Post your vidya stories that have scarred you for life

Post your vidya stories that have scarred you for life

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kill yourself feelshit

i dont have any. no normal person gets scarred by fucking video games

>on Yea Forums

Halo Reach: You can (not) save Reach

>Make online friend
>Play games together
>He disappears
>Mildly upset but whatever
>Wonder what he's up to now days from time to time
Man that was rough

thanks for reminding me

you incels are in the minority, us normies have taken over years ago. move on

we aren't all a bunch of friendless virgins like you bro, just sayin

>playing pokemon gold version
>one day I start it up and am met with New Game and Options, no Continue
>I had traded all of my red version pokemon to it, so I have basically lost 500 years of my life
>pick up the pieces and restart
>it happens again like 50 hours later
>send my cartridge back to nintendo to see if something is wrong
>they say it was fine, but the connectors were dirty and include a pamphlet that explains you should clean your controllers and wash your hands before you play video games
>it triggers my latent OCD
>I now wash my hands dozens of times a day, shower twice a day
>sometimes I just want to play video games, but am compelled to shower first
>I have lost thousands of hours of potential video games to needing to shower

Atleast you're hygienic.

>in high school
>playing MW2 Special Ops or whatever the fuck they were called
>get a call from my friend that my gf at the time tried to come onto him and kiss him
>for a year or two I could never play that bridge level without thinking of it

It doesnt bother me anymore, it's been 9 years or so but still, whenever I tried to play that level my stomach would get all twisted up

>have online friend
>best online friend
>play together constantly for years
>even your few irl friends like him
>6 or 7 years later
>haven't spoken since then
>graduated high school, graduated college, got a real job
>message him on steam
>hey man it's been so long! you up to play sometime?
>he says sure
>next time see him playing
>next time see him in game
>hey man, up for a game?
>friend is set to offline
what did I do

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>be child
>playing some relatively early first person shooter on uncle'd computer, don't actually remember which, it was around the time the original hitman was still new though
>running through a pyramid or some shit
>go around corner
>see a massive fucking scorpion charging at me
>scorpions make me cringe to this day

What are you playing currently? I fucked your girlfriend during that time.

lol clingy cunt

>on uncle'd computer
How do I uncle my computer?

>Normalfags really believe this

>playing Club Penguin
>meet a cute "girl", username Mamichi
>neither of us had membership at the time
>agree to buy it at the same time
>roll around town, play minigames, go to igloo parties with new clothes and privileges

>fast forward to next month
>membership not renewed due to a lack of funds in the card
>go online anyway
>lose all the sick member clothes and hats
>mamichi comes online
>try following her to an igloo party
>You're not allowed to enter an invite-only party
>PM mamichi
>no response
What the fuck

Not really vidya related but this fucked me up permenently
>need money
>dad knows a job
>it’s a porno store in the seedy warehouse district
>has a backroom where people can watch movies
>has a shitty torn up couch and a toilet paper roll over a trash can
>guy walks in around 20 or so
>pencil neck looking nerd covered in pimples
>pays with a WoW credit card to go to the back
>about 5 minutes later some geriatric looking 80 year old man comes in
>also pays to go to the back
>start hearing moaning after a few minutes
>hear shit moving too
>remember that the boss said if people are caught fucking in the theater, they can get shut down by the feds
>go back there
>the old man is balls deep in the pencil neck guy
>they run out of the shop with some semen dripping out of the nerd’s ass
I quit that night

Pick up melee user, will help you break the habit

He's no longer interested in playing with you but was too beta to tell you.

Why are gay people so nasty?

>I have lost thousands of hours of potential video games to needing to shower
oh no what a nightmare

>back in the golden days of halo reach
>fooling around with a friend in forge
>a friend of his invites us to a game, asks if we want to help him build a map
>"ok sure"
>we make a kkk camp map
>I laugh and help them build it
>make crosses, giant KKK's, signs, hanging ropes,etc...
>pretty funny in a dark way
>when we are done, a bunch of other players join
>we are asked to set our armor to white colors
>kek, okay
>we join the map
>we all gather around a "fire"
>group starta chanting "white power"
>they hold a kkk meeting unironically

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Ironic shitposting eventually draws actual shitposters

>lost thousands of hours of potential video games needing to shower
Yea Forums everyone

>be 14 year old me
>buy a copy of Destiny of an Emperor for the NES for 10$ from the kid who lives across the street
>a week later the kid tells his parents I stole the game from him
>his parents come yell at my parents
>say he's lying I paid him 10$
>my parents make me give the game back anyway
25 years later and it still makes me fucking mad, Kyle if I ever see you again i'll fucking sucker punch you.


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She moved up in the world

This is why you never trust women.

Fucking kek
Where do you find this much Phantasie?


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It's just classic Yea Forums autism

>I have lost thousands of hours of potential video games to needing to shower
Please tell me this is bait

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>one day as a young lad lose my gameboy
>can’t find it anywhere
>mom says she thinks my friend who lives a couple houses down stole it
>turns out my mom took it and hid it from me and I didnt find out until 20 years later coincidentally looking in a drawer
christ i knew she didn’t like me playing video games but fuck off lying twat

looks like normies are just as fucked up considering the majority of posts

Jesus christ

you are disgusting

i'm not scarred, but everytime i try to go to bed and sleep i think about clementine, this has been happening for a few months now

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i've known her since 2012 and she has a special place in my heart, almost feels like a real person to me

that sounds fun i wanna play









Nothing scars people you big baby

true love

what a fucking asshole

This has to be bait

Fuck off


