How does this game compare to Awakening? also which version did you play, because I hate that they did the pokemon shit

How does this game compare to Awakening? also which version did you play, because I hate that they did the pokemon shit.

Attached: fire-emblem-fates-conquest-us-rpjpg-9977ed.jpg (1447x1292, 393K)

Worse story
Significantly better gameplay
Don't bother with anything that isn't Conquest from Fates, it's not worth your money

Its shit. Gameplay is highly overrated and is basically trial and error with no room for creativity.


But Fatesfags are the only people on the face of the earth that like gimmicks, so it's a 10/10 game to them.

conquest has the most interesting maps and some of the highest difficulty in the entire series but the story will sour your experience.

>Significantly better gameplay
I love shitty gimmick maps and indoor maps where literally every single enemy has 1-2 range and inflicts all sorts of debuffs

It's really "fun"

The complexity of it is far above Awakening given both ranged weapons entering the WT and the stances. Nobody really cares about a story in a video game, go read a book.

>trial and error
All games are trial add error if you suck at them. The entirety of dark souls is trial and error. That isn't a valid complaint

If you liked awakening then Birthright ia literally Awakening 2.0

The story sucks ass, as well as the character writing. The art design is top notch, though, as well as the gameplay and music, so it's absolutely worth playing. Birthright lets you grind and has bland maps, while Conquest has no grinding allowed and tight maps. Except for a few.

Attached: conquest was so bad it was funny.jpg (1200x720, 171K)

that's literally every FE in hard mode.

Fuck that one map with the automatons in that incredibly narrow cave. That was possibly the most frustrating level in any strategy game I’ve played.

Yeah, I remember FE6 hard mode and its retarded wind gimmick maps, and maps that were just straight hallways.

Oh wait, that was shitty old Fates. Fuck off Fatesfags

Did you not finish the game? Endgame is the worst Conquest map.

>it's another retard that thinks level design is the only thing that matters in SRPG gameplay

Both games have cancerous game mechanics such as attack stance, weapon debuffs, and Golems/Ninjas. Conquest would be an objectively better game if it had FE6-10 mechanics.

Like, when it comes to tactical games like Fire Emblem gimmicks themselves are hardly bad, specially when properly executed, which Conquest does well. Many gimmicks that at first seem unfair or difficult often have multiple solutions and can even benefit the player as much as the enemy.

You're better off playing Cipher!

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It's too hard for you

Nah I didn’t. I got stuck in that one level with all the Furry wolves. My units were super under leveled and I didn’t feel like grinding. This was in hard mode too.

Yeah if you don't go in planning ahead and spreading exp accordingly or doing Paralogues, you're gonna end up underleveled.
If you have Effie and Benny you could try that again with Beast Killers and see if you can oneshot the kitsune.

Oh, and I forgot hybrid roll. What in god's name was ISIS thinking here? Congratulations, you completely fucked hit/miss in your crusade to nerf myrmidons, a class that was already outclassed by mercenaries and pegasi.

Nigga, FE6 hard mode has the early chapters where Nobody but Marcus can properly engage in combat. And also that Gaiden map where there were priests with Berserk Staves assaulting you as well as a boss with Purge. Also Sacae, where nobody can hit anyone and both your Lance users and your axe user with a Swordreaver have less rhan 50% hit rates at all times.

FE6 is a horrble game to argue this over.

Don't you get Ryoma and Scarlet by that point? Just use those 2 and Corrin and beat the game. No need to grind or deploy anyone else othet than Ryoma, Corrin, Scarlet, their backpacks, a healer and Azura.

3-10 range berserkers and ninjas that can stack debuffs are not "gimmicks done right". If you want good maps and gameplay, then go play any of the several dozen GBA mods.

Oh, you mean FE6 has interesting, varied challenges to overcome instead of giving you overpowered bullshit units and tedious maps to slog through?

Keep digging your own grave lmao, I bet you're a Camillafag too

holy fuck that game's annoying as fuck. basically if you dont reset the game when your characters die you fucking lose. not for the faint of heart and also the story and final boss is ass. don't use pair up like in awakening btw

It's Conquest.

Hate the dlc shit they pulled?
Mod your 3DS you retards and play it for free.
Otherwise stfu.

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Considering it's Birthright you could just not be a shitter and just give someone the beast slayer weapon and use your archer, mage, and ninjas effectively

also the level on the dock will fucking kick...yout...ass. might as well just trade that game in at that point

>being a brainlet who loses on chapter 10

>"conquest has no grinding"
>most players buy or pirate the dlc anyway

What's the fuckin point then?

A lot of anons in this thread are either really bad at the game or baiting, holy shit.

tbf the story isnt written as bad as that stupid fan fic called revelations.

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I’m talking about this chapter in Conquest. It’s not particularly complicated, I just can’t kill these guys and then they surround me and murder all my units.

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ha.. fuck you bitch. I beat it 1st try. it's just all my thot friends gave up on the game at that point

Most players are huge casuals and buy all the DLC anyway just to have everything in the game.

You just have to take them one group at a time, but if you don't have units that can actually take a hit from them you're not gonna win.

I don't think you played the game.

>Attack Stance
There is nothing wrong with attack stance. It's neither broken nor useless.
>Weapon debuffs
You can use those too. You start the game with someone who can and outside of the last few maps in Lunatic, they don't acrually stack. And again you can skip two of the maps where they do.
They have no move, low hit rate, and you only fight them Twice in Conquest and they're completely skippable both times. Also they have range 1-5 and 3 move.

No, really. FE6 is really not a good game. If you wanna argue a good Fire Emblem, argue Thracia 776.

You can't grind and you hardly need to. The tricl to the Fox forst is to break a tree that makes a bridge, creating a chokepoint that allows you manage the foxes easily. Foxes can't do shit against General Benny, General Effie or Camilla. If you're hoarding on Master seals and have units at level 15+ it's a good time to promote them even if they're not level 20.

>If you wanna argue a good Fire Emblem, argue Thracia 776.
Get better taste, Fatesfag.

Infinitely better in all aspects except writing.

>Someone who likes the unpolished, unbalanced, poorly playtested game that shits all over Kaga's divine legacy that is Binding Blade
>arguing over taste
I bet you think Roy being a total piece of shit is "good design".

This chapter was a lot of fun

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>Kaga's divine legacy
>motherfucking Thracia
Holy shit, you're so delusional.

>literally any ranged unit attacks you
>berserker attacks from 3 spaces away because TEH POWR OF FRENDSHIP

Literal kusoge

>good gameplay

Kaga made one good game, and it wasn't Jugdralshit.

Awakening is terrible in every way. Birthright is terrible in every way. Revelation is terrible in every way. Conquest has great gameplay but is terrible in various other ways. If you're a tactics fan then consider it.

>Faggot living undrr the delusion that FE6 is a good game, let alone has a good Level Design
Ephraim's Route in Sacred Stones has better level design than the entirety of FE6, not to mention the sequel FE7 completely shat all over FE6.

Face it, you're a secondary who fellates Roy's game because you thought his fire was cool in Smash.

>berserk attacks from 3 spaces away

>No, really. FE6 is really not a good game. If you wanna argue a good Fire Emblem, argue Thracia 776.
>Kaga's divine legacy
hahahaha what

Attached: 'best chapter' in fe5.png (1012x761, 325K)

He means how a berserker adjacent to an archer can attack you because of attack stance.

>Kaga made one good game, and it wasn't Jugdralshit.
Berwick saga, right?

the only good FE games are 6, 7, and echoes.

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Say something nice, it's his birthday.

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Attack stance, retard.

Nigga, you didn't even play Fates. You probably didn't even play Thracia either. Kaga's divine legacy my ass

That map's extremely easy and comfy, as a matter of fact. This image was made almost as a parody. A good chunk of those things listed aren't even an issue. It doesn't even mention you have to talk to most of the villages, which say nothing, to get a gaiden map that gives tons of S Drinks.

Defend with Guard Stance, that cancels Attack Stance's double attack. Like how is this even a problem? it's harder an issue to convince people who come from awakening stop pairing everyone up to use Attack Stance.

This thread make me want to beat Conquest for the tenth time.

I liked his character & his convos with Charlotte even if his character is literally the gentle giant archtype

I beat Conquest on Normal without losing any units, and that was REALLY hard for me to do. Any tips for someone who wants to play the older games?


Attached: Marcus Lowmanning.png (480x160, 46K)

FE6 is kusoge with awful game design.

>equip beast slayer on Effie
>end turn
wow so hard

It's way better, unless you're a shitter like this one crying about muh gimmicks because he can't get good.

>Using Effie
I prefer to use good units instead of Armour knights, sorry.

Effie trivializes half of Conquest
Good lord, get good you fucking scrub.

Conquest is kinda harder than average, try Sacred Stones next. You can always try Conquest again, but in Hard.

The trick of being good in this game is to think ahead to what will happen next turn, and prepare for it.

>He fell for the knights are always bad meme
Do you also think Jagens are shit? Effie is good in a game like CQ because dodge-tanking is not a reliable strategy, you have to tank shit, that's why Xander is a top tier unit.

No she doesn't, there are so many units better than her.

is stairway easier if you dont field your squishy units? ive played through conquest on lunatic a dozen times but i always spend forever on this damn map

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just how much do you fucking suck at this game? Effie literally shreds maps while Elise takes cares of the mages.
Or what, do you think EVERYTHING needs to be doubled and ORKO? Learn how to play FE, christ.
If Xander didn't exist, Effie would flat out be the MVP unit in Conquest

No, Effie is known to be a sub-par unit by people who actually know what they are doing when playing this game.
Camila, Azura, Jakob and Corrin are the top 4 units in Conquest.
Effie languishes in D tier with La'Slow and Keaton.

Camilla is worse than even Beruka lmao

>Game gives you high def, high atk units
>Game has pair up so you can even boost their move and ferry them around
>"lol, they suck. Let's use all cavalry"
>map comes around that punishes players for having too much cavalry and relying on Xander
Come now, lad. At least reclass Camilla to Wyvern Lord and work on a lance rank to use the Beast Lance.

Deploy only Corrin and Camilla, pairnthem up and just rush to the end and escape.

why do people in these threads think saying kusoge will gain them weeb cred

You know you can promote him ASAP, right? He has insane base stats.

Lile, it speaks miles of how good Nohrian unitd are if he is a bad unit.

user, where the fuck in my post did I say any of the things you just quoted?

Just use fliers

Are you that waifufag that swears Selena is a good unit if you spend a second seal, reclass her to pegasus, grind her to Falcon Knight, grind her staff and lance ranks all the way from E and baby her to get Rally Speed early?

>1 range locked unit
I mean, I already lost faith in Yea Forums's ability to play this game with so I don't know why I need to argue.
But here, I will post the Conquest tier list so you can get angry and try to argue against it.

Attached: Conquest tier list.jpg (1656x2640, 678K)

aren't those tier lists designed for LTC in mind or some shit? not even trying to put you in a cringe compilation or whatever, just not really understanding what tiers would represent in a game where efficiency seems so reliant on rng

No, but Selena is good as a Falcon knight as Rescue is not based on the magic stat and she can help to one turn clear the endgame since the only other Falcon Knight you can get is a captured one or Percy when his mother is Beruka due to the way the class change for kids works.
You can make Nina a Diviner with Niles and Nyx, it's strange.

>Elise the God in fucking C tier
is this a joke

The better a unit is in LTC the better they are in normal play.
Jakob will always be better than Effie due to the unique way he learns skills.
Jakob with the Beast killer as a Wyvern Lord with Trample will always be better than Effie, and he will still be better than Effie in every single other map also.

Thanks for the suggestion! I did SoV, Revelation, and Birthright on Normal without losing any units too. I feel like the endgame maps always dick me over. I used Arthur in Conquest's final map and had to change him from a Hero to a Berserker to even stand a chance.

You'd be surprised how little impact healing actually has in this game.
If you want a mage killer you have Kaze, he has more res and deals more damage to magic enemies so he is by default better than her at that.


>Selena in B, Effie in the same tier as Odin

>Skipping the Endgame
How casual of you.

who gives a fuck about healing, she's a monster once she promotes

The only games that are just as hard or harder than CQ are FE6, 10, 11 and 12, and only in harder difficultes. Just play the GBA games in normal mode first then the DS games or the Tellius games and if you have to play a game in hard mode make it FE7 HHM.

She really isn't, at least not as much as a monster as a lot of other units are, she is still as frail as fuck so placing her anywhere is killing her.

The story is so bad it hurts

It's got a nice amount of difficulty but it is not as hard as Conquest.
I can't agree, the amount of bullshit units you get in all stories makes it quite the easy game.

>level Elise by furiously healing with her and Felicia's heal sraves in chapter 8 and Mozu's Paralogue until she's level 10-14
>buy the Master Seal from Chapter 8 do$h
>promote that shit
>have a massively broken Strategist by chapter 9
Like you can have a better mage than Leo 5 chapters early.

it's not hard to have a better mage than Leo

your tier lists suck and absolutely do not apply to actual fire emblem gameplay. Marx is the best unit in the game and nyx is low tier, even if you promote her early she contributes minimally to reliable clears due to her lack of durability and terrible accuracy.

Are you fucking serious? Kaze was one of the worst characters I had in both Conquest and Revelations, this fucker only gets Spd for level up.
He was actually dealing 1-2 damage to the enemies by mid-game.

10, 11, and 12 are shit games anyway.

7HHM has some brutal maps - especially some of the bonus levels. JP 9 is als reasonably difficult on the exclusive hard mode if you want another good FE game that doesn't bend over for you.

Nyx exists to give Ophelia a strong mom

Ok, how about this. You can have an 8 move 20/1 Sorcerer Nyx before recruiting Nyx that can also use Staves

Just play conquest for difficulty and revelations for story

Birthright is bullshit

>using kids

You might as well play Birthright then.

Revelations' story is almost as stupid as Conquest, though

do you have a link for that specific tier list? ltc strategies sound like they'd be fun and itd be nice to see some of the actual reasoning put into the list

Oh, I didn't know we were grinding.
Then everyone is S tier.
Xander is good, yes, but he doesn't have the same impact that Jakob and Camilla have before he arrives.
Surprise surprise, there is a game before chapter 16.
user, personal experience does not contribute to this sort of thing, my Arthur recently decided to be an armour knight, does that mean he always is an armour knight for everyone else's playthrough? No.

Attached: Arthur level 17.png (552x516, 533K)

Elise is a much better mom for Ophelia, Nyx exists to fill space until Ophelia shows up

Ophelia is not a worthwhile unit, the reason you go out of your way to train owain is to get the loot from her paralogue.

surprise surprise, promoting joker to let you clear easy chapters slightly faster doesn't actually help you beat the game. Xander does.

>best mage in the game by a mile
>not a worthwhile unit

Attached: concern.jpg (480x433, 25K)

Conquest is good, okay, and intolerable at certain points. I'd go as far as to say a couple of the maps are the best in FE. But a couple are just plain unfun, even if they have defined strategies that aren't hard to execute. The story isn't worth anybodies time. Skip every single cutscene, dialogue, and support. Birthright and Revelations are mindnumbingly easy after Conquest and will bore you into quitting if you have any experience with the franchise. The story in Birthright is passable, but nothing more. Birthright is a lot like Awakening in those regards.

Just look up any conquest LTC, they all use the same strategies.
And using those in regular gameplay you see that Jakob is the better Effie due to skill access.
All you need is for him to marry someone with Wyvern as a class and it just so happens that +magic Corrin with Wyvern is the best Corrin in the game due to the Bolt Axe.

Changing Jakob's class to Paladin then Wyvern Lord/Malig Knight makes him one of the best units in the game.
He will deal more damage than Xander due to trample and he remains relevant with Corrin due to his personal.
You're acting like I am saying Xander is bad, he is not.

>I didn't know were wew grinding
Not an argument. Cry foul all you want. The way you play hardly reflects a normal playthrough and spamming your subjective tier lists only tjat only work when you play the game the exact way your last LTC did and misinforms new players. You deliver the same weak arguments every threads that get dismantled every time.

You should reallt stop posting in these threads. You help no one, you convince no one, you fool no one. All you do is autistically try to pass the same opinions as facts ad nauseum. Go back to Serenesforest.

You literally do not know how to play this game. Effie is considered high tier for a reason. I bet you brute forced everything with Xander, Corrin, and Camilla.

Just Forge his Steel Dagger, that makes up well for his Str. His Speed and Res carries him by virtue of being a "delet this" button on mages. Even if he struggles to kill less squishy enemies himself, he is still valuable in weakening stronger enemies thorugh his debuff and Poison strike.

What if I prefer to use Male Corrin and use Felicia instead?

well it sounds like fates isn't for me seeing as i loved awakening in large part because of the characters. i suppose i will just replay that.

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Every Jakob I had sucked really fucking badly. I even made sure I left him at level 1 when I promoted him to Paladin.

And you act like everyone will spend every turn healing before baiting and switching one enemy per turn.

Camilla is fucking broken. What are you going on about?

And you act like everyone is using a female Corrin. Your point?

Then you are stupid because Felicia is ugly!
Felicia is worse than Jakob due to Jakob being physical really, you can use Male Corrin and still be fine, he is powerful, it's just that Jakob's buff and Jakob himself is better than Felicia and her buff.
No, I use only the best units.
The Corrin in that tier list is just Corrin, not male or female Corrin, it's Corrin, Corrin is that strong.

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Have you been forging his weapons? Kaze is probably the only character who really benefits for upgrading his sub weapons.

If you want a casual ride to enjoy characters, then play Birthright. Game is a step up from Awakening, but the maps are still pretty basic. You can also play Sacred Stones (FE8)as a great entry point into the FE6-10 era. could just replay Awakening. Do whatever the fuck you want and ignore the Conquestfags who make it seem like it's the only good game in the series.

Just play FE4.

Attached: Birth of the holy knight.png (770x668, 55K)

This is the only game where picking a gender affects gameplay. FeM Corrin gives you a really good unit early. To play with a Male Corrin gives you a lame unit such as Felicia.

Awakening does the same.
Picking female means you get an S support with Chrom.

Some people are turned off by NinTexas. If 4 was ever remade in this day 'n age, you are going to have to live with those maps broken into smaller levels.

>you are going to have to live with those maps broken into smaller levels
Haha yeah just like Echoes

who cares

Sacred Stones does the same. Picking female gives you.....a retard that hits like a wet noodle.


Don't worry, the characters are just as awful in fates.

Chapter 10 is fun. I always make a contest on how many units I can kill before 11 turns.

You can create a Tharja in Birthright.

I did that recently on Lunatic.

Attached: Chapter 10 final turn map.jpg (860x636, 79K)

She is in Fates and you can get her early as her father is recruited early in both routes he appears in.

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>i loved awakening in large part because of the characters
It's cool, Fates writing is just as bad as Awakening. It even has waifus for sexually confused retards like you to enjoy.

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Jesus, I can't even do that even on casual mode. You win this round.

This dyke should not be addressing a prince this way.

sounds good user, thanks. i remember hearing about the censoring with wives though, that's too bad.

yeah i see her as a downgrade honestly.

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>Take away all the supports mentioning Robin from Tharja.
Seems like an upgrade to me desu.

Yeah but it's the canon one apparently

So basically you have the real story

Also conquest story is literally "dude your dad is bad, make him sit on this fucking chair so you can notice even if he was trying to kill his childrens"

Special mention that everyone die in a stupid way on that story, seriously Flora's dead was so fucking stupid

Soleil is worst girl.

>people meme up one of the easiest FE games that gives you tons of fantastic units on a silver platter as "hard" because they've never played another SRPG in their lives and don't know that every single series but FE does gimmicks and it's always in exchange for making the maps easier in other aspects
>basically any of the older pre-Awakening games are far harder and give you less godly units and equipment, rng is far more likely to screw you on level ups to the point where even trainee units can be suicidal

Yeah, I challenged myself to do it.
Once I got a hand axe on Beruka early it made everything easier.
Her personal sets up so many kills that way
I've got close so many times before it's frustrating but in the end I made it.

Attached: Chapter 10 Lunatic.jpg (400x240, 105K)

If you are claiming that other games don't give you godly units then you might just be the second stupidest person in this thread.
Is the stupidest for reference.

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Ah, fuck me. I think I'm gonna play this for the 20th time now. Great...thanks.

>Play Birthright
>remember ISIS took out head patting
>get mad depressed

This isn't a problem in Conquest because Nohr has vastly inferior waifus except for Camilla and JP Effie, but in BR it's a tragedy.

Attached: Chapter 10 go!.jpg (400x240, 107K)

As far as Heroes goes, Birthright is currently the only canon route. Go ask chicken Ryoma.

Higher difficulty for sure, I played through normal and it still kicked my ass sometimes. I'm afraid to think about what hard and lunatic are like.

She explodes as a unit when she gets a Flame Shuriken and becomes one of your best mages as well as being a very versatile unit all around. Her class gains Tomebreaker too so she as well as Kaze can solo mages. She starts early on and gets staff rank quickly, which is amazing on the route that has rhe Freeze and Enfeeble staves. If you luck out you can get the Felicia's plate earlier then she can become a silly strong earlygame unit. Running hwe also frees the early second seal which allows you to reclass Mozu, Odin, Corrin or whoever else you feel like while. Hell she herself makes a good Strategist for 8 move staff action.
She's not Jakob good, but Felicia is far from a lame unit.

Lunatic is really fun.

Attached: Lunatic chapter 9.jpg (400x240, 90K)

>She explodes as a unit when she gets a Flame Shuriken
Yes, chapter 12.
Jakob has been exploding since chapter 7

>give yoy less godly units and equipment

Sigurd and Silver Sword
Wew lad. Everything you get in chapter 1 is a broken mess
Dieck in chapter 2 and Rutger in chapter 3
Marcus, Hector, if you do Lyn mode Florina and Kent/Sain
Seth solos the game
Ike solos the game
Haar solos the game
Wing Spear. Also the slut attached to it
Robin and Chrom
Ryoma in birthright, Camilla in Conquest, Corrin in all routes.

Thing is you can't get Jakob unless you start over the game and start with fCorrin. Which means doing the 5 prologue chapters, which mean grinding Felicia/Jakob's while breaking their heal staffs in chapter 2 and 3, grinding Kaze in chapter 4 and 5 so he arrives at least level 11 when he joins back and grinding Azura to level 10 in chapter 5 so she gets the buff with her dance as set up whenever you want to start the game again.

Cause I already did that once and I ain't doing it again. fCorrin isn't that cute.

I'll ignore that grinding part and just say that Kaze always rejoins level 12 even if you never used him.

Branch of Fate lets you skip the prologue chapters AND change gender/class.

If you do, the Prologue basically never happens and the other servant joins level 1 and heavily underleveled.

Whatever happened to that content restoration project? last I checked they haven't updated in like a year

which is why the user said to play conquest. are you illiterate?

the armory will sell two beast killing weapons at level three, and you get one in a chest if you aren't a shitter. If accuracy is a big deal, have any lancer support a sniper class mozu and learn certain blow. Conquest was the game for people to use all the mechanics, which includes slayer weapons

your facts need to be checked.