What is this called?

What is this called?

Attached: ddsadsad.png (537x343, 198K)

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>What is this called?
Militia volunteers

i thought all he said was that it's doable

a photoshopped article

Faggotry, from every way you look at it.

>Dwarfs can be afflicted by mental illness
Pretty cool
What else can they be afflicted by?

Just exile them or make death traps

How do trannies work in the DF world? Do they literally mutilate themselves and become infertile when you aren't looking?

Attached: lightning.jpg (3598x1914, 1.73M)

>posting low IQ man's DF

theres always need for baited traps

Doesnt this game have trannies too?

Attached: pol thread.png (315x636, 45K)

Neat, they can man lookout duty

>elf holocaust simulator now also features trannies
I see nothing wrong with this


>trans dwarf migrants come to fort
>make them stand outside during a lightning storm in full metal armor
>lightning strikes them and they become normal

This game features some neat technology.

Didn't know the white house was involved with DF now

Attached: 1534488477798.jpg (465x361, 36K)

That's been in the game for a while now (or at least "the gay" has been). I don't mind because it means less babies for the baby pit.

>adding more monsters to the game is bad

A fake image created by /pol/tards to incite disbelief and anger towards a minority that literally are harmless because they cant handle anything that is different from selves being white and male.

archive.fo/rhq56 it is a real "article"

I dont see the problem with it because you can just mod them out anyways. Or if you are /pol/ you can mod that trans dwarfs are not accepted, become outcasts and die in the woods.

Sorry snowflake, if you can't handle the fact that your axe lord and half your fortress are transdwarves then maybe you should just not play.

Wanting to pay for your brother's cancer treatment.

It's called blue/pol/. For actual video game discussion there's /vg/

>axe lord

>Given that Dwarf Fortress is much smaller and more niche than Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, it will be interesting to see how the community deals with various forms of Left-wing sociopolitics invading the game and how they will react as it crops up during their play sessions when Bay 12 Games’ title launches on the Steam store at some point in the near future.


It's called "the people who made the graphics for the steam version were too lazy and incompetent to make specific sprites only load for specific sex, and made up bs to cover their tracks". In other words no one should care. There'll be a fan fix on the steam workshop anyway.

Yeah but will it fix the broken ui?

ptsd, unironically.

No, some estrogent demanded trannies in DF and Toady bent the knee.


Female dwarves have beards.

That's not what the in-game descriptions say.

He finally came around at last.

why would anyone buy this
the game is easy, the ui is fine once you memorise it it's fast as fuck, the ascii square is fine

tilesets are fucking dumb and ugly as shit, the whole point is you look at the ascii and use ur fucking imagination

how much is the artist jew charging for this steam version?

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Just don't resi- I mean just ignore it and it will go away, complaining about it makes you /pol/ and /pol/ is just as bad! Just look at all the recent games they shoved their ideology into! Wouldn't you agree?

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an epic bait picture

>What is this called?
It's called oneangrygamer (You), shilling the fuck out of his/your site here on Yea Forums. All the time, several times a day.

We've had dozens of threads about this already without oneangrygamer having anything to do with it. At which point we were using first hand sources, and not your shitty site.

>Steam forums

Attached: 6456457457.png (630x523, 49K)

He did.

The result of american health "care".

Attached: 1506424949661.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

>people are unironically getting upset about this
>when they're literally giving you an opportunity to round up the trannies and execute them

>Implying I won't pick out all gays and trannies with dwarf therapist and kill them first

It sure would be nice to discuss the gameplay mechanics of managing your dwarves' sex and gender, without politics getting in the way.

> Even higher chance of immigrant dwarves being useless and having to be purged.

Toady won't be happy until we're gas chambering like 90% of immigrants will he?

Doesn't matter, you're still buying a trannie game.

I'm already playing it for free

oh no no no sjws took an ascii letter digging game

Steam forums has and will only have one use: troubleshooting bugs. Anyone that uses it for anything else is autistic beyond saving.

Personally, I'm hoping they add pedophilia to complete the LGBTP spectrum.

Triggered /v-pol/tards.

There's one. There are a lot of preset characters with names and backstories that were submitted by fans. They can show up completely randomly.
If you ever see "Alyssa" show up as a raider or a colonist you can rescue, concentrate firepower.

Steam forums are good. Stop attacking programmers for vague statements

Yeah but this is a modern game journalist article so they have to rearrange and blow up the truth in order to garner as many clicks they can.

Stop making vague statements.

Okay this is a shit thread but I'm not gonna make another DF one so I'll ask here, as someone who's never played it, how powerful must my autism be to enjoy it

Autistic enough to be a tranny, apparently.

Not very. The autism comes in when you try to go massive. Sort of like in minecraft. You can enjoy minecraft just fine living in a 3x3 hut, diggin' around. DF allows you to live very much a similar type of simple life. But if you want to expand, the option is there too.

Never played Dwarf Fortress but about 900hrs of Factorio aka the autism simulator. Are they aiming at the same audience?

Not being too retarded to play a game that literally lists all controls on the side isn't autism.

>Not using it as practice for your doctor's
Give them peg legs and arms before harvesting organs
Some people using mods that adds genitals removed thier pussies and gave them dicks again.

As long as only the most beta dwarves are attracted to the tranny dwarves and they have a 40% chance to kill themselves, sounds fine.

The difficulty is not in understanding the graphics or the UI, you can get used to that fairly quickly. What players have to learn and understand about DF is that it's many sets of fairly simple systems that affect each other, and how to manage them efficiently. Note, this may be a bit outdated.

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