Out in Two Weeks

No one is talking about it. Let's change this.

What faction will you play as first?

Attached: 330px-Imperator_Rome_banner.jpg (330x154, 10K)

I will play as the uninstall faction and boot up Victoria 2.

Computer can run CK2 well, but not sure about this. I guess Rome, or maybe Israel once I learn the mechanics

Bosporan kingdom or one of the cretans. Then I'll see if it's as moddable as they say, starting with mapping.

It's a niche game.


>no one is talking about
Because it looks like absolute dogshit. None of the depth of a GSG game, and none of the fun of Civ.

I like rome total war, think this'll be fun?

No. This is nothing like a Total War game.

Probably not, spend some more hours on Roma Surrectum III or Europa Barbarorum II.

I mean I work as an electrical engineer so I'm okay with difficulty