Will this be the standard for all future fighting games?
Will this be the standard for all future fighting games?
No. Not even Smash will have another “Everyonr is here”.
Sakurai said it himself that the work put into the roster couldn’t happen in the future.
Hopefully not
I mean, who the fuck even asked for Pichu?
Smash isnt a fighting game so no.
Just imagine when nintendo catches up and makes a console output higher than 720p, how many more fire emblem characters they can fit on the selection screen
whewes piwahna pwant
*Children's party game
>Fighting game
No because Smash is not a fighting game.
there was one released in 2012 and another in 2017
>Sakurai said it himself that the work put into the roster couldn’t happen in the future.
Remember when Sakurai said they couldn't put Ridley in Smash?
I hope so. Fighting game sequels should have always included all the characters from the previous episode and people disagreeing should be shot in the head.
So you think it would've been better if they brought back everyone but pichu?
no, because smash isn't a fighting game.
Actually by definition it is, you're delusional.
Along with young link and roy
Bring testament and zappa back to guilty gear!
you mean the standard for party games? if so, I agree, it’s not a fighting game
upvoted and reddit golded my good sirs
>It’s not a SF2T clone so it’s not a fighting game
>Fighting isn’t fighting since the goals are not knocking out/killing your opponent
>Things like frame data, approaching, techs, combos, positioning, blocking, grabs, ect. don’t count for Smash because...
and they are both for babies
cant wait for the 3 houses rep coming this year
As cool as it would be to see fan favorites return, I highly doubt it. Modern day fighting games always release with small - decent sized rosters, and even now a lot of them are pretty unbalanced. Like it or not DLC is a major part of modern day fighting games, and having every veteran there would force devs to create all new characters. It would be amazing, but I don't see it happening.
Mortal Kombat Armageddon already did this
virtua fighter, tekken and soulcalibur aren't sf2t clones either, but they're still fighting games. smash is enough of a departure from the traditional mechanics to be in its own genre.
just because smash players desperately want to ride the fgc's coattails for credibility doesn't mean smash is actually a fighting game.
What's your thoughts on arena fighters? What do they have to do to become competitively viable in the FGC?
>a game where the point is fighting others is not the definition of a game where you fight others
The same try-hard faggots that play as him
>smash is enough of a departure from the traditional mechanics to be in its own genre.
And that genre is a subgenre of the fighting game genre. So Smash IS a fighting game, just not a traditional one.
It's like how kart racers are a subgenre of the racing genre. Where are the "Mario Kart isn't a racing game" posters?
Other than Mortal Kombat Armageddon, no. Smash Ultimate has two unique advantages:
1. Sakurai is incredibly autistic
2. Sm4sh already had the vast majority of series veterans in its roster.
Just think about how much fucking work it would take to recreate everyone missing from some other series in the 3D era.
yeah but just wait for this to destroy the fgc
> Sakurai said it himself that the work put into the roster couldn’t happen in the future.
Nice source
so lol is a fighting game now
God I hope so. PSASBR needs one of these. I might fully buy a PS4 if it happens.
God I love to see people on Yea Forums trying to pretend they aren't seething.
>smash is enough of a departure from the traditional mechanics to be in its own genre.
Literally the only mechanics that are drastically different is the Percentage (which you can just use stanima mode anyways), Items (which literally no one ever uses outside of casual play and messing around), and having platforms.
If you actually played Smash, core apects of fighting games are still there.
There is still prediction, combos, approach, blocking, stage control, pressure, awareness, move knowledge, character knowledge, trapping, ect.
Even if Smash was that drastically different, there are still genres with games that are way more different from each other (such as Snake Pass is for Platformers)
>just because smash players desperately want to ride the fgc's coattails for credibility
Nice projection, but it’s usually the opposite.
Every time someone mentions “Smash” and “Fighting game” without “Not”, I always see a bunch of insecure FGCfags reply with “>Fighting Game” and “Smash is a party game”.
KoF XIV has a ton of characters
I'll have a team of Ryo/Ryotsu/Train, nothing but gun.
I actually did. I wanted my super bottom tier joke character to style them scrubs with. Ironically, I got monkey-pawed and it became the most tryhard option.
What is a fighting game, then? Because last I checked Catherine and Puyo Puyo were fighting games.
I feel like plenty of games in general would be cooler with an "everyone is here" situation
I fucking hope not.
How many out of how many that have ever been in the series?
technically none, kof14 was the first main series game to be on 3d so they had to do them all from scratch, unless they already had them for some reason but i doubt it
>No sign of Natsu
It is therefore a sin.
My dad is nintendo and told me this will be the last smash game and is going to be posted to phones and pc via streaming with moba's monetization system.
What is even the point of cutting characters in video games?
Sakurai's been saying in interviews that wrangling the third parties together to achieve Everyone is Here in Ultimate was a huge pain in the ass. And by Third Parties, he means Square Enix.
Should have just added a new original character called Cumulonimbus who plays identically.
All that's gonna happen is they're gonna port Ultimate over and over again with updates. There will be no Smash 6.
>Nice projection, but it’s usually the opposite.
meanwhile, in reality, meleefags just had a huge meltdown over being left out of evo. they accused poorfag studios like snk and french bread of "buying their way in" and called actual fighting game players "sheep" because they actually adapt to new games in their series, among other salt. these are the same people who had previously pretended that evo needs melee more than melee needs evo, mind you.
he also admit Ridley was the most difficult fighter to work on due to thin model bone structures
maybe there was a reason why he avoided Ridley for this long
>Grinchfags: "guysguys sakurai is lying!!! He temping our expectations!!! "Don't expect too many newcomers" my ass!!
>"smash is not a fighting game" according to a literal who in fucking Yea Forums's toilet
or just add Zero?
Cloud's moveset is a perfect template for him without the limit break shit
>Ultimate is literally the MK Armageddon of Smash Bros
Is it safe to say the next game will be a complete reboot?
everyone knows there's no coming back from this faggot, they can't backpedal from having the entire series' roster, one less fighter than what they have now will be a downgrade
I might be the only one with this opinion bit I actually prefer that the developers focus on the gameplay, balance and what not instead of the roster size. Ultimate roster is too big to the point it becomes annoying to learns all the match ups, there's a ton of redundance in there too, meanwhile we have a ton of gameplay issues that pretty much ruin the experience such as input lag, stupid buffer system, atrocious online, shitty single player, etc that most likely will never be fixed. Imagine if all the development time that went into "bringing back" clones and irrelevant characters went into refining the gameplay instead...