No one is talking about it. Let's change this.
What faction will you play as first?
No one is talking about it. Let's change this.
What faction will you play as first?
I will play as the uninstall faction and boot up Victoria 2.
Computer can run CK2 well, but not sure about this. I guess Rome, or maybe Israel once I learn the mechanics
Bosporan kingdom or one of the cretans. Then I'll see if it's as moddable as they say, starting with mapping.
It's a niche game.
>no one is talking about
Because it looks like absolute dogshit. None of the depth of a GSG game, and none of the fun of Civ.
I like rome total war, think this'll be fun?
No. This is nothing like a Total War game.
Probably not, spend some more hours on Roma Surrectum III or Europa Barbarorum II.
I mean I work as an electrical engineer so I'm okay with difficulty