Atleast you're hygienic.
Post your vidya stories that have scarred you for life
>in high school
>playing MW2 Special Ops or whatever the fuck they were called
>get a call from my friend that my gf at the time tried to come onto him and kiss him
>for a year or two I could never play that bridge level without thinking of it
It doesnt bother me anymore, it's been 9 years or so but still, whenever I tried to play that level my stomach would get all twisted up
>have online friend
>best online friend
>play together constantly for years
>even your few irl friends like him
>6 or 7 years later
>haven't spoken since then
>graduated high school, graduated college, got a real job
>message him on steam
>hey man it's been so long! you up to play sometime?
>he says sure
>next time see him playing
>next time see him in game
>hey man, up for a game?
>friend is set to offline
what did I do
>be child
>playing some relatively early first person shooter on uncle'd computer, don't actually remember which, it was around the time the original hitman was still new though
>running through a pyramid or some shit
>go around corner
>see a massive fucking scorpion charging at me
>scorpions make me cringe to this day
What are you playing currently? I fucked your girlfriend during that time.
lol clingy cunt
>on uncle'd computer
How do I uncle my computer?
>Normalfags really believe this
>playing Club Penguin
>meet a cute "girl", username Mamichi
>neither of us had membership at the time
>agree to buy it at the same time
>roll around town, play minigames, go to igloo parties with new clothes and privileges
>fast forward to next month
>membership not renewed due to a lack of funds in the card
>go online anyway
>lose all the sick member clothes and hats
>mamichi comes online
>try following her to an igloo party
>You're not allowed to enter an invite-only party
>PM mamichi
>no response
What the fuck