What's your veredict?

What's your veredict?

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VR garage might be cool. Otherwise not interested

Isn't the resolution smaller than the 3DS? Plus you have to hold it up to your face manually. Sounds like cancer to me.

I like the elephant one. It really makes me feel like me.

Okay for budget VR I suppose but not for me.

Also you're going to get hundreds of posts like this unless someone shitposts about it with a wojak.

Literal shit but I’m gonna buy it.

arms get too tired fatty?


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I hope it bombs so Nintendo can stray away from gimmicks more and just focus on providing good 1st party titles.

Hold your controller up to your face and see how long it takes you to get uncomfortable. No one wants to do that shit, you can't tell me that's a good thing.

From what I have been seeing from review

>Arms will get tired fast
>Does pull of 720p instead of the lower res shit Anons will tell people
>The elephant labo actually can pull off full 360 movement best experienced with an office chair
>There isn't a strap or headset
>Most of the games are pretty decent compared to the last labo
>Few multiplayer games included

For the $40 starter kit seems okay and probably will buy it since I wanted to replay BOTW with the DLC. However, I really hope someone comes out with a headstrap mod or some way to perch it up on a stand so I can free up an arm for the one handed stuff. Also hoping that I can somehow do play BOTW or Odyssey with a pro controller yet still have the VR stuff working with the joycon. If this takes off well hopefully they update Mario Kart 8 deluxe with the first person mode 7 had.

Like they always do?


strap or stand*

>I really hope someone comes out with a headstrap mod
You could literally just do it yourself by punching some holes into it and grabbing an old belt or something

Already better than PCVR

>have to strap your new vr headset to your head with a fucking belt
The future is now!

Same, if they make a headstrap, I'm in for BotW VR. I've been wanting to do a new run of the game, but I can't imagine spending hours controlling it while holding it up to my face.

I mean you ain't wrong but I look more fucking stupid than I already do

If you already look retarded then why do you give a shit?
Plus it's not like you'll be going outside you filthy gremlin.

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>360p an eye
>probably sub 30fps
they should be sued for this


user why try to start shit?

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yeah what a great year for the switch so far

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>first party games

>Marvelous inc

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Literally worse than google cardboard or gear vr
Labo was fun to put together and use once. Im sure this will be the same

I know this looks bad to an outsider, but this is very normal for a Suda game. It's a great game for fans, but one of the least-friendly for newcomers. Don't know why Nintendo bothered to promote it, but I'm glad they did anyway.

What about the multiple games ruined by motion control.

exactly, where are the first party games this year? it's fucking april and still nothing


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Please everyone, don't be an Eric.
Do your research.

Were they ruined or were you just too stubborn to try something new?

Why would you want that? No one wants that.

Because you can be closer than ever before to Marina's thighs.

Reminds me of RE4 on Wii where pretty complained the game was too easy because you could get constant headshots trivializing the game.
Fast forward to 2015 with Splatoon a team based shooter with motion control aiming as the gimmick
It now has one of the highest skill ceiling practically a skyscraper

>not wanting to BE Marina's thighs
Don't settle.

Is it out yet? How complex can you get with the game maker mode?

We have Manyakis for that.

VR is still a gimmick.

So were analog sticks on controllers.

You can't really play a full VR game in 720p up close for long periods. You will not enjoy it. The device is more meant to be held up to your face for short sessions.

Imagine being this retarded.


I sincerely hope people don't fall for this and buy kits and realize they get motion sickness within 15 minutes of playing 720p vr

That was established tech with a different design.

Can you even share your labo VR garage games online?

Why is BoTW VR so lazy? They didn't implement anything outside a wacky perspective.

Yes you can, I´ve done it with phones.

That doesn't count

lmao all this is the power of the Nintendo switch...

I want to eat Marina's thighs after roasting her over open coals.

Probably should have added head straps, so you don't just hold the entire thing up to your face, like literally every other VR headset.

If you have to hold it up to your face how do you play it? Controlling the joycons while holding it up? Sounds awful

It's 720p, my 1080p phone looks horrible for VR already, what is Nintendo thinking?

I see Nintendo is trying hard to ruin the public perception of VR like Google tried to.

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I could care less, BUT i would love to see emulator support it to work with a HTC Vive.