Realistically I would overhaul the game entirely and outsource the development.
I was not a fan of anything in it. Everything seemed half-assed and unengaging.
Exploration is the cornerstone of the game's design, but there's nothing but the usual suspects behind every nook and the dozen or so halfway unique elements are shallow as all get out.
It's the perfect video game for somebody who doesn't play video games. Despite the cries of harkening back to 1986 and webms of bokoblins one-hitting Link out of context, the game is the complete antithesis of difficult and is quite inoffensive and incredibly forgiving.
It's a jack of all trades, and for what it's worth I suppose it does that well enough.
I'd personally rather have a more focused production, with more depth and mechanical ingenuity. BotW feels like it was developed by five separate teams who never talked during production, and then stitched together by a sixth.
As it stands I'm still waiting for a worthwhile addition to the franchise in this century.
Better luck next time, Fuji. For what it's worth I did genuinely enjoy the Oracles. Seems like you used up all your creative juices on them, though. Itsuno's doing your job better.
Maybe ditch Aonuma, as if that's possible in the ass backwards hierarchy that is Japanese corporate culture.
4/10, I fell asleep playing it on release night, and I was working third shift at the time.
ITT: We fix BoTW
What's the point of free climbing?
>Ability to repair weapons when they break using ore, type of ore/quantity depends on the weapon (big swords will require more ore than boomerangs)
>mfw I realized this wasn't a Rain World thread
>longer durability
This, durability was fine but poorly implemented, realisticly swords could last hundreds of battles, just make them last longer but also make them more rare, or just make better ones more rare, if weapons were to last 10x as long but you could get like 3 in 15 minutes there wouldn't be a point.
It allows you to actually Climb that Mountain™ unlike Skyrim, for the most part.
I really don't get why everyone was down on durability. I enjoyed the old form of having one weapon and upgrading it through unique sidequests that took you all over the game map, but durability wasn't breaking my heart, no pun intended.
I spent more time breaking my fingers to throw shit out than breaking weapons. What the fuck were you guys fighting anyway? The game felt devoid of enemy encounters.
I'd say that is what killed the game more than durability. How the fuck are you not gonna have enemies in dungeons, at the very least?
The game spits out weapons like nothing, rendering the durability aspect pretty much completely worthless.That and most chests just have some shit weapon so there's no point in trying for them in shrines
Yeah but if I would have climbed that mountain, I wouldn't have gotten my dick kicked by that frost troll or gotten all the exposition from stone tablets and NPCs, which ironically is what happened to me on my first playthrough of Zora's Domain.
Could they have at least made it fun? It's like playing Spiderman but he's got stage four cancer. I genuinely don't understand it at all.
You can't even climb into the divine beasts from multiple entrances and shit like Aonuma lied about, and even if you do utilize it for Hyrule Castle, once again, you miss the actual content of the castle. Fuck me what a worthless mechanic. Autistic tree climbing simulator for Miyamoto's senile ass, 11/10.
I feel like the climbing is more of an option to skip content rather than a road to access it.