Why aren't gamers having sex?

This is just as much of a fake bait post as this

I tried opening up to my ex about some shit I went through growing up once and her only reaction was pure disgust.

Women are awful and not worth it most of the time.

this isn't a daily or even weekly thing, user, just every couple of months or so. Literally no different to picking up some slag via tinder, apart from there's no pretence.

Imagine having to dress in high heels, wearing tiny booty shorts and just having to look pretty while men stare at you

Imagine they ridicule you and insult you while they look, call you things like a "dumb bimbo" and laugh at how dumb you are

God I wish that was me

No user, women actually unironically think like this. They are very shallow and vain.

Sorry but it's reality, you can't just brush it off as something only "shit women" will do. Men love to pretend they're pragmatists/realists when in actuality they believe all this fairy tale bullshit about how women will love them no matter what.

lmao the West is so fucking done for

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