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Games that need a switch port
Adrian Mitchell
Jordan Parker
more gamecube games pls
Jacob Davis
As a 31yo, I don't really see a place for portable games in my life. If I'm outside, I'm not gonna be doing the same shit I do at home. Read a fucking book if you're on a plane.
Wyatt Robinson
you sound miserable
James Young
The port begging is getting out of control.
Hudson Lee
Typical excuse used by nintenlards
Henry Phillips
Gravity Rush 2
Jose Collins
I mean, portables are good for the bathroom and when you’re staying at a hotel. Maybe while you’re in bed too if your only TV is in the living room.
Josiah Mitchell
It has a charming story/atmosphere and an interesting combat system based on timing. It by no means feel like a Dragon Quest ripoff. Be sure to play on hardest available difficulty because it's easy to over level.
Eli Fisher
You didn’t when the Vita was competing with the 3DS.