just kys at this point
This dude just sucks at the game, 100%
Wait so where the fuck is foutainhead located from Ashina?
You can see Ashina castle from Mt Kongo,but cant see shit from Foutainhead
I just got to lady butterfly, killed her once and then she's back... idk, I don't find this very fun.
Do I do both attacks one after the other or is simply using the spear by jumping and hitting his head enough?
>still hasn't figured out how to get rid of armoured knight
real brainlet hours
It's an area "of the gods" or some shit so it probably isn't there in reality
The pro strat for her phase 2 is when she jumps in the air you ___git___ gud____
is wolf retarded? is there a way to make him know who the demon of hatred when talking to the old woman?