This game takes artificial difficulty to a whole new level.
What the fuck were they thinking?
This game takes artificial difficulty to a whole new level.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Git gud loser, this game takes skill to play and I highly doubt you mastered the combat in 24 hours
Is there a more artificial term than "artificial difficulty"?
I'm not the one complaining about the game lol
>artificial difficulty straw-man in 2019
unironically kill yourself my dude
I double dog dare you to both define artificial difficulty, and explain how it applies to Sekiro.
fromsoft needs to git gud on their game development
>Miyazaki makes a game that doesn't rely on crutches like Soul shit
>Soulbabbies have trouble and realize their garbage games were easy all along
Like pottery
But op is also right, the game is full of damage sponges enemies?
>all these shitters that can't beat the bosses complaining non stop
Enemies do more damage than you do, using the same weapon as you?
I think the main issue is it ain't fun.
The game also expects you to avoid many of the fights and play like someone with competence instead of a soulstard who walks up to everything, hits it 3 times, backs off, then hits it again and collects your souls. The point of the damage sponging is to emphasize the importance of aggressive combat and combinations with the finisher moves
>snake eyes
haha fun game
That doesn't define or explain anything. Dig deeper.
This game has actual difficulty, you nigger. Not the haha gotcha souls difficulty that is solved by learning cheap tricks, but skill-based difficulty.
I can avoid bosses now?
the game is a bit hard at the start but once you reach the area they showed in the demos you should have a good grasp of the game and lose a lot less.
If you think this game is hard then you clearly never played Ninja Gaiden Black. I've already beaten Sekiro and it took me a week to be Ninja Gaiden. Git gud
You’re a shitty human if you can’t learn what not to do. It’s not artificial difficulty it should be a game everyone is forced to play.
you can avoid some mini-bosses (though they reward you with items to upgrade your stats so it will be harder)
Bought this game and already Platinum'ed it and returned it to Gamestop for a FULL refund, lol.
How do I kill the fucking ogre? It takes so many hits just to fucking break his poise? Do I just keep dodging in circles?
looks like you got filtered, pleb
This game is good. It's the first challenging game FROM has made. You all really are bad at video games. I don't even play games and this is challenging but not difficult.
based, zero replay value.
>beating games in a week
BASED incel
>artificial difficulty doesnt exist, nothign is impossible, you are a special person and live laugh love and only god can judge you
just like every other soulsborne game play like a complete pussy and you can't die
walk into the max edge of its range to provoke an attack, jump back, run in and hit it twice, back up and repeat
died to it twice trying to actually play the game (parrying and circle dodging) and then just decided to cheese it
here's a little hint, EVERY boss operates like this. die until you decide to abuse it's ai and then easily kill it
>doesn't rely on crutches
>he didn't get the fireworks
>he didn't get the mist crow
>he doesn't know that the stealth breaks the whole game