.

God I can't fucking wait for classic

>wow in 2019

Blizzard can't make a 2 way faction war interesting even when most players have been wanting a proper faction war forever much less a 3rd faction


>Imagine playing a dead game

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pre-garts on your shitty drops that you cant use cause they didnt titanforge 5x

also garts to the lazy nigger dps who gets a perfect bis weapon or trinket by dumb luck

stay mad retailfag

Everything after TBC sucked.

we goin home boys

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>Still being subbed to retail

what other game's thread are 95% about how much the game sucks

Fighting games threads

>WoW community wanted Queen Azshara for 15 years
>She's finally here and it happens in the worst expansion ever

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How did they manage to fuck over the players of each and every game they have?
Are they trying to drop their stock price and sell out?

CFOs chasing the Chinkese money like smack addicts

tropico or civilization

Classic and retail will share the same sub, soon you join them

Isn't WoD still considered the worst?

They should have stopped with the war after wotlk. Just let us be adventurers trying to make a living and raiding old tombs for loot.

I am sure that people will debate if WoD or bfa was worse, but for me the answer is clearly BFA. WoD simply had the players bored because there was nothing to do, BFA gas a lot you have to do but it's all awful to do.

WoD had good little content for what it had.
But there was absolutely nothing to do once you hit max level and had raid gear. Nothing to farm cause your garrison was literally the one-stop-shop to get everything.

BFA has the worst of Legion in it and classes has been gutted and you don't get anything from leveling 110-120 'cept getting weaker.

No adventurers allowed. Everyone is a hero saving the world, before going back to digging through dogshit.

Nigger WoW ruined the best characters of warcraft and your WoW community didn't give a fuck. Why would Queen Azshara be an expection?

Oh fuck

WoD was the expansion where they removed half the spells from every class. They added garrisons.
And all of this amid the most retarded story the have written.

I didn't play WoD and I have zero intent to play BFA but given the choices, I'd pick WoD any day. At least your class probably felt complete, the biggest gripe I've heard (and from what I've experienced in leveling pre-BFA content) is that they were way too harsh pruning back abilities. And it's true, I feel pretty melancholy every time I look at the artifacts. It's sad seeing all this content that you'll never, ever touch again.

You're right, and it was still better than anything BfA added.

Having played through WoD and Legion, and getting detailed feedback from friends about BFA, WoD is better. The content WoD DID have was actually pretty good, it's just a shame that since the movie flopped they ditched the expansion halfway through. Also, this whole 'Here's this cool item for the expansion that makes you strong and gives you abilities!' idea they're running with is fucking cancer. It means that without a shadow of a doubt you're going to lose 30-40% of your class next expansion, and be even more incomplete than you already are.

I recently fell for the BFA meme but have quit, levelled one character from 110-120 and it was absolutely pathetic that you got weaker as you levelled up

I liked the artifacts, but in hindsight they were peak "play as we tell you to play" and "play when we tell you or miss content forever".

Fire Emblem.

Thats why Ion said they are going to squish levels and probably go back to some kind of old talent tree.

Not gonna disagree. There were many other solutions to keeping them around other than outright disabling them.

WoD was a fucking disaster dude, jesus wept this is embarrassing
>shall I log on and raid..... or shall I log on and do an apexis daily and not touch the game until tomorrow
Testament to the train wreck that was wod was the introduction of gladiator stance for warriors. It didn't even last the entire expansion, what a fucking shit time for balance.

Removing them was so silly, we had gone through the growing pains of them + legendaries and we had found a good spot, then they go and scratch everything.

i miss gladi stance ;_:

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You're preaching to the choir here. I actually played WoW, unlike most of Blizzard's current devs. Sucks I have to go play runescape 2007 while waiting for classic.

I was some sort of idiot savant at glad stance, shit was dope

>how long till 8.2?
62 or 69 days.



They had already begun pruning shit as early as cataclysm though. WoD is when they did the first numbers squish.

When I logged for WoD prepatch on my Warlock, I saw half my spell bars empty. That was the last time I played.
I won't take their bullshit of making the game better, when they are just butchering everything for the sake of simplification.
That was the last time I played, despite non-stop spamming from friends.

>deadmines is now a level 3 dungeon

I have a theory for Cata talent tree pruning. They just admitted to themselves, that they never had and chance of managing to balance the trees, as shown by the non-stop rebalancing and nerfs during Wotlk, and they gave up. At least I didn't have to repsec and change gear every other week in Cata.

TBC set in motion the shit that we have today.
>bliz starts bending over the the chinks to add pretty races and not faction races look like they belong
>badge gear.
>BiS stopped being a wide range of gear that could go as low as 40 to only max level gear
>killed faction identity.
>killed support classes like pally and shaman and just made them Healers

log on now and half of those you had left are gone as well.

they also removed stuff like detect invisibility from warlocks.

So is TBC>WotLK>MoP>Cata>WoD>BFA the new ranking system or would you swap Cata and WoD

We haven't had resilience in the game since like wotlk or cata. we're talking almost 10 years.

legion isn't in it. its on one of the sides of mop, either in front or after depending on how much you masturbate to furry porn.

Ah my bad.

TBC>WotLK>MoP>Legion>Cata>WoD>BFA for me

Losing all our curses later was far worse.

To be fair the amount of points was getting ridiculous, wotlk trees were terrible.

You have a general to be a fag in. Go back there.

you're leaving out possibly the most important trend:
>new max level content will be in a completely new continent completely divorced from the rest of the world

this right here is where they fucked up the most.

Ah right, FFXIV expansion releases!

I disagree. I understand that at some point it would simply become too much, but wotlk talent trees were not even close to something like poe or most single player rpg talent trees really.

A new hybrid build appeared once in a while fucking up all balance: double CDs hunter, perma crit rogue for example.
And some of them were so fucking obvious, it made seem like retards for having them on live.

>Remove Primal Glyphs
>Remove Artifact Traits admit a tsunami of players complaints that classes are designed around said traits and will feel gutted without them
>Ignore class issues/Azerite complaints for half a year
>Reintroduce a bootleg Glyph/Artifact Trait system in 8.2, call it a 'new feature' that'll fix Azerite
If they can somehow follow their pattern of every subsequent expansion being as good as the last one was bad, the next expac will be fucking amazing.

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The next expansion is classic

The only real alternative is to pull the Cata bullshit of changing vanilla zones. You could at least make the new continent not have a major city and provide efficient transportation, I guess, but TBC put reasonable effort in keeping Azeroth relevant with Quel'Danas and the Caverns of Time.

>mfw I liked Ashran

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Perhaps if they had developed sharding sooner they could have made higher level versions of Azeroth zones without disturbing the 1-60 content.

>Quel'Danas and the Caverns of Time
and Kharazan, and Zul'Aman

But that's just, like, my personal opinion man.
I honestly don't get where the Wrath dicksucking comes from, it's a titanic clusterfuck of failed ideas and janky half-finished implementations.

This thread is comedy gold. Need one of those original rage comic pics with OP and his thread and watching it go to shit

Because it had the Lich King and DK's and wrapped up the story of WC3 and Ulduar was pretty good.

>probably go back to some kind of old talent tree.

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>haven't played since WotLK
>resub about 1 month after legion drops due to all the praise it gets
>surprisingly fun with a guild, otherwise the usual grind
>still kinda fun with the updates coming out throughout legion, despite the weird Legendary system
>raids are pretty gud, questing is fine
>overall a good experience to come back to

>fucking BfA drops, resub again
>it's fucking nothing
>1 raid for half a year
>log on about 3 times out of my 60 day sub, twice in a row
>realize it's time to let go

Oh well.

For an expansion called Battle for Azeroth they should of just cata'd the world up again. Fuck, they could of just made the warfronts levelling machines so new players could experience large-scale battles in the zones close to their starting point. All of the stories you hear on the mission table about battles going out in Kalimdor/EK that you never see in person is disgusting.

BfA is to Legion what Cata was to WoTLK

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I played all of WoD, to illustrate how much of a wowcuck I am. But I took a break on BfA a month ago. It's fucking terrible. Battle of Dazaralor was the nail in the coffin - absolutely awful raid. I mildly want to see this new raid, but it's only 2 bosses, meaning my guild would still progress in BoD alongside it and I can't stand going back to that raid
Probably still going to come back for 8.2, but god, it's bad right now. Ion is a retard

>Lich King
Great fight but weird storytelling choice to have Arthas pop up everywhere and shake his fist at you. I mean I'm fine with the overarching story of how he WANTED you to rise up, become the best of the best and then die to Frostmourne so he could turn your raid into a new generation of Scourge Generals but they overdid it with the 'NEXT TIME GADGET!' bullshit.
Fuck Death Knights, forever blighted the 60+ leveling scene by forcing you to group with 3-4 of those fucks every dungeon. Death Grip is also no skill and blood tanks have been a nightmare to balance since their implementation.
>Wrapped up the story of WC3
Which they admitted was a terrible idea since they ran out of story elements after two expansions and had to resort to milking the Old God shtick ever since.
>Ulduar was pretty good
As much as I applaud Ulduar for it's organic difficulty switches and the creative ways Blizzard had you trigger a bosses 'hard mode' the raid is honestly devoid of memorable encounters outside of Mim, Yogg and Algalon.

not him, but wotlk having DKs is a point against wotlk to me. The class was either RIDICULOUSLY overpowered or just dogshit garbage for the next 4 expansions, they never managed to balance it properly. To this day I'm not a huge fan of how DKs turned out. Ulduar and ICC were pretty good, but then we also had the naxxramas copy paste and the argent tournament bullshit that was literally just standing in a ring. (somehow jaraxxus still became one of the most remembered bosses from this expansion, probably because of hearthstone memes though)

tell the world im coming home

the same shit with a worse big bad?

>For an expansion called Battle for Azeroth
I love how an expansion focused on faction conflict, where the devs said they had the goal of making wpvp relevant again, had no meaningful content out in the world of 'Azeroth'.

>You want to adventure on islands? DO IT IN A FUCKING INSTANCE(against pve opponents)
>You want to siege enemy forts and capture them? DO IT IN A FUCKING INSTANCE (against pve opponents)
>You want to raid enemy cities and take down their faction leaders? DO IT IN A FUCKING INSTANCE(against pve opponents)
Blizzard's refusal to hand over control of their content to the players is front and center in BFA, they absolutely refuse to let players have fun unless they're doing it in the plan outlined by Blizz devs.

At least in Cata everything worked at launch.

but frost was the tank in WoTLK
i never understood why they changed this
ice is hard and slows things down blood is just blood

The warfront design is one of the most baffling things about the expansion. And this is coming from a certified pve carebear who hates pvp
They had the perfect opportunity to create something that harkened back to original AV - pvers go around and collect resources to build up the base, while the pvpers go to the frontlines and fight the other team. But nope. Instead we get the most static scenario bullshit ever
Remember how they likened it to WC3 when the expansion was first being teased? That's a big kek

The warmode world PvP that occured in Darkshore during the pre-patch was the only thing which even came close to a Battle for Azeroth. I'm not sure how the fucked up so badly. Warmode could of been the thing to revive world PvP and save the expansion but they put the minimum amount of effort in as possible. The islands still irritate me, they visually look amazing but god it's the worst content they've ever added to a game. It was a huge redflag when the only thing they could say about it at Blizzcon was how good their AI was and hopelessly callback to WC3.
Why the fuck is 8.2 in two new zones which look like such shit too? Why didn't they just shard a section of azeroth and have the horde/ally conquer it? Why not just have global worldquests/invasions again like the legion-prepatch? Blizzard are so fucking stupid it hurts, they could of just given people a 5000x honor buff for 30 minutes in the Barrens sporadically and it'd create memories. I quit after mythic Fetid and I literally cannot remember a single good moment from BfA outside of downing Mythic Zek'voz

Frost was never the tank.

Does Blizzard even have a dev team anymore? Every single one of their games is a mess with no content right now

You mean phasing? Sharding is just for splitting a "large" group of players into smaller groups, so blizzard can jew out of server costs.
Phasing is where you're taken into a different phase (instance) of the area.

No it fucking didn't, Cata had one of the worst launches in WoW history.

>bliz starts bending over the the chinks
Good thing. World PVP is a meme anyway.
Agree, but thankfully, its gone now.
>badge gear
Which was never BiS and more of a catch up mechanic. You could argue the dungeon tier sets in vanilla were catch up gear because most of their pieces were BoE.
>BiS stopped being a wide range of gear
Items like Edgemasters handguards were a massive design flaw and you know this.
>killed faction identity
You still had class specific racials.
>killed support classes like pally and shaman and just made them healers
are you actually retarded? All paladins in vanilla could do was heal and provide buffs. TBC made ret and prot viable, especially Belf ret paladins which were borderline broken. The worst class fuck up in TBC was warlocks having a literal 1 button rotation.

Most of the awful changes occurred in Wrath.

Blizz was orginaly going to add ogres to horde and pandas to ally
but chinks wanted 2 pretty races

TBC > Wrath > Cata > Legion = Mists > BFA > Warlords honestly. I never get the appeal of mists. Pvp was an actual joke, the lore was completely non existent garbage unlike Cata which had something redeemable and the daily system was appalling.

Don't get me wrong, I still think everything post Ulduar was pretty bad, but Mists gets a free pass somehow.

When do you think we’ll get classic? Knowing blizzard summer 2019 could mean a day before fall in September. But recently they said we’d all be enjoying a classic summer so that gives me hope.

Ogres were never planned for TBC, it was always Blood Elves. Draenei was a last minute addition after Blizzard teased between Pandas and Murlocs, before realizing Draenei suit the lore better. Draenei are so last minute the females literally have the Belf female face model. The only issue was Draenei got retconned into Eredar.

Don't be a pedant, user.

The game would melt peoples PCs though if they were running two copies of the world at once. Changing the world is one thing, but changing the nature of how vanilla questing works is the worst crime. Having everything boxed into its own little zone was awful. Few quests now have you explore the world. Thank christ Outland hasn't been fucked over and it still retains cross zone quest chains and dungeon quests.

it was shit dude, you're probably one of the fags who hyped it as the next AV. Fuck you

The underwater tavern is the only good part of BfA.

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But there are still pvp raids on cities all the time. In assaults it's common to see roaming rape parties. Players get rewards from it so they do it. In fact the only thing that could actually fuck up world pvp again is flying.

What am I looking at here? Has Thrall grown his hair back?

New Thrall model from the 8.2 PTR patch.

>Anduin, I'm here to apologize for the toxic masculinity of my Horde

I haven't been subbed in months. Is this the first raid since the Jaina one? How big is it and when does it come out in LFR? Is flying a thing yet?


Why is he cosplaying a yeti now?

Its basically Ruby Sanctum 2.0. Same gear as the previous raid, right down to the appearances. The only difference is some new weapon models. And its 2 bosses only.

They're really trying to pull the xpac out with thrall the cuck and cheat?
Pfft good luck faggots. thrall doesn't hold water in the horde anymore.

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All three specs had talents for DPS and talents for tanking. It was supposed to be up tot he player to pick and choose what they liked and wanted. What actually happened was you had a class with the defensive stats and skills of a tank and the offensive stats and skills of a DPS.

Can you give me some examples? I really can't remember what was wrong.
At least with drood and lock, I don't think I had any problems.

>No longer curved like the other orcs
He's no longer an orc. As an orc I don't identify him as one of my brethren anymore

>New Thrall model
>wooah guise laik wooah I'm back and I'm laik super wise and stuff wooah
10/10 writing

Yes, first one since the Jaina one, but it's only 2 bosses, so it's technically the same tier. Similar to Trial of Valor in Legion. LFR is next week. Not worth subbing for it

I literally threw away my account because of this expansion.

>Next AV
It literally was AV at launch, both factions just having a big ol' tug-of-war in the center of the map while other players went around finding artifacts to try and turn the tide, calling in a stampede or frost dragon during a clutch push was worth hyping up. I also found the process of zoning in and then going around collecting buffs to 'power up' to be enjoyable and rewarding. There was also nothing like finding the main artifact and being able to 1v10 flag capping groups or becoming the rallying point for your team and leading a successful push into the enemy base.
Plus there seemed to always be plenty of groups doing different shit in Ashran; groups farming frags off the ogres, groups trying to get their 200 race kills by going around selectively assassinating key players, groups farming those auctionbot parts for mad money, push groups, conq farm groups. Good shit.
Of course Blizzard HAD to meddle because people weren't playing Ashran the way THEY wanted them to, so they kept tinkering with it, first fucking up the reward system so players could just avoid each other and farm either objectives or generals and then making it so you HAD to control ALL of Ashran to do the weekly quest so it turned into a 1-way steamroll every time.
Ashran WAS good for the demographic it was originally aimed towards, it's just that the majority of modern players adamantly refuse to leave their pvp or pve bubble and the idea of doing both at once is horrifying to them.

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All 3 specs could tank or DPS, but if you wanted to tank you had to be in Frost Presence, which was essentially Defensive Stance for DKs.

Orc players are all soi-guzzling faggots trying desperately to feel some second-hand masculinity.


Yes, pushing this embarrassingly bad overarching narrative over general worldbuilding was an awful mistake on their end. I want to be an adventurer, not the sidekick of some shitting written faction leader.

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>Sylvanas, ma'am, I just want you to know first and foremost that I respect you as a woman and the first female warchief of the Horde and that you should feel free to stop me at any time if you feel that I am orcsplaining or gatekeeping, but... maybe, MAYBE you could release my dead best friend's son from your rape dungeon?

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Alright, and BFA is Besides the item that forces you to grind your soul away to keep it relevant.

>World of Warcraft is a horrible single player game but pretty fun and enjoyable if you go at it with a group of friends
>Ever since the launch of the game Blizzard has spent the majority of their resources trying to make the game more attractive to solo players who want to avoid the social aspect of an MMO
This is the irrefutable, fundamental flaw of WoW.

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Wow, grinding in an MMO. Imagine that.

>classicfags not welcome
kek fuck off with your shit game

>new raid already cleared in 2 hours
>8.2 looks like hot shit

lmao how can you even breath retail cucks?

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>retail thread
>next to no classicposting
>everyone is fucking trashing the game
Can I say it now? Can I say we're going home?

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>Siege of Orgrimmar - Coup Scenario


But muh mythic progression race! (between the same horde guilds)

All three specs were both Tank and DPS, based on talent choices, with different specialties in where they tanked best.

8.2. is being datamined now, and it's completely fucking hilarious how we're further and further into retreading MoP.

hey hows your 15 dollar a month rep grind going?

Siege should have been a Horde only raid and have another raid for Alliance, using the same mechanics but a different skin. A liberation of Gilnaes themed raid would have been pretty sweet.

Here's to your $15 a month classic private server.

Mists had some of the best lore in WoW because they were forced to create new shit and you had stuff like lorewalker cho. Out of all the expansions it probably had the most depth and intrigue.

How did they ruin queen Azshara? I didn't follow.

You mean during and after TBC.

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>Bought BfA back in September 2018
>Had a fucking blast leveling my Pally from 110 to 120
>quit shortly after I got to 120 because there was very little to do and the azerite progression shit was super underwhelming
8.2 sounds great but honestly that's the state that the game should have launched at.

Weill be resubbing once 8.2 drops for sure


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In 8.2. we're going back to the Underhold to rescue Baine. Both the Horde, and the Alliance. Cause Sylvanas is now Garrosh with a vagina.

>NEW Stage 1: It Begins
Get past the guards at the end of the passage.
>NEW Stage 2: Under Watchful Eyes
Avoid the guards as you cross the room.
>NEW Stage 3: Devise a Plan
Devise a plan with Thrall.
>NEW Stage 4: Fight Me!
Challenge Elite Horde warriors to provide a distraction.
>NEW Stage 5: Traitors in Our Midst
Follow Lenara and get updated orders.
>NEW Stage 6: Unlikely Alliance
Rejoin Thrall and Saurfang and continue deeper into the underhold.
>NEW Stage 7: Truce and Consequences
Work with the Alliance to find Baine.
>NEW Stage 8: Strike Them Down!
Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.
>NEW Stage 9: Check on Baine Bloodhoof
Go to Baine Bloodhoof.
>NEW Stage 10: It’s a Trap!
Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.
>NEW Stage 11: Destination: Anywhere But Here
Take the portal out

Straight-back orcs are original orcs you fucking zoomer.

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Yeah, that's be pretty cool. Instead, the most recent raid literally forces you to switch factions temporarily mid-raid.

hey hows your 15 dollar a month 15-year-old game going?

See this is where I think we differ massively. Pulling an entire continent out of nowhere for me is not good lore. I accept Pandas, but I don't accept Pandaria. It should have been the Wandering Isle only, tied into a South Seas expansion.

I could maybe get behind Pandaria if A. it wasn't so blatantly cut and copied Chinese stuff and they actually went with some level of creative originality, like the Drakkari ice Trolls (or indeed Trolls in general) and B. Pandaria actually fucking mattered. The majority of the big story events happen outside of Pandaria, and you could substitute what does happen (Garrosh finding an Old Gods heart and becoming a big corrupted mentalist) with somewhere else. Zandalari don't count because Blizzard have gone backwards and forwards deciding on whether or not the Zandalari are good guys or bad guys, and I'm personally sick of it.

I like how there's no release date for reforged on the page where you can pre-order it.

desu I prefer new stuff a lot more than building on old stuff.

Wait so the whole "choose between serving Sylvanas or siding with Saurfang means literally nothing. Fucking Blizzard. There is a reason I stopped caring about the lore after "There must always be a Lich King".

Who's gonna voice this dude since Metzen left Blizzard? Would they call him in just to voice a few lines?

This for me. Vanilla was full of exotic equipment and unique effects (bonereaver's edge, green whelp armor, ironfoe, dark edge of chaos, invulnerability mail, silent fang, ect). It was in TBC that they strayed away from all of that for the sake of arena balance.

cata at launch > mop > legion > bc > vanilla > bfa > cata after patches > wod > wotlk

Yes, of course they would call the guy who voiced the character for years and has a ton of people he worked with for years in the company. Come on.

You're going to quit Classic before level 30 once you realize how big the grind is. I can't wait until you poser faggots eat shit and Classic becomes a ghost town after a month kek

You should've been able to guess that when they added the "choice" sometime on the PTR. The branching story wasn't never planned. At most you're going to get a different toy at the end compared to other players.

Even in vanilla some of those items got nerfed because they were too much of an issue. Ironfoe's Dwarvish speech easter egg got patched out in BFA.

I don't want Azshara to die bros...

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That was never meant to be an option. Those weird people that worship Sylvanas for some reason were mad you had to betray her and added the option. They'll get mad again and make an option.


>Vulpera Brewfest Icon
Vulpera confirmed guys

Expect trash mechanognomes no one wanted for Alliance

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This is actually some kino taste
I would never rate anything lower than WoD, though, but having Cata at launch that high shows you actually played the goddamn game

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Nobody is ever really gone.

Unless you are Cairne Bloodhoof.

But does it get rid of Sylvanas and her beta-orbiter self-insert bitch-boy?

He is presented as a spirit in a heritage armor quest for Tauren

Both are going to be the absolute worst fucking races in the game if they add them. Vulpera will bring out the 0w0 crowd, while mecha gnomes are just... Boring. Gnomes are already one of the least played races in WoW.

Just because he showed up at Blizzcon doesn't mean he's working for them again.

Why are they even adding those weird cyborg gnomes anyway when the Ulduar mechagnomes already exist, and are distinct enough to warrant being an allied race?

That's because you are an ugly gook

Oh yea, I can barely remember my days playing retail vanilla, but I distinctly remember a time when green whelp armor didn't have a level limit on it and made druids literally unstoppable. I've also heard shamans were able to tank MC when invulnerable mail didn't have a 30 second cooldown.

>Why are they even adding those weird cyborg gnomes anyway
they're not, it's just rampant speculation

everyone likes mop pvp though

>Gnomes are already one of the least played races in WoW
Like Blizzard gives a shit what alliance players want and not just want to reuse assets for them as much as possible.
It will become the new race-no-one-plays

you can't just pull new stuff out of your ass though, which is what most of pandaria was. that's just lazy storytelling. you can explore new ideas while also building on old stuff, or at the very least making sure it's grounded in the world you've already built.

This is a no-win situation. If go the void elf/nightborne route of giving each faction something that the other has, then they have to pull out of their ass why these gnomes would join the Horde. If they choose the logical route of vulpera Horde mechgnomes Alliance, then we just get shitty reskins of things we already have.
So of course it's going to happen.

Just the best characters like Arthas, kael, etc

>a forced grind that you cannot even excel in through dedication
No, fuck off you smartass.

Only if you were a healer aka a mini raid boss which simply didn't die. Pvp balancing peaked around Cata honestly.

To be fair it's probably not unfair speculation. Blizzard's added eight races in BFA. Vulpera are almost ready to go as-is, and mecha gnomes look like they'd take barely any effort as well.

These were good characters, sure, but it's not like current WoW lacks good characters as well. It's just Blizzard's writing is abysmal and don't even know how to properly handle their own world.

Thanks. I'll pass on resubbing for now.

This. You can inject new ideas into existing lore without completing disregarding it. For example, adding Vyrkul to Northrend is fine whereas turning Northrend into a massive desert is not fine.

Take the new Drustvar zone added in BFA. The whole Wicca/Druid shit is actually quite nice, it just shouldn't be on or have any connection to Kul'Tiras. Personally, they should have made it more Troll like. Something like Zul'dare would be amazing with that aesthetic.

>Vulpera will bring out the 0w0 crowd,
I mean retail is already packed full of cringy furfags so whatever

>everyone likes mop pvp though

Yeah, overpowered monks sure were fun, fuck off furryfuckers, your expansion was shit under every aspect.

I think the most egregious thing about Allied Races is that Blizzard is now creating new races for the sake of adding them as allies. To me, it seems like just an awesome concept to potentially allow lesser known races that are fan favorite to be playable.

No one gives a shit about a fox race that will be rolled solely for ERP.

I'm replying to the no one is truly ever gone idiot.

pretty much any game related thread on Yea Forums
we hate video games.

Should I resub?

I always forget that goblins are playable in WoW because I don't think I've ever seen one

It's both lenient and finite. You could have finished it when it was relevant if you were dedicated. Or you could lag behind and let it finish itself.

MoP PvP was a dumpster fire. That shit was so homogenized and boring.

monk was literally unplayable in pvp until the last season

A year ago I would hype for anything blizzard shits out but damn, now even the classic seems more interesting. Is there any word on whether they will add more allied races in this expansion? A new race that isn't reskin can keep me going.

Illidan was gone and came back. you can bet your ass in the next lich king expansion when bolvar goes full hitler that arthas and kelthuzad will be back too

let me guess, you think wotlk pvp was good and didn't actually pvp in cata or mop

That’s like every expansion since tbc

>when bolvar goes full hitler that arthas and kelthuzad will be back too

They introduced his daughter into the game. Expect some cliche story where Ner'zhul tries to take over Bolvar's mind to make the Scourge rise up, only for his kid to break through and make Bolvar regain control. Then the Scourge end up as good guys.

Why do they keep forcing this character when he has been shite since cata and the entire fanbase despises what he has become.
You can't return green jesus back to what he was besides the version of him we will get in classic.
Modern Thrall is ruined for good.

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There are none planned for the foreseeable future.

In fact. Wait. That would make too much fucking sense, since in-lore right now, "death" is a concept the Void fears, so good guy Scourge is totally gonna happen.

Illidan had a massive fanbase with autism for him who kept asking for hiz come back. It's an exception.

because at this point wow only survives by bringing their big names back and killing them

No, retail is worthless. Keep your money for Classic if you're interested, otherwise don't ever spend a single buck on a Blizzard product again.

They brought back Illidan only to have him retire to a summer home.

Why give us a choice and then just abandon the choice we made altogether.
My main is undead DK and I RP with him he is a devout Sylvanas supporter and a dickhead to boot.

I fucking despise Baine as a character, he is a complete faggot.A poor man's Cairne.
Blizzard are such hacks, this is Garrosh all over again.

Arthas’s fanbase is bigger

Bolvar's daughter was created to be Anduin's wife.

Arthas' fanbase is bigger and more Autistic.

Arthas is a Chad though, compare him to Illidan getting cucked by his brother for 10,000 years

Nope it never was. Everyone was fine with his death and no one is calling for his comeback.

>tfw its real
I really thought you were baiting for a second, but there it is. Holy fuck.

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Anduin ought to marry auntie Valeera.

>implying Anduin isn't already soiled by Wrathion

We would be lucky to have Thrall die, hope his bitch wife dies too.

Arthas took Jania's virginity and then dumped her, she been fucking pretty boy princes ever since.
Even when he was the Lich King and trying to murder her she still wanted the D.

>tbc sucked fucking welfare gear
>meanwhile in vanilla there are dungeon blues that are on par and in some cases better than bwl gear

Arthas will come back and kelthuzad will help the factions train necromancers and then arthas will be made living again for jaina and then bolvar after his raid boss fight will join your side and his daughter will promise to free him from the helm after the big blueberries in the sky are squished

MoP pvp was garbage up until the last two seasons. At the start of MoP, warriors were more broken than death knights were in season 5. They had ridiculous mobility and could also global people if they managed to connect. It was the most retarded point wow arenas have ever been at in the history of wow.

I mean, Jaina and Arthas in their youth were a pretty quintessential Prince and Princess Charming

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>she been fucking pretty boy princes ever since
literally who
It's been like 20 years since W3 in Azeroth time and Jaina is still not over Arthas.

>undead DK
>cucked by nathanos and twice by the lich king
Nice rp

I forgot was there romance in WC3 or did that only get added in the book?

Teased Kael a prince, wanted to fuck thrall and fucked a dragon aspect.

He enjoys being undead too, he is not one of the emo ones.

>fucked a dragon aspect.
Kalec is gonna get dropped so hard if Arthas ever comes back

>MoP warrior
When they fucking ruined that class forever. Don't remind me. To think about all the butchering Warrior has gone through makes me dizzy, how can you fuck up so bad.

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She dated Arthas, then Kael'thas, then Kalecgos. Kalecgos is the only one who didn't fucking turn evil and die, but supposedly they're broken up now.

He already has, hes been babysitting the Kirin'Tor for her and she dropped in Dalaran and barely acknowledged him.
That relationship is completely one sided.

every thread here this board is fucking terrible

Those aren’t really comparable. In the case of vanilla it made lots of content viable forever instead of just what’s at the current patch. In tbc you had to get a new badge vendor in isle and shit

>I forgot was there romance in WC3 or did that only get added in the book?

Not in WC3, but both in the game, the book, and in WoW it's shown/implied they dated some time before that but Arthas broke up because he was too busy being a goody-two-shoes.

So just cucked by Nathanos then

The worst part is that Saurfang and Baine are literally both committing high treason and either undermining the horde war effort or being literally used as an agent by Stormwind

Wait, you think those better blues was in the game from the start?

Post-MoP is the best place to end it. The war lasting that long lets Anduin and Vol'jin make their cross-faction friends, it lets the PC pandas keep the one bit of factional development they'll ever get, and ending the war with the Siege of Orgrimmar is more symbolic of the war ending than Tirion cleaning up after both factions got shit on by the Lich King.

not coming back till i can fly the high skies

Why do flyingcucks exist? What exactly is going through their mind?


I don't think he is getting any either.

>Muh Honor
>Muh Horde
>Betrays and jeopardizes the Horde at every opportunity.
Saurfang I could kind of understand he old, wants to die and pissed his son is dead but even then he was spouting about never forsaking honor.
Fuck Baine.

How the fuck is it different? In both cases you're doing easy content that was there since release for really good gear.

I would have gone the normal route up to Cataclysm. Then concluded the Cata storyline with a South Seas expansion where you fight Aszhara and N'zoth. Then proceed with an Emerald Dream expansion + Broken Isles, and finally conclude with the Legion expansion with Argus as the final frontier.

Completely disregard Warlords introducing alt Draenor into the equation. It just complicates things beyond salvaging.

One you can get almost a complete set of gear from for doing said easy dungeons

I fucking hate all the WoD retcons

>Sylvanas supporter

RPing a retard is always fun.

>I don't think he is getting any either.
Going by the books that's mostly on him being as dense as harem protagonist
>Sylvanas defied a kingdom to name you ranger lord. She scoured the Plaguelands to reclaim you from the Scourge. And today she drew upon her most precious resource to restore your strength. Think upon these things, Blightcaller, and tell me how someone so cunning can be blind to the simplest of truths

Ok then tell me why my Forsaken Warlock would side with anyone but Sylvanas.

it's already out EU fag

Could be an acolyte of Gunther Arcanus. He broke free from the Scourge's control on his own. He's more a Horde collaborator than an outright servant of Sylvanas.

heroics were harder than garbage like mc, even then you'd have to grind a shitload to actually get that much gear. hours of heroics a day for a week to get one piece. meanwhile in vanilla you can run a 20 minute dungeon for a blue that's BETTER than raid gear. you don't have to wait for lockouts either like heroic badge farming, you can just keep resetting until you get your piece of gear that's better than anything you can find in bwl.


you dont like freedom?

That's the only right alignment for a Forsaken Warlock, though.

Ok let me rephrase, is there any other potential warchief that would look even a quarter as positively on warlocks.

wc3 manual told that Arthas and Jaina were going to get married, but it was canceled because "duties".

this except bolvar dies and his daughter takes over and is actually more powerful than him because lol christie golden

Pretty sure in the book they broke up because Arthas got cold feet when Jaina brought up marriage and potential pregnancy

Saurfang literally joining the Alliance should've happened. At least that'd be interesting, and not bring us down to "a rebel faction (plus the Alliance) has to help restore honor to the heart of the Horde."

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I'm free to move everywhere with my own two legs already
Flying mount "freedom" absolutely destroys all sense of scale the game has. Or had.

I actually want to play wow again so badly for some reason but I just refuse to play BFA, literally the worst expansion they've made by far... I would rather play WoD

also fuck ion.

Gallywix would make their lives better and let them operate completely above-board.

Imagine playing retail in 2019.

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>I would rather play WoD
You're retarded.
Gallywix would sell out "war criminals" to the alliance for a massive profit.
And considering how much the forsaken play with the Blight you know who fetch the highest price

WoW story was always trash, but it's amazing how they keep digging.

Gallywix actually seems pretty pro-Horde. I mean if you look at it logically, he currently supplies weapons and other services to practically half the planet. He's making good money off this gig, and I doubt he'd want to jinx it.

you realize he's been upright since cata, right? his wc3 model was upright too. he was hunched for a shorter period of time than upright.

It's interesting because BfA already showed the one (human!) pirate town straight up joining the Horde, so it wouldn't even be that much of a stretch

Sylvanas broke that Lady Ashvane character out of jail too, and they seem all buddy-buddy now. Honestly, having some specific characters of different races on opposite factions adds flavor. Blizzard's already blurring the lines with faction identities thanks to Allied Races. They should go all in. I mean are you telling me there wouldn't be Tauren who are going "fuck this," and joining the Alliance after Teldrassil?

It was suggested as early as Cata that the Grimtotem were doing deals with the Alliance.

Or shit. After Baine getting fucking ARRESTED?

Why are the Tauren in the Horde right now?

>ww monk has always been fun to play
>raid content remains good
>have pals in the guild I enjoy raiding with
>looking forward to more timeless isle content and finally seeing nazjatar after so many years
>new abilities for everyone

I'm positive. Rough start though, but WoW has always had it's up and down periods. The best patches/time of every expansion:

Vanilla: 1.9
TBC: 2.4
WOTLK: 3.1
Cata: 4.2
MoP: 5.2
WoD: 6.0
Legion: 7.1.5
BFA: 8.2, probably.

Imagine PAYING for an expansion that takes away abilities from your character and making them more boring than the previous expansion... yikess.

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I'm just happy that I main warlock.
And Demonology is the most fun and rewarding it's been in ages.
I skipped MoP and WoD so I don't remember at what point they butchered that spec into the shitshow it was during Legion

accurate list you got there. good job

>Cata: 4.2
what the fuck
rest seems right though

Imagine paying for a version of the game that takes away 13 years of content.

That's actually what got me to finally quit this game.

Firelands was good. It should not have existed, but it was still good.

>13 years of content.
you mean all the useless shit that people just farm for money and mounts?
That content? or the last xpac content that people farm for money and mounts?

Can we kill the opposite faction meme now that ebin World "PvPers" are getting their own ballpark aka Classic?

Topest of keks.

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>imagine paying for surgery to remove a tumor you've had for months

No, it should have existed but they also should have released the water raid with it so we didn't have only half a raid tier.

I fucking despise the legendary system Legion had.
And the Artifact Weapon made playing 2 specs a pain in the ass.

I mean, Firelands and then an incredible drought and no raids - it was fine, I'd just argue that base Cataclysm (before nerfs) was way superior. The initial set of raids was excellent.

I wish 4.2 and Cata didn't get the shaft so much, but they probably spent so much expansion resources on the world they had to cut stuff.
4.2 was originally to have the abyssal maw raid and more vashj'ir content, and the entire theme of the patch was gonna be "fire and water" instead of just fire.

If you want a good look at who the current playerbase is just check the wowhead comments on the Baine scenario. 80% of them have Belf avatars and are complaining that we're being forced to side with traitors and that the Belfs should leave the Horde because of it.
BfA has managed to enrage every single player while trying to cater to everybody. It's incredible

People who unironically post retail threads should be banned.

>Horde players follow Jaina around in Orgrimmar to save Baine
>Thrall and Saurfang are cucks who just agrees
>Sylvanas is LITERALLY working with N'Zoth

>and more vashj'ir content
I fucking hate how the playerbase was too retarded to handle a single underwater zone
they're making fucking NAZJATAR walkable too

I mean Belfs shouldn't side with Baine either.
Sylvannas is the only reason they still exist

His shoulder plate is on the wrong side. For fuck's sake.

This is wrong but w/e.
BEs shouldn't even be in horde in the first place.

Yup, wouldn't be surprised if that was the case - vocal idiots who can't appreciate anything different crying so hard we never got anything like it again.

i don't see this being so crazy.
The fact that blizzard from the part after ICC where they made slyv jump from ICC and "Die" planting the evil of the old gods into her was really the obvious start to all of this.

For years faggots have been denying this but look now fuckers.

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>N'zoth has been controlling her this whole time, explaining why all the "Death" characters (Lich King, Eyir, Bwonsamdi, etc) have no sway over her since an Old God has her
I can see it.

First of all we're never going to get this "third faction" concept ever. Second, there would have to be a race to replace the Forsaken in the Horde.

This is what I mean by it shouldn't have existed. Ragnaros was dead and the entire Neptulon/Ozumat/Nar'jira storyline was dropped as a result of no Abyssal Maw raid.

>be xiv chad
>come here to shitpost
>retailcucks vs classicbros already doing it for me
man this playerbase is fugged.

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>Shilling nu-WoW
Get the fuck off this board.

>xiv chad
XIV Tranny*

>Hating AV
UTTER fucking pleb

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you're alright XIVbro
remember than retailfags are our common enemy

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I can understand why they're mad, everyone (loyalists,rebellers and Alliance) have to kill Sunreavers because they're the ones defending Baine. But there's so many people shitting on Thrall that it amazes me. I can understand the edgier Undead players wanting to side with Sylvanas but it's comical how so many players from all races are wanting to leave the Horde now. With the exception of Gallywix every single Horde leader is becoming hated by the playerbase and I can't see how Blizzard can ever solve this issue.

Are you implying Nzoth mindcontrolled her from the moment Arthas resurrected her? Cuz that was the last time good Sylvanas existed.

Na dude, they're going to pull a Kerigan and make her the chosen one from an ancient prophecy that is the only one that can defeat the Xel'N- I mean old gods. You know it's going to happen, Blizzard is creatively bankrupt.

It would be kinda cool if Blizzard could implement a permanent “timewalking” mode for dungeons and raids.

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>classicfags not welcome
Where the fuck do you think you are?

They can. They don't want to. TW is same disgusting timegated tactic like the rest of the game.

I fucking hate XIV tranny ERPers
But I will stand by them to shitpost on people that still defend retail.

>World PVP is a meme anyway

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Or you know, have an actual expansion that's about war instead of starting with small skirmishes between the factions and ending up teaming up to beat the big bad.

>he doesn't remember frost dual wield tanking in WotLK

Can't kill the first proud female warchief man.
Also all the wow incels fanbase would seeth.

Some days I’m utterly convinced that Blizzard hates making money

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>But there's so many people shitting on Thrall that it amazes me
Green Jesus has been hated for a long time.
>With the exception of Gallywix every single Horde leader is becoming hated by the playerbase and I can't see how Blizzard can ever solve this issue.
Shouldn't have killed of Vol'Jin.
Sylvanas doesn't make for a good warchief because she's not MUH HONOR enough for cows and orcs. But she's by far the most effective in war from all leaders/races

As a mini-game only player since tbc, I can safely say this is the worst state the games ever been in.
fuck ion and fuck celestalon.

In modern wow it is. There is nothing fun in world pvp when gear gaps are so huge that you are fighting people with twice your HP and 5 times the damage.

That would be a really long con
Seeing it wasn't N'zoth controlling arthas it's more around the visions of when she jumped from ICC and landed on the Saronite at the base.
After that she feared dying again because the visions and after that she took on the val'kyr so she wouldn't die.
Only to die again at the hands of godfrey and have to be rezed again by one of her val'kyr.
In the lore the val'kyr are minions of Helya who was corrupted by the old gods after Oden tried to do fucky shit.


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>why can't my fresh max level character beat the guy that kicks Jaina's ass every week

It is though. PvP needs to be instanced because gankers ruin everything.

Don’t forget indestructible healers

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Hence making world pvp pointless.

The real question that was newer answered is what the fuck do the Val'kyr get from following and sacrificing themselves for Sylvie anyway?

Vanilla was perfectly fine and simple too. They immediately killed off their best characters within two expansions and left fan fiction writers to fill in the gaps

>gankers ruin everything
AHAHAHA PvEbabie spotted

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Thrall was never a good character. He was a moralfag/chose one since wc3. Sure the story needs characters like him.
He was also a big self insert. Only WoW faggots nostalgic about WoW love him.

They take a oath to a master is how it's explained.
The same way they did with arthas they do for her

No it wasn't. The lore was already brutaly raped with NEs joining the nu-Alliance and being retconned into humans breeding stock.
Let's not even mention the forsaken-DEATH FOR THE LIVINGS joining the hippy faction.

underrated post

>Muh lore
Who gives a fuck in an MMO

>Legion expansion with Argus as the final frontier
I think for a lot of people, myself included, is what's so terrible about BFA. Legion truly felt like it could be the last expansion, the true struggle for the faith of the universe, where the true CUHRAYZE was unleashed. And then you get BFA which is so fucking underwhelming, Alliance doesn't even have a real enemy for fuck's sake (Closest I can think of is... Gorak Tul).

Yes, every expansion restarts the cycle but I don't feel like any before that went so hard into the fate of the universe like Legion did. Illidan, Arthas, Deathwing, Garrosh, brown Orc guys, even KJ were all pretty localized. So the reset hurts that much more.

>humans breeding stock
i don't see the issue

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Legion had a great way of handling pvp which was the templates which were active in bgs and arenas. actually made skill matter more than how many hours you've played.
thanks ion for removing this great design btw haha!

It's the only even slightly interesting thing about WoW.

They got freed from the Lich King

I'm still somewhat sure that they cut something from the Wrathgate storyline based on Arthas' saying "Sylvannas"

learn to follow a converation dumbass.

>Start of Expansion
Oh yeah fucking final war let's go!

People who still play this game are braindead.

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Why WOULDN'T the Night Elves join the Alliance.

Classichads keep on winning
Recucks keep getting pruned

Could it be that when a bunch of Forsaken shows up to attack him, he assumed it might be under orders of the leader of said forsaken, whose main goal in life is killing him?

MoP warrior was literally the funnest warrior has ever been
Pretty much all classes during mop was when they were at the peak of fun
if you disagree about that, you are just wrong.
sorry not sorry.

At least WoD had a cool orcs of orcnor setting and had a somewhat warcraft vibe to it. The content was also ok, there just wasn't much of it. Meanwhile BFA has actually bad content, bad systems AND there's not much to do.

>Muh lore
If you cared so much about it you’d be writing your own RP descriptions and hanging around like sad boys near the warlock trainers

Because they're xenophobic cunts who just want to kill people who invade their forests.

Orcs and Trolls are literally marauding cannibal savage monsters though. The Forsaken are perfect allies so effective at killing it has to be outlawed

What you mean is why the fuck the peaceful Tauren looked at all this and said "Uh..yeah this is the faction for us" and always turn a blind eye to everything

Oh, so you do not understand the word lore.

Play wc3.

Your precious lore is currently being ground up and remade into the ultimate fan fiction and all I’m doing is laughing at you for continuing to care

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It's simple, we kill all the elves. The Nightborne may stay because they haven't really invited any calamity yet, but Night Elves, Blood Elves, Void Elves, they all have to go. High Elves especially need to be wiped out once and for all so the endless whining about them can finally stop.

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Some of the material for Gallywix shows him to be incredibly competent, but with a greed-oriented mindset. I don't think the Horde would be in much of a bad spot at all with him in charge.

Thrall and the shamans are literally a cult of hippies.
If you said wc2 horde with forsaken i would agree.

It's weird how much you seem to care about something you claim you don't care about.

Slyv was evil but when Grand Apothecary Putress showed up and said "Lol fuck all of you" arthas could only think it was her.
Ended up being some random dude just trying to be evil and ended up dying so she could pretend to be a good gurl dat diddu nuffin' for another xpac only for cata to expose her to plague everything with the shit Grand Apothecary Putress made.

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The main Loa of the Dark Spear is fucking Bwondsamdi.
They "nominally" abandoned ritualistic cannibalism.

I cared at one time. Then Cataclysm happened, then WoD. Now I just don’t care like I used to and can only laugh that others still care.

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>3 of the 4 Horde races on their continent
>Outnumbered significantly

HMMMMMMMM! if only there was some kind of MUTUAL COLLABORATION that existed to combat this. PERHAPS some form of COALITION. MAYBE some form of UNION that would exist to combat this enemy. If ONLY there was some form of JOINING OF FORCES to rival this other equally as strong JOINING OF FORCES. Mayhaps there is some kind of COLLECTIVE of people that existed to assist in this onslaught HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Really activates the old almonds.

>wowbabby that never even played wc3
big yikes

It had amazing potential. You could actually have truly hybrid builds in wotlk. Blizzard is just too retarded to balance anything because in their peanut sized brain the trees were meant to be "Max out one tree then put remaining point in another for utility". IIRC even in vanilla blizzard said they never thought people would roll 30//21 builds and such, but at least they rolled with the punches back then.

>fury was fucked beyond recognition
>arms became Colossus Smash spec
>what was left of talents stopped existing
The xpac with the best classes would be WotLK you stupid fag, at least there were still layers of nuance to play around instead of the shitty streamlined "everyone gets two procs, on-demand burst, a defensive CD and a CC :)"

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So your only argument is troll. Because they eat ppl. Waaaaa.
So being cannibal = wanting to fuck the livings, corrupt the earth, create new plague, etc, etc.

Give me the long and short of it.

Titanforging needs to go before this game can recover.

There's not enough space in a post to list all the shit the orcs have done.
There's literally nothing wrong with using the Blight against the Gilneans or other alliance scum.
I'm still dissapointed the Forsaken got shafted in Wotlk

So they needed to spend a ridiculous amount of time making and testing every possible build just so you could keep your precious talent points? Stop being a retard.

>3 out of 4 Horde races
>1 of which they have beef with
>1 of which is neutral to them
counterproductive as fuck

NEs were the most xenophobic and proud race, shooting on sight every stranger who dared to enter their territory.
They also were a powerful race able to oppose and defeat the legion on their own.
Them submitting to a small human kingdom they knew nothing about makes 0 sense.
And in the end even WoW acknowledges it by showing that this alliance was useless since they got btfo by the horde in 2mn.

wouldn't it make more sense for them to join the horde then since they're already so close?
and why would they be scared of the horde after they teamed up against archimonde? it makes sense for the horde and alliance to have a cold war because of their long history of fighting, but the nelves have no reason to trust the alliance over the horde.


>Spending time on anything worthwhile
Don’t forget to max out your battle pet collection!

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Refailers will be committing mass suicide upon classic release.

The horde in wc3 is never shown as a giant faction. It's just a small tribe of trolls, the taurens are the bitch of the centaurs, etc.
Also Thrall is a giant "muh-piece" fag. Keep in mind that Thrall had to ask the help of the taurens, the trolls, Jaina, Rexxar, a Panda to beat just the fleet of the Kul Tirians.

Yeah, all those kids playing an old game. Whatever shall we do.

Once again, you confound wc2 horde with wc3 horde. You are like the Admiral Proudmoore.

>Alliance walk in Dazaralor
>Murder our paladins, two warriors of the horde destroys all of our gold, murders the LITERAL fucking CHAMPIONS of the Loa's which are demi-gods and then kills our King
>Horde """"""""""Kills""""""""""" Mekkatorque only for him to be alive and healthy as a mechagnome in 8.2
>two LITERAL no names also die and Jaina is supposed "SEVERLY WOUNDED" When she is LITERALLY walking around and talking to Anduin and Shaw after the raid
>New war campaign has the horde players FORCED to side with Saurfang and Thrall and become Jainas lackys while saving the LITERAL Traitor Baine and we also kill a bunch of Loyal sunreavers because they want revenge for the LITERAL Genocide in dalaran
>People ACTUALLY believe there is a horde bias still

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>Because i'm WITH HER! if you think slyvanus is wrong you're a traitor and so the game is alliance favored haha
Yeah kid sure. Maybe tell your mother to take you off the onions

it's more of an awful guttershit tier writing bias than anything lmao
Paladins and Loas are unimportant because they're faceless nobodies compared to faction leaders everyone knows about

Must have imagined the storylines in the horde zones being much more fleshed out and coherent, than the random nonsense most of the quests in the alliance BFA zones was.

Honestly they should've make him join the Alliance then have the Horde be able to kill him in a raid/dungeon. Fuck this cuck.

I wish Ally would nuke half of the useless city that is Dazar'alor so every NPC would move to the docks or something. Whoever thought it'd be cute to fragment the population so much and not even logically place stuff together should be fucking shot. Boralus' west side of the city can get nuked too, it's pretty useless and it's always a pain getting to that one fucking WQ.

Fuck you, Dazar'alor has a great design

It's this mindset that cucked us out of Karabor and Bladespire.

It's going to happen, just wait and see.

I thought 8.3 was the old gods coming to us asking us to team up with them to beat Sylvannas, since she is a greater evil than they are.

Yeah man, I fucking love "cities" that are four streets, fuck off

Architecturally, sure. Practically, no. What's even the use of the fucking pyramid? Wasting time every time you need to put something into the bank? And then flying down to the docks to check out the Missions? Ah, but you forgot to open the chest, WELL TIME TO FLY UP AGAIN ISN'T THAT FUN. It should be nuked and give Horde an actual reason to wreck Alliance.

I'm giving the Horde a reason to actually do some damage and not be fucking crybabies at the mercy of Anduin and Sylv. And both those cities have much better design than this Mayan garbage.

>ridiculous amount of time
Na mate, you can literally take a cursory glance at the talent system and spot what is going to be 100% broken in less than a minute. After that you got shit that makes some classes like 5% better at DPS than others when played perfectly, which no one gives a fuck except poopsockers and blizz. They should just accept that they will never have that 5% balanced and give us cool builds again.

You're talking about the morons that turned all the cool gear variation you could get form vanilla into "A single thing matters, highest ilvl" because they are so ass at balancing. Don't act like they couldn't balance it if they were competent. It's not a question of time.

Meh, it's either going to be Sylvannas was the good guy all along or the old gods were the good guys all along. Blizz forgot how to do a lesser of 2 evils. It's either 100% good guy or 100% bad guy.

kill another warchief, thanks fucking assholes

Classic didn't suck
Tbc sucked
Wotlk sucked
Cata didn't suck
Mop sucked
Wod sucked
Legion sucked
BfA sucked

At this point, "redeeming" Sylvanas sounds like it'd be a PR nightmare. Not only would it look like a blatant retread of Kerrigan, but it'd also be a total "fuck you" for all the bullshit she's done and we've had to put up with. Sylvanas, Nathanos, Baine, Saurfang... The Horde has become completely insufferable, and the only way to fix it is to just start killing people off.

>Cata didn't suck

The faggiest, FAGGIEST thing I've read in this thread.

Was always the case in WoW;

>Cata didn't suck


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4real u niggas? RBGs were fucking funtastic. I played with my vanilla bg group and we had the best time ever.

Having her go full Garrosh 2.0 would be just as bad though.

No. Fuck you. Fuck you and your ignorant ass. The world revamp was the absolute worst thing EVER done in WoW. It's half the reason we need Classic.

So what you're saying is their piss poor writing put them in a no-win situation?

I don't know if there's a way to avoid it at this point. Blizzard has fucked up every opportunity, so for them to go "tee hee, she's actually good" at the last minute would be a total middle finger to everyone.

Heroics were good before people cried about them


>I’m evil but the old gods are the evilest evil! So that makes me good by default tee hee

So you can fish deviate fishes in old Barrens instead of new Barrens?

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Having Tarren Mill PvP back would be kinda nice

So I can play the Vanilla version of Westfall. The one that's actually finished, and doesn't open up with a CSI: Miami reference.

Sylvanas was fucked the moment she was denied her revenge on Arthas at the expense of Metzen's amazing new comic book characters.
She should have died for good after her suicide.

It’s been almost 10 years and that STILL makes me mad

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Ok which DPS specs DON'T feel like complete shit to play in BfA?

so you brainlet play wow to level through westfall with countless toons?

I'm writing a report on Stockholm Syndrome and I'm wondering if the people in this thread can help me out.

10 mans completely didn't work in Cata on release, the need for interrupts and boss mechanics were still all scaled for 25 people despite only having health and damage scaled down. It was famously shit for like the first 2 months after launch before they finally fixed it. If you could beat Heroic Pre-Nerf Cho'Gall in 10man, then you would have been the biggest bamfs in the universe, but like C'thun, was impossible until nerfed.

Is that a fucking sentence?

What they did to the zones- the "world" of Warcraft was a fucking sin. Do you know what this is? I don't. No one does. Cause it's just a big floating vortex in the middle of Westfall that serves absolutely zero purpose, because it's unfinished content. Much like most of Cata!

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There's a certain kind of person who plays Blizzard games.

They also collect Funko Pop figurines.

Nigga who cares about fucking low level zones

>ice is hard and slows things down
this is why in legion they should have made frost the 2h spec and unholy the DW spec if they insisted on forcing weapon types onto specs, retarded decision by blizzard

I thought you shitstains had been wiped of the face of the earth by now.

Azshara looks like shit, they fucked up everything
Literally looks like a naga quest giver, what the fuck is this shit
Wow after vanilla is a mistake, just do wow2 with classic

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Vanilla = TBC > first half of wrath > POWER GAP > second half of wrath > MoP > Legion > Cata > shit > WoD > BfA so far

You faggots keep saying this, conveniently forgetting that Emerald Dream, Nostalrius, and Light's Hope all were hosted one after another and had entire playerbases of people grinding straight to 60 and continuing to swear on Vanilla.

You faggots are quite literally living in denial. It's not that they're living in the past. It's that they're playing a better videogame.

Full fucking stop.

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answer please

Kerrigan did much worse and got redeemed not only once but twice. TWICE NIGGER. Once when they "saved her", then she went zerg Hitler again because "muh vagina", second then when she legit became Jesus. Sylvannas isn't even close to Kerrigan, she's going to get redeemed.

It was the entire fucking selling point of Cata you two-digit IQ moron. They revamped the old zones to "modern" standards. But they utterly fucked the leveling process. Not only were zones unfinished, but they were suffocatingly linear with little to no options for group experiences- sometimes actively discouraged due to phasing!

You were tugged along a single linear quest chain that took you on a curated tour around each zone, and then were shoved off to the next. No exploring. No grouping. No anything. It was the epitome of everything bad about Blizzard's new philosophy from 3.2 and beyond.

Not a single one. I'm not even joking. Spriest was the only spec they didn't fuck in Legion and they ruined it with BFA. There isn't a single class that is fun to play atm.

Except that Frost has been dw since Cata and could even run it in Wrath, which you would never dw as Unholy ever. I miss 2h frost as much as the next guy but thank god I don't have autism and feel the need to bitch about it constantly, you people are insufferable.

I'm not sure about actual kinetic competitive DPS, but I will swear on Unholy DK was one of the most hilariously fun cleave DPS classes to play in the game, with decent single target capabilities.

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The lack of an answer is an answer in itself, user.

Why does everyone including you forget that leveling was the main part of the game?

I remember when this was non canon Azshara

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you've got a lot of nerve showing your face around these parts, g*'el


Sylvanas has died multiple times, and has had multiple chances at "redemption." In Cata, she was all harping about how the Forsaken were the rightful heirs of Lordaeron, and that she would never give it up.

Cue blowing up the Undercity and forcing the Forsaken to become a bunch of refugees. She's never once even thought or contemplated on this.

Maybe her brain is finally starting to rot and she needs to take a one way trip to the retirement home

Who gives a shit
this isn't warcraft, it's fanfiction from some deviantart hired "writers"
These are not my characters from wc3.

The only good wow was vanilla, anything post naxx was a fever dream

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Is the the state of the modern WoW player?

Is there an easy way to farm zandalar rep in current patch? I’m over half revered and want to make a zandalari alt

Yeah you uninstall and wait for summer

I played for a bit at xpac launch, all of the dps specs were so watered down I was literally able to download an addon and import a 1 button macro script for dps.
Then with the work of some keyboard software, I was able to make it so I only had to hold down 1 key for dps, shift+key for aoe dps.

if you haven't played any of BFA yet, you'd probably have fun levelling a character and playing the content that's there. but you'll hit a wall real quick. i would recommend a month.


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That's aboout what I'd expect from someone who likes Cata.

>Hope his bitch wife dies too


not him, but cata had good pvp at least

I enjoy Unholy and Survival quite a bit but I like really active playstyles that require on-the-fly decision making to maximize dps, even if the changing factors are fairly simple.


Most pvp players did.

Great. Guess what? You'll never fucking play it again. Meanwhile for the past 10 years people have had to deal with the stink of Cata zones. It's a fucking circus. They even broke the continuity of the game. Going back to TBC when you just spent 60 levels two expansions ahead? Bullshit.

Cata was REALLY good on launch.
It went to shit shortly after.

>Classic WoW

I can hear the imminent retailfag butthurt approaching like a freight train

It gets louder every day

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the concept of expansions was a mistake to begin with, idk why ur getting so buttblasted about cata.
We are going home dude, just relax and take it easy these next 2 months

based post
fuck saurfang, fuck baine, and fuck the alliance

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Why do you believe Blizzard has learned their lesson now?

I'll say it. Even WoD is better than Cata. BFA too. You will NEVER have to deal with WoD or BFA when they're over, barring leveling through those zones. The Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are the meat of WoW, and Cat spoiled them rotten.

Buddy I said in the beginning of this conversation that half the reason we need to go home is cause of Cata. You "legally" could not play the experience that put WoW on the map for close to 10 years.

i main hunter and all i can tell you is to not play hunter
>survival being made melee was the biggest mistake of all time
>MM is a shadow of its former self, holy fuck it's so shit to play
>BM is alright but it's so simple that you'll get tired of it fast

Good thing private servers still exist

Like I said, you couldn't play the Classic experience "legally." But Cata though was like a bad private server hack job with the zones. Full of memes, and mishandled content.

I have played every iteration of WoW, and BfA is by far the worst version of the game without exception, on almost every front. The raids are designed well, but that is pretty much where my praise ends. In fact, I think they're over-designed at times. WoD's biggest issue was its lack of content, but the content itself was well enough. BfA is just a nightmare to play. It's also the only expansion where you actually get "weaker" which is absurd. To be honest, you should have just kept the artifact weapons. The fact that we didn't shows their fear of trying shit and general lack of creativity imo. It might seem odd that I think that *lacks* creativity, but they just pulled the biggest asspull in WoW history to take that shit away from us and TOTALLY shit on the lore to do it. You could have easily continued with the weapons, allowing us to just continue to grow their powers with the azerite shit instead of that garbage amulet and garbage azerite armor. They're afraid to double down on anything, and as a result everything just feels shallow and grindy, with no real reward.

Look at classic, for example. That was grindy as fuck too, but goddamnit at least you felt rewarded for it. I've never wanted to *not* play WoW so much as I do with BfA and its lack of rewarding content. AP, titanforging, expeditions and warfronts actually just ruin the game. It never feels rewarding, only relieving when you're done.

They haven't.

The whopping five people developing Classic, though...

is this still canon?

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looks like you got proven wrong there bud

Boo! Get new material!

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You’re right. And because your right, Blizzard needs to hit classic off without any problems aside from server overload. Anything more than that and Classic is just retail with some features cut

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>if you critique the game, you're autistic

If they were a separate entity that somehow acquired the copyright for classic, then I’d agree. However by association with the money hungry retards at Blizzard, they have to come through unscathed for me to trust them

>Cata didn't suck
subscriber count disagrees

The remnants of Alterac at the Syndicate, and they've been a joke for years.

Thanks nigger, now refute my claim

night elves joining the alliance because the dumb fucking orcs won't stop chopping down their sacred trees makes more sense than the undead joining the horde at least

Guess what? I have my own opinions and don't let others decide whether something is good or not.

>argumentum ad populum
let me guess you're a ps4 owner

On release Frost was Tank and Blood was DPS with some tank talents so you could spend the rest of your points in it.
Frost was the dual wield spec, and they wanted to have DK Tanks dual wield one hand tank weapons at the time. (Since all strength tank weapons were one hand due to the other strength tank specs being sword-and-board, and DKs being unable to use shields.)
Wrath was when they went back and changed all one hand tank weaps from "main hand" to "one hand" so DKs could dual wield them.

every patch deletes all previous content anyway

who was the last big alliance lore character that died before varian or tirion? the horde loses like 4 every expansion.

Tanaka-kun was so criminally underrated thanks to airing in the same season as Sakamoto.
I even enjoyed Tanaka-kun more than Sakamoto.

you do realize a sub to classic also includes a sub to retail, don't you? you're not hurting retail in the slightest. In fact most people say they're going to log into retail to farm gold and tokens for subs

your opinion is wrong
most people can agree shit tastes bad

>food analogy

yeah you'd think they'd join rend's horde before thrall's horde, being more rock & roll and not an ocean away

>Vulpera will bring out the 0w0 crowd
Pandas already did that, with added fatfag bait thanks to the males.

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>shit is food
proved my point

>ad populum again
yep, it's a ps4 nigger.

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Can't wait for all the classicfag tears when it releases and it is utter shit.

what does having a ps4 have to do with the consensus being cata was trash. you're entitled to like it but don't pretend it was objectively good

Not only that
>ask for Emerald Dream xpac for years
>get Emerald Nightmare, a single meh at best raid as the first raid of an unrelated xpac, that concludes all related plot points and we kill Xavier at the end to solve the entire thing
>ask for Azshara for years
>same thing as above but as the middle raid in an unrelated xpac, bet we're gonna kill Azshara at the end and solve the whole thing too
They're throwing entire xpac worthy ideas out as single raids in unrelated xpacs, and then shitting out the worst written alternate universe tier shit instead. (ex. WoD)

If you log into lights hope right now, you’ll have 10k people online
Log in tomorrow, 10k people
Etc etc

Imagine real servers

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Fuck the book. Golden turned Arthas into a bantmaster into a brooding Elric clone.

I just hit 120 on my shaman. What's even the fastest way to gear up? You're inundated with a bunch of shit at cap and most of it seems pointless to do.

>going to try and keep up with classic and retail
What is wrong with me?

>emerald dream raid is red and black
>azshara raid is on dry land
>the BROKEN isles is one landmass

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World Quests -> Heroics/LFR/Warfront -> Mythic Dungeons/Normal Raid -> Mythic+/Heroic Raid

>Legion was all about the Burning Legion returning to Azeroth
>Azshara was the main reason behind one of the prior Legion invasions of Azeroth because of her use of the Well of Eternity drawing Sargeras' eye, and he promised her power in exchange for her summoning his armies to Azeroth
>we get no Azshara and instead get the Emerald Nightmare
>BfA has a ton of Old God sub-themes
>Emerald Nightmare was supposed to be the work of the Old Gods corrupting the Emerald Dream
>instead of Emerald Nightmare we get Azshara, who Blizz shoe-horned Old God relations into her backstory just to give a half-hearted reason for her to be in BfA instead of the Nightmare

It won't be that hard. It's not like retail has a lot of content to keep up with.

>when it releases and it is utter shit
it is literally a 15 year old game

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