At what point did you realize it had the best melee combat of all time?

At what point did you realize it had the best melee combat of all time?

Attached: sekirosdtboxart.png (408x480, 310K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>just memorize the hit string and react to the massive warning symbol
>best combat of all time

Games journo spotted.

Attached: Owl 1.webm (1000x542, 2.98M)

Personally I don't like the "deal health damage before posture is relevant" part for certain bosses. And the lack of separate indicators for different unblockables.

Sorry I'm not retarded.

>Just spam L1 to parry
Yeah, greatest all right

Attached: D4KEbb5U8AA893k.jpg (775x1200, 101K)

SEETHING game journos.

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

That's maybe a viable option if you don't mind attempting each boss 20 times before winning. If you actually played the game you would know you can't just spam L1, even against the mini-bosses.

I wish they would have put yellow danger for jump attacks and red danger for thrust attacks. Some of the attacks do not look like what they are going to be.

>you would know you can't just spam L1, even against the mini-bosses.

Attached: Sekiro_Long_armed_Centipede_Giraffe_guide_header.0.jpg (1200x800, 127K)

I fucking loved this fight. Died so many times, but I didn't mind, it had a lot going for it. Especially that bit where he goes into his long combo string, and the end of it the both of you rear back with your swords at the same time. I wish I fucking recorded that shit, I did the last phase perfect.

It's not. But it is pretty great. It's a lot better than the Souls "i-frame an attack, get in X amount of attacks, repeat" but ultimately all it boils down to is learning parry timings and a rock/paper/scissors mini-game that you can react to, in order to further mix things up a bit more.

Game takes too long to unlock all the actually fun shit that flashes out the combat in an attempt to aid replayability, which will never be great since there is no build variety and once you've done a boss once you will never find it a challenge again

When I styled on Genichiro.

It doesn't at all. You probably haven't played many games other than Souls if you think that. It's fun but it's incredibly shallow, there's nothing to it outside the parry. Once you've learned the parry where do you go from there? The combat arts are mostly crap and can only be used one at a time anyway, the basic melee attack has no real variation or combos, and the prosthetic tools don't add much either.

>learning parry timings
You can expect an attack and mash parry to block it 100% of the time. You don't need to be precise.

Yeah, you're right. Which is another reason it's definitely not the greatest. It's pretty lenient. If it wasn't lenient then the game would be too tedious because strings aren't well telegraphed and it would just become "die until you learn the pattern".

Trying that on owl 2 or any enemy with the bell is gonna shit on your posture

This is what made me lose interest in the game. It's unironically the easiest From game.

Attached: 1542956595852.jpg (600x500, 68K)

seething lmao

>It's unironically the easiest From game.
You called?

Attached: 313196-bloodborne-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x1011, 115K)

>rhythm game
>good gameplay

When i played Nioh.

Attached: nioh-cover-art.jpg (1194x1316, 372K)

What about you play the game and realize all the bullshit you are saying.

I said easiest, not best.

I bought it
It's still sitting in my Steam library staring at me
I'm 4 hours in and I still can't beat the first miniboss (that white mf with the spear)
Too late to refund it now
Send help

Tools felt gimmicky at best and the special moves were almost entirely useless. The normal combat was very good however.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

You've probably forgotten that dodging exists. Happened to me, struggled with a spear guy until I remembered oh wait you can just dodge and punish certain enemies just like in Souls.

I did. beat Lady Butterfly no problem despite her being complained about online. I got passed the flaming bull and then got really bored.

Wow nice game there, twould be a shame if I defeated Isshin in 3 tries

Attached: KING.jpg (500x500, 121K)

>just spam L1

Attached: DbGb_jwX0AA9YK9.jpg (745x653, 84K)

>Melee combat
It's guitar hero 2019

Mikiri counter > dodging

Not when your intent is to hurt the enemy.

It doesn't cos dmc5 exists but sekiro is still a goty contender in my eyes.

Hurting posture > Hurting health
Applies to all enemies

well what game in your opinion has a better combat system? and don't say dmc

>posture bar>health
get with the new program

Yes you can, cos I literally did that against every boss after lady butterfly and it never failed.

Especially when your intent is to hurt the enemy.

Attached: Seven Ashina Spears.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>Parry from a distance
>dodge anything you want
>fast heals and life steal when you take damage
Seriously what were they thinking

At Genichiro when the game forced me to play the game right

Fuck no it doesn't, revengeance and half or dark souls 3' endgame bosses shit all over it

>webm with worst rival in action games
Mcfucking killyerself

Well yeah when you familiarize yourself with the entire moveset and just shit on them, sure.

Guitar hero would make you press different buttons though

Uhhhhhhh my dude have you gotten to ANY boss in Sekiro?

>Game tries to make you play stealthy
>There is 1 (one) backstab animation for literally every enemy in the game
Even Dark Souls had variations in backstab animations, what the fuck.

You use the same katana all the time dumbass

The "stealth" in this game is an afterthought.
>Stealth kill enemy
>"What was that?"
>Enemy walks over dead body
>"Must've been the wind."
What the actual fuck were they thinking?

This is literally not true.

>L1 spam + Simon Says
the pinnacle of vidya combat

The only upside of that they can focus on more on that weapon to make various fitting animations around it but they didn't so I fail to see this as a defense, it rather makes the laziness more obvious

Devil May Cry does, usually. But there are plenty. Nioh, NGB, Mount and Blade, Jedi Academy movie battles mod. Those are a couple of examples of games with better melee combat.

DMCV and Bloodborne exist.

Attached: 1539710085379.gif (159x146, 168K)

>revengeance and half or dark souls 3' endgame bosses shit all over it

Attached: sekiro 2019-04-05 22-20-04.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Also bayonetta

The stealth is truly MGS1 tier except corpses don't even disappear which makes it even more stupid that the other guards don't react to them

I haven't played much Bayo so I didn't put it in.

Sekiro is on the same level of something like MGR. Which means it's a lot of fun, but I wouldn't consider it in the top tier of melee combat games.

I mean I like it but for limiting you to a single weapon, there's surprisingly very little you can do with it. The different special techniques are pretty much never useful. Would've been much more interesting to be able to change weapon.

Katanas are fucking gay

>If you actually played the game you would know you can't just spam L1, even against the mini-bosses.
you got holes in your brain you extra y chromosome motherfucker? That's literally most of the fights, spamming parry and attack, it's worse than every other souls game.

I've played every game you've mentioned extensively, and despite agreeing with most, why say mount n blade? or jedi academy? that's flat out wrong

>Jedi Academy
>tfw 16 years later and there is still no better multiplayer
I miss it tbqh

No it wasn't an afterthought. It's just an unapologetically gamey approach to stealth in a game. It's more of a game mechanic than something that is supposed to be realistic or core of the game. The stealth in this game is light stealth, serves the purpose of thinning out enemies before you engage in combat. Are enemies dumb and blind and have no peripheral vision? Yes. Does it translate into a nice ebb and flow for encounters? Yes. If you had to carefully stealth around for 10 minutes just to initiate an encounter with a stealth kill then it would seriously disrupt the flow of the game.
Sekiro's stealth works as intended and for the game it's part of it is as good as it should be.

Based and patricianpilled.

Attached: Jedi Academy Combat.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

ofcourse you casuals will praise the combat everytime the rest of the internet cries how hard it is
it makes you feel better about your lack of skill
>normal enemies get parried to death since the parry window is huge and that makes you feel like you are good
>bosses telegraph their attacks for ages
>dodge distance is like a fucking mile
in some other thread some faggots were crying about butterfly bitch while all you have to do is parry her kicks that follow an obvious rhythm and just move away from the kunais
god i fucking hate you nigger cock carousels
game's fun tho

I think that mount and blade is the best multiplayer melee combat game there is. Warband obviously. There are a lot of cool mechanics that people aren't even aware of and it's very skill based. Academy is specifically movie battles, which is a mod that revamps the combat to be even better. It's definitely the best lightsaber combat there has ever been and I doubt it will ever be topped.

Meant for also.

looks and plays like shit, exactly why someone made a webm of the equivalent of wild buttonmashing just because many things are happening on screen at all times even it if looks literally retarded

inb4 g-g-git g-gud!!111 even when the player in said webm was playing like a fucking retarded child that doesnt understand the basic mechanics of the game, even against an AI bot


Attached: 1554998912382.png (382x360, 342K)

Demon's Souls + Dark Souls + Dark Souls II + Dark Souls III = Souls
Souls + Bloodborne = Soulsborne
Soulsborne + Sekiro = ???

Attached: 1445664346959.png (382x417, 243K)

Sekiro is different enough.

How is a precise sword fight a "melee"?

>inb4 g-g-git g-gud!!
Git gud!

I'm like this and now my L1 button is wonky

>Dark Souls except you only get to use uchigatana and have to parry everything




after I killed this nigga

Attached: gfd.jpg (1601x924, 289K)

Parry windows are huge, probably asscreed tier.
>It's a lot better than the Souls "i-frame an attack, get in X amount of attacks, repeat"
Well, in Souls you have to consider you positioning too, unlike in Sekiro.
Even if you just rely on dodges and never parry, you still have to be consider where you will be after the dodge.

What? Mikiri counter deals posture damage and you usually get a few hits in

But it doesn't

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

it worked for me most of the time but I don't think it would work with demon bell & no kuro charms on ng+ as you take chip damage if you block

is shadowrush worth it at all?


Attached: Sekiro Finisher.webm (800x450, 2.92M)


but that boss incentivizes you to jump on its head and hit it from behind. It's basically teaching you not to just stand still and take everything.

Prob around Genichiro

I defeated both of those dudes by just parrying his flurry of attacks that he does constantly. Probably the easiest mini-boss in the game.


>Probably the easiest mini-boss in the game.

Attached: mistnoble.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

All I have left is to get all the skills. Can't believe teres no exp boosting mibu balloons.
Best spot you've found for exp farming?

That guy’s essentially a progress switch

Attached: imsogood.gif (320x240, 145K)

what skill level were you at? He ate my posture bar even with deflects.

He has a health bar and a name, ergo he's a mini-boss.

Fountainhead Bridge: Run to the left, grapple up on the building, stealth kill the Okami Warrior, kill the two guys in blue robes, reset.


Don't even remember, i think i had like 4 or 5 complete prayer beads or so. 4 or 5 attack level. When i killed the first one i hadn't even killed Genichiro yet, so was pretty weak overall.

>6 minute grind for 1 skill point at NG+++
Yikes dude

Git gud.

Attached: 1527216814112.png (625x682, 125K)

If you give Kuros charm then you get like 20% more exp.

Im gonna wait another month, maybe the shills will be gone by then and the honeymoon phase will be over. By that point people will shit on the game the same way they did with Nioh, I remember when people called you casual and told you to GID GUD when you criticized Nioh.
Sekiro is a mediocre 7/10 you fuckbois, deal with it and move on.

>Sekiro is a mediocre 7/10
Filtered by Chained Ogre.

What kind of attacks does that thing even have?

For me it was where an enemy does a string and then does an unblockable but it counld be one of two or three types. You had to react to the symbol and then react again to their wind up. This was fine mlst of the time but I think it was Glory To Ashina man who kicked up loads of dust and it was hard to make out the wind up.

>Lance is said to remove pieces of armor
>never remove armor aside from the bell guy

>ill-fitting armor


Attached: Screenshot_20190416-180515_Twitter.jpg (1078x658, 233K)

>retard trying to parry everything
>"why is this game all about parrying"


Attached: Isshin NG+.webm (1152x648, 2.96M)

Unfinished game.

You are supposed to parry all you can parry...

Factually incorrect.

How is it incorrect?

>like most of the combat
>but 90% of it is boring
People who feels the need to justify their stance by adding a note essentially dismissing anyone who thinks otherwise before they even say anything probably isn't very confident in general or in defending their opinion.

i had 2 or 3 so that's why I guess. Went straight there after the bull and without killing buttefly.

Because Guardian Ape plays drastically different from Divine Dragon who plays drastically different from Genichiro.

>Attack, attack, deflect after they deflect, avoid grabs
That's how all the bosses go
Dragon is hardly a boss, it's an interactive cutscene

>using a gimmick fight as an example

Also Guardian Ape is one of the 2 actual bosses along with Demon of Hate that doesn't feel like all the rest due to them being BB bosses.

>it's an interactive cutscene

Attached: Divine Dragon.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

So much variety, it doesnt feel limited at all
Top kek

>Meanwhile proves my point

The rhythm of his attacks felt so simple to follow that I wasn't concerned with missing a parry to get hit. Maybe if he had a third mixup in his second phase he might have been just a tad bit more of something. Jumping on his head and hitting him from behind seems fine as well, but the posture damage he essentially deals to himself by deflecting is just too effecting on him for him to be threatening.

Divine Dragon
Demon of Hatred
Folding Screen Monkeys

All play very different from one another

Also the bull bosses play more like the pigs in bloodborne where you have to constantly stick to the side of their rear so you don't get kicked but also don't get hit by the head shaking attacks
>mfw i used a firework on the fountain bull and he immediately panicked and charged into the wall before i hit him even once

Attached: 1551836893810.jpg (480x331, 38K)

You don't know what an interactive cutscene is. Those are for movie games, like Yakuza, Sekiro is pure gameplay.

so you must have had a high number of beads, he takes all your posture even with deflects on 2 beads.

Maybe you should learn how to explore properly so you have the number of beads you're expected to have at that point of the game. Or did you just run away from all the mini bosses?

>Press button to grapple
>Press other button for super lightning damage
Wow, that a completely non boring and engaging boss

That monkey fight seems like bullshit

Attached: Emma2.jpg (1920x1080, 430K)


Final score: 210 deaths
Deaths on Isshin: one (+1 on Genichiro)

Conclusion: Dark Souls 3 is STILL the hardest soulkiroborne.

Attached: dsp sekiro final tally.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

First phase just either set him on fire or use firecrackers then whack at him. Second phase has a lot more openings.

Why do people get filtered by Guardian Ape? The first phase is simply baiting out his attacks and punishing and the second phase is all about deflecting and knowing when he's going to use his scream. I'm not saying he's easy, but once you learn his moveset, he really shouldn't take you more than ten tries or so.

Attached: guardianApePepe.png (1233x1357, 390K)

Should someone tell Miyazaki that you can't actually throw lightning?

My point was that he can't break your posture if you deflect right, which wasn't threatening compared to most other enemies, and the posture really doesn't matter if you get hit by his sweep, the only chance he has in opening you up.

Because it's a completely different fight from anything else in the game up until that point.

>still giving a shit when he definitely followed a guide

literally has all 3 endings in one playthrough

Before or after we tell him that there aren't immortal centipedes

>died once to isshin
>died over 200 times before that
I refuse to believe someone who died that many times to the rest of the game beat isshin on their second try

Attached: 1553442330154m.jpg (1024x816, 51K)

To be fair, no one is getting the Purification ending without a guide.

Attached: Emma likes monkeys.jpg (884x652, 100K)

>probably way better than your death count even if doing isshin in two tries seems weird

okay time to kys myself

But that's literally just a recommendation for new players. You can kill every single boss without doing even 1 hit of health damage to them, you just have to play aggressively and parry every single attack of theirs perfectly. That is the beauty of the system, you can become the next Sword Saint yourself by mastering it.

Also it’s bs that you fight him “3” times

didn't help him agianst Nameless King

Isshin is mostly a meme.
Owl 2 is actually hard.

Literally doesn't work outside of easy mode, you take 50% damage through blocking and imperfect parries, which makes you die from 2-3 hits you blocked.

literally doesn't matter with the centipedes, you just mash parry and if you poise break you aren't punished, true for most big fights too.

He's literally immortal.

Attached: Return of Guardian Ape.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>base game is easy mode because I SAY SO
what a petulant child

>retards that only played on easy mode
Parry spam literally does not fucking work without Kuro's Charm. Don't blame the game when you did not play it on the highest difficulty.

Yes so you admit you are a retard that does not know anything about the game. You literally quit in very early game, you are in no position to be making any statements on its gameplay because you know nothing about.
You clearly don't even know hard mode punishes you for parry spam.

your posture doesn't matter if you can deflect everything
I'm serious, your posture bar can be at 99%, but it will only ever break and hit 100% if you either eat a hit or try to block a hit; if your deflect timing is on point, then you will NEVER have it fully break

It is a good game with some great combat and bosses BUT the lack of diffrent playstyles and choice does hurt the games replayabilty and in the long run.It is kinda one step forward and one step backwards.

That actually upset me when fighting the corrupted monk.
More than a few times when fighting her, she broke my posture during her attack chains, and she would stop the sequence and let me get back up for free.

Imagine having so little you have to dick measure in a bad game.

Literally lying. Every enemy type has different backstab deathblow and posture deathblows.

You can also just assassinate her twice for one health bar, even though you wouldn't think to do it because of the design till that point.

They literally do react to them though, why talk about the game when you have not played it. Any enemy in Sekiro becomes alerted (yellow marker) and starts looking for you if you they find a body.
They just don't see bodies from far away.

True, first and third phase aren't actually that difficult, but phase two is what got me killed 15/18 tries it took me to beat him, the other three being dying to phase one and not bothering to res
Once I got him to phase three it was ezpz with how often he does his lightning attack, and he seems to get a but less aggressive as well
The only part that isn't self explainatory with purification ending is that the weird way they did dialogue progression makes it hard to know when you've actually exhausted the npc's dialogue or you just need to rest at the shrine to make them say more stuff

Attached: 1549218991911.jpg (448x500, 51K)

Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle was when I realized I loved it

as soon as my fights started looking like this: I was in love with the game

>revengeance and half or dark souls 3' endgame bosses shit all over it
Not even close. Revengeance bosses are ok but nowhere near as good, and DS3 bosses are complete garbage compared to literally any Sekiro bosses.

My favorite boss in the end was probably Corrupted Monk

this in itself is bad design, you shouldn't gain any posture damage if you correctly parry. The bar going up tells you, you did it wrong yet its supposed to do that .

This. The one thing I'd add to the game is changing colors for perilous attacks a la MGRR's red and yellow on attacks. Unless you recognize Japanese symbols offhand, perilous attacks come down to eating shit until you recognize the telegraph for each enemy type.

Awful taste, every one of those games has a lot worse combat than Sekiro, ESPECIALLY Nioh. Holy shit Niohs combat was shallow and trash.

>Dark Souls 3 has good bosses
How the actual fuck did this meme originate?

Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

He's correct and not long from now every last fanboy will have realized that.
I don't even like Nioh but it's the better game with a shitton more replayability.

People got their assholes gaped by Abyss Watchers on the first playthrough

>literal who has shit tier opinion and no more than 39 people in the world agree with him
Who cares?
The bosses are fucking god tier, and he is objectively wrong. How do Guardian Ape, Divine Dragon, Demon of Hatred and Sword Saint for example feel identical? Literally every single one play completely differently.
The game has crazy boss variety when it comes to the mechanics of the fights.

Barely happens. And when it does then they stop looking for you 5 seconds later without alerting anyone. I can't believe Fromdrones would go far enough to defend this game's stealth

they are, the abyss watchers are clownable once you know what to do.

>press button to attack
>press button to move
>press button to jump
thats what you sound like

How can you lose to a boss with no poise? Abyss Watchers are Maria tier; keep pressing R1 and you win.

You did not play the game.
>using a gimmick fight as an example
It is an actual bossfight, retard.
>Also Guardian Ape is a BB boss
Not a single boss in Bloodborne is as good as Guardian Ape

I did it as well man, before dsp

Attached: woowo.png (752x176, 46K)

Nioh is a Diablo clone, Sekiro isn't. Of course Nioh is more replayable, the whole point of the game is to grind forever.
Also, Sekiro's bosses are kino as fuck and twitter mongoloids can fuck off.

DS3 is fucking easy

Because there's two of them and they jump all over the place and that's more than the average Souls player can handle.

>Not a single boss in Bloodborne is as good as Guardian Ape

Attached: Martyr_Logarius.png (532x572, 526K)

What are you crying about? I was stating an objective fact that you can activate a hard mode that causes you to die if you parry spam because you will take damage through every imperfectly timed parry, which is like 90% of your "parries" if you just mash the button.
You actually have to get good at the game on hard mode.

Attached: DSP Souls Difficulty Metric.png (1153x3787, 3.88M)

t. seething gaming journo

Two, and how is it bullshit, he is an immortal. And 2nd fight is optional.
It is the best action game yet made. Keep seething casual.

Martyr Logarius isn't a good boss, he's just a casual filter with nothing behind him that's even worth the fight.
All of Bloodborne's good bosses are in the Chalice Dungeons and they're all held down by the limited arena designs and artificial difficulty modifiers you have to deal with.

>Those stats

Of course it's trivial. It's an actual fight when you fight them the first time, not when you've got 99 in every stat and all your gear fully upgraded. Look at that fucking health bar.

Elajjaz got it on his first blind playthrough though. All you need to do is eavesdrop on kuro after activating the aroma incense and before beating divine dragon, which im sure many people would have done naturally.

>People complain about easy mode
>When the game starts you out on easy mode
Is there a more based dev than Miyazaki?

Attached: smilingWolf.png (631x710, 1003K)

>Nioh is a Diablo clone
>Sekiro's bosses are kino
FUCKING lol. Usually during kino movies you can actually see shit but I bet you also see From's 1999 tier camera as "a foe one has to overcome, not a flaw"

>mage build
he was fucking around man

>And 2nd fight is optional.
Is it still optional, even if you do Guardian Ape before Corrupted Monk?

>3 mil souls
>5 billion hp
decent bait

I was not defending the stealth, there is nothing to "defend" because it was obviously intentionally designed to be easy stealth due to how fucking hard it is to actually fight more than one enemy at a time in this game. The combat is completely different from Souls games where you can fight entire groups of enemies at once, in Sekiro you will most likely get completely fucking destroyed if you take on three Ashina samurai elite in the dojo at the same time for example. Or how about two purple ninjas at once, good fucking luck.
The stealth was thus made easy on purpose and enemy placements made precisely so that stealth killing would usually cause you to clear a room apart from 1 enemy that sees you do the stealth kill, then you fight that one guy.

I just called you out on being wrong, you literally claimed they do not react to bodies, when they do. They just have to be hilariously close to the body.

>From's 1999 tier camera
Has only been a problem for me in Lady Butterfly's fight dodging the energy projectiles after she summons the illusions. And yeah it's annoying but I've dealt with a lot worse. Bloodborne's PTSD-inducing chalice dungeon boss camera for one.

That is weird because DS3 really is the easiest. No idea why he would have the most trouble with it.


There is literally nothing wrong with the camera since it is player controlled, it's your own fault for not learning to pilot it well.
I learned and never had any annoying camera angles in Sekiro.

No. But since it is possible to avoid, that means it is optional.

>There is literally nothing wrong with the camera

The only objective flaw with the camera is that it breaks lock-on whenever the camera gets pushed off the target enemy. THAT is some bullshit during certain bossfights but if you know it's going to happen you can largely avoid it by not dodging into corners where the camera gets pushed.

>Enemies can break lock on at any moment
>Enemies can pin you up against a wall and the camera freaks out
>Group of enemies, try to lock on to one and accidentally lock on to a dog that I didn't want to
Why are people defending the camera? It is quite possibly the worst camera I have ever experienced in a game.

>since it is player controlled
It's also wall-controlled which makes this shit unplayable indoors. Other devs found a solution for that at least a decade ago. ENB is the biggest Sekiro shill on planet earth and even he admits that the camera is bad.

Why? I am right, there is nothing wrong with the camera, you just have to pilot it well yourself. It's just as much part of learning the controls than learning deflects and jumps and so on.
Letting yourself get backed into a corner or a wall is also you fucking up, that would be a certain death in a fight because it would restrict your movement.

>Or how about two purple ninjas at once, good fucking luck.

Yeah, this just happened to me. There's no way to time their attacks, specially when they start doing the jumping kicks moves or the poison attack.

People are defending the camera because you're intentionally exaggerating the problems.

Ever consider gitting gud?

Attached: Lone Shadow Longswordsman.webm (900x506, 2.74M)

Those aren't very big exaggerations, too close to the truth for that

>headstomp + axe
I need to try that now

Nothing about that is exaggerated, aside from the worst camera I've experienced, but it's honestly not too far off from it.

>Enemies can break lock on at any moment
Not how it works. Your lock-on breaks if you lose line of sight with the enemy, such as if the enemy jumped over your head to behind you and they are no longer on your screen. The lock-on never breaks as long as you keep the enemy in your sights and within lock-on range. Surely you know lock-on has a specific range, right? Same as in Souls games.
>Enemies can pin you up against a wall and the camera freaks out
It is you playing badly if you get pinned against a wall. Avoid that. And you could just turn the camera around to look towards the wall in that case, the camera does not "freak out" but it gets closer to Sekiro obviously if you are looking FROM the wall, because the camera can not go inside the wall. You realize what you are whining about has no solution? You can't have the camera be inside the wall because then players would see out-of-bounds areas that do not have textures and models.
>Group of enemies, try to lock on to one and accidentally lock on to a dog that I didn't want to
It always locks on to the enemy closest to the middle of your screen, always. Again, your fault.

You guys are overreacting, the reality is that you failed to learn proper camera control. I never had any problems with it after early game once I learned how to maneuver the camera.

That's one ninja at a time user... We were talking about multiples of those at the same time, it's like 100 times harder.

>Sekiro's camera is the worst of any game I've ever played
For this to be true you must be the most turbocasual person on this entire website. Nobody's going to take this opinion seriously even if they admit the camera has problems. Bloodborne's cameras is demonstrably worse and it's from the same console generation.

No, you are exaggerating. The camera is fine and your problems with it can literally be negated by learning to control it properly.

>Bloodborne's cameras is demonstrably worse

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The game is almost a 10/10 on the first playthrough. However, when i started my second playthrough, i noticed the kinks of the combar system:
>cant use multiple art combat at once. You have to go in the menu each time to change.
>same for the ninjustsu
>if you are pretty good at rythm games, this games stop being challenging once you finished the game once sice you know every ennemy pattern.

>It always locks on to the enemy closest to the middle of your screen, always.
Not really, wonky lock-on is a problem for most action games though and there's no easy solution besides just not using lock-on for enemies in swarms.

This, and DS3's camera is worse, and we could go and fucking list hundreds of games from the 90's and early 2000s that had far, far worse cameras.
For a third persion action game, Sekiros camera is fine.

Only being able to equip 1 combat art and ninjutsu at a time is not in any way bad, because the game would be significantly easier if you could switch between them on the fly considering how powerful many of them are.
Also it sounds to me like you kept playing NG+ on easy mode instead of doing Demon Bell and no Kuro's Charm which makes it far harder than your first playthrough.

he is easily trivialized by mindless gun spam just like every parryable boss in bloodborne

There's an entire boss in Bloodborne the community refers to as Camerabeast because the camera is so bad during that fight that it will actually get you killed even if you know the fight 100%.
Practically every Chalice Dungeon boss is some level of camera-busted, though Loran Darkbeast/Paarl and Lesser Amygdala are the most notable.

I personally can not remember any instance of it ever locking onto an enemy I did not intend, pretty sure lock on is targeted to the middle of the screen.
But I did see someone play the game with mouse and keyboard and it looked like the camera and lock-on was not as accurate with that, you play KBM?

What were they thinking?

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No, I play PS4. The lock-on only really gets fucky when you're dealing with enemies that move around a lot like the wolves or the Nightjar Tengu. It's mostly solid though.

Which NG+ is this?

They were thinking most players would play too defensively to learn how powerful gun parries were, and for the most part they were right. The Souls audience is largely shitter secondaries who came on after Dark Souls blew up and rely on crutch mechanics to get through the game. Bloodborne definitely has said crutch mechanics, but it also rips out the previous crutch mechanics like shields and poise stacking so the players had to readjust.


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Why does Yea Forums never autistically defend these types of problems in other games? Why is it only for the low budget messes this company churns out? I mean for other games everyone just acknowledges the problem and moves on but FromSoft oh no there's gotta be a reason for it other than sheer incompetence.

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does this count towards snap seed limit on her?

>bitch and moan about things that everyone puts up with
>wonder why everyone just puts up with it in most games
>waah why are people reacting to me bitching and moaning about nothing
You're not very bright, are you?

It's because From are the only developers who are actively pushing the medium forward.

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Negative. I cheesed the whole fight like that because that fight isn't that fun, compared to her real form at Fountainhead.

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The two at the Ashina Dojo? I believe you can stealth kill one that's next to the door, he only has one health bar.

How does he pull a spear out the ass like that? I find it strange people get so autistic about melee action games but find it totally okay to have their character bringing out weapons from thin air.

When I realized spamming l1 allowed me to deflect 90% of attacks. Finally a game where I can put my Parkinson's to good use!

its mind boggling really. as if the timing wasnt already forgiving enough you get fucking hyperamor during it

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Maybe because you were objectively wrong and the camera is fine? I literally explained why and how you were wrong and why there is actually nothing wrong with the camera.
And you're talking out of your ass again, DS3 actually has an awful camera. This has nothing to do with FromSoft, but with you lying.

Neat. Lazulite axe looks cool, glad I grabbed it at the end of my NG playthrough. Excited to move into NG+ and beyond, having all the upgrades and combat arts. Hope it manages to remain fun to do "stylish" things until max NG.

Ninja gaiden


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Parrying was a mistake.

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Turn on Demon Bell you turboshitter

How do you not understand what we were talking about? This isn't complicated dude, we were talking about how the stealth is intentionally easy BECAUSE fighting multiple enemies is nearly impossible in the game, for example fighting multiple ninjas at the same time.
So you saying "but just stealth the other ninja" is fucking stupid because the whole point of the conversation was that that is exactly why they made stealth easy, so that you can do that instead of the impossible fight against two ninjas.

For me, it's the Spear


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Merging stamina and parrying into the posture system is the smoothest evolution of Souls' gameplay mechanics and it's honestly cool as fuck. Bloodborne never felt like it quite accomplished what it wanted to with the game trying to push the player into a more aggressive combat role while still limiting them with Stamina.

>Pushing the medium forward
>By making the same low budget action RPGs over and over again all the while ripping off its settings and vibes from other sources
I wish I was this deluded.

why not just have less enemies instead of having shit stealth mechanics

You don't need to deal health damage if you got gud. It's literally to make the game more accessible for more players. You can straight up win all fights without doing health damage. Maybe not bosses like guardian ape and DoH, but you get the point.

Nah I'm good. I actually do enjoy the game, it's a decent challenge for me. And some bosses like O'rin do punish hard for spamming. Bitch gave me a really bad time.

For me it was the axe until I learned the Step-In Skill, now I too am a Spearchad.

Bloodborne is the only known instance of video games breaching into art territory.

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>We totally don't put them on a pedestal guys why does everyone call us retarded fanboys?

Well variety is the spice of life so I think it's a good thing that doing direct damage isn't useless and allows people to get by even when they playstyle isn't 100 pervent hyperaggression.

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>doing close to 1.5k per charged heavy
>more than a critical backstab
Yeah why do you think it's easy.

>videogames breaching into art
>literally just a cutscene divorced from gameplay
I love OH's presentation as well but c'mon now

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>can't find one positive thing about these games and say it.

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isn't that the point of perilous attacks though? to read enemy's animation and react appropriately? I thought there's just one Japanese symbol for perilous attacks - 'danger'

if it used different kanji or colours for slash/slash/grapple, all ppl would be doing is reading the warning signs, not actually reading enemy's attack animation

she ugly

Didn't notice this one, disregard my last reply. kek

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>At what point did you realize it had the best melee combat of all time?

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DaS is by far the easiest. Go back and play it, it's a joke after having all the experience of the previous games under your belt.

she will never ever notice you so fuck off already

Because they aren't "shit", they are just easy stealth mechanics. I haven't seen anyone else hate them, the stealth is pretty fun even though it's not challenging like MGS stealth or something.
It's a fucking action game first and foremost. The world would also feel less alive if it had less enemies.

At what point did you realize it had the best melee combat of all time?

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The fight itself, Ludwig's backstory and the music elevate it into the upper echelons of artistic merit.

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I didn't. It's decent, but not phenomenal at all. Quite stale after the 1st-2nd playthrough and not all that fun to replay.

Is it just one symbol? I don't read fucking moonrunes.
The problem with the system as-is is that reading attacks off the cuff is pretty difficult given that different enemies have different animations AND timings and many enemies have mix-ups as combo enders. It creates a situation where even if I know how to react, reacting in time comes down to guesswork and the player can eat complete shit due to one wrong guess which makes the death feel like it's not their fault.
Different colored symbols or more universal tells for the perilous attacks would place the emphasis on the timing and eliminate the guesswork. Very few perilous attacks can be reacted to by just spamming the appropriate reaction immediately when the icon appears as-is, except maybe sweeps.
The mix-ups that bosses have are especially cool, and I deserve to eat shit when they throw out a perilous attack I don't know about and I fail to react at all (like Genichiro 1's grab that I didn't see the first few times I fought him and jumped into thinking it was his thrust because I wasn't paying attention), but 50/50s between Thrusts and Sweeps that can't really be processed and reacted to in time aren't fun.

Sekiro is söy and nu-male repellent.

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You can and you will mostly succed.


My mistake. But yes, the shit they throw at you late game is nearly impossible to beat without stealth, the two ninja dudes and Seven Spears and Shume.

casual lock and block soulsshit.

play a real game like monster hunter, fags

Came to post this.

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How do you cheese Demon of hatred? i genuinely don't like that fight

Reminder that DSP beat the final boss after 3 tries.

Reminder that DSP is /ourguy/.

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>Seven Spears
You mean the guy in front of the tower where you first found Kuro? Because he's just Mikiri Counter + block on the follow-up. Only really a problem because the game doesn't tell you that Mikiri follow-up blocks do extra posture damage on some enemies.

Like this.

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Fan Shield


And yet Ludwig's actual bossfight, you know, the thing you PLAY, is pretty bland.

The stealth mechanics give alternate ways to do areas and make you feel cool as shit if you manage to take multiple dudes with stealth before engaging the rest or maybe even the entire area as well as providing a way to get a sneaky deathblow on an otherwise very hard fight. It plays into FromSoft's organic difficulty selection like leveling / multiplayer / classes did for Soulsborne.

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If you can't deflect Seven Spears, you can just dodge to the side and get a free hit.



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Remove headless, shichiman and demon of hatred and sure, it is a great parry game.
Those felt like they didn't belong in the skillful game of Sekiro and should die with Souls games (they won't be missed)

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How do i get there?

>skillful game of Sekiro

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He means a later encounter with another idenitcal mini-boss. He has a buddy next to him that makes the fight much more difficult.

No, when you fight both Seven Spears and Shume at the Ashina Reservoir at night, it's almost impossible to take both of them on without stealth.

>Because they aren't "shit", they are just easy stealth mechanics.

Asscreed is easy stealth, this is just shit stealth what with the total lack of mechanics besides LOS and the enemy view cones being wonky as fuck. And of course being able to just reset all the enemies if you fuck up


As in you can parry everything beside the ones that got that red symbol
The bosses I mentioned are played more like souls bosses or require some sort of cheesy way to be beat

stay seething ninteddie

It folds in and out of the prosthetic arm.

Shadman Warrior isn't that bad and neither is Headless but they're overused a bit. The first time you encounter a Headless and the music comes, it's pants shitting terror time when it immobilizes you.

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Wait you can parry the firecrackers?

You wall jump onto one of the tower platforms and then jump over to the building, grab the ledge and climb up.

The different perilous attacks were hard to tell apart at first, but after many deaths and much frustration I could tell them apart. Genichiro, for example, puts his sword to his left for thrust and his right for sweep attacks (i may be mixing up the directions). I think Isshin and other bosses are similar in that way. That being said, it did take me over 6 hrs to beat Isshin, so maybe the game could've been clearer on that front for a more reasonable difficulty.

The interesting thing about Sekiro is that Isshin was absolutely the hardest boss for me in my first playthrough, but now (NG+5) I can kill Isshin without even using resurrection once. Whereas it still takes me 2~3 deaths to get through Guardian Ape. I don't know, I'm not that good at games, but it's very strange how the hardest boss just clicked with me and now it's one of the easier ones for me.

But these bosses are really fun because you fight every enemy the fucking same boring way. At least Demon was a change.

You can parry a ton of stuff, like the arrows and gunshots of fodder enemies, tengu shuriken, Butterfly's energy balls even the air slashes of some later bosses

Well bro Shichiman took me more than 1 hour to beat because I didn't realize what confetti did at the time.
I had to dodge all the ghosts while attacking him. It was weird to just beat him with l1 and r1
I googled after beating him and it was fucking easy u just use confetti and spam attack lmao

Might as well give up if you can't kill one of the easiest mini-bosses in the game.

By the time you die enough to learn the tells for each enemy's perilous attacks, you'll just kill them

>stealth kill everyone else
>stealth hit him for 1 bar
>mikiri his second bar

>or: parry and evade his second bar

He's amazingly easy. I think the spear dudes later in this level in the bamboo place are far stronger.

I just figured that was an insta stun similar to how it is for Sekiro

Go do the tutorial guy at the right side of the hub area, I totally skipped him when I started and was dealing with extreme anger by the time I killed the Shinobi Hunter.

The spear guys in the bamboo slope are a huge fuck you if you go down the other path because you can't deal with the Shinobi Hunter

I'm fucking shit at this game, but god damn if I don't get pumped as hell when I deflect and dodge boss' flurries by a hair's width. And then get teleported into their grab attack by shit hitboxes.

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