This is a very good game

This is a very good game

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>not on switch

no its not lmao

>console warring
fuck off, fag

later parts of the game drag. Extremely easy to predict twist, literally repeats plot beats. Still good though.

>unironically begging for games to be downgraded more
big yikes lol

I have 9 days left until the voting for Shido happens. Do I have enough time left in the game to make Futuba my wife? She's at 5 stars because I thought you could only hang out with her when she came to Leblanc. Feels like the game's about to end before I even romance a girl and that would be unacceptable. Pls help I literally have it paused

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what date tho?

It is.

I did not enjoy it. The pacing of the gameplay is completely fucked - for every hour of dungeon crawling you've got another hour of insipid cutscenes.

its good for the first ten hours, after that it's all downhill

It is absolute trash compared to 3 and 4. And even judging it entirely on its own, the writing and characters are on par with below average anime.

If you've played 3 and 4 it's a 5/10

If you haven't it can be up to 7/10

isn't the ps3 less powerful than the switch?

It's objectively better than 4. The only people who disagree are 4 nostalgiafags

Unironically the best game I've played this gen

It baffles me that for how long this game was in development it only managed to be P4.5 at best, how and why the fuck do normalfags consider it to be Award™ worthy?

Normalfags eat up anything with a ton of polish and """""style"""".

Because it was normies first Persona game, so it was unique for them

You got a whole generation of people who grew up with Xbox 360 & moved to PS4, they missed a ton of these type of JRPG's


Arguably. But best game to come at the time with Nier at a close second. Beating the hell outta of Xenocringe 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn.

assuming you finish shido's palace in optimal time you've got like 7 days left to hang out with people
how are your stats? do remember you need to clear out a couple of side quests to max out her confidant level

It had style out the fucking dick, but it could definitely have been better without the obvious rewrites and poor level design.

Almost maxed out. Damn I doubt I can get 5 stars in 7 days. Some days she's not even outside the store. Guess I'll go with Ann. I have her maxed already. Thanks

It's actually the reverse for me, I'm glad I played 3 before 4 and especially 5 because I cannot bring myself to play through 3 anymore after the gameplay upgrades in the last two games.

3 still has the crown for best story, writing and themes in my book, but the gameplay has aged really fucking poorly.

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I played 4G after 5 and it is objectively better

I finished this recently, it was certainly a very good game but the story was honestly a disappointment. For a JRPG like this I expected the story to be one of the strong points. Are Persona 3 and 4 any better story wise?

It was kinda short for my liking

Why is she the best girl Yea Forums?

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it was good but i still think it could have been better. the dungeon design could have used more work with more shortcuts instead of putting safe rooms everywhere and the party need more time to grow as a group of friends.

Yes it is, they’re probably baiting or they are an idiot

It's debatable. 3 definitely has the highest highs in its story, but it's the worst paced in my eyes, the cast features one very good character and the rest range from okay to completely forgettable and the antagonists are really weak. I wouldn't really recommend any of the games for their stories, what's enjoyable in the writing is the characters and sometimes themes, but the plot in each game is fairly weak.

Gameplay and style was 10/10 for a RPG. But I still think the story could've been better in some parts and the characters more developed. I just think Akechi should've stayed as a party member, Haru more developed, and the entire Okumura arc scrapped. I really fucking loved the Kamoshida, Shido, Sae and the final moments of the game. But the rest was just ok.

I liked P4G a bit more, it felt more consistent and the characters were more likeable.

>based and makotopilled

Agree with you on okomura they should of cut that full palace the game is literally one palace too long. Akechi was great, I seen him as a rival once he joined so was glad to face off against him but if he came back it would of been even more kino

I didn't raise confidant with haru so I'm not sure how fleshed out her story gets (because her voice was annoying as fuck) replaying with the jap voices now though so hopefully she's bearable. Similar story with futaba she annoyed the fuck out of me and her stat buffs were always exactly what i didn't need - does maxing her confidant fix that?

I enjoyed it a lot more than P4G, I think the core cast (Ryuji, Morgana, Anne, Makoto) is miles better than Persona 4s

Kill yourself

>Replying to bait
Kill yourself.

4 doesn't take itself too seriously, it knows what its doing and succeeds in it. 5 on the other hand fails at whatever it tries to do, the story and characters in particular are very weak

>not being an idort

because she is pure autist

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4's story is pitiful and largely just exists as a vehicle to set up yu as atlus' lightning. they knew transitioning to hd would take a long time, especially with their poorfag finances at the time, so they needed something to shill for years. and it worked on people like you.
5 has its flaws, but it's still better than "gary stu: the game."

It plays like a flash game

Yes, it's my favorite game this generation, but it does have a few problems.
>can't come back to leblanc during the day
Who thought this was a good idea?