If you already look retarded then why do you give a shit?
Plus it's not like you'll be going outside you filthy gremlin.
What's your veredict?
Dylan Roberts
Carter Price
Lucas Stewart
>360p an eye
>probably sub 30fps
they should be sued for this
Jose Perry
Ethan Clark
user why try to start shit?
Bentley Baker
yeah what a great year for the switch so far
Henry Richardson
>first party games
Samuel Perez
>Marvelous inc
Jaxon Foster
Literally worse than google cardboard or gear vr
Labo was fun to put together and use once. Im sure this will be the same
Aaron Rogers
I know this looks bad to an outsider, but this is very normal for a Suda game. It's a great game for fans, but one of the least-friendly for newcomers. Don't know why Nintendo bothered to promote it, but I'm glad they did anyway.