Boomer thread

old enough for doom2 aka best doom

no you were not old enogh for doom2. You were like 5 or 6 when it came out

levitation through ejaculation

let me correct myself 3 or 4

Attached: thetruth.png (1252x998, 202K)

I have suspicion that this meme is just viral advertising for monster.

Attached: large_wMuOidBTWE3WrEImeUBy9YDLnxc.jpg (400x563, 57K)

probably. People actually go out and buy the drink just to recreate the "meme." Sad

All newfags should see this image.

That's exactly the point of the meme.
It pretty funny how many people just fail to understand the original point.

It's for 30 year olds and under who already behave like like they're 40-50 year old boomers. General domesticated dad-ish personalities despite still being sorta young.

You fell for a ruse.
Thw only thing awaiting you is crippling loneliness