Excited for Dancer in XIV, Yea Forums?

Excited for Dancer in XIV, Yea Forums?

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there a reason you posted a dragoon?

i'm going to play it as a roe in "ironically" gay glamour
i cannot be stopped or reasoned with

typical roe attention seeking behavior. if it's not a moogle, chocobo, bikini, or other ridiculous glamour it's not a roe

Depends, are they going to be a complete disappointment for the effort it takes to acquire them? the multi-perspective climax was goddamn adorable in FFT tho

That's still alive?

Dragoons are cool.

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I am, but I'm not gonna play it until I clear the story at least.
Warrior of Darkness dancing light monsters to death sounds ridiculous.

>not stylin' on lightsent with your flaming feet

True but they were handled poorly in FFT.