What is this called?

theres always need for baited traps

Doesnt this game have trannies too?

Attached: pol thread.png (315x636, 45K)

Neat, they can man lookout duty

>elf holocaust simulator now also features trannies
I see nothing wrong with this


>trans dwarf migrants come to fort
>make them stand outside during a lightning storm in full metal armor
>lightning strikes them and they become normal

This game features some neat technology.

Didn't know the white house was involved with DF now

Attached: 1534488477798.jpg (465x361, 36K)

That's been in the game for a while now (or at least "the gay" has been). I don't mind because it means less babies for the baby pit.

>adding more monsters to the game is bad

A fake image created by /pol/tards to incite disbelief and anger towards a minority that literally are harmless because they cant handle anything that is different from selves being white and male.