>Be 30 years old
>Playing a new Ace Combat and DMC game
>Vampire 2 is actually coming out.
>Watching new Jojo on Friday.
God I feel like a teenager again.
How are my other boomers getting along?
>Be 30 years old
>Playing a new Ace Combat and DMC game
>Vampire 2 is actually coming out.
>Watching new Jojo on Friday.
God I feel like a teenager again.
How are my other boomers getting along?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm 30 years old and a virgin. Where are my wizard powers?
Ion Maiden coming soon
Wrath Aeon of Ruin as well
Replaying Turok: Dinosaur Hunter now it came out on Switch.
The 60fps, 90°fov and increased draw distance is fucking amazing and has completely breathed new life into what is (and let's be honest here) a near unplayable game if you go back to it today.
More games from this era should have this kind of shine and polish to modern standards. Revitalise them a bit.
How the fuck are you a boomer and 30? you weren't even alive for most of the 80s. If you were born in 89, you're not an 80s kid just a 90s kid in denial.
I know that feel OP. Also since i'm moving back to my homeland at this age I'l literally be back to the age I was when I left when these things came out.
28 year old boomer here. Shut up, kiddo.
acdc sucks
t. 30 year old.
It's a state of mind, kiddo. You wouldn't understand
you were too young for doom
old enough for doom2 aka best doom
no you were not old enogh for doom2. You were like 5 or 6 when it came out
levitation through ejaculation
let me correct myself 3 or 4
I have suspicion that this meme is just viral advertising for monster.
probably. People actually go out and buy the drink just to recreate the "meme." Sad
All newfags should see this image.
That's exactly the point of the meme.
It pretty funny how many people just fail to understand the original point.
It's for 30 year olds and under who already behave like like they're 40-50 year old boomers. General domesticated dad-ish personalities despite still being sorta young.
You fell for a ruse.
Thw only thing awaiting you is crippling loneliness
>It's for 30 year olds and under who already behave like like they're 40-50 year old boomers. General domesticated dad-ish personalities despite still being sorta young.
Seriously kill yourself memefaggot
debt, depression, health problems, family drama need to change jobs and can't decide what to do
but factorio is really great
>You get them at 60 now.
Only faggots actually buy the drink.
I hope things work out for you.
You probably held hands or hugged a girl. That ruined it
>I hope things work out for you.
they are, very slowly. even got some money on the side to buy a new gpu
>Paid off the last of my student loans this month after almost 9 years
>No other debt
>Good credit score
>Stable job that pays decently and treats me well
>Saving up money to get out of Utah and away from the mormon mafia
>Going on a 1-week vacation with my wife soon to scout out southern Washington
>Drinking black coffee and snacking on almonds
>Playing Barony with friends
>Absolute loser in all aspects
>DMC5 just came out though and it's fun as fuck
Could be worse, there could be a life with DmC2
I got Duke Nukem 3D and Turok on N64 when I was like 7
iam 30 years old. i ve been playing halo reach for first time and fucking my bitch all night long. life is good.
If memory serves right, there was a discernable increase in profits for Monster this financial year.
>turned of my mobile phone
>doing some electrical installations by day to help an old friend
>play world of tanks in the afternoon until sleep
If it wasn't for sunday and Yea Forums I wouldn't even know what day or month or year it is...
I was looking into getting a Tesla, but I've heard stories about when they need service the waitlist for parts is pretty bad and they don't keep you in the loop as to when it will get done.
I'll keep looking at other EVs and see if anything else will compete with Tesla in features/price.
Just about to do my yearly playthroughs of FFX and Banjo Tooie. I'll never get sick of this shit.