Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 is a political game

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HAHAHAHAHHAHA It's going to be shit.


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>hahahaha those idiots on Yea Forums won't like it because
>I can't wait to laugh at the /pol/ idiots too!
Way to say "I'm only here to piss you off", you idiots are usually a lot less honest about this

Ehhh, while I'm rolling my eyes at the whole pronoun thing, those seem like options rather than anything forced. I have hopes and high expectations, the trailer was really good, so I'm sure it'll come out good enough to at least satisfy a majority of us.

Besides the writer is the same guy who worked on the first game, so even if the story won't be up to par as the previous title it'll at least feel like the previous game.

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The original makes fun of George Bush! How will /pol/tards recover!

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>communism can only even theoretically work with vampires who have human cattle
Wow, I didn't realize this game was actually so smart, geez

I don't see why anyone would be that salty about it. It's most likely just going to be picking he, she or they and it'll swap some voice lines about. Otherwise I imagine it amounting to almost nothing.
Probably still not going to beat the original, but I'm excited. It's just that VTMB was really a product of its time, so it's hard to see what'll happen if it's made these days.

The thing is the original had a lot of politics in it too and was heavily critical of George Bush. This was never a series for conservatives politically. Just enjoy the damn game, or you can bitch about it and I’ll laugh it you while I enjoy it.