>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>It’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast. It’s first person, but yeah, you can customise your character (including choosing pronouns separately from your body type) and this time you can choose a human background that might affect how you approach problems or talk to people.
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 is a political game
Other urls found in this thread:
Post YFW we get yet another great RPG that only we get to enjoy and that /pol/tardetties will have no choice but to seethe over
What's wrong with calling out degeneracy?
As long as I can make my slutty Malkavian qt I'm cool
Of course resetera is really happy about this
how many times are you going to post this
I’m laughing my ass off because the game Yea Forums wanted so badly is going to be political. I’m gonna enjoy it like I did the first, /pol/faggots can keep crying.
/vpol/ rekt and btfo
HAHAHAHAHHAHA It's going to be shit.
>hahahaha those idiots on Yea Forums won't like it because
>I can't wait to laugh at the /pol/ idiots too!
Way to say "I'm only here to piss you off", you idiots are usually a lot less honest about this
Ehhh, while I'm rolling my eyes at the whole pronoun thing, those seem like options rather than anything forced. I have hopes and high expectations, the trailer was really good, so I'm sure it'll come out good enough to at least satisfy a majority of us.
Besides the writer is the same guy who worked on the first game, so even if the story won't be up to par as the previous title it'll at least feel like the previous game.
The original makes fun of George Bush! How will /pol/tards recover!
>communism can only even theoretically work with vampires who have human cattle
Wow, I didn't realize this game was actually so smart, geez
I don't see why anyone would be that salty about it. It's most likely just going to be picking he, she or they and it'll swap some voice lines about. Otherwise I imagine it amounting to almost nothing.
Probably still not going to beat the original, but I'm excited. It's just that VTMB was really a product of its time, so it's hard to see what'll happen if it's made these days.
The thing is the original had a lot of politics in it too and was heavily critical of George Bush. This was never a series for conservatives politically. Just enjoy the damn game, or you can bitch about it and I’ll laugh it you while I enjoy it.
You mean like Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda?
I know you were probably too young to notice all the Liberal themes, I was as well, but I replayed it recently and was able to see it.
Strongly anti-establishment, anti-gov, anti-Republican, pro-Anarcho, etc.
Just a ton of early 2000s Liberal points.
Also, I'm not gay not even a liberal (disenfranchised center leftist anti-illegal immigration), Im just saying you're barking at the wrong tree. The signs were there. They have been producing ultra identitarian content for years in their books, this is no surprise.
>vtmb was never political
man this strawman stood no chance against you did it user?
The more things change, the more they stay the same
>all of these statements are said by flawed as fuck characters not meant to represent a definitive "right"choice
>vampiric politics and half-jokes = identity politics, pronouns and focusing on a "punching up" (aka punching at white people) instead of "punching down" rhetoric
yeah dude theyre totally the same thing.
i mean hey ur right when the game was made it was taking jabs at the current political ruling class in the US, surely this one will do the sa- oh wait no it isn't it's literally just echoing the current liberal dogma instead of pointing fingers at it and dismantling the weak elements of it
fucking retard
>trannys rise up
>vampires are all degenerates
they're just trying to be accurate
>/po/: nooooooo politics that i don't agree with, i just want to hate minorities and women and play games that allow me to carry out my fantasies
I can't wait for them to flip out over something and it turns it was part of the original game as well.
Most of those are presented as jokes. Damsel is supposed to be one of those hippy idiots. Even other Anarchs consider her an idiot. You can disagree with all of Nines points while talking to him. He throws a hissy fit, though, and refuses to help you any further.
Nu games don't do things this way. They're deadly serious.
Yes they are the same thing because they were Liberal politics back then, identity politics are liberal politics NOW.
Game is Liberal, that has not changed, it just reflects its current values instead.
>spend 5 years waiting for a sequel
>give up
>10 years later come back begging for my money
They unironically expect me to give a fuck 15 years later?
Kill yourselves, I hope the game flops.
This is like being happy you got another interracial cuckold porn video and laughing at the people who won't enjoy it.
The dissonance is off the charts: why would anybody normal enjoy a fagrpg?
you're seriously getting upset over being able to set a pronoun in a RPG game of all things?
The kneejerk reactions are getting more retarded by the day.
Can't wait to side with the camarilla cartoon villain representing The Man™ because bay area champagne socialists can't write their self inserts more interesting than their boogeymen
Why do leftists pretend to like anime? Don't they understand a lot of anime themes are deeply conservative and there's little to no progressive politics and minority representation. It's quite antithetical to what these modern lefty blue checkmark pronoun in the twitter bio having constantly bicker about.
If any of this referenced Trump or if Damsel was dressed as Antifa you would all be bitching and moaning about it, fuck off you dishonest niggers
here's the actual full context of these quotes, if anyone is interesting in actually reading
the political themes in this game are commerce vs art and tradition vs technology, obviously with Clans vying for control
liberals are pro-establishment and pro capital now.
name me some anti liberal corporations who don't believe in everything the average liberal believes.
This but 100% unironically
Scandinavians ruin everything
Tremere/Ventrue are going to be the based white males confirmed, Nosferatu will be internet trolls
/pol/tards are the bottom of the barrel garbage of society that are only there to be looked at as the pieces of trash that they are. I can't wait to see them make themselves look even more foolish with their pathetic baby tantrums about this game.
I thought you were winning /pol/ what went wrong this year?
It's being made by a studio that only made 1 game, that was f2p and bad. Why are you guys getting hyped?
Watch more anime.
I guess for the same reason /pol/tards liked the original Bloodlines :^)
I'm sure you win all the arguments where you invent your opponents talking points
mods can edit all the gender bullshit out, i give less of a fuck about that if the gameplay is good. Except it will be trash because it has to work with console controllers.
Reminder that this is not even worth pirating.
>liberals are pro-establishment and pro capital now.
They werent back then cause my evil daddy Gubbermint. They're reflecting their current politics.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a revolutionary female vampire proposing a Red New Deal to overthrow the Camarilla.
>What’s the worst sin you ever committed
>I voted Republican
>It’s a joke guys
>What’s the worst sin you ever committed
>I voted for Trump
>>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed...
>to be Epic exclusive
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>First-person with contextual third-person actions
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
it's kino
Not really. The Trump things would be one-off joke lines in a list that has no bearing on anything else in the game. Damsel would still be comical and the other Anarchs would shake their heads at her and tell you to ignore her.
/pol/tards would have hated the first, I don't get it. Do they even play video games?
>yeah fight the power with v-video games
>Idpol garbage is considered as liberal politics
No one but bullies like idpol
This but unironically.
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Counters are in. Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast
Nosferatu cop or bust by the way
at least three treads later we're no longer pretending the game is apolitical and the anons who pretended that they were apolitical and pissed at pol for bringing up politics have stopped doing it
now we've switched over to
>it's always been liberal and i'm glad about it because i'm a liberal too
>choosing pronouns separately from your body type
Welp, it was good while the hype lasted.
Yeah, but to be one you're going to have to diablerise to raise your thinblood up to one of those clans. That will make you an enemy to them.
>he actually believes this shit
You’re either full of shit or a complete retard, there were people chimping out over “Make America Nazi-Free Again” in the marketing of W2, which didn’t even show up in the game proper.
No, they just complain every game doesn’t have all white people. It’s like Christians thinking every game is satanic like Doom which isn’t satanic at all.
Do you? What are you referring to
>everyone thinks Bush was trash
>game holds up years later
>60% of the planet thinks Trump is phenomenal
>game __________
>playing as a thin bood
So they're either going to pull some shit out of their ass where thin bloods can actually do everything. Or they'll have the entire game de diablerizing vampires like a fucking dark fantasy megaman.
I liked both the anarchs and camarilla in some ways and in others not. They had interesting things to say and they stated their case maturely, whereas today its just buzzwords and the usual drivel repeated from the media
Really looking forward to this desu.
Finally we're getting a good game again.
>Post YFW we get yet another great RPG that only we get to enjoy and that /pol/tardetties will have no choice but to seethe over
>I'm now on Resetera's side
>it's always been liberal and i'm glad about it because i'm a liberal too
First part is 100% true, second is a strawman you made up in your head.
Damsel is a comic relief of anarchs, nobody take her seriously.
Anarchs are just against camarilla hierarch.
people are surprised this is a thing, in bloodlines? wut. a game about deviants
Why would anyone be mad at your character being more customisable? I don't like forced social politics but as far as I can tell this just means more customised playthroughs and characters if done right.
Damn you 2019
>It’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
It's a slow day on /pol/ and Yea Forums for yangfags, they came here to psyop about Yea Forums being liberal.
I love how the right bitches about identity politics when that’s literally what most of the alt right is. They believe in white IDENTITY.
Didn't Ubishit retcon that Odyssey DLC to make it more mental illness-friendly?
I wasn't going to play it anyway lol, the devs behind the original are long gone.
>James Gunn back
>kiwi makes your cause look retarded
>Captain Marvel making bank
Rough time for /pol/
No they don't.
>customization choice in an RPG
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
This is such a bad idea. They won't get them right. They certainly won't be able to get the voice actors back.
It's also set far away and long time later. You're incredibly unlikely to run into them. It's not like a sequel that carries on right after the events, and your new character doesn't even know them.
>Vampire Bloodlines autismos finally BTFO
I can't wait to see your overrated piece of shit franchise die.
The fact that that pretentious talentless hack Chris Avellone is writing is going to make this games flop even more enjoyable.
>We've gotten so contrarian and /pol/ has gotten so annoying that we now side with the SJWs
We should probably jump out of this timeline but fuck it, let's keep going and see what happens
It's almost as if you didn't read your own pic and just added some captions to it hoping thast nobody would call you out for your bullshit.
Trump general is reddit hq on Yea Forums, no one likes or liked him.
Compelling point. Even modern isekai trash doesn't have minorities in it. Nearly all relationships are extremely monogamous. If your best argument is "muh trap characters" I'd advise you expand your viewing material to content from before the 1990s rookie.
Despite the game being liberal back then it tackled themes that were inherently virtuous and something classical democrats would be proud to get behind. Just because it was liberal back then doesn't mean it has to now rubber band all the way to the extreme left of autistic pronoun trash. It's just a really poor excuse for bad writing and adopting trendy superficial themes rather than actual complex anti-establishment and big corp, which unfortunately none of the liberals of today are against.
I don't care for this game but I'm sorry you guys have to deal with progressive agenda on your favorite game now.
I hope you aren't planning on buying it or anything.
Mate it's gonna be way fucking worse, you're going to Diablerise some super high special snowflake 3rd-5th generation vampire and then become their savior since it's going to be set in 5e
Lmao no, Trump has never had average approval rating over and that was over the honeymoon phase of his presidency
>but approval ratings can’t be trusted!
I guess everyone loves Bush then, right? :^)
Yea Forums AND /PO/ BTFO
>Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
big if true
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
I hope they mean this in the most loose possible way
>Player is a thin-blood at first
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
I bet they can't pull this off
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
big if true
Damsel is hot!
as a poltard who considers vtmb my favorite game of all time i assure you that's not the case.
do you really think that the liberals of back then and the liberals of now are the same? do you honestly believe that? do you really don't understand why the perception of these two is different?
did you forget that there were characters like bertram tung who made fun of anarchs and clans like the brujah and the gangrel and praised the camarilla? the game was nuanced and a lot of people don't mind to be the butt of the joke if it's not too hamfisted
vtmb has some minor references to real world politics but that's all, this game will know no such nuance and triple dip into identity politics
besides, if you were anti bush then you'd be pro trump now
Its amazing how annoying /pol/ can be, honestly
I don't, I still want to murder idealist millennial scum.
>Disney buying out empty seats
M8 when you realize that every single thing you're told in public is a lie, a lot of shit will start making sense
>expected it to be an MMO yesterday
>get this instead
To be fair, Bush actually was a moron. He was legitimately stupid.
Say what you want about Trump's policies, he's a clever motherfucker.
I can't believe you're actually bitching about customization in a RPG
Because that was the exact same time when "Nazi" meant anyone who disagrees with me and "punching nazis" was popular rhetoric.
That's what idpol is, trying to use your race in order to get an advantage in something. It doesn't matter what race you are, it's something that's fucking annoying to hear about.
WoD shat the bad hard within the last couple years. Only with the chechnya-incident they went too far and to be reigned back in, but the damage was already done.
*over 50%
those are minor quips, the new game will have entire plot lines echoing real world politics and you know it. Already a jaw snapping yawn that reviewers will be falling over themselves to award 9/10
most liberals from back then would be considered alt-right now
oh of course, you say this as an apolitical user i assume?
At this rate there will actually come a time where it's either playing shitty obscure indie games that try to remain apolitical or not play videogames at all
>gender pronoun
lmao, hopefully only for malkavians
/pol/ is reddit as fuck
Yeah, it's flop is going to kill the RPG genre forever.
I can't wait.
The RPG genre is pure cancer.
Where did you play the new game that you are so certain?
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
Bait and switch to build hype, by release they'll have pulled this out for some bullshit reason
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
You provided no source but fuck I hope thats real
You faggots will buy (pre-order now) any piece if shit that panders to your shitty "identity" and cringe ideology, serv you well just keep eating corporate processed and committee approved shit.
Have aways been political, mindless cunt
Again, watch more anime, you will discover many of them are not conservative at all.
>I'd advise you expand your viewing material to content from before the 1990s
you too
>t. zoomer who has no idea about WoD
Every fucking time.
>turn into mist as probably a 14-15th gen trash
good luck getting that protean V
>b-but those are just quips!
Gender pronouns are just lines of text
>entire plotlines
[citation needed]
The fact that it's VTMB is arbitrary. We'd be better off trying to get the band back together than specifically remaking bloodlines.
hating trump is mainstream though
>This is one of the writers
Fuck off /pol/tard, go whine somewhere else.
>two out of three of your great victories are hugemegacorps and millionaires making more money
yup, it's a 2019 leftist alright
since there's a samefagging resetera tranny ITT I have to ask. what scientific basis does I identify as otherkin zir/hym have? and why are you things so mentally ill?
they complain about forced diversity from devs looking to score points with non-customers rere
It would be great if they took a sensible and unbiased approach and built up both sides with strengths and flaws, and didn't allow their emotions and personal politics to affect their writing.
We used to get that, but not in today's climate.
>I'll give no examples and pretend I'm right
Congrats dude you really got me.
That's exactly why I want the game to be SJW.
The community this game has is almost as pretentious and bootlicking as Metal Gear's.
A second flop will kill this franchise for good.
Yes, It's called artistic integrity
If you thought he was smart now, wait until 30 years have passed and his policies are still improving life around the globe
>if anyone is interesting in actually reading
>the political themes in this game are commerce vs art and tradition vs technology, obviously with Clans vying for control
Follow your own advice retard and read it once from beginning to the fucking end.
Oh right CM is actually a huge flop /pol/ was right!!!
is this the power of the tranny brain
>haha these corporations have co-opted our ideals to convince us to buy their stuff we're totally the greatest
Discord trannies have been raiding these threads hard as fuck. You fags aren't even being subtle.
>choose pronouns that don't match your sex
>spend the entire game correcting people because no one is going to know what the fuck to call you just looking at you
>game will let me be a big gay werewolf
i'm in
>Been meaning to play it for years
>Finally get around to it
>Seems great, didn't get very far yet tho
>Oh man wouldn't it be great if they redid it with better animations and stuff
>Literally 2 days later trailer released
Oh my
triggered tranny
I wanted to comment on this image from the last thread. Seeing this kind of shit is really depressing honestly. As someone who suffers from OCD and have seen similar behavior in myself this kind of shit is INCREDIBLY unhealthy. I honestly wish there were better ways to treat "the transgender problem" if you will. Maybe focusing on the more obsessive aspects of it instead of covering things up with hormones and surgeries would work better because this clearly is not the answer.
I'm with you, fren. I want to see how hard this is going to crash.
>commerce vs art and tradition vs technology = Drumpf vs SJWs
are you retarded mate
I'm rolling a futa xer Lasombra
>5th edition
Based Rudi confirmed?
Isn't the entire existence of a vampire about punching down? They're literally predators.
Imagine being such a generation of brainwashed materialist drones that your politics rely entirely about what you buy.
Are millennials the most embarassing generation in human history?
Such a thing does not exist, to insist it does would label you a retard.
Im not a liberal if that's what you're interested in knowing.
Actually James Gunn was called back because the barely average reception to CM which was touted to be the new lead of the avengers put Disney in damage control now that the DCU seems to be doing very well. But feel free to correct the record.
She may be a fool but she would be a great hatefuck.
I enjoy certain brands of drinks
I have never once felt the need to dwell upon and promote my attachment to them like people who drink that shit
This is one of the more convincing arguments about leftist bugmen being a hive mind of cuckoldry since I don't understand how anyone could do something like that and not be incredibly embarrassed
And I don't even care if that's edited to be Avellone, somebody did do that and it baffles me.
/pol/ didn't like bush though.
Stop with your boogeyman
you tell him girl! Bad /pol/! Good tranny!
Think for yourself instead of parroting memes like a pathetic little fucking brainless robot.
>Where did you play the new game that you are so certain?
>entire plotlines
>[citation needed]
No need to play coy. You know whats going to be in the game, its fucking reeks of it already. Not even worth pirating
That’s just a reference though. The plot of the game didn’t involve punching Trump supporters nor did it have Trump in the game
>it’s okay if this game has a quip about Republicans in the actual game
>but it’s bad if this game has a quip about Trump that is ultimately completely unrelated to the rest of the game
It's something that only talented writers do.
Of course, the videogame industry is composed entirely of talentless hacks.
After all, Kojima is considered a good writer in the videogame industry.
Why don't you reply to user with a real answer tranny faggot?
>not a single black character shown in the trailer or any screenshots so far
nope, just because it's based on V5 doesn't mean they're following all of its bullshit, just like the original Bloodlines didn't take everything from the pen & paper
>>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
Hope they get the old actress, she had an amzing radio voice
>>commerce vs art and tradition vs technology = Drumpf vs SJWs
Not only retarded but illiterate on top of it? Nice combination.
I don't understand why people are whining
the left likes bush more than /pol/ does
Wait, why are European princes with a low generation afraid of a new vampire with a high generation count?
Twilight Sparkle is best pony
>starting the worst war in history
>a good thing
>James Gunn back
>Captain Marvel making bank
it will go the same way as the comics because SJW ALWAYS double down
I don't know, the RPG genre is absolute cancer.
When this game flops, it will kill it for good, which is great.
No user, you got it all wrong. They're really progressive freedom fighters who want to fight for minority, muslim and tranny rights. The white vampires in power have controlled history and hid what REAL vampires are.
so apparently we're never going to be able to discuss VTM:B without pol/liberals whining/gloating and generally just shitting up everything.
That's some pathetic coping.
no, i'm not interested in your special snowflake ideology, i'm just mocking you for pretending to be impartial because you clearly aren't
What I genuinely don’t understand is how suddenly everyone started to hate the first person view. Is it a zoomer thing?
>can’t even post a source
LMAO kill yourself retard
>Such a thing does not exist
>everything is political
no it's not, politics are a part of life moreso than life is a part of politics
Its a sign of moronic thinking, from people who are going to write you a story that makes you think.
>"She is waiting for you at the bar"
>Go to the bar
>She is not there
>Close the game and check if your game is bugged
>Ask the games forums where she is
>Get banned for hate speech, no reason given
>Go to the bar and talk to the hairy bearded man trying to hit on you
>Sleep with her to continue the quest line
Video games are very much not inherently political. Despite what Resetera and most SJWs will tell you, most things they claim are political actually aren't. This is a term I've always wanted to coin. I call it "the dragon fallacy". Basically, the dragon fallacy allows you to spin your own narrative using evidence that's only tangentially related to the topic at hand. You know those "Illuminati confirmed" videos? It's basically that.
Let me give you an example: Did you know that everything in the world is technically related to dragons? Name anything on the planet, and I'll tell you how it's related to dragons.
>on the way to $1bn by the end of the month
>i-i-it FAILED
Cry harder /pol/tard.
That's exactly what happened, kid.
Because people want to play video games as an escape from reality and modern devs are forcing reality into them. All to please a vocal minority that will never buy the game
That's what I liked about it along with Deus Ex and Arcanum, I was allowed to come to my own conclusions without being told how I should think. That's how we learn but sadly I don't think we're going to get that
I thought Kindred weren't supposed to give a fuck about anyone but No.1?
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,”
Yeah your balls obviously fell off.
i feel sorry for fans of this franchise
yes leftist materialistic city dwellers are a blight. Nothing worse than spoiled faggots who never do what they preach.
This is what m*llennial creatures unironically think.
Why would I do that, incel?
>linking use of bizarre pronouns with commonplace murder, monsters and terrible things
Maybe they're not as bluepilled as you'd think.
Curse those fuckin jews every day for what they did
>Video games are very much not inherently political.
Western "RPGs" not even once. I'll stick to my cringe anime shit.
I just want to see my waifus ass
At least let us have the toggle option
if you don't want people to talk about politics don't put it in your game
/pol/ is the effect not the cause
People still don't understand that the Camarilla is the best faction even for thinbloods
kys tranny
good argument
Generations are a social construct you bigot
>anti-establishment, anti-gov
You stupid, son. Libtards puff up and say "yeah I'm anti-government" then when something rubs them the wrong way, they abandon that INSTANTLY and run to the government begging them to ban something BY LAW. There's not a liberal alive that would last 5 minutes in a real anarchy, stupid poser faggots.
Play Morrowind
Why can't the joke be
>What’s the worst sin you ever committed
>I voted for Obama
I mean there could be interesting ways they could use political climate
like using the whole tranny thing to get nossies to infiltrate overtly
Jesus christ
it didn't fail commercially but it definitely shit the bed even in professional critic ratings
>It's something that only talented writers do.
Nothing, outside extremely simple shit for literal 3 year olds, can be apolitical.
Dont lie to yourself.
You cannot NOT participate in politics. Unless you're a savage man living on your own in the wild, you actively participate in politics.
Get over yourself, LARPer
War is humanity at it's fullest.
War is the embodiment of humanity, fighting for a higher purpose, for what you believe in.
Of course, you millennial creatures do not understand this since you only claim to believe in things, you don't actually believe in anything and will never fight for anything, and if a war happened, and you got caught in it, you would inmediatly die in the crossfire.
As expected it was too much for the pea sized brain of yours.
As long as I get to kill anyone in-game who uses fake pronouns then they can have as much politics as they like. If not, then they've failed to make a role-playing game. That's about all there is to it.
Oh fugg, it's a Paradox game, there will be a bazillion 30 $ DLCs right?
>Think for yourself
Said the "its that a che guevara reference?!!" best game ever its pander to my special political views so its must be good
79RT is a disaster for a Disney movie. Nobody disputed it was gonna sell because it had socialist endorsment by corporations like Black Pander. We'll see how the MCU does when they switch to Lion Heart, Shehulk and Captain Falcon America. That's when you actually will see the full extent of the damage.
>literal bloodsucking monster
>practices Islam
This is an edit right
Isn't blood manipulation an incredibly haram thing
That's why Saddam Hussein was a target of Jihadis because of his whole blood Quran thing
>comfy Bloodlines and /wodg/ have had their final death
>all threads going forward will be nu-Yea Forums, /pol/, and /leftypol/ flinging shit at each other
I can't believe I left torpor for this.
>He didn't even read my post
For fucks sake, can you do anything worthwhile in your life?
>studios regularly play rhetoric games with their funding to manually adjust how much "actual" profit it made
Right, keep pretending this isn't one giant shell game. Remember the studio that got raped for making the life of pi, it's the exact same thing but in reverse
A glimpse into the brain of a /pol/tard
Pathetic damage control. Its BP all over again.
I'm a different guy, I'm just really curious as to what you actual point is. So far you're just being retarded.
>Nothing, outside extremely simple shit for literal 3 year olds, can be apolitical.
The only way to properly depict politics is the way GTA does, by mocking idealism and idealists.
After all, idealism is the cancer that has always plagued humanity and kept it from reaching it's highest potential.
Because higher generations and thinbloods are actually more powerful.
Watch as this game become an Epic store exclusive. You know this will happen
That was their stance BACK THEN, learn to read you assmuncher.
They have flipped on that, they WANT govt control.
Welcome to nu-White Wolf and Onyx Path.
>i-i-it failed
>evidence shows it didn't
>t-t-that not what I meant
Cry harder /pol/baby if it helps you sleep.
they could literally make trannies a malkavian only thing and it would fit
Mods can't fix retard writing.
None of this would happen if you guys played Japanese games instead. Western games are decadent and WRPGs even more so.
You know the game is going to be trash when the developer main priority is cramming as much lgbt propaganda as possible
This is activism according to millennial creatures.
>Nobody disputed it was gonna sell
You guys are literally claiming that Disney is buying thousands and thousands of theater seats because it didn't sell.
Yes goy, take our extra customization options withou stopping to ask why you would want to be a tranny! We've got a new pedosexual customization is the works as DLC! You wouldn't claim extra options are bad, right goyim?
b-bros.... this can't be happening....
Its probably just Becket and Jack. Both have a tendency to turn up at pivotal events.
Hope Disney keep buying it own tickets if they want to reach 1B with empty theaters.
People, if you really like a classic game, the worst thing you can wish for it is a sequel.
Every day I fear an announcement that they're remaking Arcanum.
>not only illiterare and retarded but a newfag at that
Guess you're from retardEra, not even redditors are as dumb as you are.
If all these post are political bullshit then the answer is just not to give either side what they want
>Vampires are hypocrites
Hold the fucking presses.
There is/was an entire sect of Islamic Vampires called the Ashira.
There is the fucking Road of Heaven in the Dark Ages
>Can't even quote correctly
>Can't even speak basic English
>Still resorting to meme images
Way to prove how much of a fucking idiotic simpleton you are, child.
That's fucking stupid. Is this a new edition thing?
He's right, absolutely, and there's nothing you can say to dispute it.
We never moved to the next big age of history without spilling rivers of blood first.
No, /pol/ has yet to become as annoying as the SJWs and unlike /pol/ they actually have an affect games and politics.
Well, quesadillas are a type of food, and dragons are known for eating food. Therefore, quesadillas are related to dragons.
Okay, get to the point or fuck off
What is 'progressive' for you? If it is
> government is bad
>women fighting
Utena, Sukeban Deka
gay people or whatever
>Tokyo Godfathers
Yeah, who wants a generation of people willing to fight for what they believe in when you can have a generation of obese, balding, 30 year old manchildren who try to appear like they are adults by claiming that fighting on the internet and playing videogames like they did when they were 15 year olds is saving the world.
A millennial is a rabid dog that needs to be put down.
George Bush is liked by the modern left now.
>Yea Forums is one person
I wouldn't put it past them to do something underhanded like that however.
At least that one would actually make sense
The original VtM tabletop had vampires who practiced Islam and no one gave a shit
Kill yourself faggot LARPers
I would keep her an anarchist so I could tease and tickle her
>pictures of empty theatres
>two days before the movie release
/pol/tards really are at the absolute bottom of the barrel, falling for fucking everything that somehow supports them, no matter how obviously fake it is.
Damn it Todd, just release Elder Scrolls VI already. And fuck you for making Dawnguard and Dragonborn barebones.
As long as we can kill the leftists in this game and aren't forced to side with them then I don't care.
>You cannot NOT participate in politics
but you can, the crux of participation is intent, that's why our legal system is able to distinguish the guilty from the innocent
>fighting for what you believe in
Look at this retard, everyone.
that's why humanity is trash and millenials are right to rebel against it.
*twitter, learn the difference
>tfw /pol/ spam has become so obnoxious that you don't even give a shit anymore, you just want a good game from an IP you love and couldn't give less of a shit about pronouns during character creation
>thinbloods are more powerful
..so why would you want to drain vampires to become weaker generation?
What's funny is the idea that you think giving a multinational company money is supporting politics.
A millennial thing, I guess.
Assamites are based
the only solution to this is if we create a radically different counter culture that focuses on physical and mental health, having good jobs and creating a family.
This is pretty hard to achieve. You have to limit your consume of entertainment (movies, games, comic) a lot
>when you call someone else an idiot because you can't comprehend 5th grade English grammar
>the only way to show politics is in my proper view to express politics, aka my political perspective
the irony
gay negro muslim, you can't make this shit up
I did, not my fault that you're utterly unable to understand simple sentences. A child is mentally far above what you're displaying.
>mudering tens of millions under your masters commands
Ahhh truely the greatest generation
I wont give you any (you)s today faggot
>Pathetic damage control. Its BP all over again.
>Cry harder /pol/baby if it helps you sleep.
should have specified i was not the original person you were responding to, it's entirely valid though, fuck sales, mcdonalds gets sales, intrinsic quality is what matters
Yes, except they're so weak and miserable instead of waging war they wage twitter and reddit wars.
go dilate
He says as he sits his fat ass down and LARPs on an anonymous anime image board.
That's a big no no. Either you're with us or you're problematic!
Go for "it", because it'll sound like the characters are talking about a Terminator on the loose whenever they're talking about you.
>it can't be bargained with
>it can't be reasoned with
>and it will not stop until it drains you and teabags your corpse
Why are you faggots pretending like Bloodlines didn't have political themes?
Did you faggots even play the game for more than 5 minutes?
You cant. By posting in this website alone, you're already placing yourself in a side of the spectrum.
Just by existing you're doing political actions.
That only makes the original retarded, too. They can't be Muslim if they're vampires, the two are directly antithetical to each other, drinking blood isn't halal
Oh wait, sure, Americans should have kept sending each other letters saying how deeply offended they are by German media, right, millennial?
Yes, modern idealists are scum who are not willing to do anything at all.
The only way to depict them is how they truly are, as two fatass 30 year olds living in their moms basement fighting over dead ideologies and claiming consuming media for 5 year olds will bring back communism and nazism.
That's what YOU think, user. You're shockingly stupid.
Speaking of Terminators, don't mages have Terminators in 40K Terminator armor? I wonder if they'll also appear in those expansions, or it'll just be furries again.
there's literally more mentions of /pol/ ITT than there is mentions of SJW's by a fucking factor of 3
anti /pol/ screechers are literally more annoying than unironic /pol/ tards
>implying nu-Yea Forums plays video games
They just look for shit to bitch about, even if it’s games they never play
Must everything the player does be pivotal? In tabletop games, it's usually bad form to make big name characters show up in your homebrew.
Beckett turning up could be reasonably. The probably won't have the same silky smooth voice that he did in VTMB, though. And that makes me sad.
killing people is bad mmkay
Yeah all twelve people who gave a shit about the tabletop game or the first video game sure knew their shit about Islamic theology.
>nerds think some stupid idea is cool
>cucks who took over the nerds' idea then use this stupid idea to justify their own dumbass agenda
That character's description reads like the most generic SJW fantasy hero ever. I can practically see the writers' fantasies of being a French woman in 1960s Paris teaming up with an enlightened black Muslim jazz musician to fight the patriarchy while reciting Derrida passages to each other.
Hundreds of millions if needed.
What are you doing for what you believe in?
Paying to watch some shitty superhero movie?
NOT paying to watch some shitty superhero movie?
when you vote your nonot voting for peace, as much as I hate both sides of the current political climate with all the fury of hell its self that's one lesson that needs to be spread.
but entire vtmb plot says the opposite of this
I love how this board claims to hate politics in games when so many praise a game like New Vegas.
You faggots are brain dead.
And drinking blood is a sin in christianity as well.
They at least died for something. They at least gave their life to try and make the world a better place. What did you do today? You know, aside from shitposting on Yea Forums.
Oh the fucking irony...
>gaslighting the release date
The scary thing is I don't think you're doing it on purpose, you unironically believe this
I did there was nothing heavy handed maybe few jokes about politics but nothing that would make resetera happy
can't wait for the movie adaptation of this
Imagine being this mad about a company investing its money into a product you don't approve of.
Fucking crypto-communists.
yeah we disagree i guess there's no reconciling our views
No, that's the truth. They are companies, they are about making money, they are not running for president.
Tell me how you think buying something helps an ideology, I want to laugh at you even more, millennial.
>It's also set far away and long time later.
15 years are barely any timeframe for older kindred.
Because SJWs aren't the ones here whining about politics killing games. Some people here take the discord tranny shit too seriously.
What are people even planning here, boycotting the game? Good luck.
sounds like a cool and interesting approach to identity in video games. I'm excited
>there's literally more mentions of /pol/ ITT than there is mentions of SJW's by a fucking factor of 3
kek, you're right. that's funny
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on a minute.
Seattle? Really? This Seattle?
Are they gonna show communist vampires destroyed the city?
You sound like ironic weeb with the powerlevel of a nutsack
You're so wrong I don't even know where to begin
You know what "pre-screening" is right?
Of course you don't stupid nigger
>gaslighting the release date
Well Bloodlines 1 was political. Vampire Politics.
Holy shit
How many times does this need to be stated? Having nuanced politics in your video games is fine. Having quasi-politics about gender identity and punching nazis is shallow and embarrassing. Don't pretend that your faggoty politics even compares to New Vegas or Dues Ex, you fucking faggot.
Fuck I'm so fucking angry.
those are my thoughts
no its just you are a retard who doesn't understand the difference between using politics to tell a story and telling a story to spread a political message
what ARE sjws doing?
I mean wasn't the original joke saying to an anarch you voted Republican?
If you told a Ventrue you voted Democrat, the joke would still stick and make sense.
There are too many /pol/tards unironically saying politics don't belong in vidya.
Videogame writers are at the level of MLP fanfiction writers.
No, they shouldn't be allowed to write about politics, they are way too stupid.
>VtMB mocks Bush and Republicans multiple times in-game
>Lol it’s a joke
>W2 makes a “Make America Great Again” reference on Twitter, not even in the game
I can tell you: google autogynephilia. These are the liberals that watch anime.
this reads like socjust faction,the sjw version of coldsteel
You know it pre screening?
So what are you going bitch about now?
Why the fuck do people care what others do with their money. We all can't get what we want user.
oh no oh gosh god forbid someone has a problem with politics in videogames amirite? fuck them lmao
>trannies still trying to act like a couple lines makes the entire game political
Not surprising, trannies never played VTMB.
Said the apathetic lump of flesh who would be unwilling to kill someone to maintain a society that believes "killing people is bad, mmkay"
That ain't the society we live in anymore, we're just fighting over who it's okay to kill before we get to it
>[unsolicited opinions on Israel]
Amazingly this is no longer relevant, dems hate jews now
This but unironically.
If you want to discuss the war in Myanmar through a videogame, do it. If you want to shill for open borders and trannies, go fuck yourself.
>politics in videogames
Oh damn, i'm going to miss this so much.
Kojima is such a genius, right?
There's a difference between having political themes in your games and hamfisting it down throat of the palyer. MGS has liberal as fuck themes yet does it in a way that leaves enough room open for the player decide if he agrees with it or not, despite the gameplay moving it towards one specific point.
SJW infested games on the other hand leave no room for interpretation and are just "this bad, this good agree or else". They're just really badly written in the end.
There is no way that malkavians will make it in now, right? Laughing at mentally retarded is considered a bad taste in the current year.
So you're gonna whine on Yea Forums for months and do nothing, gotcha. Wanted to make sure.
VTMB said that but it turns out they were wrong. Gehenna isn't real. Thinbloods are actually stronger and it was just elder propaganda that said they were weak.
Think about it. Your own character in VTMB was newly embraced but quickly became strong enough to strike down lots of much older vampires and even resist a 200-year-old Ventrue's dominate, stab him with a pen and walk out. All after killing his gorilla and an army of well-trained 100-year-old vampire SWAT teams.
Thinblood stronk.
I agree with you
The player could just be a sideline spectator to said event. But this is a videogame so of course you will eventually diablerize some low-gen vamp and become teh storngest.
Honestly, this sounds too good to be true.
Please, user, how could a good urban fantasy vampire game NOT be political? Even the first Masquerade game was political.
You're only making the game look worse, not strengthening your argument
>Devs from City:Skylines
>Not even their B-team are working on this
>People seriously arguing to throw money at a cash in to spite anonymous weirdos whose only relevance comes from the attention their given
uh, who is saying that? can you link a post? i admit this thread is pretty fast so you might be right, but i haven't seen posts saying that
Whelp, there goes any hype for the game.
Modern day politics is about pushing an agenda, not showing two sides of the story equally.
>millennials rebel against it
>by being a bunch of obese 30 year olds living in their mother's basement who will die in their 40s from cancer due to their retardedly unhealthy lifestyles
I wonder if you fucktards even understand what you're writing before hitting post. Anyway, thanks for agreeing with me I guess.
imagine the free advertising insured
dead on arrival and franchise tarnished.
I'm disgusted that this game is going to have filthy shit like gender bender bullshit. Look at THIS. Wtf kind of queer ass shit is this?
>retards incapable of understanding nuance
you're both wrong and fucking stupid. this isn't a fucking black or white argument you dumb fucks. there's different levels of "political"-ness and that's directly tied to intent. can something be completely non-political? no, but it can not take sides and have minimal relation to reality, thus being minimally political. Take for example a game like Tetris.
Now stop being fucking stupid jesus christ.
it going to suck, literally.
somebody understands the difference. Thanks user
>Politics are ok as long as they're politics I agree with or politics I don't care about
The absolute state of /pol/tards
Sorry, sweetie, but it's called freedom of expression.
No it's not, what the fuck are you on about? Nowhere in the bible does it say that you shouldn't drink blood.
But that is literally wrong
what's more shocking is your inability to accept someone disagrees with your perspective but then that makes sense you're probably one of those people to go and use the "everything is political" argument JUST so you can justify using video games for political activism rather than their intended purpose
if i'm wrong about that im wrong, at any rate have a nice day
Exactly. They're very unlikely to have moved from LA.
why is resetera talking about some crappy disney movie?
>people in this thread mixing up the 90's-00's irreverence politics for the propagandizing and preaching of 2010 politics.
There's a reason why people were fine with politics in games back then.
>You cannot NOT participate in politics. Unless you're a savage man living on your own in the wild, you actively participate in politics.
This is what obese millennials unironically think.
>all these /pol/ mouthbreathers falling for this obvious bait
Arew oyu pretending to be illiterate or are you really retarded? Go read trough the twitter caps for once fucking idiot.
At least Metal Gear is saying SOMETHING, you fucking shallow dickhead.
This but unironically.
>he still gets angry
Oh, so it's okay to use a videogame as a contemporary political manifesto for elections? And they say yangshills aren't real.
Yes but in the lore we know that Therese and Jeannete are expanding the Asylum into a franchise in other cities.
No he's right, GTA attacks all the parts where you go "okay so if life were like this, then we could" because that's retarded, and it's not how political ideologies that work are founded.
you want modern cancerous politics in YOUR FUCKING VIDEOGAMES?
are you out of your fucking mind, politics are anti fun, truly this industry is fucked
i remember when people used to screech about how they didn't want politics in videogames and blamed /pol/ for inserting it, now people literally call for politics in their videogames
you motherfucker were lying partisans all along weren't you
What is the exact problem here?
This game seems pretty realistic to me by you being able to turn into a Nosferatu ass looking feminist that wants its victims to scream at it with the right pronouns while it sucks their blood and rips their organs out.
>if I make up enough bullshit something will stick
Every single time.
It makes /pol/ mad, I assume. I don't go to retardera like you.
better than being a selfish manipulative pile of trash that shits up the entire world for the entire rest of the future of humanity
fuck off you less than worthless boomer pile of trash, you've done enough damage. millenials literally have nothing left to fight for because of you, and then you blame them for it. wake the fuck up.
You don't get me, I don't want either.
Politics have no place in videogames because they have nothing of value to say.
Look at these deep messages.
Oh man, so interesting, media clearly is all about politics, what would we do without these thoughtful statements?
They don't need to be intellectual political analytic or historian prodigy, if you want pander to the faggots just stamp some che guevara here some tranny degeneracy there and some punching nazi over the top and its done, they will pre-order it
MGS has a female soldier literally called
>The Mother of the Special Forces
>The Legendary Soldier
>invented CQC
>regularly bodied Snake
>took down a 6’7 giant in seconds with ease
>literally gave birth in the middle of battle with bullets whizzing by
And no one cares
But BFV shows a woman in a 2 minute trailer and everyone whines about muh womyn power, muh unrealistic female soldier
Nigga, even Vampire slut-wear won't make it in. This is going to be a travesty.
Metal Gear is leftist propaganda. Go back to ResetEra.
>Blade = 90s Vidya nerds
>Pearl = SJW entryists
>Frost = Executives exploiting SJWs for money and press
>Karen = non-SJWs who are sick of this shit
>UV Lamp = The decision to not buy SJW products
They say that because most Western games keep trying to push a agenda, and most devs are on the left.
its more about if you let players decide which side they want to pick or not you sjw imbecile
So this is the new angle now? Getting more and more desperate by the fucking day.
So Yea Forums is pro censorship now, gotcha. Devs can't do this thing, they aren't allowed.
Blood shouts confirmed.
>boomers set the forest on fire
>millennials make sure to cover the parts of the forest that aren't on fire with gasoline
I'm not even a boomer, you don't need it to laugh at you.
You spent the 2010s making a mockery out of yourselves, turning politics into console wars, and now you are surprised people laugh at you?
and you're gonna whine for months about people whining for months, because clearly otherwise you wouldn't know people were whining for months
ok user you're clearly not even worse lmao
this. I'll just make a straight male character and go on my way.
Not him but there's literally nothing wrong with censorship if it improves the mental well being of your society.
>ficitonal story based on real life happenings
>the same as fictional stories depicted as real happenings
I hope you at least get still paid for it.
>60% of the planet
America is not the entire planet.
>literal gender slider
Still preordered.
This is you
Stupid sexy Tzimisce.
It's heavily implied. There's a scripture that states heathens and idolaters and witches and warlocks go to hell. Guess what those groups love to do? Drink blood. Guess what drink people loved in ancient babylon when King Nimrod ruled the world? Blood.
pasty white hands wrote this post
>new Vegas
>here are several political orientations you can choose from with different benefits and down sides
>lol voting bush is literally the worst thing you can do, even as a vampire
Tell me which of these seems uncouth
Not playing it now. also it will be shit.
I don't know what Yea Forums is, but I am pro good writing.
All these videogame writers tried making it in movies and books and failed miserably.
Why do you we let them make a living out of their lack of talent in this industry?
I hate sjw shit but vtm was always full of punky goofy teenage politics, this is one game where modern zoomer cancer actually fits. assuming it doesn't overtake the actual lore
>Sorry, sweetie, but it's called freedom of expression.
If the marble you call brain could only see the irony.
To be fair to /pol/tards, if MGS 3 were released today, they would absolutely bitch about this.
The reason why MGS 3 gets away with it is because it existed before the cancerous days we live in now where a fair part of Yea Forums got radicalized into becoming le ebin libtard troller.
No I'm just not stupid enough to think that there is anything that can be done at all. The politics of culture war bleeds everywhere and no matter how much I'm or any one else is sick of it shit will keep spilling. Doesn't mean you can't say nothing about it.
Political about in-game topics you fucking retard.
I'm a /pol/tard and the BloodLines 1 is among my favorite game.
>but it had muh liberal values !
Yes, liberal from 10-20 years ago. People with this mindset would be called nazi-white-supremacist-biggot by today's liberals.
No, Yea Forums is anti-reddit pandering.
2005 liberals have nothing to do with modern liberals which are pure authoritarians
Trump is trash.
>randomly bringing up crappy disney movies because le /pol/
this is your brain on resetera
Don’t care about politics, I just wanted a third person camera mode, why devs can’t do this anymore?
do you really think that's going to be the end of it?
Bush is a member of the Illuminati and of reptilian demonic blood, of course vampires would be against that shit. You do know vampires and reptilians hate one another right?
>BFV isn’t fictional
Yes the game series where you can jump off a jet mid flight, headshot a soldier then land back in the jet unscathed, that lets you fire a bazooka at your feet to leap across the map, and that lets you flip the jet upside down mid flight, jump on the belly and bazooka another jet is clearly meant to be realistic
Theres discussing politics. Then theres selling war bonds.
You will not be able to discuss the politics of VtMB2. You can only eat it.
It is indeed telling that the only way how you fucks can respond to it is by strawmaning the living shit out of it.
No it isn't, that's just what weak people say.
literally just make it fictional politics and only ever go as far as allegory and it'd be fine, when people say they dont want politics it means they dont want the medium to become a battleground for modern cancerous identity politics
you spend too much time on the internet, retard. the world doesn't revolve around Yea Forums arguments.
and what the fuck are you even talking about, console wars were here BEFORE all of the political bullshit started. Get the fuck out of this website newfag.
based and basedpilled
Then /pol/ should stop frothing at the mouth over pronouns.
Pedes live on a different planet.
>dev says it's showing real life war stories
>completly misrepresent them
Not going to win tranny. BFV shit the bed as hard as possible and no matter how hard you trya, you won't get out of it.
Are you fucking retarded? It's not about what side I agree with, there's plenty of political statements I disagree with in older games and they don't stick out to me, know why? Because 99% of the time they were off hand snark and didn't mean shit in the context of the game or it's story.
The reason why some people remember games as not being political was because even the games themselves thought that way. Politics just meant saying something about bush once then continuing the game, not building the entire thing around making a political statement.
If you think this is good, you should be thrown in a volcano.
>“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”
Oh no no no no...
The Boss was well written. A strong character who happened to be a woman.
BFV and the rest of the pander games are just that. Pandering. LOOK STRONK WYMENZ!
Funny way to spell based.
You know, I understand that /pol/ is fucking annoying. But I feel like people are starting to forget WHY nobody likes SJWs in the first place. I would rather stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the biggest kekistani faggot on the planet than spend one second of my life next to a Resetera tranny. SJWs are the ones who hold actual power and influence over our media and government. /pol/tards may be idiots, but at least they don't have actual power. At least they aren't responsible for having people thrown in jail for disagreeing.
Resetera, you aren't cool. You are still just as faggoty as the day you were conceived. You are still just as faggoty as when you were known as Neogaf. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many websites you infiltrate, you will NEVER be fucking cool. You are the epitome of a spineless terrified coward. Get fucked in the ass, faggot.
The ghosts of all those who died in 9/11 disagree. The ghosts of those who die from Islamic attacks DAILY disagree.
what's the problem here, Trumptard?
>its your responsibility to fix the problems WE made and you're shit for not doing it!
nah, fuck you. deal with humanity going to shit. we ain't doing shit for scumbags like you.
Lurker, /pol/ has never been anywhere close to as obnoxious as anti-/pol/ people
Please stop responding to bait posts, it makes it difficult to find the non-shitposting threads.
>Yea Forums
b-b-but there's a pronouns option, that means there'll be a black gay Muslim transgender crippe in a wheelchair
t-t-t-they might disrespect Trump!
Yes it does, OT and NT. One of the original pretends.
>Genesis 9:4: But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
>Acts 15:20
Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood.
There is a reasons the elites drink blood from times of old and today
All I wanted was to play my videogames, but they wouldn't let me. Now look at what they've done
>let the mentally ill roam free
>nothing bad will come from this despite decades of evidence to the contray
>SJWs still seething over BF vagina's failure
delicious. cry more please
>The Boss was well written.
Go back to ResetEra.
The thing about Tzimisce though, is that they are the only clan that can fully back up being called a transgender. What I mean is that through Vicissitude, they can fully alter their bodies from even the level of bones and flesh to resemble a woman. Even their voice can mimic a woman's tone.
I don't think it would be gay in that situation.
>Then /pol/ should stop frothing at the mouth over pronouns
but it shouldn't because pronouns are a hallmark of modern identity politics and any sane inclusion of them would involve malkavians
What I mean is that you turned politics into console wars in the sense that you transformed political discussion from discussing ideologies to autistic namecalling.
What have millennials provided to politics?
Turning it into
>the world doesn't revolve around Yea Forums arguments.
No, it revolves around politics, which you, and your 5 year old mentality have turned into a joke.
The average activist nowadays doesn't know a thing about economy, or the military, or war.
They tell themselves that they are saving the world by watching or playing certain games, almost as a way of telling themselves
>you are totally not a manchild for still watching dumbass capeshit in your 30s
Crazy how literally every thread is blowing up because no one actually read what the story is about.
It's almost as if she never played the first one, or even read just a fucking wiki article about it.
So poltards will just shoot you instead? Why would I ever want them coming close to power by standing next to them?
No one gave a shit about the “writing” of the female soldier in BFV, she just showed up for 2 minutes and everyone bitched about the fact she existed
>in the game and real world
thanks for stopping by
>Only the politics I agree with should be in games
>This only applies to people you don't like somehow
What's the point of pretending /pol/ites are relevant let alone done anything on the scale of SJWs have the last near decade? are ya'll still pretending muh culture war is not about money?
>I don't think it would be gay in that situation.
I see you're also into feminine dicks and a man of culture.
It shouldn't stop frothing at the mouth? Okay retard.
Its people pointing out that having people like you to discuss politics is a bad idea and not even considered as having a discussion since you're just going to scream and twist everything to fit your own bubble.
>so it's okay to use a videogame as a contemporary political manifesto for elections?
Where the fuck do you get this idea ?
You're right, he should've said 70
>shitposting on an anonymous forum will surely defeat the evil faggots
If you care so much go protest and raise awareness among the populace.
Yes it does, OT and NT. One of the original laws.
>Genesis 9:4: But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
>Acts 15:20: Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood.
There is a reasons the elites drink blood from times of old and today
I'm 21, I didn't do that.
And fixing it?
I doubt you could, but you could have certainly not fucked it up even more.
Be glad if, in 20 years, millennials aren't active lynched on the streets for all what they've done for being a bunch of autistic manchildren.
But go ahead, go watch superhero movie #145980537109853, i'm sure that will save the world.
>game has che guevara reference
>its a deep master piece
see this: idiot
Retard, there is literally a black gay muslim in the game.
>SJWs are the ones who hold actual power and influence over our media and government
Trump is the president, though...
Also, the power SJWs hold is because they're the ones making the games to begin with lol.
Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone are writing for and with these SJWs. Why? Because there's no ultra "based" and "redpilled" development team worth a shit. Other than like the Kingdom Come guys, I guess.
boomers are literally the ones who raised millenials to be like this; while simultaneously being so selfish and over-consuming at you literally ruined the ecology of the entire planet in a single generation. keep reaching for someone else to blame amigo.
yes it shouldn't modern politics are anti fun and not fun videogames are bad
No but you'd still be fucking a batperson made up of like 200 other people.
>I read half of the first paragraph and now I know everything
okay great
Then don't? how the fuck do you miss the point this badly jesus
>Sperging out over an optional option in a roleplaying game
How can you fucking retards be so dull as to think there's such a thing as a "politically neutral piece of media." all media and art is a product of individuals of a society, we carry with us all of our cultures and customs, politics being an integral part of all cultures. You faggots are simply triggered by the progressive politics of the left but are completely blind to your own biases and politics.
>21 year old whining about millenials
/pol/ is so funny
That one took it#s time. I'm sure you can move the goalpost a bit faster next time.
GET WOKE GO BROKE, just like with Captain Marvel
>there is literally a black gay muslim in the game.
[citation needed]
nobody cares about your retarded politics you dumbfuck amerisharts
Literally every leftist game follows this narrative. You have the democrats, the republicans, and the final boss is sgrumph. Your guess as of who the republicans in bloodlines 2 will be, I have a good idea.
>the V5 edition = the game
lmaoing at you're life
You say this, as you go back to being a stupid autistic manchild and claiming that watching or not watching a certain movie will save the world.
The boomer excuse is your shield for when someone calls out your manchildness, otherwise you would work on improving yourself.
But you don't, you blame boomers, and go back to being an autist.
>sexual immorality is forbidden for christians
Well their priests don't seem to care.
>thinks he wouldn't be lynched first
Which makes transgenderism truly monstrous.
There is literally nothing wrong with onions-based drinks.
The "culture war" is a joke
refute it
they wasted so much time with virtue signalling.
All those retards had to do is saying this is a clip from the multiplayer. Nobody would have bitched about it
Niether does rabbi or imam. ;^)
politics is our bread and circus
Going out of their way to mention LBTQYWZ rights and gender pronouns in their very first marketing blurb does strike me as desperate.
And there is no way this game is going to be half as cleverly written as the original Bloodlines was. Today's videogame writers don't exactly know the meaning of the word "subtelty" and"wit".
I'll pass until I know more about it.
>you can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
Oh god yes. If I wasnt hyped for this before, I certainly am now.
If polticization is a tautological aspect of culture, there's no need to overtly propagandize by annexing subtly political media into a narrative blitz for explicit political agendas unless you're hell-bent on polarizing this dialectic into hostile kulturkampf factions.
Or Black Panther
>everything is political
>that's why it's ok for us to abuse the medium for political activism and produce shitty shallowly written games that aren't fun to play
Nice video game discussion
I never claimed any of that. You just keep insisting that it's true. Are you some kind of stupid?
>let alone done anything on the scale
What scale, the negative one? Because we've been going backwards in quality and quantity for quite a while.
You faggot really need to go,ruining shit for everyone Yea Forums used to be in the new for tracking down animal abusers now were in the news for influencing murders fuck you people.
Wait, but I thought we were all neckbeards who hold no power and influence in the real world? What's your story, Restera? Did we influence the election or didn't we? I want you to think REALLY carefully about your answer.
>>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
Translation: Malkavian run is going to be boring and filled with game interrupting Trigger Warnings.
I know trannies don't have a strong connection with reality, but jesus, that embarrassing.
I'm not /pol/, /pol/ is full of unironic internet activists, which means it's full of millennial trash, which means they are the enemy.
By whom?
Some millennial?
What are you going to do, throw me your Captain America Pop toys at me?
Avellone is a great dev though.
>retarded leftists still trying to push the idea that fucking smb3, metroid, tetris, and sonic are political
You losers are so obsessed with being "heroes" and "activists" dear lord. Get off the computer fat fuck.
or BFV...oh wait
see comic sales
This is completely laughable. The Republicans controlled Congress for 2 years and now they control the Supreme Court, Trump appointed a bunch of billionaires and is president of the US, how many excuses do you have to make for him? Even with all of these advantages a new president would kill for he didn’t do jack shit except what the Republicans wanted him to (appointing a conservative SCOTUS, Paul Ryan’s tax cuts, cutting environmental regulations, increasing military spending)
IE human history
Why the fuck is it first person only, what the fuck is the point of customization then? Hope its not gonna be some dogshit singleplayer + shark cards multiplayer garbage.
The average millennial is a chad, mate.
Then quit being so fucking annoying and it'll be more comfortable for a normie like me to stand next to you again
How do we get rid of pol, anti pol and sjws at the same time?
Because the priests are literal faggots who should be burned at the stake for tainting God's image
yeah let me just work on improving myself when the entire fucking species is going to die in 30 years tops thanks to ecological collapse caused by past generations greed.
Fuck you.
ONE shooting
ompared to the countless lives lost, compared to the countless babies being smothered, compared to the countless raped women, compared to the countless societies being infiltrated and cannibalized. The blood isn't equal here. 49 Muslims died in New Zealand that day. BILLIONS OF PEOPLE are dying as a result of Islam DAILY.
Actually is political in that it’s anti-industrialization pro-environment
I don't think you influenced the election to a meaningful degree, no, but I also don't believe (((SJWs))) are running every industry and "forcing politics" any more than anyone else would naturally "force politics" by being intrinsically reflective of them based on your beliefs.
Not him but he is right, if you don't like it make it yourself. You /pol/acks keep complaining about black people wanting white people to make pro black media don't you?
Well this is the same shit only this time you guys are acting like retarded niggers.
>boomers raised millennials
Are you literally 13?
Who do you think you are fooling?
>claim that the entire species is going to die in 30 years from enviromental issues
And what are you going to do?
Let me guess, fight over the next dumb superhero movie on the internet and claim that it's going to save the world.
world war 3 and another post war boom
you honestly believe that the whole world revolves around internet arguments
you really should go outside more
Because it's simpler to say "stop injecting politics into videogames" than "stop injecting contemporary politics into videogames".
For some reason, those who disagree with that statement take it literally, as in "wow you don't want them period? Wut about dude sex lol".
I'm 34, I voted center-right parties in my country until my mid-20s. In the last elections I voted the right-wing party right before the unironical nazi party, and thank fucking god they won. Resetera radicalized me, I literally voted because of Resetera.
those minorities got all the rights than the whites so why are you still whining you faggot?
They still have better lives than many people in eastern Europe for example
>this is who calls you an incel online
>/pol/ is in control of the Republican Party now
>/pol/ is responsible for Trumps election
Meanwhile you will lose your livelihood, your family, your friends, and possibly even your life if you dare step out of line.
Rabbis and imams are allowed to marry so they don't need to go after children.
unironically a retarded restera tranny. kill yourself, faggot
so does this mean i don't get a big boobs cheat code this time?
>clever motherfucker hires multiple criminals to manage his campaign
>Tim Apple
>didn't know what a memorandum of understanding was
>suggested we literally print money to solve the debt crisis
>suggested we revoke guns before due process
The problem is more to do with the reaction to them, than believability. You wouldn't think its gay, but the developers will surely believe that not recognizing it as the most beautiful expression in the world should get you killed.
Unironically by being boomers
Sad to think this board has become so retarded that if FF7 was released today people would call it SJW hippie anti capitalist shit.
poltards won't stop at muslims. they are impotent caged rabid dogs. why would any sane person unlock their cages?
>the world is always a kulturkampf of polarized hostile factions attacking and destroying each other in order to become an amorphous mass of hegemonic presuppositions
Wanna know how I know you're a narrowminded Marxist who doesn't read anything other than Gramscian trash?
>le drumpf is both a nazi fascist destroying the country and a loser who isn't doing anything for the country at the same time
wow you sure showed me reddit
Actually, it's because you faggots just don't want politics you disagree with in video games, so you all jumped at the "No politics of any kind, please" bandwagon even though it made you look retarded.
You're doing damage control and fooling nobody.
>Why the fuck is it first person only, what the fuck is the point of customization then? Hope its not gonna be some dogshit singleplayer + shark cards multiplayer garbage.
Same shit as cyberpunk 2077. I think cdpr put them up to this, they're trying to force first person into games that should be third person action.
>radicalized me
>all he did was vote and that's it
Millennial hands typed this.
What do you do about them?
Shitpost on the internet?
I would ask another question, but that's all "having convictions" means nowadays.
You pretend to be fighting some important fight on the internet to make yourself feel useful, that's it.
That's probably because they're part of an antichristian establishment. Jesus taught that Christianity is only found when people come together to praise him, the idea of having a dedicated place for you to do that with dedicated staff members is against the whole idea.
C*tholics please don't (You) me with your papist heresy
Where did I mention /pol/? All I mentioned were the Republicans. For a bunch of fags whining about people obsessed over /pol/ you sure do obsess over /pol/
>republicuck projection
>don't buy game day 1
>Wait and see just how woke the game is, ignore Yea Forums and do own research since even if it isn't that bad there will be fags spamming images or focusing on one or two examples regardless
>If it's none to minimal, get it
>If there's a lot of it, drop it
pretty much this.
People who see themselves as classical liberals get thrown to the right
It is SJW trash.
>Millennial hands typed this.
>haha dude why didnt you turn to violent activism like those lefties.... PUSSY >:)
>Niggas cucking hard for corporate shlock #3464567 using current trending marketing gimmicks to drum attention
>The only people with experience are Avellone and the skeleton crew from Chivalry
>The pre order list is literally just nostalgia bait
Why are you faggots like this
Lel proddies are almost non-existent.
There's nothing TO DO. It's over. If the whole species actively entered a state of emergency, cut all emissions and cleaned up pollution right fucking now, it wouldn't matter because the damage is already done. And look at our current political climate; the species is more divided than ever (largely thanks to dumbass ideas like yours). So it's even worse than impossible.
Dumb ignorant fucking retard.
I meant I voted center-left when I was younger, and yes, they radicalized me.
>Yfw all the potmodern mental illness they talk about is exclusive to maklavian characters.
Oh god please make it happen.
Do you think destroying the country counts as doing something for it?
the problem is any degree of intentional efforts to be more inclusive is met by a wave of intellectually inept gamer boys who are triggered because media is starting to recognize the existence of more variants in human other than white straight males. Also what is "subtle" and "overt" propaganda is extremely subjective especially in the US. The transformers films being a good example of explicit propaganda in favor of warmongering imperialism but for Americans most political messaging goes over their heads because its nothing outside the ether of american culture.
>that .webm
What has hoping to achieve? She wasn't even facing him.
While I am glad this is making the /pol/tards seethe, I'm still more excited for The Outer Worlds tbqh. Ironically enough, that game is being made by the leads who made the first Bloodlines in the first place.
>I also don't believe (((SJWs))) are running every industry and "forcing politics" any more than anyone else would naturally "force politics" by being intrinsically reflective of them based on your beliefs.
Oh, so you're just going to bury your head in the sand and pretend the last 9 years didn't exist. Gotcha.
Okay? And? Do you honestly think Muslims deserve any form of sympathy or compassion? The last time we tried to offer them compassion, they went on a LITERAL RAPE SPREE.
You didn't. I did. Try reading my post before responding to it, numbnuts.
Then don't claim to be a radical if all you did was vote for a center-right party.
At this point just being in a protest will mean you are an extremist with how your laziness is pushing down the standards of activism.
From what she was talking about it seemed more like giving both hot girls and guys for you to jerk off/flick the beam to, what's the problem with that?
>skeleton crew from Chivalry
You mean that online medieval battling game?
If so no wonder they talked a good bit about combat.
except it's all fictional and in that universe the sentiments make total sense considering thein universe evidence, it was never intended as a commentary on anything, go fuck yourself and dont you ever try to abuse ff7 for political discussion again
>make it illegal to be antisjw
>bUt WhY aRe ThErE nO rAcIsT dEvS
I dunno fuckwit, maybe you just haven't plaid my game yet
>You pretend to be fighting some important fight on the internet to make yourself feel useful, that's it.
that's literally what you're doing right now
Do you guys ever think that maybe you get too mad at videogames?
I'm not interested in explaining my politics with you zoid burger half cup.
I'm willing to give mitsoda benefit of the doubt.
it establishes the world. That is far too much work for an SJW hack writer
Everything is propaganda. Especially nowadays.
This is your brain on leftism's mental illness. No one who plays sonic 1 is getting any political propaganda other than a fat scientist has gone mad and is trying to destroy a blue hedgehog.
There is plenty to do, it's just you refuse to do it because you live a comfy life of playing videogames and watching shitty movies all day.
All what millennials do when they are told to move their ass is make up excuses.
it won't that's the problem
Haven't even started, m8.
Nah, not really. People have been passionate about sports, movies, and music for years. Why would video games be any different?
Reminder: This game is political as fuck and also the best RPG ever created.
The last 4 to 6 years are merely proof that retards on Yea Forums can get radicalized and start jumping at SJW shadows with their persecution complexes that make them feel like an oppressed minority because they're now 80% of the targeted demographic instead of the 99% they used to be. Basically what said.
I do not believe i'm saving the world with what i'm doing, i'm just here to laugh at millennials.
You do, you actually think fighting over the box office of some superhero movie will decide the future.
The only purpose of modern activism is being modern day clowns, they only exist for other people to laugh at them.
robotnik abused animals and was also in support of slave labor
>it’s all fictional!
Bloodlines 2 is all fictional too. So is W2. Didn’t stop everyone from whining
>You pretend to be fighting some important fight on the internet to make yourself feel useful, that's it.
This is the literal fundamental tactic of the far left. What are you on about?
Truth. But reductions will at least slow it from worsening further, or at least make the eventual catastrophe more survivable.
No he isn't. He did one good thing almost 20 years ago and people keep sucking his dick for it years later.
>telling me what i believe
here we go again
you're too stupid to keep talking to. take it easy amigo.
>isometric RPG
>best at anything
>Devs from City:Skylines
God have mercy on us all
>Getting mad over toys
>roberts lead scotus
>Ryan lead Congress
They're still in opposition hands, retard
If at any point you thought it was anything but a reaction to the injection of contemporary political subjects into videogames, regardless of political orientation, then you're the one who's retarded.
The reason "left wing" politics are so riled against is because they're the most commonly added.
I'm sorry you can't understand that.
>sees something SJW
>recoils in pain and hisses instead of just walking away or not caring
I see you, /pol/
>mfw it's not just sjw rainbow sticker boot licking and we get people who have actually read Marx
>Bloodlines 2 is all fictional too.
it's not released yet, and the pronouns are more likely to be a matter of modern political pandering than an interesting in universe story element
>tfw Yea Forums tells you these classics are both text dense and highly complex and political
>play them
>like maybe 2-3 extra sentences vs. modern games
>mostly offbeat 90's middle aged man humour from programmers
the only game that Yea Forums actually wasnt bullshitting me about was deus ex 1
Straight or gay, All action with Vampires is still necrophilia tho.
If you can't see the very obvious allegory of global warming behind FF7 you might actually be retarded or just very young.
Not him but nobody wants to decrease their living standards and even if there are people like that they are a tiny irrelevant minority. The rest of the species will continue to emit and consume because our banker overlords want to keep cashing in.
You have every right to jump at SJW shadows when those shadows have a history of hurting you.
Outer worlds looks like ass.
It's the tactic of everyone, and it deserves to be mocked.
It's a bit too late for millennials to try to change after making an embaraassment out of yourselves throughout the 2010s.
ok bud give me some examples of what to do about irreversible climate damage
Good, maybe they don't stop until things are awesome like the 80s again
It literally is though. The industrialized levels all look like hellscapes while the natural ones are pretty. All of the enemies are machines and you free the animals by destroying their machine bodies
>being this clueless as a child over obvious themes
>any degree of intentional efforts to be more inclusive is met by a wave of intellectually inept gamer boys who are triggered because media is starting to recognize the existence of more variants in human other than white straight males
The politicization of inclusion is the reason for the backlash. Nerds loved Blade, nerds loved The Matrix, nerds loved all manner of things that weren't discriminatory.
Nerds are inherently inclusive based on demographics. Look at the FGC and how many nonwhites are popular.
The transparent entryism and overt propagandization of race, gender, and all other current focal points of identitarian leftism combined with the real-world overt bias in favor of these values to the exclusion of any valid antithetical points leads to a hostile cultural environment that in and of itself is a propaganda asset for the very people coopting cultural niches they had no interest in 20 years ago, hence the nerds creating all these things that are now contentious and political.
>Politics become contemporary
>Wow, wtf, this is an injection, they're supposed to stay reflective of the 90s forever
The absolute state of /pol/tards
Was Deus Ex ahead of its time?
Oh. So you're just going to appeal to maturity. How ironic, since that's probably the most immature stance you could possibly take.
Thats not fallout 1.
slave labor and animal treatment are politically agnostic issues though, as far as left vs right goes anyway, both left and right are capable of authoritarianism
Clean the government of lobyists, send the military to seize and take down all companies in charge of industrial polution.
Ilegalize all forms of poluting transportation.
Yeah, like that time they made White Genocide on Battlefield. They're really oppressing us gamers. When will this persecution end?
So, how do feel about Israel?
i only just played in 2014 and i still think about the things it points out about society and government almost every week
The european federation is the logical conclusion of the union desu.
>implying there is a "due" process for removing a human right
I can't wait to kill idiots like you indiscriminately based on your bumper stickers
pretty much
>main appeal conveyance of ideas
wrong, entertainment, literally the only exceptions are explicitly educational works
And nobody will change that, of course.
Do we really need to spark a war in western countries for people to get off their ass?
So be it.
>taking the bible word for word
15:20 talks about keeping a good, healthy diet, not that you're sinning by eating something. Jesus says "thou shalt not become inebriated from wine" and it doesn't mean you're sent to hell for drinking a beer. The old testament doesn't apply to Christians either way.
the only thing that makes sense is preparations for the impending catastrophe but how the fuck are you going to make that happen when half the world boomers is still in denial about the whole situation
Oh, so we're just going to ignore the fact that you will lose your livelihood if you wear a MAGA hat in public. We're just going to ignore the massive rape sprees that the left opened up into our borders. We're just going to ignore the doxxing, the assaults, the underhanded bullshit. We're just going to ignore all that, eh Resetera?
Based. That strawman was utterly destroyed, man.
>If you can't see the very obvious allegory of global warming behind FF7 you might actually be retarded or just very young.
parallels dont make an allegory if there is no explicit intent, the speaker defines the word brainlet
read this retard:
>politically agnostic
What does that even mean? Prioritizing Industrialization over nature or vice versa is a political theme that has implications that carry over to our real lives