Allow me to flag pipes as exit-only - simply have it as an option...

>Allow me to flag pipes as exit-only - simply have it as an option, or let me drag a One-Way Wall into the pipe (like making enemies giant by dragging Mushrooms onto them).
>Also allow pipes to connect within the same area, rather than only between main and sub-levels. Ditto doors. Let both elements to either thing.
Keep it going, Yea Forums, and be specific. Everyone knows "bigger levels" and "more than one sub-area". Get into the nitty.

Attached: mario-maker2-6.jpg (616x347, 65K)

>>Allow me to flag pipes as exit-only - simply have it as an option, or let me drag a One-Way Wall into the pipe (like making enemies giant by dragging Mushrooms onto them).
Already totally possible.

>Also allow pipes to connect within the same area, rather than only between main and sub-levels. Ditto doors. Let both elements to either thing.
For what purpose?

>Also allow pipes to connect within the same area
I believe the clear pipes are going to allow this.

>bing bing wahoo editor 2
Is 2D Mario dead and buried?


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The only power-up that matters
along with mini pipes

Attached: mini_mushroom_by_yoshigo99_d4ioknn-pre.png (894x894, 391K)

>Already totally possible.
Is it? You mean just by having the One-Way Wall behind the pipe? Yeah, that works, but I'd rather have that option invisibly. It's a rather minor thing, to be sure.

>For what purpose?
Because they do that in regular Mario games? If you absolutely need them to be mechanically different here to justify it, doors only function when the player is in a grounded state, while pipes can function whenever.

this and the ice flower should be universal across game styles, with the penguin suit replacing the ice flower in nsmb


Mini is one of those powerups where I can imagine the community actually doing a lot of cool stuff with despite Nintendo themselves practically wasting it for just one or two secrets here and there.

Add this as an "echo style" for lack of a better term. Give Luigi his unique physics. Add poison mushrooms, wind and green springs. Add in "maze levels" (basically like 4-4, 7-4 and 8-4 where if you don't go the right way the level seamlessly loops)

Attached: smb2j gba.jpg (362x479, 43K)

those things should be in every game style

I'm trying to envision how maze levels would work in the interface, and it's not really coming to me. Do any of the ROM-hacking utilities have that option? What's it like there?

Agreed. It's pretty much a given that the other playable characters exist, but given the way the New series operates, I fear that it's purely cosmetic, no physics differences. That would be a shame.

would you be allowed to make every enemy tiny?

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While the data for loops is located seperately from the object and enemy data I believe SMB Util or one of it's forks can edit it. Though I don't think it gives you any explanation on how to do it so you're better off reading the disassembles to understand it.

As for implementing it in mario maker you could have a large vertical bar represent the loop point, an area inside said bar that is the "right path" and won't send you back, and a popup menu letting you pick a tile to warp you back to if you fail the maze

Disallow soft reset traps and instadeath doors and pipes.

Get fucked, those will never be facets to a good level, anyone who defends them is a retarded child.

>The community doing a lot of cool stuff with
You should watch some NSMB Speedruns.


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They’re saving her for Smash

>Kaizo Bullshit
No thanks

>>Allow me to flag pipes as exit-only
Isn't this very punishing?

i doubt they could keep the mario/pipe sprites legible in the smb1 skin without making it look out-of-place, but other than i wish

Nah, you mean this

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Make her playable!

Attached: A8DA76D5-0A49-4DE8-958E-40FD03D0BCE1.png (1500x1500, 405K)

I want to apply costume mushrooms to enemies.

That's pretty much what I had in mind. I feel like there would have to be a bit more to it to make it truly seamless (since everything visible onscreen at the time would have to be identical across both results), but perhaps expecting that much is a bridge too far and there would just be a white flash while we get sent back or something. Not perfect, but it would work.

Can be, but I wouldn't use them that way. If you use the pipe early in SMB's 1-1, you can't go back down the pipe you exit near the goal. That's all I want. Just a way to say "nope, this one's served its purpose".

There is no excuse for them to not have every standard 2D Mario enemy in this game

Attached: afh.png (763x523, 4K)

>there's seriously still people thinking there will be any new powerups at all besides the bell in the 3d world theme

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Why doesn't Bowser just impregnate the princess?

>Luigi has been basically confirmed playable in all modes
>still no indication about Toad or other characters being playable outside of 3D World

Attached: mercedes-mia.png (493x453, 304K)

Probably, at least for the time being. They need to step away from the "New Super" style and make something as inventive as Super Mario World.

Hell yeh, but what would her gimmick be?

In Super Mario Run, her ability is a double-jump.

Aren’t those all the Mario World Power Ups? What is it missing?

Super Mario Land style, also add Wario

With charge attack when you hold run?

hell yeah